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Esoteric Wizardry


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Anyone aware of similar groups? justpaste.it/riselikelions


Good luck with this mundane nonsense…

saged and hidden


I read the linked pdf – Hardly mundane. These guys are planning on carrying out the "Forbidden Experiment" and are more bent on mass genocide and apocalyptic destruction than ISIS.



"these guys" it's just a website you nigger.


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That sounds like the perfect fbi honey pot.


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Each animal has its own mystery.

I believe them to be sentinels of greater beings.

Birdwatching for example can be /fringe/ as fuck. Or taking time to consider the loyalty of a dog, or looking into the eyes of a snake.






Completely. Really, birds are the messengers and communicators of nature and we've actually abused that in the past for our own means. For example, messenger pigeons.

In the morning, their sounds and calls are what helps call for dawn and for the animals to begin waking, for others (nocturnal) to begin sleeping. They do similar in late evening.

Then, if there is ever danger, say like a bush fire in the distance, them flying above squawking etc signals "danger" to other animals.

Birds are amazing animals and have some awesome personality. When I spend time in nature sometimes there will be birds that gather to where I am and start singing, sometimes they'll fly near me etc. They are really fun animals and interesting to observe. Every single bird has an individual call, like a fingerprint, and their different calls tell about different events. Hell, some bird species base their mating call off of their whole life story up until that point, then the female bird interprets that story and chooses a mate based on how good their story is.


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Each bird is ruled by its own god, a bird of warriors, of lovers, of makers, of reason, of energy.

Birds when telepathically communicating with you, can form amazing bonds and teach you new psycic abilities. I just had a red shouldered hawk (mars) teach me how to use my 4th astral eyes to see his aura and he would fly between the trees then go back and call at me to get me to watch him, i will shortly go outside to see him

He will teach me new things as birds as a whole are more inteligent and sophisticated than man, and i do deeply love them.

you goys might find the book "impeachment of man" by sivitri devi a great read, she talks in it about nature centric thinking and power of natures beauty valued over mans civilization.



You goys might also like the book



Essencially its the social darwinists manifesto for the left hand path warrior/magus, whos into racism, nazism, cannibalism, agression, militarism and a stregnth based mrality.



I very much like this group but they must realize that abortion/infanticide is quite natural and happens all the time in nature and that preventing someone from doing that is fucking stupid. Why the fuck also do they oppose eugenics?

That profile shit also seems like a major HONEYPOT and they've got fucking facebook, twitter, etc. feeds on there? Where is the concern for privacy?

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