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My post will be a question, but the intent is to start a discussion. I don't think this belongs in the question thread.

Does any of this shit matter? What's the point of it all? Magic, life in general. I don't want to sound edgy but I zoomed out so to speak and, what's the end goal of all this? What causes you guys to give a shit? Sorry if this triggers you smiley.





The only purpose of life is to seek out said purpose, it's all just for shits and giggles.



Is there ever an end to all of this?


having fun

hail eris


Life is a continuously creative process. Anyone with goals and purposes miss the point of life.






fuck you bitch



excuse you




What about becoming one with the all? I've heard some people set that as a goal.



You're the people ruining this board.



having that as a goal implies that "one" can be outside of "all" and therefore it is necessary to go back to it… needless to say it is ridiculous.



So really then there's no point to this? No end?




Do you think that all that exists has an end?

Do you think we're climbing a ladder?

How fucking dumb are you?

Existence is chaos.

Embrace chaos.

Embrace nihilism.



In a way we're big stars. Small stars slowly lose energy and gradually fade away. Big stars turn into explosions in a bang.



So this never ends? It's just die reincarnate repeat for eternity?

So none of this really matters? None of this mastery of magic? Of this progression?



Think about this: you always existed.

You were, are and will be eternal.

Linear time is an illusion.

Then why, in the eternity you already lived, you're still here?

The ride never ends.



>Implyiing there's actually something that dies

>Implying that "specific" something can be reincarnated.

>Implying eternity is a progression of successive happenings.

>Implying something must "matter", "meter" " matre"

>There is no progression.

But if you want a reason to study magick. It is fun isn't it?




So I might as well have as much fun as I can then



That's what discordianism is about.

You're a dancer in a chaotic existence.


The only goal I might say I have is to carry out my unconscious programming. Any goals I hold in my conscious mind are not truly what I am striving for and based on an incomplete picture of what's really going on in the depths of my soul. I simply must live out my desires until I reach so deep into my mind, by the living out of lower desires or the seeing through them, that I can consciously use desire on a level much more fundamental to the workings of reality and become a conscious agent of reality manipulation.

So I do not really care to speculate. I don't have a goal, a big goal, I am just alive and growing like any organism or meme and I am aware of my Role in things and do not object to my resonance with it.


I don't need a purpose, a goal, or a meaning; for all is meaningful, purposeful, and oriented and I need not change a thing.



You are one man complaining all the time about how this board is being "ruined" while nobody else even agrees with you. Why are you so butthurt?


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God seeded you with desire. Loosh (emotions).are your reason for acting and living. Understanding of desire is key to advancement, key to mastery and turning the circle into the spiral.

You should read The Arcane Teachings and Desire Power already.

All meaning, all purpose, all things we do and all things that are, are created out of emotions. Everything has an innate desire to be and to create more of itself.

The other part of the puzzle is awareness. Awareness can select which desires to feed and act upon. It is the will which is free to choose, when it aware of its own awareness.

One might say that the purpose life is to be happy or to love but really the purpose is to feel. The more you feel the greater your part in the Great Work. Intense emotions are felt by the most highly developed forms of consciousness.

Pic related; it's where all meaning and purpose comes from. In absence of feeling there is no purpose, no meaning, nothing to be done.


If you want to transcend meaning';s hold upon you learn the process of synaesthesia and convert any one manifestation into any other format. The aura is seeing a great deal of emotions, memories, etc. represented as colour.



Not really, it just means that you are part of the all (made from his very essence), but are not merged with the all in it's totality, on a counscious level.

To the OP, yes, union with god/the all or at least union with your individual spirit is the purpose of life on earth. Nihilism is only for spiritually myopic people.



That's fourth/fifth way correct? Where can I learn more on this? I'm not entirely sure how that whole process works



It is exactly that. There is nothing that can be departed from the all, not entirely nor slightly. That is exactly the meaning of All.

Advocating Dhyana instead of Prajna, is the basis for goal oriented spiritualism which is no more than self-centered interest.

Here is a poem by Hui-neng one of the great early zen patriarchs.

Neither is there Bodhi-tree,

Nor yet a mirror bright;

Since in reality all is void,

Whereon can the dust fall?….

This poem was given as a response to the following poem by Shen-hsiu

The body is the bodhi tree

The mind is like a bright mirror's stand.

At all times we must strive to polish it

and must not let dust collect.

As a result of this Hui-neng recieved the robe of bodhidharma becoming then the sixth patriarch of zen. Here is yet another poem by Hui-neng to further expand on this idea.

The true is nowhere to be seen;

If you say you see the true,

This seeing is not the true one


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I follow both Raja Yoga and Hermeticism, you can read about it in the Bhagavad-gita for example, or in the Raja Yoga section of the pdf I linked. Both paths have the same goal (see the hermetic great work), hermeticism just focuses more on developing magical faculties.


I am also a monist (advaita vedanta), but even though the only true reality is God, as the panentheistic All beyond all dualities, you've still got to see through the veils of maya to join your counsciousness with it. That's when spiritual practice becomes useful.

You follow the buddhist metaphysics, our concepts are different and incompatible in some aspects, there is no Atman for buddhism, and both the ultimate reality and the concept of prajna are different in yoga and buddhism. We can't really argue about it, it would become a Spiritual path Vs Spiritual path discussion, and that has never worked well.



It's not a question of Pranja vs Dhyana.

Pranja is the conscious realization of the emptiness of all things.

Dhyana is the total absorption of oneself in the outer form of things, thus penetrating the true nature of the object of meditation. Dhyana is true meditation.

And yet you need to have both. You need to be conscious of both form and emptiness. That will bring true wisdom. Of course none of us is conscious of that right now. We might say we are, but we only are aware of that intellectually. We still have attachment.

The Pranja-paramitra sutra beautifully states:

>Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.

The true Buddha is conscious of both at the same time. The true Buddha is in the Middle. That's the Tao of Taoism.




Also, the term "Zen" precisely comes from the sanskrit term "Dhyana". In Chinese it's "Chan".

They are the same word.



So you could say ontologically speaking, Taoists are right? Life isn't this or that way, it just is? What about when the universe ends physically, isn't spiritual progress ended there until the next cycle of the universe starts?



Buddha is the middle. He is N-E-I-T-H-E-R. He is neither the trangressor which seeks to handle, manage, and be master over others (prajna) nor is he the ecstatic god who is estranged, unavailable, invisible to others. The middle path is the path of the perfect gentleman who is perfectly available when needed while never trangressing the guidance which is fundamental to every being and derived internally in each being.

The devil is wholly external and infringing on peoples rights. His is the province of agony.

Gods are estranged and hard to find. Invisible and unreliable. Theirs is the province of ecstasy.

Buddhas are reliable, present, and proper. Theirs is the province of equanimity.

Know these words as the truth and you will know the truth.



Yeah but being conscious of it is irrelevant to the actual state of things. So there can't be no actual progress, just degrees of understanding based on personal preference. That is why I said to the other anon that studying this is fun. At least that is why I do it.

Also Buddhism seem to put things more in terms of negatives. So you can say the Buddhist Atman is Anatman, in the sense of "not-self". But it seems to make no sense to use that word in that way in Vedanta (I am not sure about this however), they kinda use the same words meaning different things inside different structures. Even though they talk about the same thing.


I agree with you completely. When I said that advocating Dhyana instead of Prajna is the basis for goal oriented spiritualism, was simply because observing form without the realization of emptiness within it can be said to be exactly what everyone already does. That is why I say Prajna should be regarded as first. Though we both known there isn't a first or a second here. So basically I say it for the purposes of convenience.

Also I am aware that the word Zen is a translation of the word Dhyana. I find it quite fitting, because zen literature is filled with the most "mundane" forms one can expect. Nothing seems to stink of grandeur or divinity.


About Taoism, I enjoy their aesthetic preferences.

>Life isn't this or that way, it just is?

Life is this way and that way, it just is.

Both statements are correct.

About progress. There is not such a thing. You might consider that getting one's own hearth/mind, or one's common sense, to be in accordance with the Nature of things a sort of progress. When that "progress" happens, it happens instantly. But weather it happens or not makes no difference to the state of things. So it goes back to personal preference.

You're in the stream weather you realize it or not.

You're in the stream weather you know how the stream works or not.

You're in the stream weather you're trying to swim against it or not.

You're in the stream.



This is some seriously mind numbing shit

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