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Western women today have no hobbies, no goals, no desires. Ever thought about what they do all day? Women are naturally submissive, and if not given proper direction fall into an abyss of nothingness. In the past, they would go to school, then get married young. Have some kids, tend to the house, raise children. Now women are waiting until their late thirties to bare children. It's like society has taken away their natural place in life to be the housewife with all of these gender equality movements. They don't know what to do now, men our age have given up on the 21st century women who is a degenerate whore who sleeps around and is useless outside of her body, not bringing the loving, caring, nurturing motherly side they've brought to the table anymore. So they maybe to go college, work, go on facebook, go out with her girls, bounce around between Chads, and overall live meaningless lives.




Only the Sith deal in absolutes…



> Only the Sith

> Absolutes

> Only a Sith can say that a Sith deals in absolutes

LHP for life.



This thread does not violate the rules at all. It is OK to ask a question if the rest of the thread is not a question. What is NOT OK is creating a thread for the soul purpose of asking a question. OP did a lot more than just ask a question here.


Men are absolutely vacuous degenerates too in this age. I don't give a shit anymore, I just need my own place, and I am 100% confident in my magickal ability to attain everything else then.







OP is lame copypasta so I shall respond with superior copypasta:

…women don't exist.

the female aspect (Yin) is the expression of emptiness / darkness in the universe. Everything that is 'female' is actually a minus, a zero, an empty shell. Darkness is also where chaos dwells, hence their penchant for insanity.

a woman is the embodiment of submission. the only way to deal with them is by giving them orders. but they will only respond to you if you are the biggest fish in the bowl, the highest authority in her world.

any relationship with a woman in which you are not the King of her world, is doomed to failure.






what if all women are organic portals?



And what about trannies? What are they?






When the feminine in nature are forced to take on masculine roles via "feminism"(really ironic name), there is an imbalance and the woman will be miserable in life. They are brainwashed to believe that happiness is chasing after some shitty career until their uterus dries out so they can buy some pointless overpriced shit to wear as status symbols to show off what great goyim they have been. They stress them selves out doing shit they don't like doing because that's what shlomo's "feminism" told them to do.

This manufactured perversion goes against the laws of nature and this is why they will never be happy, and will end up dating random men and having meaningless sex with their worn out and dried out vaginas, and then go home to their cats.

Whereas a woman who has embraced her feminine nature will know the joys of motherhood and could spend time with her children while her husband is at work, and then have his company when he returns.




Degenerates. If you want to sodomize boys who like to dress up as girls, then you've some issues.



Not if I can do anything to stop it, sexual deviant freaks GTFO!

Celibate NatSoc Master Race Reporting In!



What if something happens to the spouse? Lets say he gets injured in an accident, or she becomes widowed,etc. How is she supposed to take care of the children and herself (and him accident,etc.) if something happens? What about the couple financially? Shouldn't she be able to help pull her weight to help support the family?


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Because they're raised that way.

No, really. How many of you have seen a girl's life from birth? From the moment they can speak and understand, they are taught to look after their appearance and that it is the single most important thing about their life.

In their younger school years, they are viciously ridiculed by other girls and often by boys for having an unusual or less-than-pristine appearance. It's not uncommon for kindergarteners to forget to brush their hair on the back of their head(failing to see it in the mirror) and end up having a horrible day as people mock them.

Going into high school, the rat race for friends, cliques, and social status begin. How does a girl get ahead in this? Certainly not good grades, being a benign housewife type, but by being pretty. They learn sex as a way for men to appreciate their appearance, and so become whores, believing in their naive minds that getting a lot of sex means they must be pretty, soothing their inflamed self-consciousness.

As they get into their twenties, the rising responsibilities of young adults make having children a very poor idea. Why would you have children when you don't even have steady employment? Maternity leave is going the way of the dinosaur, and it is no longer reasonable to expect a single man of the household to be able to support her for nine months. They need time to get college degrees, save up money for having a child.

Of course, having a child ruins your beauty as you face hormonal changes and stretch marks, so women face strong incentives to not bear children. When they do, it inevitably causes them a great deal of self-consciousness and despair as they see the one thing they built their life around disintegrate.

Of course, they now have this beautiful, young baby girl with a chance to start over and recreate her beauty vicariously. Why, she even looks just like you. We should teach her early the importance of makeup and good hair…

Your answer is; How could they be anything else in the current culture?



So being ugly made you self-conscious enough that you started moving towards the other direction? Do you think you'd be shallow if you weren't like that? Maybe being ugly was for the best.



> From the moment they can speak and understand, they are taught to look after their appearance and that it is the single most important thing about their life.



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I developed differently because of a defect. Being asexual, I found no pleasure or even comfort in sex, and being a 'prude' in a modern western high school was a great way to get thrown out of the big cliques.

Cue encounters with spirituality, which taught me that people care about things that don't matter way too much. I thank my shrine to Crowley and Buddha every day for protecting me from the fatal "woman in her 20s"-syndrome.


There's always exceptions to the rule, obviously. Not everyone is raised by the same person, but almost all children raised in any western country will experience public schooling, which is rife with these things.

Yes, fighting standards of beauty is a thing SJWs say. Being something that crazy people rant about doesn't instantly make it worthless as a point of debate.



Explain why females that are homeschooled are feminine as fuck and make superior wives then.

All the public school does is try to force feminist egalitarian anti-white propaganda into them.



>We should teach her early the importance of makeup and good hair…

Makeup makes women look like disgusting 2/10 would not bang clowns. I fucking hate cosmetics. The reason women are sold cosmetics is to waste away money and give them an excuse to not eat healthy and work out in order to obtain truly beautiful aesthetics.

Cosmetics need to be banned.



>shrine to Crowley


Why are you worshipping that wretched degenerate if you're a pure, celibate, asexual?

Also I myself worship beauty (in both males and females) and want to see more beauty in the world so I absolutely hate people like you that want acceptance of the ugly and inferior.



They have good family's that love and care about them. They have good feminine role models that are nurturing and caring… I would imagine.


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What you are suggesting supports my argument? Taking a child out of public schooling and into a self study(the modern word for homeschool) program that by its nature teaches self sufficiency and responsibility, then imprints the morality of a responsible set of adults instead of the whims of random other children would very much make that child an exception.

Teachers and deans do not rule schools. They can put up propaganda targeted at children, same as anyone can put up anywhere children can be found, but the greater influence on a child's personality comes from their peers and parents.


Can't fault your logic there. Makeup makes me feel like I'm wearing a mask, it's stifling.


That line was a joke. No one should ever seriously put Buddha and Crowley in the same sentence, let alone the same shrine. I don't count as celibate because I've given sex a try-how else would I know it's awful and boring?

I'm not preaching acceptance of the ugly or inferior, just that a beauty standard shouldn't be taught to children, but develop naturally as they age. If you're against race mixing and the like, this will help you, because there is a recorded and observable genetic predisposition for people of germanic and nordic descent to find people with blonde hair and blue eyes beautiful.


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>No one should ever seriously put Buddha and Crowley in the same sentence

Why not?


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>let alone the same shrine

How come?




Both interesting historical figures(for the sake of argument we'll treat buddha as a single person in the common uneducated sense) with very different ideas on spirituality. Trying to understand one within the frame of the other would be distracting and prevent you from seeing their point in full.

I'd be interested in hearing why you think they belong together, if you have the time.



What is inheritance? What is life insurance? She would get his house and money, and a fuckton of money from life insurance. There is also charity.

In the case of widowed women, they could and did work as waitresses, nurses, secretaries, teachers, etc.

Also her family and her husband's family would support them. How do you think this shit worked before the plague of feminism swept the world? That a woman and her children would just starve to death if her husband died?

>Shouldn't she be able to help pull her weight to help support the family?

I'm assuming you mean both the wife and husband work?

Being a mother to her children and a wife to her husband is pulling her weight… The only thing that came from the forced new norm of women working as well as their husband is the jew having to pay his employees half as much as the cost of labor was cut in half.

Also a generation of motherless children, who grow up neglected and raised on jewish television.

It used to be that a man could get a job straight out of highschool that could pay for a nice house, and support his wife and 3 children.

My point is not that women shouldn't work at all, it is that they are better suited for their feminine roles and should only take on the masculine role of being a provider if they HAVE TO.




How come are those women in those old German photos all looked good without makeup?

Because the girls in Hitler's youth ate healthy, and were physically fit.

I really hate makeup too, I hate everything that is fake. I hate women with fake tits, with dyed hair, etc. All of that shit conveys deep insecurities, and that isn't attractive.


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They were physically fit, naturally beautiful, and they probably went out of their way to find beautiful women to take pictures of because that's what journalists do.

Plus, women from eras before commerical cosmetics knew a bit more about looking good without foundation and blush. Keep in mind that if they know what they're doing, you can't tell they're wearing any makeup at all.



I'm not talking about the propaganda photos, but photos from every day life.



I don't want to lose my beauty and become worthless. So I will pay any amount for a surrogate mother to bear my child. Losing my beauty would lose my identity.



If you don't give birth, you're worthless.

That's literally the only thing women do better than men.



Are you white?

I know a woman who is white and has red hair, she is about 50 something years old, and when I saw and talked to her I honestly thought she was a teen girl younger than me and did not realize how old she was until she told me and I was taken by surprise as I talked to her in the manner I use for someone younger than me.

She is married to some guy at my father's workplace.

She has had multiple children herself and none of that has affected her beauty and vitality at all.

If you practise the occult, keep your mind and body pure, you will not age and when you are 50 you will look like 20, and when you are 90 you will look like 50, and you will probably die without very much wrinkles and your hair still having never turned grey. If it does turn grey at all it'll probably be during the very last few years of your life.

Just stop abusing your body and your mind. Take good care.



Also I have seen 90 year old men in Nova Scotia that looked 40-50 and were active every day, ate well, had a good temperament, and still enjoyed life and had fun at their age. One of them told me he ate a few grapes ( I believe he said 6 to be exact) every day of his life from a massive vine he showed me in his garden.



>If you practise the occult, keep your mind and body pure, you will not age and when you are 50 you will look like 20, and when you are 90 you will look like 50, and you will probably die without very much wrinkles and your hair still having never turned grey. If it does turn grey at all it'll probably be during the very last few years of your life.


Real occultist can chose to stay young forever. Aging=disease



Are you a real occultist? :^)



>Real occultist can chose to stay young forever.


Yet somehow they cannot into English properly.


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op is a faggot



>wanting to be a genetic dead end

Try marrying a good guy(and i dont mean beta "nice guy")

>implying mothers cant be hot

Women develop bigger breasts after birthing children, as long as you dont get lazy and stop exercising you'll be fine.

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