Not the one you answered to but here's my objection to your objection.
>…and quickly invalidates the idea of being on Earth to learn anything.
I don't believe we are really here to "learn".
I think it's more like experience and refine our taste for all things, so that we can create better things and better things and even better things until we achieve perfection, which is kind of hard because perfection is the process itself and not the end result.
Perfection, in my belief system, resides in the act of creating, and when you finish to create you have to create something else to find that perfection again. The Energy Source of the universe life and everything (some call it God) is actually doing just that, he is creating all times (The universe is still ever expanding) because this "being" is perfect.
The reason why we create is so that we can experience things and know ourself better, and when we experience, since we live in a contrasted world (the word imperfect is inadequate), we realize that we can do more and more and more, better and better. When we don't want to create anymore, we die, spiritually and phisically. Because, being students of the occult (I don't like that term but yeah…) we know that our thought is our will and our will is the reality we experience.
When we die, it's not because of unfortunate events, or luck, but because we want it to be (no matter if it's a conscious want or not, believing stuff consciously is not enough, you actually have to live by your beliefs, if you live it, you become it).
Since we created death, we enter the next stage of the creation, which is the astral (and other higher dimensions).In the astral you remember your past life and who you are, in the astral we learn and sum up our experience, we make a debriefing of our precedent lives. Why did we forgot them in the first place ?
Well think about it, you can't experience and feel the real value of pleasure if you do not know pain can you ?
We can also of course wander around and enter higher dimensions (akashic records, mental, atmic, buddhist dimension, and all the others we do not know about).
The point of it all when you are dead is, to experience being ONE with the creation and, not understanding or knowing, but EXPERIENCING this unity.
Since this experience is so pleasurable it can be compared to sex, at a moment or another you have to stop a little bit before you can go for it again.
So to take a brake in between the bliss of experimenting unity with all things we descend to lower dimensions, in our order of choice, eventually we get back to this physical life.