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Luciferianism,demonology,goetia, daemons,Lhp thread












Sage isn't a downvote


Bumping for more LHP stuff.

Anyone have a good guide for getting into LHP and becoming an /edgy/ faggot?


Check the "huge" mega in the sticky under satanism and lhp folder.


ffs this is zero-effort shitposting and this has been asked for many times already.


Just fucking learn the principles upon which this mental universe works and then use them towards edgy purposes.

It's also not very hard at all to evoke a demon, they are typically all over the place like pests.



>Lhp thread

You mean demi-urge worshiping?



fuckin heretics man…


Satan is a code-word for Demiurge


I have a few limited edition hard bound lhp books I bought for collectability value. Pretty interesting reading, qlippoth opus 3, which is still available on nephilim press is based around the inverse of the tree of life: the tree of death, which is supposed to be aiming at union with the void rather than with god.

Book of smokeless fire is a grimoire for summoning and commanding djinn. Is no longer available though.


The book of abrasax and the holy gaurdian angel which are linked to on amazon on the front page are good too, but they're not exlusively lhp.



Also this:

>which is supposed to be aiming at union with the void rather than with god.

suggests that not all LHP material is pro-demiurge if the kaballistic tree of life is based around union with jehova/demiurge. I admit I don't know enough about positions on kaballah to say for sure if its pro-demiurge.




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