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Esoteric Wizardry


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A message to the "victims" of Adelaide and the news publications writing about their "plight"
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How do we convert


to our SATANIC way of life?




first sentence

>It's not the Jews, anon.




You don't.




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>anti-semitic naziboos can't tolerate different world-views

Have you tried reading the Bible and praying to Jesus Christ?

You might like it.


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>an actual 'religion'

Try again.


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>Implying the majority here heils Satan or is even otherwise malefic/STS


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kill yourself


>all the shabbos goy loosh in this thread




Pls son the merchants HATE Christianity and seek to destroy it. To give you an idea of how much they hate it, they don't use the plus symbol for addition because it looks too much like a Christian cross. They also dont use our conventional date(2016), instead they're somewhere around the year 6600.



Then there's the good goy Christian who doesn't realize his master is actively destroying Christianity.






I need more of this holy mistress so that I may break my renouncement of lust pledge.


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>To give you an idea of how much they hate it, they don't use the plus symbol for addition because it looks too much like a Christian cross.

Except the cross isn't a christian symbol in the first place.

>They also dont use our conventional date(2016), instead they're somewhere around the year 6600.

No, because our conventional 'date' (AD) is made of bullshit in the first place. Even if the 'domini' existed, its relevance to the world's ==real== history is second next to none.

We're not in 2015 nor 2016. We're so confused we don't even know when to ==really== start counting.



She is a reptilian.



Psh. All women are reptillians, at least this one is hot, and not real.



I think I fell in lust with Chris-tan already. Wish I cd draw better myself ;;



only pleb-Jews hate Christ NOT the Elders of Zion

The Elders knew Christianity was a way to indoctrinate the world with their mythology, making them the chosen people.

Pleb-Jews hate Jesus because the Elders do not want Jews converting, and they needed to blame criminal behaviors on Catholics because Catholics often prosecuted them (Inquisition).

Most Christian movies and TV is run by the Elders of Hollywood.

In fact, Jews sponsored Christian monarchies and Catholic wars, bringing gold in from the Middle East as Europe had run out and Christians were forbidden to practice high finance (usury loans)




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Didn't even know what /fringe/ was. Just dropping by.

Also please don't raid our board or anything. We've got some brony atheist shitting things up over there.

P.s. You've got so many flags! I was going to make mine spurdo. Maybe I'll make another post.






/christian/ refuses to add a Gnostic flag





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