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File: 1432270017716.jpg (92.22 KB, 597x674, 597:674, 1414901300122.jpg)


Seriously, anyone here actually working their way up the "Tree"?



From the mundane earth you seek to rise to the moon, and begin to open your third eye.



I thought this is an anti-Semitic board, why would you endulge into Jewish mysticism?





>Not egyptian

>Not another thing the jews stole



You don't really need to be conscious of the tree to be climbing it.

After reading the thread some anon made on Kabbalah I've found myself already a few spheres away from the first mundane one.

It's basically a map of the spiritual progress that you'll probably be following regardless of your beliefs as you conquer various passions and imperfections of character.



By the protocols, what are you saying goy!? Don't forget that the chosen were forced to build their pyramids.

Remember the 7 trillion!



Yes. It is a map akin to chakral system or eight-circuit model of consciousness.

A cliche is needed here, "The map is not the territory".





Only Elder Rabbis can understand Kaballah. To be well versed within it you should first read Old Testament and Talmud



eww. Go.


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Back to the oven


ITT : Kikery.

you faggots dont even qlippoth



Vampiric degenerates like you are a kikes best friend.



Pretty much, too bad there are still people who tie themselves down to only one system of belief instead of using the best aspects of every system.



Trying to get a feel for it. My experiences are really mind-oriented, and im drawn toward the 12th path between binah and kether.

It almost reminds me of astrology and its planetary influences. You can find yourself with dominant sephiras/paths, along with minor influences. It's really interesting to mess around with which "energies" are more prominent, or just doing your best to balance them all. Im trying to understand crown, but it seems it must be experienced, understood, and known to get the most from it.

Always searching for more about Da'at, as well.

Try to practice more than you read. Continue reading, but know that experience with this system will teach you the most. Im still just picking it up.



I will do so after I have completed initiaton into hermetics. If you are interested I can recommend books on the subject. Tehnically no matter which system of magick you choose you are going up the tree. But as I understand it you are interested in kabbalah. So if you want books I can provide them.



You should post some material.


File: 1434649259522-0.pdf (700.34 KB, Dion-Fortune-Mystical-Qaba….pdf)

File: 1434649259522-1.pdf (368.59 KB, bahir.pdf)

File: 1434649259522-2.pdf (143.33 KB, SepherYetzirah.pdf)

File: 1434649259523-3.pdf (446.68 KB, Mathers_Kabbalah_Unveiled.pdf)

File: 1434649259523-4.pdf (742.21 KB, 777.pdf)


That should get you started if you are want to practice kaballah. If you can't danloawd here just google and you should find the books easily.



Fuck yeah. Thanks, mate.


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I have a couple dreams to share :) please feel free to share your own visions and speak on all things dreamy.

I feel I meet people in my dreams sometimes or go to far away places. Sometimes i think i may craft conciousnesses in my dreams. This happened last night.

I dreamt i was riding in my car… And we were high up… It was dark and cloudy and i could see silhouettes of towers in different worlds in the distance. I had woven a lightning worm… It was a bit off the sky i had caught and knotted up… I gave it lots of little legs and tied it off so it wouldnt die when it dischargedbefore setting it free… The sky boomed over and over as we drove. Streetlights exploded and electric wires gave off sparks before dying… And behind us lightning struck in our path hard in beats of 5… I thought it would blow the tires but they held. In the distance the arcs touched the land and illuminated the night as they undulated… Giant rivers of energy danced slow and the clouds glowed dapple gold with their shifting charge like the sun off the top of waves racing across the sky.


Lol. Oops. Sorry peeps


The Tree of Life is the nervous system.

The Snake is the Kundalini.

It's going breddy gud. Although I wasted some ojas today so that set my energy back, damnit.



the dion fortune one is the best elucidation of kabbalah ive ever read.



Of course not, Kabbalah is a pure Jewish invention.

Did you heard of Hyksos? It's us, the Jewish rulers of the Egyptians, it's Egyptians who stole from our magnificent civilisation.




Then Y u post

>newfig doesn't Sage





>That picture

>Air attributed to Yod

>Fire to Heh

>Water to Vau

It's a gorgeous picture, but I suspect that shit is sprinkled with with errors or intentional blinds


Kabbalah is absolute horseshit.


I'm just getting started and I'm working my way through several introductory books, I do the lbr and the middle pillar as well as other practices for my daily practice..

I'm committing to this path to reach adept, it speaks to me the most, and it seems to be the clearest and best layed out..

I'm really struggling with basic things like visualization though.

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