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File: 1431919803160.jpg (2.28 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, JCV.jpg)


Hey /fringe/, I found a book a few weeks ago. It was in Russian, and I couldn't read it at all. Gave it to a friend who could. He always was an /x/ guy on halfchan.

Anyways, now he hasn't been leaving the house. Last time I was over there I saw pic related on his door. Anyone here know what it is?

I will probably go to his house to see what is up.

TL;DR what is pic related?



Pic related is a sigil, but you probably knew that. What it's for? Sigils are very idiosyncratic. It can be hard to guess what somebody else's sigil means.


>Questions not going into the question thread

Jesus christ what's with these posts lately?



this. Someone with a healthy sense of self invents their own meaning and then transposes everything else. There is no such thing as universal meaning to a subject. Except! That which is "disagreeable and unwelcome" to one person is operating just as something "disagreeable and unwelcome" would act on another. And that which is "agreeable and welcome" to one person is operating just as somthing "agreeable and welcome" to another. What those things emperically ARE is fundamental to each person. Each person is a separate and distinct entitiy then, now, and always and thus has never followed the same path of action, thought, speech, or anything else.

Sigils don't mean anything except what you put into it and receive from it. If someone tells you "this means this." You are more likely than not being manipulated into stepping into their shoes. DO NOT! They have spent time more in their shoes than one who they would invite to stand in them and would exert psychological pressure on any new comer to their point of view. Points of view are not to be shared except through the lense of EMPATHY, which is a thing which maintains the INTEGRITY of completely SEPARATE viewpoint.



Post few photos of the book, pls, I may translate it or find english version.



this please, I am fluent in russian and would like to have a look.


File: 1431960284456.jpg (70.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, torus-donut-wireframe-symb….jpg)

If you want a more through explanation of what it "is" then ask the artist.

If you have already asked the artist, but the artist knew you wouldn't understand it's real meaning from the artist viewpoint, and got the simple explanation that it looks like a zebra, then you might not be ready for that particular meaning behind it.

For me it look like a torus that has been split into two so one can take a look into the inside of it

The shape is laying diagonally, its' "in between".

I notice the repetition of two. Two small circles, one line "above", one "below", two triangle-like shapes (openings of torus), two diagonal stripes. One big circle is encircling it all.



>hurrr durr you're not allowed to discuss the occult on /fringe/ outside that one thread

>need to make more space for 100 more smileyberg blog posts about his shitty job

You're the cancer




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