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You know how long ago people thought that when children were born with birth defects or if they acted strangely it was because elves had stolen the child and replaced it with a changeling.

In every philosophy or idea I think there is atleast a grain of truth and a grain of falsehood.

Certain conditions (Williams syndrome, Downs, Marfans, autism, dwarfism etc) most likely the ones caused by spontaneous mutation rather than inherited conditions; are probably because a soul from the elfworld rather than the human spirit world entered the body and the current human genetics aren’t equipped to accommodate that soul fully.

Maybe once humans have evolved a bit and our dna can accommodate that spirit people with these conditions will have way more advanced bodies.

Seriously im sure there is some truth to this, especially if you understand how elves and things really are rather than how theyre portrayed in media.

>inb4 hurr hurr autism hurr hurr fairies

suggested learnings: ‘faeries’ by Brian Froud (anything by him really)




Elves,fae are in my opinion spirits of the inner earth plane\etheric plane. Ussualy their soul is made of only one element and they are incredibly intelligent. They most likely don't incarnate into human bodies at least not willingly. People who are either deformed or have eccentricities are often higly developed souls for example Albert Einstein.


when i was growing up my grandma told me something about elves being the souls of dead ancient pagans. that could obviously be christian propoganda but i think it could be true, magic did seem to be more understood and commonplace in those times and magic is all about manipulating the astral so maybe they got stuck in an astral level inbetween our world and the other idk



all ima say is tolkien is super greenpilled and i had my try at the witcher 3 that shit super green pilled, most of them went away man, tolkien's shitis 6500 years old, well it intertwines with khemetic and greek and atlantis lore which speaks of genetic experiments done, aka your griffons, manticores, wyrms all that - they where hunted down for long periods of time, like check out 47 ronins movie with keanu reeves, they tell you they was hunting down the experiments all over the world - killing most beasts, remember the basic human acts like a scared critter, it slays or pokes anything that doesn't look the same.. the bounced man, either at bottom of sea, either to shambala the inner earth or greenland or antartica.. many use illusions and ruse to put themselves in our society in a way where they don't interact with the folk but still live in it just not of it.

turn on your perception with what ever method you want, either breathing technique or energy technique, ritual or psychedelic consumption, you will reach the actual level of view you should have - you will see plenty of weird as fuck shit walking around in public, many of us who have documented these events have seen transparent cloaked elf-life beings and small yoda looking things peeking around and moving about all over, while being completely invisible to the common folk.

these myths we keep, from every culture, there is a lot more to them. Isn't that kind of interesting?


Icelanders have sex with elves.


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i used to read a lot of clive barker too and the seerkind in weaveworld seem to be a lot like elves and theyre implied to be the descendants of pagans and such


Iceland is /fringe/ incarnate.




The Elfschool is open all year around in Reykjavik. It is 26 years old this year. What students in the Elfschool gain and learn is everything that is known about elves and hidden people, as well as gnomes, dwarfs, fairies, trolls, mountain spirits as well as other nature spirits and mythical beings in Iceland and in other countries. And also where these creatures live, what they look like, their ideas about humans, about them as well as all the other nature spirits that seems to live around us here in other dimensions - as the elves themselves claim that they live in.

The students in The Elfschool learn also about hundreds of Icelanders that have had personal contact with the elves themselves, and many of them have been invited into the homes of the elves and the hidden people in Iceland, and have often eaten food there and sometimes also slept there during one or more nights. – The argument that the elves and Hidden people of Iceland have saved hundreds of lives of Icelanders through the centuries is explored and explained to the students, as well as how this strange friendship between these two or many different worlds and dimensions can and does exists.

Students learn also many other interesting and sometimes practical things about these beings as well as all this strange phenomenon in general. After the session students can get a private walking-guide to one of the main elf places in Reykjavik (it is about 900 meters away from the school). We charge just 13€ / 15$ for each person for such extra guide after the Elfschool-sessions. There students are told events that took place there in the past, both involving a confrontation as well as a friendship between the humans and the elves some years and decades ago there. For visiting this place students have to book that in advance so the timeplan of the school can fit to it. - The walking guide normally takes about 25 - 30 minutes, as is usually after the school-session, about 18:00 - 19:00.

The school is based on two major lectures, by the Headmaster of the school, Mr. Magnus Skarphedinsson, (1955-) whom studied history at the Icelandic University 1985 – 1989, and also Anthropolgy some years later at the same University. He has explored a lot of research concerning elves and hidden people and other nature spirits for more than thirty years now in many countries in the world. He has met personally more than 700 Icelanders that have seen and met and talked with elves and hidden people in Iceland or have had a long friendship with them, - and met more than 500 foreigners in these 40 countries he has done researches in also. Mr. Skarphedinsson is also the leader of the Paranormal Foundation of Iceland. - All the lectures in the Elfschool are in English. (Or Scandinavian languages for groups from Scandinavia. - But only if all the students in that class are from Scandinavia or understand Scandinavian languages).


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>I am an expert on how to have sex with elves


Here's a recent picture of me, not naked on a rock but maybe a can invite a photographer to the next "meeting". But Some elves are really found of appliances since they dont use them and find them therefor very interesting. But they are not responsible beings so don´t let drive your car, nobody lives to tell what happens but I suppose its not good. Ive also heard that they steal mobile phones. But Im sorry to say i didn´t get lucky with the washing machine.



We must keep Iceland for Icelanders only and purge all the muds that would try to immigrate there. Even whites that just aren't Icelandic should really not be allowed to go there.


>>41404 pretty sure iceland was just hermits before the vikings came, how far back would someone have to live there to be counted as icelandic seeing as no one is really native there.



They seem to have a pretty distinctive race… They look nordic.




> seeing as no one is really native there.

Oh shut the fuck up you anti-white twat, the Icelanders that currently live there and have been there the longest are the natives, and it is the same for any other piece of land; whoever has been there the longest is native to that place. If an island somewhere that was previously uninhabited for all of time suddenly is colonized then those colonists are the natives of that island.


Sort of offtopic, but I thought this wikipedia article (yes, I know wikipedia sucks) was interdastin'




im not anti white 3/4 of my family is white and im not ignorant enough to believe that one race is superior to another.

it is important to remember that there is no such thing as ownership, the world belongs to everyone and you have been conditioned to think 'if i dont hoard this and claim it as my own someone else will'

what does owning something even mean?

imagine if there was no money, no ownership; if everybody just shared, how many problems will be solved?




Confirmed non-white mongrel cancer cell. Yes you are anti-white and regardless of whether you're a stupid fucking egalitarian who doesn't see which race is clearly superior you're still going to destroy the white race through miscegenation and other means.

Money and ownership solves a LOT of problems and the absence of them creates many problems you fucking commie.

I ain't sharing shit and getting cucked by your hippie commune.


>>42501 im not even sure if this is your irl way of thinking or if youre just being edgy online for fun but youre just shouting insults at me without giving any reason for it.

what makes me anti white? youre just labeling me as the enemy so you can ignore everything i say.

you have been born into privilege which you have become used to as standard and youre scared it will be taken away from you. youve seen people living in poverty and you are terrified that that could be you. stop being childish you selfish cunt.

wherever there is luxury somewhere else there is poverty.

what problems does ownership solve?

imagine if people didnt think they owned their animals, husbands didnt think they owned their wives, parents didnt think they owned their children, monarchs and governments didnt think they owned their countrys; how much suffering will disappear.


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You're anti-white because you're a mongrel shitskin that spreads egalitarian "we're all the same" propaganda that destroys the white race, probably lives in and wants acceptance within a white society, wants to take a shit in the white genepool with your inferior mongrel genes, etc.

>you have been born into privilege which you have become used to as standard and youre scared it will be taken away from you. youve seen people living in poverty and you are terrified that that could be you. stop being childish you selfish cunt.

I literally eat food from dumpsters you fucking cunt and am impoverished as shit which is why I have exposure to you mudnigger shitskins and hate you all. It's delusional boomer fucktards with all their wealth that buy into the anti-racist propaganda like pic related.

The only "privilege" I have is my innate racial superiority and nothing else. I am extremely poor, most of my own race hates and despises me because I'm fighting for the continued existence of my race and they have been indoctrinated into being suicidal good goyim, and I am posting to you from internet I am not paying for and I have almost nothing.

>wherever there is luxury somewhere else there is poverty.

So? If you egalitarians have your way there will be nothing but poverty everywhere. Fucking communist freak! You think I as a practically homeless white person want more shitskins coming into my white nation who are going to be a threat to me? Think again fucker, I sure as hell don't want them here. They'd steal the stuff I have collected and hidden all around the place I live, they'd ruin the coffee shops and libraries and other places I go to get my internet, they'd dig up my 5 gallon buckets of stored away food in secret places, they'd rob me of my backpack and laptop and the little cash I have, etc.

>what problems does ownership solve?

Countless problems. When nobody clearly owns anything, there is constant thievery and problems. Even wild animals own things. They collect rocks, sticks, etc.; make nests and claim territory and mates. All of these things they own.

>imagine if people didnt think they owned their animals, husbands didnt think they owned their wives, parents didnt think they owned their children, monarchs and governments didnt think they owned their countrys; how much suffering will disappear.

Monarchy is the most based-as-fuck form of government there is and if total anarchy took over like you want it to human suffering would increase a shitload. All of the animals would quickly be stolen by any cunt that wants them and they would eat them all and no more would be produced in quantities enough to feed everyone because the businesses would be destroyed by the anarchy, wives would not have the stability and direction and protection that their husbands can give them, children would be abused and discarded as nobody would own them and therefore they'd be fucking worthless, and your shitty anarchy would be invaded and destroyed easily by another government that isn't so fucking insane as to let things get that way; and what's more is the people would very much welcome back the rule and stability that would come with a new government take over.

I as a very impoverished white person HATE anarchy and infinitely prefer living in my white nation over any shitskin nation or any neighbourhood or place that is full of shitskins and the crime they bring. People here pity me and let me use their sheds and give me free food and stuff and leave me alone when I'm laying down somewhere trying to sleep. I don't want it to become like fucking Detroit where some nigger is going to kill me and nobody is going to care at all because police and so on won't go into the area because it's too dangerous and infested with niggers.

If anything we need even more strong leadership and Fascist/National-Socialist/Monarchist/etc. government here so we can purge the shitskins even better and people like me won't fall into the cracks and will have state-sanctioned authorities to help reintegrate me into society and take care of me. I think Norway is the best country right now on Earth to live in (I don't live in Norway btw) and it is that way because of how white it is.



please stop shouting insults at me.

now i know more i understand better why you think like that, but please understand how your anger is clouding your vision, youre looking for scapegoats to blame your situation on.

this is what the 'illuminati/reptillians/juden' whatever do. they cause problems, divide society and then get the 2 sides to blame eachother for the problems.

theyre the ones who created money.

imagine if there was no money.

its designed so that there isnt enough to go around, and were made to believe it means something by the ones who profit from it.



i pretty much look white or atleast lightskin so luckily ive never faced any real discrimination for it + im gay

>hurr hurr faggot

so stop worrying about your gene pool.

know that poverty breeds crime. always. the nonwhite people you see probably live in poverty too; understand that they do not stand for every nonwhite person ever.

please understand that any difference between a white person and a black person is all learned behaviour.

people are starving yet so much food is wasted everyday.

homelessness exists yet there are houses with no one living in them,

it is because people think they own them even though they dont use them. and want to make a profit from it.

what im saying is everything belongs to everyone unless someone is using it; then i guess it temporarily 'belongs' to them. people wouldnt steal because they just need to wait till no one is using something.

imagine if you could just ask and be fed and that was all it took.

a society based around compassion,

where everyone is perfectly generous so there is no need to be greedy,

a world where everyone is selfless so no one has to be selfish.

thats the world i dream of.

where it doesnt matter if someone is 'degenerate' or 'inferior' as long as theyre not hurting anyone.

i hope you understand me because i really do pity you and feel bad that i live so well off compared to you.


>>42800 the reason the 'nigger countries' are generally poor and the white ones rich is because the white countries steal and loot from the black countries.

why else do you think africa is so poor with all its gold and silver and copper and fertile land and coffee and exotic fruit and rare plants. its because it all gets stolen.

theft comes from the desire to own something for yourself and no one else. even the desire to own another human; can you not see how wrong that is.

please shift your hate from those who youve been told to hate to those who deserve hating: the greedy, the selfish, the arrogant.


i really want to hump some sexy little pixie girls



Whereever Europeans settled in Africa they brought prosperity, infrastructure and medicine.

Whereever Europeans set up, given the boon in food through superior farming, the peace through rule of law and enforced order and the reduction in infant mortality African populations would flock to them and explode.

Look at the French Experiments and the British in Rhodesia.

Most of the poverty is currently due to unsustainable aid causing population booms and propping up corrupt governments and tribal warfare (or in absence of overt hostilities, nations which cannot function because all loyalties are divided along tribal lines).

Sadly after the second world war the French and the British could not sustain their former colonies especially with the impact of USSR backed and finaced Marxist gurrellas. Without the Europeans having sufficent time to leave a legacy and teach a new middle/upper class how to run cities/government/civil service/engineering all the former colonies fell apart into total corrupt mismanaged and often anarchic basketcases.

Africa before European and Arab colonization was a very dark and savage place for the most part with tribes like the Bantu running amok and scorching whole civilizations to the ground.

There were a few exceptions such as Islamic Mali.

Don't buy into this stupid narrative that everywhere in the world was some dandy Eden before the evil white man set foot. It is total nonsense.


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>>This woodpile was about five feet high and the elf was resting on top of it, like he was enjoying a sunbath, leisurely smoking his pipe.

Fucken Elves get to chill inawoods and smoke all day. Lucky bastards.



They can even turn invisible and fuckoff to dimension 3.1 when mundanes try to come mooch there herbs.


This thread is gold. /fringe/ is such a good read.



>thats the world i dream of

its important to distinguish what is good and right for the society you live in here and now (wherever and whenever that may be) and what is good and right for the perfect society



Quoted from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_horse

>>The Icelandic horse is a breed of horse developed in Iceland. Although the horses are small, at times pony-sized, most registries for the Icelandic refer to it as a horse. Icelandic horses are long-lived and hardy. In their native country they have few diseases; Icelandic law prevents horses from being imported into the country and exported animals are not allowed to return


>thread devolves into jew politics

Seeing people argue about who is white or not is just as dumb when kikes argue about who is jewish or not. Racial issues are easily solved by selective breeding with people of quality, genetically and spiritually as there are two forms of reproduction, regardless of background. This automatically filters out degenerates thus allowing racial improvement and transcendence as well spiritual. Tribal attitudes don't belong on /fringe/.



Not Icelandic but very much agreed. If the diversity of the world is lost through foreign immigration the loss would be inexpressible.



Do you have any book/technique about turning on the perception of these entities? I mean, can you elaborate more?


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Do you guys even pretend to take yourselves seriously?

Like Elves? Really, bro? You can do better than that.

Why the fuck would Elves inhabiting the body of a human cause autism or assburgers? You're just a downie fucking retard who wants to seem special. You ain't no goddamn secret wizard, your genes just got fucked 'cuz life is fucked.

You assholes wanna play your little game, and that's fine. I'm not knocking it. Everyone needs a hobby, everyone needs an escape every now and again. But Elves, man? Come on, come the fuck on.

Why not make up some shit about Ayys testing on you or something. You know, playing around with human DNA. Who am I kidding? You're a fucking retard, can't be expecting a retard to come up with non-tard ideas.

Well whatever then. Good luck with your Elven mind, you dumb cunt.

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