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Hey guys, something weird happened to me, I don't know anything about magic or stuff like that so I figured here is a good place to go.

So I went to bed for a short nap, and slept for around 45 minutes.

First I lay down, after a bit my entire body starts to go numb, my limbs feel weak, this happens every once in a while.

Soon I'm in the halfway between awake and asleep, I close my eyes and then weird stuff starts.

First I start hearing what sounds like 50s jazz music in my head, not like it's stuck in my head, but like it's playing faintly in my head.

I'm fairly certain I'd never heard that particular song before, so in my half awake state, I tried to mentally focus on it.

Once I started paying attention to it, it started getting louder in my head until it culminated in a sound I can't really describe, but then I felt this really big feeling.

It was kinda like an orgasm in the sense it drowned everything else in my head out, but it wasn't as pleasant (but it was still good feeling).

After a second the feeling went away, and there was no more music. My ears were ringing, or maybe it was in my head.

The same thing happened with the ringing sounds several times, then I think I may've started to feel a different entity in my head, I'm not entirely sure though.

I think the entity had some sort of laugh, or chuckle, then the ringing thing happened a few more times.

Throughout the entire time, I was half awake enough I could've forced myself awake, but I didn't, I could've resisted, but I didn't because it felt good.

I had some sort of idea in my head while it was happening that the entity might be trying to control/influence me, but at the time that didn't seem especially bad.

I really don't remember exactly what happened next, but I do know I had a couple lucid dreams with more of the ringing thing happening in between.

While I was completely aware that I was in dreams the whole time, I couldn't enact any changes in the world and I felt really numb.

Also everyone in the dream looking like someone I knew, except their faces were somehow different.

Similar things have happened before, but nothing this big.


So guys, what do? Is this a danger to me? Can I turn it to my advantage? Is there any other places I should ask around for help.


Sounds like a DMT outburst in your pineal gland OP, happens to lot of ungrounded people (including me) when they take short naps and especially during the midday.

I'm not that good about projections/dreams however and I can't really help you with them, don't be afraid of the entity however, sounds like it's a part of you or just something that wants your attenion, it's up to you to give it some and in what way.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've had sleep paralysis all my life, and thus, experience with lucid dreaming/hypnagogic delusions.

The answer:

"Even the deepest contemplation only recalls us to our unreality. Seeing that the self we take ourselves to be is illusory does not mean seeing through it to something else. It is more like surrendering to a dream. To see ourselves as figments is to awake, not to reality, but to a lucid dream, a false awakening that has no end."

Also what you feel fits the definition of magic on this board (breaking the 4th wall), DMT is much stronger, a waking dream



>all those instances of "in my head"

Materialist, please. Your mind is not contained to your head. It is distributed over your whole body (nerves are everywhere in your body, not just the brain) and it extends beyond it as well in the nature of an aura / EMF.

You should read Chasing Phantoms and also all the books recommended in the FAQ for /fringe/



Be Careful with Chasing Phantoms



Trips confirms, the book is dangerous, and you must be careful reading it.


So apart from anons trolling OP into meeting ayy lmaos, it sounds somewhat like some entities are trying to make contact with you.

Their familiarity suggest that perhaps you knew them in your past life.

I get that ringing too during different times of the day along with a strong feeling of a malevolent presence so there's definitely someone watching you.

Learn some banishing rituals to get rid of it or take the long path of developing your astral senses and make conscious contact with it.



When you say long path to developing astral senses, how long do you mean? I've been semi interested in this stuff, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to commit all the way. How worth it is it to try and contact this entity? Is it going to come back? Can it only do stuff while I'm asleep/semiasleep? How can I tell if it's malevolent or benign?



What do you mean by ungrounded? What are some ways to give the thing attention?



Ungrounded: Not being present, not being one with gravity, not being in your body

You give it more attention by thinking about it duh



The answer to absolutely everything where you want to develop a new faculty is that the speed in which you develop that new faculty depends upon how intense and concentrated your desire for it is.

A month of half-assing it can work, but an hour of intense passion can get the same results.

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