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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1432050586439.jpg (16.5 KB, 298x452, 149:226, 10978631_441217932702594_3….jpg)


Since we're back on the top 25 I propose a sharethread.

I'll try to upload things that are not on the library already


File: 1432050646863.pdf (373.43 KB, Theron Dumont - The Art an….pdf)


File: 1432051963237.pdf (1.8 MB, Chasing_Phantoms_Carissa_C….pdf)


File: 1432052698635.pdf (321.16 KB, (ebook - nlp - sex) psychi….pdf)


File: 1432052936996.pdf (5.36 MB, Hermetic Qabalah.pdf)

Hermetix Qabalah - not just a book also has loads of charts, infographics and lists explaining the basics of occult meanings of planets, the elements etc.


File: 1432057882353.pdf (256.76 KB, Schopenhauer_EN.pdf)

Schopenhauer on how to win an argument


File: 1432057970258.pdf (105.88 KB, Spare,_Austin_Osman_-_The_….pdf)


File: 1432058844065.pdf (5.26 MB, ConjureCodexOCR.pdf)



I propose also a code of conduct.

If we are serious students the tone should reflect that and unruly posters expelled.



fuck off faggot cunt free speech is paramount



>hurrr duurrr look at how edgy I am saying bad words

I bet all the other kids on middle school are very impressed by your commitment to free speech.



Freedom to be an ignorant muggle..congrats you take the cake

Its kneejerk angst like this which lets down the college



That one is in the /fringe/ library.

t. Fringe Wizard


>tfw got like 50 more books now that aren't in the library yet

>tfw burying myself under books

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