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File: 1433888728360.pdf (279.99 KB, Swami Panchadasi - The Hum….pdf)


This took me forever to create. Here is a new William Walker Atkinson PDF I just made that nobody has. If anyone wants to try to make a better PDF than me here's the source: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/22739/22739-h/22739-h.htm

Now that I think about I should probably download the ePub or Kindle format and just convert to PDF that way shit.

Ah well, following I shall copypaste the book here.


Wow thanks man, good job.


Each chapter should be on a separate page.



Just made this, too tired to check it thoroughly though.



Your PDF is extremely fucked up. The OP pdf is a shitload better than the abomination you just made.


File: 1433906779229.pdf (172.48 KB, Swami Panchadasi - The Hu….pdf)

Just made this, took me like 2 hours to do.



Nice, and you got even trips. *_*



Good work op.


Thanks, it's definitely formatted better. Digging the new CSS, by the way.




The only thing that needs fixing is each chapter links to the webpage instead of letting you jump forward to that specific chapter inside of the PDF itself.




Wow I uploaded it without those blurry words dunno why it came out like that.


Swami Panchadasi - The Human Aura, Astral Colors and Thoughtforms.pdf

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