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Let's say that I'm going to off myself in 100 days by jumping off a building because of family reasons. Purely theoretical you see, totally not saying I will.

Is there something I have to do beforehand? Like pursue a discipline of some kind and such to be ready I feel myself at ease in the astral/next reincarnation/heaven(>implying suicidals reach heaven)/etc.?


To be ready to feel*



Something you have to do? Like a responsibility or an obligation? Not really.

You should probably avoid eating 5 days prior so you don't take a shit when you die then people find your shitty corpse. It's already humiliating enough to off yourself cus you're an insecure faget


Sit for 15 minutes -eyes closed- and watch your thoughts pass by, from the perspective of an independent and neutral observer. When a thought appears, observe it and then let it go, don't be attached to any thought, watch it emerge from the void and disappear there again. You will start to feel your "presence" without thinking, in the space between thoughts that will begin to form and expand. If any feeling appears, do the same as with the thoughts, let it go.

Do it with your back straight, a deep and slow breath, your body relaxed and preferably an empty stomach.

Repeat twice daily, if possible the first shortly after waking up and the second an hour before going to sleep.

You can start with 5 minutes and add one minute every day until you reach 15.

This has way more benefits that you will realize at first. Be constant. It will free yourself from grief.

If you persist doing it every day, an otherwordly peace and bliss will start flowing into your life.

Never try to force meditation, you can't "go and meditate" for the same reason that you can't "go to sleep", you lay in bed and wait for it to happen, meditation is the same. The letting go of the thoughts is like laying and relaxing in bed.

If you keep at it with determination, you will be reborn way before these 100 days.



>If you keep at it with determination, you will be reborn way before these 100 days.

You mean reborn in an intellectual way.


If you suicide (Assuming you ascribe to the Neoplatonic model), you'll simply reincarnate again. You'll keep reincarnating until you finally achieve union with the All (In simplistic terms, God).

Don't kill yourself, it's not worth it. Your life is a gift from the All, don't waste it, and suffering leads to knowledge and strengthens both the body and the mind.


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>OP got lucky enough to incarnate in a time when so much info on magic is available

>wants to kill himself and roll the dice for his next incarnation


What a bloody waste.


Suicide will not fix anything in my opinion. When you incarnate you alone choose which lessons you want to learn in this incarnation you also choose your parents and the place you incarnate into. Most of the things are predetermined. A perfectly balanced being would have no other emotions than love he would not feel hatred, greed ,glutony ,self pity or any other of those emotions. That is if you are on the positive path of service to others in case you are on the negative path its different. That is when you have suceeded and have no need to reincarnate here again if you so choose. That means you graduate into 4 th density. But all of us missed the harvest so we have the honor of serving others on this planet for another 25.000 year cycle. There are constantly lessons to be learned until you are incarnated here. I would suggest you take a step back and figure out what is cousing blockages in your chakras cousing a non acceptence of the self.

There is a huge amount of chakra healing material which you can only google. You need to find happines in yourself and not depend on others for it. If you are interested I can provide some books or web pages I use.




what makes you say we 'missed' the Harvest? I remember it was said in "Living the Law of One" that the harvest would occur in 2012, but I believe this was a case of misunderstanding or perhaps channel corruption; I see that the Wave that brings about the Harvest is still to come - all prophecies and dates should not be taken granted because how much freewill can affect the outcome. . . and I suspect because the negative forces haven't showed themselves yet; they will act harshly when the Wave is most near.

But that time is not yet.



No actually I used the material from here :


Well the harvest happens every 25.000 years that much is a fact even if it did not yet happen and they were wrong in counting. That doesn't change anything. Everyone who wants to be harvestable/ ascend as mystical traditions call it has to work on himself. It is irrelevant when it happens in my opinion.

>and I suspect because the negative forces haven't showed themselves yet; they will act harshly when the Wave is most near.

That much is obvious because it is their duty as is the duty of the adepts to help others on what ever path they choose. Be it the left hand path or the right hand path.




If you commit suicide you will give up the rights to your body and it will be invaded by an extradimensional entity in the next reincarnation to yours and everyone else's detriment. You will be aiding the intradimensional possession of the Human realm, just like the kikejews.



Not sure of this, but I've understood that if you attempt suicide and fail, you have given permission for negative entities to invade your body. (Because if you don't need your body, somebody else will be happy to take over)

You don't even have to attempt suicide; if you dwell in negativity, depression, paranoia, hatred, etc. it signalizes to these entities that you are willing to submit unto their rule, because you begin to vibrate the same vibrations with them and you start making subconscious alignments with these entities.

See: some occultist or ufologists who succumbed to depression and got replaced/possessed by negative forces.



Interesting. Any good, clear examples to look in to?


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Is this like the Cat's Cradle thing?

Desire to learn more about the jews role in this intensifies..





>Be suicidal

>Kill self

Now all the people you knew are x (your age) amount of years older than you. You're now back down on the social ladder.

>Have to go back to middle and high school. Especially middle school.

>No real respect from "elders" or "peers", who are just children.

>Different mother and father, and past siblings + family relations gone. Have to re-tie your relationships

And psychologically…

>You now realize you have no "true" mother and father, but "anyone" or everyone could have been your parents.

>Same with siblings

>Any friends you had won't remember you or respect you. They will have jobs and careers, you will not. You have to start all over, and since you no longer have any income, you can't travel.

>By the time you DO have an income - and assuming you used thoughtforms to remind you that you're a re-incarnation - have to re-learn (if reminded of) your studies, and if you don't remember your studies, you have to do it again.

I'm not really knowledgeable about thoughtforms. I've really only read the two books and have lurked and heard of thoughtforms being used to remind you of being another incarnation.

Really need to remember where that's from. Probably from the other suicide thread.


>Get re-incarnated into a girl.

You have no idea how much frowning I did at this thought.

I understand the thought, as I have it myself, but either way, you're screwed. Heaven, re-incarnation, or really any other way (re-incarnation with memories), you'll be screwed.

Nevertheless, we're all here for a reason: to study the occult, and achieve our own goals.


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why the fuck would you have any memory of your past personality once you killed your body and reincarnated?

why would it be different than any other reincarnation in this respect?

you forget, and you are renewed as in it's a new drop of soul energy that incarnates, not the personality who died

unless if you're some kind of vampire who cheats death anyway


"Where does the soul of a human being who takes his own life go?

Samael Aun Weor : Those who commit suicide suffer a great deal after their death, and they live, here and now, yet in the region of dead, and after a certain period of time they return into a new maternal womb and appear again in this valley of tears. Then, when their new body arrives again at the age in which they committed suicide in the past, they die again, but against their will, perhaps at a moment in which they are more captivated by life."



Fuck off, Gnostic spammers.



Why this crazy man named himself after Satan? I'm triggered by this, he's responsible for 6 million jews GASSED in polish death camps!



If you are stuck in a retarded or depressed brain with bad eyesight, none of that information will do a bit of good. Everyone has to make their own decisions. Older ages weren't polluted with as many "skeptics" (confidence killers) either. I would like to be reborn in the Druidic age.



Reincarnation revives your body, but not your memories, but with thought forms, you can (supposedly) remind yourself of your past life. After that, refer to the rest of my post.

So, in short, I know reincarnation is the same throughout, but the use of thought forms can be used to remind you to keep up on Hermeticism.

I hope there are no more misunderstandings. Thanks.


That's scary. It's like Hell, which, I personally dislike. It's a bit mean spirited. Thank you for the information. Which book is this from?

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