You're anti-white because you're a mongrel shitskin that spreads egalitarian "we're all the same" propaganda that destroys the white race, probably lives in and wants acceptance within a white society, wants to take a shit in the white genepool with your inferior mongrel genes, etc.
>you have been born into privilege which you have become used to as standard and youre scared it will be taken away from you. youve seen people living in poverty and you are terrified that that could be you. stop being childish you selfish cunt.
I literally eat food from dumpsters you fucking cunt and am impoverished as shit which is why I have exposure to you mudnigger shitskins and hate you all. It's delusional boomer fucktards with all their wealth that buy into the anti-racist propaganda like pic related.
The only "privilege" I have is my innate racial superiority and nothing else. I am extremely poor, most of my own race hates and despises me because I'm fighting for the continued existence of my race and they have been indoctrinated into being suicidal good goyim, and I am posting to you from internet I am not paying for and I have almost nothing.
>wherever there is luxury somewhere else there is poverty.
So? If you egalitarians have your way there will be nothing but poverty everywhere. Fucking communist freak! You think I as a practically homeless white person want more shitskins coming into my white nation who are going to be a threat to me? Think again fucker, I sure as hell don't want them here. They'd steal the stuff I have collected and hidden all around the place I live, they'd ruin the coffee shops and libraries and other places I go to get my internet, they'd dig up my 5 gallon buckets of stored away food in secret places, they'd rob me of my backpack and laptop and the little cash I have, etc.
>what problems does ownership solve?
Countless problems. When nobody clearly owns anything, there is constant thievery and problems. Even wild animals own things. They collect rocks, sticks, etc.; make nests and claim territory and mates. All of these things they own.
>imagine if people didnt think they owned their animals, husbands didnt think they owned their wives, parents didnt think they owned their children, monarchs and governments didnt think they owned their countrys; how much suffering will disappear.
Monarchy is the most based-as-fuck form of government there is and if total anarchy took over like you want it to human suffering would increase a shitload. All of the animals would quickly be stolen by any cunt that wants them and they would eat them all and no more would be produced in quantities enough to feed everyone because the businesses would be destroyed by the anarchy, wives would not have the stability and direction and protection that their husbands can give them, children would be abused and discarded as nobody would own them and therefore they'd be fucking worthless, and your shitty anarchy would be invaded and destroyed easily by another government that isn't so fucking insane as to let things get that way; and what's more is the people would very much welcome back the rule and stability that would come with a new government take over.
I as a very impoverished white person HATE anarchy and infinitely prefer living in my white nation over any shitskin nation or any neighbourhood or place that is full of shitskins and the crime they bring. People here pity me and let me use their sheds and give me free food and stuff and leave me alone when I'm laying down somewhere trying to sleep. I don't want it to become like fucking Detroit where some nigger is going to kill me and nobody is going to care at all because police and so on won't go into the area because it's too dangerous and infested with niggers.
If anything we need even more strong leadership and Fascist/National-Socialist/Monarchist/etc. government here so we can purge the shitskins even better and people like me won't fall into the cracks and will have state-sanctioned authorities to help reintegrate me into society and take care of me. I think Norway is the best country right now on Earth to live in (I don't live in Norway btw) and it is that way because of how white it is.