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Esoteric Wizardry


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Since fringe has been really shitty lately let's try to get some decent discussion in here.

Lets talk about magic

>Whats your approach?

>Had any cool results?

>What are your goals?

Most of my results come from sygil magic (making girls obsess over me, healing relatives)

I also do some energy work(being trained in reiki), lots of divination using tarot cards and other methods (such as the shuffle button in my mp3 player) and have a basic understanding in

banishment and evocation.

I am now trying to find a more direct approach

to magic, my endgoal being to get the best possible understanding of how manifestation works, and to properly apply it whenever I need it.

To that effect I've been reading a lot of Atkinsons books which have proved quite enlightening though I havent been able to follow up with pratical results seeing the shitstorm my life is right now

(which I mostly attribute to a crazy pact I made with Azazel two years ago)


File: 1432001165530.pdf (1.6 MB, OphielCreative_Vis_by_Ophi.pdf)

This is the book I'm reading right now.

Might prove helpful for some. Specially for those focused on Montalk/Atkinson pratices


I accomplish all my shit through the use of my astral senses, servitors and other thoughtforms, and pure will coupled with intense concentrated desire.

I am most interested at the moment of crossing energetic and information barriers in order to acquire information remotely and cause physical changes in my environment purely through the power of thought.

It is intense and dangerous work and right now most of my body is covered in a shitload of bruises and cuts fucking everywhere. I look really beat up. It pleases me so damned much though to keep crossing these barriers and doing this high magick.

I've got a couple more books to read as well but am very busy lately.



Can the author of your book back up with the example of his own life the claims he makes in that book?



What do you mean by that?

He gives some examples about how he and others have used these techniques for their profit.

But if you ask for solid evidence, there is none.(Not that I've looked deep into this particular author, only the art about the treasure charts caught my eye as something that I might add to my present working)

Doesnt bother me though, best way to prove the efficiency of these techniques is to use them yourself



Does he have a wikipedia page or anything? I'd actually trust him more if he's pretty much an unknown anonymous author than if he's a public figure who probably isn't doing shit.

I don't need proof I just want to know if the authors insists it really does work for himself and he's actually used what he's talking about and also that no evidence exists contradicting his claims e.g. lets say he's making claims about improved health but is a sickly diseased man in any images of him… makes me lose confidence in the author.



The guys name is Ophiel.

I saw this particular pdf floating around the studio arcanis forums.

Can't tell you much since this is the first book I'm reading by him, but this is what I found:

link with some of his books:


And a part of his short bio:

"Ophiel gained his knowledge through experiments and practical work. He said that because he was not a member of any group or fraternity, he was not sworn to secrecy, and therefore could reveal all the secrets and laws concerning the occult and magic, the subjects about which he wrote."



Intredasting, might save the whole series and read at least one book from it and if it's good possibly the others.


>Whats your approach?

Self remembering

>Had any cool results?

humm… Define cool.

>What are your goals?

No goal whatsoever



I figure flag is relevant here so here it is.


>Whats your approach

Kriya Pranayama, Mantras, optimizing health.

>Had any cool results?

Lots of Kriyas lately.

>What are your goals?

Union with Higher Self. Liberation.


>being trained in reiki

I received attunements recently. Any tips on how to use this most effectively?



I've read through The Art and Practice of Caballa Magic, TAAPO Astral Projection, TAAPO Getting Material Things Through Creative Visualization, TAAPO The Occult, TAAPO Clairvoyance by Ophiel.

His writing style is rather "blown up", there's a lot of skimable text for less than 90 page pdf's. But I found his Astral Projection, Creative Visualization anad Clairvoyance books to be of use. He mentioned William Walker Atkinson in his books as a to read guy, so he might not be completely full of shit, although he did have a high opinion of Dion Fortune's qabbalah book.

AP book lists development to AP with the main method being taking a "walk" around your house along which you excercise all astral senses at certain points. Also mentions body of light method and a symbol/sigil method, which would be of use after the development to enter certain realms.

Creative Visualization book is alright, seemed more useful than Goddard's book because he explained more limitations and what should be taken in mind; is in a sense on par with what montalk wrote on the subject. I found useful that you need to increase your flow to get more in increments, that going from rags to riches in a huge jump is too "hard" in most cases. As well useful - the need to bind the opposite pole so the swing to the opposite pole doesn't bring you back.

Clairvoyance books was practically usefull. Helps develop scrying of sort.

The occult and caballa books were mostly theoretical taking in consideration elements and the caballa system, I can't comment much on those, I've little experience in the caballa. Interesting information with linking the sephira with elements, but it would be most useful to scry into these forces with previously developed clairvoyance or to AP into them as with the preciously mentioned symbol/sigil method to move forward.

Smiley might enjoy The Art and Practice of Contacting the Demiurge :^)


Magic isn't real lol




Peach writes nothing but simplistic garbage.



>It is intense and dangerous work and right now most of my body is covered in a shitload of bruises and cuts fucking everywhere.

Maybe if you stopped acting like a sperg the other kids at school would stop beating you up



Don't talk to him like that he's a very powerful wizard and very greenpilled and does magick



Would you be able to give a link or upload these pdfs at all?



Here you go, 8 books + vignettes which was q&a with readers of sort. Haven't read through it so no idea of quality.




Appreciate that very much.


We're back on the top 25, faggits.

Watch the fuck out, /leftypol/.



When I say training I mean a workshop with middle aged new age ladies(a weird experience)

I learned some neat things though.

Reiki is basically energy work. I use it to charge sygils and cure dull aches all over my body when they appear.

But If you want to use it as healing it's easy.

When you're with the person in question just go hovering your hands over him/her until you find some sort of inbalance (which can appear in various forms but you will figure it out by training).

When you find it you just need to burst energy out of your hands until it feels right.(Like i said, training>>39417


When you're doing it at a distance you just need to visualize the person in front of you as you go about the same routine.


Yes, that may be true in some cases, but as I said, wha attracted me to him was the treasure chart technique he wrote about in the creative visualization book.

You should check it out


I use primarily visualization. Though I've not quite figured out "healing", I've learned the plucking and extrication of certain parasites (apparently responsible for pain sensation) from the etheric body can, likewise, relieve pain associated with sundry aches and wounds.

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