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Esoteric Wizardry


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Alien abductions,implant and contacts.

What do you think /fringe/ . Legit or dellusions?


Very true.

But my question: is lucifer an ally or enemy? I hear of him being a teacher and is of enlightenment, and other times I hear that he is satan.

Same thing with God in the bible. I know that the old testament god is the Demiurge, or an equally dangerous being. And that Christ is an actual good being, along with Jesus Wizard.


Why is the Eye of Ra at the top of the pyramid?



Don't even bother with names.

Just know that

Christ = Good guy

Jahweh = Bad guy

Gods of chaos = Good guys

If you indentify Lucifer as a God of chaos, he's good



Amon ra is the demiurge

Sun cults worship the demiurge



I really doubt that Lucifer exists as an actual entity. I think any astral critter could masquerade as Lucifer, just like how they can pretend to be other famous figures.

Some say that Lucifer is the mankind, a fallen being.

Satan? I doubt he exists either as an actual entity. Jehovah I've heard was a reptilian masquerading as God, or maybe it's the entity called "Y" mentioned in the Stellar Man.

Many options, many views.



Christ = good guy

Yahweh = Bad guy

Gods of Chaos = Bad guy

Gods of Chaos are liars.



Sounds legit



Why are they liars?




Isn't the 'god' of chaos Eris? She is supposed to be helpful to us right? (Or not. Chaos, BITCH!)



Define helpful.

Eris is the goddess of Discord.

Discord is not "HIHIHI SO RANDOM".

Discord is what people consider "bad" and "evil".



Because they are ignorant of the ways of life which harm neither self nor other.


>Isn't the 'god' of chaos Eris?

Maybe. Maybe not. Depends what universe you are in and where.

>She is supposed to be helpful to us right?

Supposition is an expedient way to fall into a pit without delay, the way paved by unchallenged lie.



I think its the fact that there isn't really such thing as "evil" so Eris is worshipped for being a truly good God in the sense that she has no concept of evil so she does everything with good intentions even though we may perceive them as bad

So she's basically like Lenny when he pets the mouse and breaks its neck

(This may not be accurate)


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Book on co-creator of discordianism and how eris fucked his life up:


It's a good read.



>shitting on pobedonostsev

>shitting on vlasov

shit book





the book is very good, a confirmation that magick is real



It might be the second coming of hermes trismegistos and his corpus hermeticus, if he doesn't even understand the very reasoned and logical stuff a genius like pobedonostsev promotes, and rather relies on stuff he heard from someone who heard etc. then he's shit and his work not worth reading, only worth to burn to heat a violent winter night or to clean your ass when no toilet paper is there.




Wut. It's a biography of Kerry Thornley. I don't recall those people being mentioned in the book.


Lucifer and Satan are not the same entity. Your chart is stupid.



shut up fag

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