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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Smileys foutune throught tarrot


Past - the Tower (Reversed)

Present - 9 of Wands (Reversed)

Future - The Moon

Outcome - The Empress


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>tfw we have to do high magick on /fringe/ now and all the neophytes and mundanes can see our Illuminati-tier workings


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Tarot Guide.



> tarot

> high magick

pick one


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>High Magick







>not knowing who Michael is and what he can do

>thinking the tarot isn't just being used in a Skype ritual we were doing that was far more profound than you realize

Tarot alone isn't high magick but in the hands of a powerful diviner it sure is.


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Your/his ego(s) needs to be taken down a few pegs.



>just being used in a Skype ritual we were doing

>Skype ritual

So this is what passes for high magick on this board?



Could you please explain what this means?



>So this is what passes for high magick on this board?

Don't comment on what you know nothing about. Did you even see the /illuminati/ board when it was revealed before the whole board was wiped out?



I would rather grow my ego as much as possible. Fuck off mundane.



Confidence is great, cockiness on the other hand. Life will knock you down a few on it's own. It has a way of doing that.


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> Life will knock you down a few on it's own. It has a way of doing that.


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Is this directed towards me? Or the other person. Paper is the last thing on my mind.



>Did you even see the /illuminati/ board when it was revealed before the whole board was wiped out?

Yes, and it was nothing but shitposting.



Ok so you didn't go past the first page then / somehow didn't notice that Michael can:

>timewarp, which can result in him moving and thinking absurdly fast relative to his surroundings such that he can see water drops falling in slow motion and so on

>manipulate electricity and electrical objects with his mind

>heal wounds within minutes

>has met with others in the astral planes / is really fucking skilled at actually using the astral productively


Yeah yeah quiet down mundane I run circles around you magickally and am not afraid at all to take a beating as I grow stronger that way and I thank whoever sends me a real challenge.

I am Prestige Class Wizard deal with it.



…also if you'd been on the board over the years and actually were there for the various important threads that only lasted a few days then were deleted to be safe you'd have seen some shit.



>am not afraid at all to take a beating as I grow stronger that way and I thank whoever sends me a real challenge.




You're giving me a lot of loosh I don't even need lady, want me to just deposit it for you in my astral vault for later use when you're in need and I have to help you? Just because I'm awesome doesn't mean you can't be too one day. I'll be proud of you if you can get anywhere near my skill level or simply meet up with me or another Fringe Illuminate in the astral.



Giving loosh is what I do. If I was smart, I would be a proper artist.



Art and wizardry are inseparable. It used to be that the words meant the same thing, that to make something an "art" was synonymous with doing magick. If you wish to become a proper artist become a proper magician too then.

Does it cause you any distress that you continue to assume a purely feminine role in your magick to this day? That is "magick acts upon you"?

Just wondering. It's fine by me. Just be careful who you open yourself up to and you can potentially go extremely far doing everything the way you've been doing.

That's what you're doing already though. Weird that I'm telling you to do what you're already doing…



yeah yeah whatever



tl;dr of my post is go read Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki.

You can't create the very best art without:

>inspiration from the astral

>very good visualization

>very adept skills that take a long time to refine

>all the other occult faculties



pls stahp kthnx

ily bby






As an aspiring artist, ཐུགས་རྗེཞེ་དྲག་ཆེ་།



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Thank you based Illuminati anon.

I was almost rejecting the green pill.

Now I've got some reading to do.



I did not notice that Michael can timewarp. I noticed that Michael believes he can timewarp. Changing one's perception of reality is far easier than changing reality itself. Others asked him about his electric manipulation, but he gave no answer.

You see, you're extrapolating things that happened in order to prove your point. This is the problem with egos: at some point, your own starts to become more important than your search for the truth. And when that happens you start to change facts in order to fit your worldview, rather than your worldview in order to accommodate new findings.

I'm not aware which order you belong to or if you're self-initiated, so I'm not sure what gave you the illusion that "Skype rituals" were somehow high magick, but you seem to have gone stray from the path.


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Everything is possible but not all as probable.



Yeah you saw what wasn't deleted and weren't fucking there for when he actually demonstrated his magickal abilities over webcam and we got to see what he could do.

Stop trying to fuck with my ego like it's a bad thing, my ego must become as big and powerful as absolutely possible.

Being able to fucking disappear from a room because you're moving so fast (it's not just his perception, he can move so fast there can be a person falling out of a chair on the other side of the room and he can get there before that person gets at all closed to falling on the ground), being able to manipulate every single electrical object in the room around them (all the lights, his gaming console, and everything else), and other demonstrations of power like when he fell on some glass and it broke and he took it out and healed it (while calling upon the power of Christ) within mere minutes are amazing.

The thing with neophyte faggots like you is you're not getting the full picture. You aren't meeting with us in the astral, you aren't following us as we move around from different IRCs and chat clients and sites we use to organize on, etc.

Why is a Skype Ritual any less High Magick than if you're doing it in person if you're able to fucking turn lights on and off and dim them with your mind only?

Get shat on, mundane.



I haven't strain from the path I am far ahead, you are leagues behind us, you pathetic non-Illuminate.


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You're free to bask in the pool of your own ignorance, but don't take offense when others don't join you.

The path will still be there when you're ready to walk on it again. My words will reach you when you're ready to listen.

Until then



Ignorance of what? You're free to bask in your mediocrity and inferiority but don't be surprised when I don't feel fucking awesome while all you neophytes struggle for months to do things I can do in a single fucking day sometimes within an hour or mere minutes.

You have nothing at all to tell me. You're like some lowly elemental talking trash to me that I can push aside with a little flexing of my will.


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Seriously you pathetic mundane what the fuck are you good for?

I've out-read you, out-practised you, out-performed you, I got into /illuminati/ legit, I've been in this game longer than you, I'm just an all around superior being and you ought to feel blessed by my presence that you even get a chance to talk to me a little while right here right now.

You go ahead and humble me. I'm waiting – but you can't. You're magickally impotent. I know better wizards than you and I aim to impress them and get knowledge from them because they can deliver.

You can't.

You can't deliver shit.






1. Past - Temperance (Reversed)

2. Present - Four of Wands

3. Future - Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

4. Outcome - 10 of Wands (Reversed)

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