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Esoteric Wizardry


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Is there any "esoteric" meaning (lack of better word) behind red hair? I have a book on Chinese physiognomy and it states that red hair is a sign of "extreme character, either very good or very bad in temperament".

Also, physiognomy general.



red heads are said to be kissed by "fire" (a.k.a. lucifer). Once they die, they will return to the bottomless pit regardless of their deeds in life. They will recieve a soul once they are in hell, and will be reborn a soldier demon servant to lilith.


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IDK but I hear red heads the biggest sluts. This one red head I knew in grade 9 get MUH DIK'd by a dindu on the first date to get back at her dad for some shit.



I find redheads really attractive but have had zero luck with them. And yeah, they are almost always a bit lusty.



>Is there any "esoteric" meaning (lack of better word) behind red hair?


>I have a book on Chinese physiognomy and it states that red hair is a sign of "extreme character, either very good or very bad in temperament".

With great power comes great responsibility.

>Also, physiognomy general.

The so-called red hair gene is part of the optimal genetics for a magician.


Well, there's redheaded Nordic aliens and they're high on STS hierarchy. If we consider that aliens have seeded us and have tinkered with our genetics, it might be possible these redheaded Nordics have passed their genetic material to us. Of course, red hair itself probably doesn't have much effect on our bodies, but it makes you think - what sort of effect do these genes have on us, especially on those who manifest the genetics for redheadness?

Anyways, I cannot quite come up with any esoteric explanation or such apart of this, though I've read that ruling classes (pharaohs) were redheaded - and what about Brahmins and other descendants of Atlantean survivors?


My dad has red hair and I have the red hair gene but it's suppressed by my blonde hair gene.


Y'all are dumb.


A christian friend of mine says that redheads are descendants of those that practiced witchcraft. Srsly.


i have a birthmark right in the center of my forehead. does this mean i have powers? thx



It means you're a cum eater.



Off by one.


>ITT: people who don't understand how genetics work

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