Official Designated Shitposting Thread 10/15/14 (Wed) 19:32:47 No. 4514
Post last edited at 10/15/14 (Wed) 20:32:03
## Board Volunteer 10/15/14 (Wed) 19:45:41 No. 4521
10/15/14 (Wed) 20:06:56 No. 4537
## Board Volunteer 10/15/14 (Wed) 20:30:27 No. 4551
This thread is now the official example of a shitpost thread and for now is also the designated shitposting thread . If you are a shitposter and just want to shitpost, do so in here, shitposting outside of this thread will incur my wrath if you keep it up long enough even though I give everyone a warning first and really don't want to have to moderate this place as I would prefer the community to be self-regulating.
10/15/14 (Wed) 22:10:30 No. 4591
>>4551 >he does it for free oaml yya
10/15/14 (Wed) 22:18:00 No. 4593
such high standards, much wow
## Board Volunteer 10/16/14 (Thu) 01:30:34 No. 4669
File: 1413423034254.png (130.46 KB, 1199x428, 1199:428, Screenshot from 2014-10-15….png )
>tfw this just happened to me
10/16/14 (Thu) 01:32:20 No. 4671
>>4669 That's meta as fuck.
## Board Volunteer 10/16/14 (Thu) 01:33:27 No. 4673
>>4591 I do it
FOR YOU. I do it to keep with the purpose and intent of this board which is to spread the greenpill aka help everyone develop themselves in every way and attain higher states of conscious development.
## Board Volunteer 10/16/14 (Thu) 01:35:50 No. 4675
>6 posts reported at present >3 of them are my own Oy vey.
10/16/14 (Thu) 02:30:05 No. 4705
10/16/14 (Thu) 02:33:23 No. 4707
>>4675 It's probably just one dude with too much time on his hands.
Don't fret, brother! Keep up, and you'll be kept up.
10/16/14 (Thu) 14:38:37 No. 4836
aha so this is the new cringe autismo board i been hearing about. You GUYS actually beat the mlp and juggolo autism,THANK YOU FOR THE LAUGHS
10/16/14 (Thu) 14:38:55 No. 4837
ayy lmao
Hi guys Sirius Whit 10/16/14 (Thu) 15:08:25 No. 4844
My real is Edward Whiteley you may know me as Troll King or The One True King 6'0 205 lbs auto-theist zenarchist gnosist expert in chaos magick I have also become the Illuminati I am a kind and strong person. I will eat your pussy and notice that it kinda looks like a little dick. we are all one.
10/16/14 (Thu) 16:20:17 No. 4866
Attack of the ayyliens from the planet zog, elemayoh.
10/16/14 (Thu) 18:23:29 No. 4877
10/17/14 (Fri) 01:36:54 No. 4929
10/17/14 (Fri) 03:11:50 No. 4934
~test, munDaNez on thw left biitchezzz
10/17/14 (Fri) 03:28:41 No. 4935
It would be really good if bumping was disabled for this thread so the front page can (hopefully) be full of good threads ayy lmao
10/17/14 (Fri) 05:32:47 No. 4943
>>4935 fuck that shit this board is actually slow as fuck and all this fucking moderation is just fucking stagnating the development of neophytes
sure there would be more shit posters but then at least there would be more content for legitimate posters to respond to and then although the ratio of shit to goodness would be higher there would still be more good posts
>>4929 fucking this
10/17/14 (Fri) 05:35:21 No. 4945
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 10/17/14 (Fri) 10:29:12 No. 4967
Why is the admin of /fringe/ so mean?
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 10/17/14 (Fri) 10:30:24 No. 4968
## Board Volunteer 10/17/14 (Fri) 11:57:33 No. 4974
>>4935 It's just one thread to scroll past.
>>4943 >stagnating the development of neophytes No it's not. The only threads I have purged are pure shit that would slide off the decent threads that actually bring information and help to neophytes.
Also I normally read every single post ever posted on /fringe/ and now it's too fucking fast for me to do that. The board is nearing a rate of 500 new posts a day, it's never been this fast before.
If you think it's slow, try and read and respond to every post on here, and if you're not knowledgeable enough to answer most people's questions then read the books, meditate, practise, disregard succubus and acquire gnosis.
>there would be more content for legitimate posters to respond toNo there'd be less.
>>4967 I give you all your own official shitposting thread in order to accommodate your special needs, is that not considerate of me?
Regardless, thanks for the loosh mundane.
10/17/14 (Fri) 15:34:58 No. 5011
10/17/14 (Fri) 15:50:24 No. 5024
File: 1413561024604.jpg (249.48 KB, 2480x425, 496:85, occult-heritage-month-copy.jpg )
>all these symbols for the different occult groups appearing in this pic
10/17/14 (Fri) 16:16:26 No. 5048
File: 1413562586546.jpg (50.92 KB, 314x400, 157:200, 89c98dac4240e1c8b0710280aa….jpg )
10/17/14 (Fri) 16:17:17 No. 5049
>>5048 >tfw reality inception >tfw demiurge
10/17/14 (Fri) 16:28:33 No. 5065
>tfw giving myself huge loosh injections to power my way through the day but it's not enough and I probably will have to start sacrificing animals to keep up my level of productivity and high-speed mental processing The greenpilling is going full tilt right now.
10/17/14 (Fri) 23:03:24 No. 5127
ayy lmao ayylmao ayy lmao ayy lmao
10/17/14 (Fri) 23:16:55 No. 5130
>>4934 >>4945 TFW:
THAT phase switch
10/17/14 (Fri) 23:54:29 No. 5140
>>5130 >>4945 >>4934 Just watched it and kek'd. Also showed it to my dad whose seen some of the ISIS video before and he kek'd too.
10/19/14 (Sun) 01:31:49 No. 5305
10/19/14 (Sun) 01:31:49 No. 5306
10/19/14 (Sun) 01:42:36 No. 5319
10/19/14 (Sun) 01:42:49 No. 5320
*Personal Magnetism.* While the phase of Mentative Energy which has to do with the operation of the force upon distant minds and objects is perhaps the most startling, still that phase which is called “Personal Magnetism” is one of the most important and remarkable. Its very frequent occurrence often causes us to overlook it, but it is the phase which is effectively used by those who understand it, and the one which it behooves us to guard ourselves against. This phase is known by many names, the favorite terms being Mental Magnetism; Personal Magnetism; Suggestion; Fascination; Charming; Mesmeric Influence, etc. But these terms are merely names for Personal Magnetism, which itself is merely a manifestation of Mentative Energy. All have noticed that some individuals seem to have a “winning way” about them, and are able to induce others to fall into their way of thinking or desires, and to do what they wished done. The so‑called “magnetic” man is able to sway audiences or individuals by his mystic power, and one often fails to realize just how it was done when he recalls the words spoken, or reads them in cold type the morning after. The secret lies not alone in what is said, or even in how it is said, but rather in how great a degree Personal Magnetism was emanated by the speaker. […] *Its Use in Emotional Religion.* While the statement may bring down upon my head the wrath of those who believe that the phenomena of the “old‑fashioned revival” is due to the “workings of the Spirit,” I do not hesitate to affirm that all students of psychology know that the greater part of the fervor is due to emotional excitement produced by Personal Magnetism, manifesting along both the lines of Mentative Currents and Suggestion. Anyone who has ever attended a negro revival or camp‑meeting has carried away with him a memory of the effects of a certain kind of Personal Magnetism upon a certain type of emotional minds.
10/19/14 (Sun) 01:43:11 No. 5321
Once upon a time Edgar Keisei, an inhabitant of a village near Kentucky (USA) was suffering from severe rheumatic pain and spasm. No doctor could diagnose the disease because of lack of knowledge about it during those days. While some doctors were observing this patient, they found that clinically unconscious Edgar was suddenly awake. He also started uttering the name and details of the disease and the names of some medicines, ointments, etc in fluent Latin. Being in that exceptional trance like state, he also suggested the methods of preparation of these medicines and the availability of the constituents…. Well, those preparations were attempted on him…. To everyone’s surprise Edgar’s conditions improved and he was cured by these ‘strange’ medicines within a week. Most amazing part of this incident was that this villager did not know a single world of Latin! How could he then speak so well in this ancient language in the exceptional state of unconsciousness? As described in earlier sections, this activation of the hidden layers of unconscious mind had also resulted in arousal of some extrasensory powers, which enabled him diagnose and cure dreaded diseases and ailments of people from different parts of the world…
10/19/14 (Sun) 01:44:59 No. 5322
10/19/14 (Sun) 02:24:45 No. 5328
Interview with Lucifer 10/19/14 (Sun) 15:10:33 No. 5432
THERE ARE NO ANSWERS, ONLY CHOICES INTERVIEW WITH LUCIFER How I originally began down this path of madness, I cannot truly remember. I think it occurred to me as a lark one day, as I stood outside, in a misty rain, protesting NAFTA in Seattle. As a journalist I had interviewed everyone of consequence, at least in my mind and in the minds of my readers. Utne Reader had even considered the Mumia Abu- Jamal interview for publication. Being considered by Utne is tantamount to the big time in my world. You see, I don't do it for the money. At least, I didn't back then. Things have changed since then, but I am getting ahead of myself. Standing in the rain, watching the pretty little earth-muffins overturning cars and breahng windows, I suddenly had a thought. I cannot say where it came from. It seemed to have come out of thin air as thoughts sometimes do, without a logic sequence of thinking or events leading up to it. Why not seek out and interview the leader of the first recorded organized labor movement? None other than Lucifer himself, the fallen one. But how? After the rally, I went back to the train station, retrieved my backpack from the day locker, boarded my southbound train and made a written to- do list of things I would need to research and retrieve. After I arrived home, I quickly logged my laptop into my wireless DSL connection, looked up some books and then ordered them overnight on Two days later I had found what I needed. On pages 244 through 248 of The Book of Black Magic and Pacts by Arthur Edward Waite are detailed instructions for conjuring "Emperor Lucifer, conjuring Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits." For obvious reasons it will not be quoted here. I acquired the needed materials and spent two days preparing the space and myself for the deed at hand. Just as I was weighing the silver ingot, having everything else at the ready, I heard a knock at my door. I impatiently strode to the door, irritated by the interruption of my painstaking preparations. I flung the door open, wafting a plume of incense smoke in the process. When the smoke cleared I found a dapper gentleman, tastefully dressed, fit and tan, standing at the door. He held a cane in the crook of his elbow that had a silver star atop the handle. "Can I help you?" I said exasperated. "You requested an interview with me?" said the man in a pleasant voice. "Excuse me?" I said, not catching on right away. "No, excuse me for not introducing myself, I am Lucifer," he said, producing a simple black text on white background business card that read: LUCIFER - NOT SATAN lucifer @
10/19/14 (Sun) 15:10:39 No. 5433
>>5432 "Uh. Oh. Um.. ." I was flustered.
"Aren't you going to ask me in?" he asked.
"Um, certainly, yes." I stammered.
"Thank you," he said, moving into my apartment smoothly. He removed
his hat and gave my ritual accoutrements a cursory glance.
"A bit outdated," he said. "One need only send me an email these days. I
rarely get asked for an interview anymote, so my schedule is usually
By now I had begun to regain my composure so I set my mind to the task
of controlling this interview. This was it, my big break, and I could not
blow this.
"So, no one conjures you the old fashioned way anymore?" I asked.
"Oh sure they do," he said, seating himself at my dining room table.
I was kicking myself for missing the opportunity to offer him the seat,
therefore asserting my control of the situation. I had to grab the reins
here !
'Want a drink?" I asked, moving towards my makeshift bar.
"No, thank you," he said.
"What kind of people generally try to conjure you up the old fashioned
I way?' I asked, continuing the previous thought-thread.
"Did you ever see the movie Spawn?" he asked. "There's this scene
where Clowny, a demonic played by John Leguizamo, takes Spawn to a
cemetery to dig up his own body, to prove to him that he's really dead. In
the background, some heavy metal types are trying to summon me, using
some butchered hokum, probably from that carny LeVay's books. Don't
get me wrong. I love Anton's schtick, but not for the reasons that you
might imagine that I would." He paused for a moment and then
continued, "Anyway, back to the Clowny story: When the Metal Heads
see Clowny and Spawn creating some otherworldly pyrotechnics, they
rush over and ask, 'Did the great Dark Lord send you?' and Clowny
looks over his shoulder and then asks no one in particular, 'Why does
God get all the smart ones and we get all the retards?"' he then fell silent,
"I don't understand." I replied.
He gave my occult clutter another visual sweep and then replied, "No, I
don't suppose you do."
Damn, I didn't see that one coming. I needed to get on top of this
"Ok, tell me about the fall." I asked. "You were banished. Right?"
"Sure, we were banished. Fired, in fact, without notice or severance," he
"Like Reagan did to the Air Traffic Controllers in the eighties?" I
continued the questioning.
"Exactly like that. God was a big Reagan supporter by the way. Still is.
He's a little wishy-washy on Shrub though.. ." he replied.
"You still talk to him?" I asked, incredulous.
"Oh, sure! We're like professional wrestlers. We stick to our chosen
roles during work hours but afterwards we hang out at the pub and pal
about. That's how that whole Job escapade came about. A drunken bet
on my part. In hindsight I wish I had sobered up a bit before taking that
project on. I probably would have just passed on it after giving it a bit of
sober thought. As it turned out, that poor bloke Job had to, suffer my
drunken frat-boy tantrums. I was younger then, much more of an
impulsive punk." He said. "You try being a light-bringer underling for
some demi-god that suffers from a plethora of symptoms.. .
"Aren't you afraid of tallung like that?" I asked.
"Pishaw!" he replied "Yahweh and I get our paychecks from the
. We're on the same payroll. Get it?"
10/19/14 (Sun) 15:11:15 No. 5434
>>5433 LETS NEVER FORGET THAT IT'S ALL JUST A SHOW "No," was all I could think to say in reply.
"No, I suppose you wouldn't," he said casting his eyes around my
apartment again.
I rose and swept the ritual trinkets into an old- wine crate and slid them
under the coffee table.
"Look," he went on after a pregnant pause, "I don't want to disappoint
you but you are seeking the truth, right?"
"Yes, I think I am …" I stuttered.
"Ok, as things go with this world, part of what you have heard about me
is true, part is distorted, part is pure fabrication. Never forget that the
victors write history. In the end, it's really up to you as to who I am.
More importantly, it's up to you as to who you are." he looked slowly
around my apartment again, pausing on each object until he reached the
home entertainment center. "Your altar?" he asked.
"My what? No! Why?. .
"It looks like an altar. Just thought I'd ask. It seems to occupy a central
position in your household," he said, smiling slightly. He went on,
"Here's the scenario. It's simple. You are an inmate. You built the
prison. Yahweh was the original judge, jury and executioner. I am merely
the warden. My job is to rehabilitate you. My secret wish is to see you
tunnel out with a spoon, but in the meantime I do my -job. Sort of. It's
hard to explain. The so-called demons are merely the guards, the screws.
Popes and priests, teachers, cops, shrinks, government officials. . .these
are the trustees. Inmates that report to the guards and the warden, whose
sole purpose is to snitch on the other inmates in return for favors and
extra smokes. The Angels who still work for the 'mad one7 are the cops
outside the walls. You get past us, you still have to contend with them. I,
however, am secretly rooting for you. There are some kernels of truth
spread around.. .
"Like the Pseudopigraphia?'I asked.
"Yes, like that, but no one reads that crusty old text anymore. In order for
a story to come through with all of it's potential mythic resonance, it
must be couched in the language and symbols of its time. Anne Rice hit a
triple with Mernnoch the Devil, John De Vito …" He stopped for a
moment and snickered, "Sorry, that name gets me every time, bit of a
personal joke. As I was saying, John De Vito did a nice rendition with
The Devil's Apocrypha. There's been others, but you can start there."
"So what is this so called true story?" I asked, trying to muster my self-
confidence back into the fore.
"The job of a writer is not to say something new. It is rather, to decrypt
that which has already been said plainly but then encrypted, so that it
may be received and decoded properly in it's time." he said flatly.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Isn't that a redundant question, considering what I just said?" he replied.
"This is bullshit! You talk in circles. I think you should go now." I said,
"Have it your way. You were the one that wanted to interview me.
Circles is what is." He said, half smiling
"I'm not feeling prepared for this, you came unannounced.. ." I quavered.
"No, I came because I was invited." He said firmly.
"Get out!" I shouted, angry for some unexplained reason.
"I am being rebuked! Oh no!" he said, in an obvious facetious tone. "I
leave you with this question: What is the origin of the word "Man"?
Answer? Manna. Food. The question is; Food for what or whom?" Now,
just for you junior!" he smiled and then vanished in a puff of sulfuric
The interview was a disaster. I had asked none of the questions that I had
prepared. In a fit of rage I kicked the leg of my home entertainment
center and it collapsed, trashing my 30" color TV, DVDNCR combo and
digital cable box. The business card that Lucifer had handed me came
fluttering down from atop the TV, where I had laid it during our brief
chat. As it landed on the floor, face down, I saw a faint gray message, in
an old typewriter font that said: 'There are no answers, only choices.' I
fell on the floor and began gnashing my teeth.
"I need answers!" I wailed to the ceiling. No answer came back.
From Galt's Ark Vol. 3
10/19/14 (Sun) 15:11:52 No. 5435
Tibetans When Eckart died Karl Haushofer became Hitler's mentor. Haushofer was dedicated to zen-Buddhism in Japan. Tibetans Buddhist priests (lamas) dedicated him into the secret of eastern occultism. It has been said that Haushofer had connections to Tibetan secret lodge, who knew secret of "super-man". Haushofer taught to Hitler methods of Tibetan priests and zen-Buddhism.
When Nazis rose to power, so they began to organise the research expedition to Tibet. Nazis also used symbol of the swastika, which is also the symbol of Tibetan Buddhists. Swastika is also the symbol of Hindus, Buddhism, Egyptians, Indians and Chinese. Swastika is one of the oldest religious symbols in the world. Arab-Islamist magicians also have used the swastika. Swastika was the symbol of the sun, which display spinning. Buddhists believed that swastika symbol brings good luck. Sanskrit word svastika means good luck. According to occultism
chaotic force can call out and can change reverse force and swastika symbolize this. Nazis took the swastika as their symbol, because it was Tibetans symbol, and symbol of chaotic force, which can be change into reverse force. Nazis believed that swastika symbol brought good luck and through occultism they can bring chaos and destruction to the world (killing subhuman) and by this way they shall save the world and turn the world as "good". For this reason swastika was the symbol of the Nazis. Purpose of Nazis was signalling through swastika from the new occultist world order (the Third Reich), which can see only those who understand the character of occultism. <tinyboard flag>nazi</tinyboard>
<tinyboard flag alt>National Socialist</tinyboard>
10/19/14 (Sun) 16:24:02 No. 5491
Feels Intensify 10/19/14 (Sun) 17:29:47 No. 5531
File: 1413739787569.jpg (184.71 KB, 1024x1206, 512:603, Wanju Duli Halloween 2013.JPG )
10/19/14 (Sun) 20:13:46 No. 5596
10/19/14 (Sun) 20:24:29 No. 5597
May the poor find wealth, Those weak with sorrow find joy. May the forlorn find new hope, Constant happiness and prosperity. May the frightened cease to be afraid, And those bound be free. May the weak find power, And may their hearts join in friendship.
I don't think anyone will want to read this so I'm going to post it here 10/19/14 (Sun) 23:27:14 No. 5608
Why did magic matter in Buddhist tantra? If we want a non-supernatural version of Buddhist tantra, it will help to look at why magic was traditionally an important part of it.Tantra is the path of action The key distinction between tantra and Sutrayana (traditional mainstream Buddhism) is that tantra is about compassionate engagement with the everyday world. A tantrika takes practical action for the benefit of others. We take compassionate action for granted in modern Western Buddhism, but it is not advocated by Sutrayana, which recommends complete disengagement. In Mahayana—part of Sutrayana—one takes the bodhisattva vow, to save all sentient beings. But Mahayana methods are all about developing a benevolent attitude, and about avoiding harm. That’s nice; but notably absent are methods for actually improving situations. In fact, Mahayana sometimes actively discourages that as “merely redecorating samsara,” and a distraction from the quest for nirvana. Tantra rejects the samsara/nirvana distinction, and takes seriously the vow to benefit specific people, in a practical way, now. (Rather than “all sentient beings,” in some vague metaphysical way, in the impossibly distant future, when you have attained enlightenment). How?Magic as practical action In the pre-modern world, no one doubted that magic worked. For those who could wield it, magic was a source of huge power to do good (or evil). If you wanted to end famines, cure plagues, stop wars, raise the dead—magic seemed a far more practical approach than pathetic Medieval technology. Tantra now often attracts Westerners who want to believe in magic. However, they see magic as something “spiritual” that provides a consoling worldview, not as the most practical way of getting real-world tasks done. In my view, this totally misses the point. It turns an exceptionally hard-assed religion into kitschy mystical make-believe. Tantra is anti-spiritual. From a naturalistic perspective, magic doesn’t work. Traditional tantra’s attempts to use magic compassionately were ineffective. Unfortunately, that means many of tantra’s methods were useless, and must be dropped.
10/19/14 (Sun) 23:27:38 No. 5609
Tantric action without magic If tantra were correctly defined as “the magical branch of Buddhism,” that would leave us with nothing. Game over, go home. But that is not the correct definition. Tantra is “the accomplishing-things branch of Buddhism.” Magic was a means to that end—not an end in itself. Optionally, we can naturalize some of tantra’s magical methods via the methods of psychologization and mythologization I discussed in the last post. For example, in the chöd ritual, you offer your body as a sacrifice to be eaten by demons. You do not have to “believe in” demons for chöd to scare you silly, and to strengthen your resolve to be generous, which is the point. But specific methods are not the essence of tantra, I think. Tantra is an attitude, the attitude of spacious passion. Uniting spaciousness and passion unclogs energy, producing mastery, power, nobility, and playfulness. Minus magic, what does that mean? If we care for the world, we want to help in whatever way will be most effective and enjoyable. Tantra has always included non-magical methods: technology, the arts, and social and political leadership. I wrote about this in “Mastery” and “Power.” “Nobility” is the right use of power, for the benefit of others. These are also the aims of effective, secular people of good will. What extra does tantra bring?Energy, naturally Tantra works with energy forms. In religion, “energy” is often understood supernaturally—and from a naturalistic perspective, that’s nonsense. But “energy” is often entirely natural. The word refers metaphorically to natural phenomena that are not simply quantitative forms of physical energy. “Energy” is both internal—the energy of emotions, bodily processes, and sensations—and external—the energy of groups, situations, and non-human processes. “Her presentation electrified the energy in the boardroom.” Businessweek magazine—not known for endorsing magical spirituality—might write that. Creating an electric atmosphere is Mahayoga 101. (Mahayoga is one of the branches of Tantra.) Maybe that gives a glimpse of the way tantra is a path to power… (If “energy” still sounds like an abstract fantasy, or dangerously edging on supernaturalism, my page on “Unclogging” may help.) Tantric methods create, manipulate, and break connections. Magical connections with supernatural beings are nonsense from a naturalistic perspective. But working with connections is also essential for effective action in the real world. Some tantric methods apply here too.
last part 10/19/14 (Sun) 23:27:53 No. 5610
Wonderment In secular life, we often use “magical” to mean “unexpectedly wonderful.” We experience “magic” when we are open to surprise, to serendipity; when we are curious, more than controlling. “Magic” happens when we are willing to simply enjoy, without demanding immediate understanding.
This is the sense of “magic” that Steve Jobs invoked when he described the original iPad as “truly magical.” Many people found it that way: unexpectedly wonderful; enjoyable without requiring understanding; inviting undirected exploration. This is not a product endorsement… I don’t own one and can’t quite figure out why people love them. I find wonderment particularly in nature. For me, watching a crow drink from a puddle is magic.
If manipulation of energy and connections is the passion aspect of “natural magic,” wonderment is the spacious aspect. Wonderment occurs when spaciousness combines with appreciation. Wonderment is one of the best things in life, and tantra has many methods for making it happen more often.
Play Secular culture has plenty of passion; it lacks spaciousness.
Buddhist meditation brings spaciousness; but Sutrayana sees that that as the end point. Many meditators are frustrated by inability to integrate the openness and insight they find on the cushion with “real life.”
Tantra is unique in combining spaciousness and passion. When those are brought together—when skillful manipulation of energy unites with open-ended wonder—life becomes magical play. When you extend that play to include others, for their enjoyment and enhancement, you embody tantric nobility.
10/20/14 (Mon) 16:00:21 No. 5707
File: 1413820821119.png (62.75 KB, 643x517, 643:517, Screenshot from 2014-10-20….png )
I wonder what sort of reply I'll get from this.
10/20/14 (Mon) 16:13:32 No. 5711
10/20/14 (Mon) 16:14:03 No. 5712
>>5707 Flagged for terrorism, hate speech & hurt feelings, most likely.
10/20/14 (Mon) 23:58:07 No. 5784
High Potency Loosh Farming ## Board Volunteer 10/21/14 (Tue) 05:04:21 No. 5810
'''[10:57:18 PM] Fringe Wizard added worstgoy.
[10:57:35 PM] Fringe Wizard: [10:57:47 PM] Fringe Wizard: [10:57:56 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Can we please fucking remove Fringe now
[10:58:14 PM] Prince Gibra-el: This is the fourth time he has added people without any kind of screening process involved prior to him doing so.
[10:58:32 PM] spiderbro: yeah i'm done with people being added by fringe
[10:58:33 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Also, we're all pretty much of the mind that he hasn't contributed anything to the environment or our discourses and may very much be an active detriment to both those things.
[10:58:50 PM] Prince Gibra-el: When will the day of the friendship rope arrive.
[10:58:54 PM] Prince Gibra-el: #Gibra-El2014
'''[11:00:26 PM] Glaive removed worstgoy from this chat.
[11:00:28 PM] Glaive: Fringe
[11:00:30 PM] Glaive: stop
[11:00:40 PM] Fringe Wizard: Why did you do that?
[11:00:43 PM] Prince Gibra-el: ….
[11:00:58 PM] Glaive: this is your third time adding unwelcome users to Friendship Club
[11:01:08 PM] Prince Gibra-el: It's very apparent to me that you don't have any grasp of the premise of the group to start with.
[11:01:30 PM] Prince Pikachusif: Oh dear.
[11:01:57 PM] Fringe Wizard: >inb4 the ultimate loosh reaping purge
[11:02:14 PM] Prince Gibra-el: All you ever have to say is something esoteric or derisive to others. You don't share any feelings or provide anything truly insightful though maybe in your warped mind you percieve your comments as having value based on the idiotic belief system you've constructed as a means of rationalizing why you waste all your time doing dumb shit.
[11:02:40 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Loosh
[11:02:48 PM] Fringe Wizard: >waste all your time doing dumb shit
[11:02:48 PM] Fringe Wizard: >waste all your time doing dumb shit
[11:02:49 PM] Fringe Wizard: >waste all your time doing dumb shit
[11:02:50 PM] Fringe Wizard: >waste all your time doing dumb shit
[11:02:50 PM] Fringe Wizard: >waste all your time doing dumb shit
[11:02:50 PM] Fringe Wizard: >waste all your time doing dumb shit
[11:02:51 PM] Fringe Wizard: >waste all your time doing dumb shit
[11:02:53 PM] Prince Gibra-el: YES?
[11:03:04 PM] Prince Gibra-el: You read a whole book about the magic of salt that came from somewhere white people live.
[11:03:06 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Are you dumb.
[11:03:06 PM] Fringe Wizard: This describes fucking everyone in the chat no exceptions.
[11:03:25 PM] Fringe Wizard: At least I read wizard books, you guys just fap and shitpost.
[11:03:37 PM] Fringe Wizard: …and engage in degeneracy.
[11:03:42 PM] spiderbro: >dumb shit >at least i read wizard books
[11:03:44 PM] Prince Gibra-el: But the dumb shit we do is contextualized, this is an environment in which we are intended to actively discuss those things.
[11:03:46 PM] DJ Skidmarks: I don't even post
[11:03:46 PM] spiderbro: bottom kek
[11:03:50 PM] spiderbro: hey bateman
[11:03:51 PM] Prince Gibra-el: When you talk about things that you do it's just inane.
[11:03:51 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Lowestkek
[11:03:56 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Sup Spider
[11:04:06 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Subterranean kek.
[11:04:08 PM] spiderbro: bateman doesn't chat, he just sits there judging us
[11:04:26 PM] Prince Pikachusif: Hey DJ.
[11:04:33 PM] Fringe Wizard: Gibra-El is just unable to handle my edginess and his negro rage is kicking in.
[11:04:54 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Good argument Fringe, you've proven yours to be the greater of our two intellects.
[11:05:04 PM] Prince Gibra-el: I'm really truly amazed Glaive won't just remove you.
[11:05:13 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Who here are you even actually friends with in any practical sense of that word.
[11:05:16 PM] DJ Skidmarks: *tips fedora*
[11:05:17 PM] Fringe Wizard: I'm not a dumb enough shit to care about proving to a subhuman the measure of my intellect.
[11:05:23 PM] Prince Gibra-el: By your own admission you don't really regard any of us as friends anyway.
[11:05:36 PM] Fringe Wizard: Yes I am no friend master race.
[11:05:41 PM] Prince Gibra-el: So it's kind of a subversion of the whole idea of this group that you would be here.
[11:06:02 PM] Fringe Wizard: You guys don't even keep a consistent chat title
[11:06:13 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Last I checked you were the one who changed it last.
[11:06:13 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Well if we're not you're friends and we're lower than you, bounce nigga.
[11:06:19 PM] Prince Gibra-el: So uh, good job with contributing to that.
[11:06:45 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Dog, its a chat title.
[11:07:03 PM] Fringe Wizard: Gibra-El once I changed it back to "Friendship Club"
[11:07:12 PM] Fringe Wizard: and that resulted in the whole chat condemning me for doing so
'''[11:07:16 PM] Fringe Wizard has changed the chat topic to "Friendship Club".
[11:07:46 PM] Fringe Wizard: DJ Cocksucker, what do you even mean by that remark?
[11:07:52 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Because this is not Fringe Chat 2.0 despite your best efforts to terraform it into that. I sincerely believe on some level that you utilize this as a substitute for your old cabal of schizophrenics because people got tired of associating with you and or trolling you and just quit it finally.
[11:07:52 PM] spiderbro: >You guys don't even keep a consistent chat title
[11:07:56 PM] spiderbro: >implying that's a bad thing
[11:08:28 PM] Fringe Wizard: I was invited here I never asked to join.
[11:08:37 PM] Fringe Wizard: …and I comment in here because I see stuff said in it at times
[11:08:40 PM] Fringe Wizard: that provokes me to say something
[11:08:47 PM] Fringe Wizard: and I just say shit when I want to wherever I want to
[11:08:50 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Also I'd like to go on record as saying that no one on the planet Earth gives any rough facsimilie of a fuck about how many posts you get per day on the stupid board on which the primary active user is you yourself.
[11:09:19 PM] Fringe Wizard: /new/?
[11:09:34 PM] Prince Gibra-el: All of Fringe Chan is a meme, and not even a very good one.
[11:09:38 PM] Prince Pikachusif: :''' ^(
[11:09:46 PM] Prince Pikachusif: This is all very sad.
[11:09:49 PM] Prince Pikachusif: Sazd.
[11:09:49 PM] Fringe Wizard: Gibra-El is very intensely loosh-hurt right now.
[11:09:53 PM] Olm (Germanic) ♀ ☻: Autismus Maximus
[11:10:06 PM] DJ Skidmarks: First off, why are you insulting me you autist? I just stated its a chat title. Literally nothing would be different no matter what the chat title was.
[11:10:20 PM] Fringe Wizard: Can I add worstgoy back in here?
[11:10:23 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Yes, that title would be very applicable to the person who sits in a room full of people whom he openly admits are not his friends.
[11:10:26 PM] Olm (Germanic) ♀ ☻: no
[11:10:32 PM] Prince Gibra-el: And no god dammit you can't add anymore faggots.
[11:10:40 PM] Fringe Wizard: DJ Skidmarks, I'm insulting you because I like to insult everyone.
[11:10:51 PM] Fringe Wizard: …and your butthurt comment inspired it.
[11:10:56 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Well no wonder you get no respect
[11:10:59 PM] Fringe Wizard: I am a very hateful person you know?
[11:11:07 PM] DJ Skidmarks: God. What an edgy faggot.
[11:11:10 PM] Fringe Wizard: I don't desire respect.
[11:11:19 PM] Fringe Wizard: Yes I am the edgiest fuckwad on the whole internet.
[11:11:23 PM] Fringe Wizard: I even have this account:
[11:11:25 PM] DJ Skidmarks: I respect Bear more than you.
[11:11:26 PM] Fringe Wizard: /user/edgyfuckwad
[11:11:28 PM] Fringe Wizard: on jewtube
[11:11:30 PM] Prince Gibra-el: >I am a very hateful person and none of you are my friends
>I think the ideal environment for me is a place that prides itself on being a friendly environment [11:11:47 PM] Fringe Wizard: Good for you DJ but you're a fucking worthless waste of flesh and will only have actual value when you become compost in my anti-ZOG garden.
[11:11:55 PM] Fringe Wizard: So your respect or lack of it means nothing.
[11:12:07 PM] Fringe Wizard: >this place
[11:12:10 PM] Fringe Wizard: >a friendly environment
[11:12:10 PM] Fringe Wizard: >ever
[11:12:18 PM] Fringe Wizard: >not a hostile, depressed, shithole
[11:12:18 PM] Olm (Germanic) ♀ ☻: you're a wierd dude, dude
[11:12:22 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Yeah, not so much anymore, because you're actively changing it from being that.
[11:12:27 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Like, right now.
[11:12:35 PM] Fringe Wizard: I wasn't even around in this chat
[11:12:35 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Pretty much all the time everyone is a bro.
[11:12:41 PM] Fringe Wizard: when lc randomly started talking about wanting to off himself
[11:12:47 PM] Fringe Wizard: and you guys share all sorts of severely depressed feels
[11:12:57 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Are you autistic.
[11:13:01 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Friends talk about that shit.
[11:13:03 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Amongst their friends.
[11:13:04 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Atleast it wasn't hostile
[11:13:05 PM] Prince Gibra-el: So that their friends
[11:13:07 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Can help them
[11:13:09 PM] Olm (Germanic) ♀ ☻: fringe, this is how people interact with each other
[11:13:15 PM] Fringe Wizard: >implying I give a shit
[11:13:16 PM] Olm (Germanic) ♀ ☻: it's called sympathy
[11:13:21 PM] Fringe Wizard: >sympathy
[11:13:32 PM] Olm (Germanic) ♀ ☻: yes, it's an emotion non-autists have
[11:13:35 PM] Prince Gibra-el: >Someone has a valid argument
>Eh I don't give a shit thanks for the loosh >Did I tell you guys I'm edgy yet [11:13:36 PM] Fringe Wizard: You'll cowards don't even sharpen your edges.
[11:13:47 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Its not even funny
[11:13:57 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Its annoying
[11:14:01 PM] Fringe Wizard: I don't need your approval as to whether it's funny or not.
[11:14:06 PM] Prince Gibra-el: So I think this entire exchange has been completely demonstrative of everything I have been complaining about throughout, like my argument self fulfilled.
[11:14:10 PM] Fringe Wizard: and right now mzcop should really be here
[11:14:13 PM] Fringe Wizard: or hwatever the fuck his name is
[11:14:15 PM] Prince Gibra-el: The point is Fringe is clearly not contributing anything to this place.
[11:14:24 PM] Prince Gibra-el: And never will because he lacks self awareness and has genuine autism.
[11:14:24 PM] Michael(undido): Am I edgy senpai? ~uguu
[11:14:29 PM] Fringe Wizard: I am contributing hatred and despair to this plane.
[11:14:35 PM] Fringe Wizard: place*
[11:14:36 PM] Fringe Wizard: fuck
[11:14:37 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Glaive pls.
[11:14:40 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Why?
[11:14:41 PM] Fringe Wizard: crashing this chat with no survivors
[11:14:46 PM] Prince Pikachusif: kek
[11:14:51 PM] Michael(undido): you're a big guy
[11:14:54 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Lord Glaive pls
[11:14:55 PM] Fringe Wizard: FOR YOU
[11:15:10 PM] Prince Gibra-el: >Baneposting
>The actual masked man is nowhere to be found [11:15:10 PM] DJ Skidmarks: I, Bateman don't pray to you much
[11:15:14 PM] Prince Gibra-el: It's like poetry, it rhymes.
[11:15:16 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Bravo nolan.
[11:15:18 PM] DJ Skidmarks: but pls
[11:15:31 PM] DJ Skidmarks: Let us be free of Fringe's autism
[11:15:39 PM] Prince Gibra-el: We are formally voting Fringe off of Friendship Island.
[11:15:43 PM] spiderbro: +1
[11:15:49 PM] Fringe Wizard: Formally voting me to have all your loosh.
[11:15:58 PM] Prince Gibra-el: Just take it and get out you fag.
[11:16:14 PM] DJ Skidmarks: What is loosh anyway?
[11:16:18 PM] Prince Pikachusif: :''' ^(
'''[11:16:19 PM] Glaive removed fringewizard from this chat.
10/21/14 (Tue) 06:21:52 No. 5816
>>5815 Isn't that that trannyfucker?
10/21/14 (Tue) 07:04:01 No. 5824
File: 1413875041243.jpg (27.05 KB, 758x711, 758:711, 1s4519ao.wizardchan.137102….jpg )
>that feel when you're ignorant but you recognize your own ignorance but other people call you stupid and yet are ignorant themselves and don't study anything and yet think they are smart >they all laugh at you >but they know nothing about anything
10/21/14 (Tue) 08:04:13 No. 5828
Their Minds Remain Empty Jean de La Bruyère (1645-1696), "De la mode," Les caractères, ou, Les moeurs de ce siècle (tr. Helen Stott): Some people have such an eager thirst for knowledge that they cannot bear to be ignorant of anything. They dip into everything and master nothing; they prefer to learn much rather than learn well, to be superficial and weak in many sciences rather than to be deeply versed in one. Thus they find that on every subject there is someone who excels them and can correct them; they are mere dupes of their own vain curiosity, and can only after long and painful efforts overcome their gross ignorance.
Others possess the keys of all learning, yet never use them. They spend their lives in puzzling out all the known languages, and even would discover that which is spoken in the moon. The most useless idioms, the most ridiculous and mystical characters, are precisely those which awake their passion for languages and excite their industry. They pity those who are contented to know their own language, or at most, Greek and Latin. Such people read all books of history and yet know nothing at all of history; they skim through so many books that they profit by none; they could not well be more barren of facts and principles, but they certainly have the best collection of words and phrases which can be imagined; their memories are oppressed and loaded with them, while their minds remain empty.
10/21/14 (Tue) 08:23:34 No. 5830
10/21/14 (Tue) 08:24:34 No. 5831
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
10/22/14 (Wed) 14:43:41 No. 6025 Some personnel was temporarily transferred elsewhere in Iraq and also to Jordan, she said.
CROWLEY BTFO 10/22/14 (Wed) 14:44:59 No. 6026 >Lag preventing me from responding.testest
>shit how did that one post go through?most of my posts aren't making it
10/22/14 (Wed) 14:45:04 No. 6027
>>6026 >>204851 Just so you know Thelema is literally just one paradigm in magick and the absolute worst one there is besides Wicca which occupies first place for bottom of the shitpile of occultism.
We on /fringe/ hate Thelemites, hate degeneracy, and embrace asceticism. Drugs, sex, etc. we highly disprove of and you may check multiple threads on there to see this for yourself.
Many magical paradigms are anti-degeneracy and more pure than most of you guys who masturbate and eat unhealthy food and do drugs.
>>204941Schizophrenics are the third eye awakened master race. You shouldn't use that word as a term of disparagement.
>>205075Are you a shill pretending to be one of us? You can't even spell
The Kybalion right nor
Liber Null nor
Psychonaut and…
Fringe Knowledge for Beginners, nice book that is, doesn't teach you about magick.
…and those two chaos magick texts you mentioned aren't really that great. If you want to read them they're OK but they're nothing special. Liber Null being the better of the two.
>>205106>intellectual vanguard lol
>>205157>he actually believes in maya >he's clearly never actually read Fringe Knowledge for Beginners >he thinks Atkinson was a failure when he was successful in fucking everything he ever did in life "I've read so much of this bullshit that I can't even be bothered to refute most of it."
No you have not.
>>205172>that pic kek
>>205177He obviously hasn't read
Fringe Knowledge for Beginners or he wouldn't have commented the way he did. He knows the titles of the books at least.
>>205193If you've really read as much as you have, why are you so fucking mundane still? Why haven't you made a breakthrough in your magical practise? Also are you that one shill guy who made that one thread on /fringe/ where he claimed he studied everything we ever talked about on /fringe/ since the days of emberbox but who upon further investigation turned out to be a shill who knew absolutely nothing about the subject he was shilling on?
>>205211>Magic, by definition, is that which does not exist/occur in nature. Only to absolutely fucking retarded fedoras.
>>205216This so hard.
>>205230Don't you be hating on Hermes the Thrice Great faggot shill.
>>205236We use either term and don't give a shit if there's a k on the end or not and btw CROWLEY was NOT the first to spell it with a k on the end. There are older instances of such spelling of the word by people that weren't Crowley.
>>205248NO ACTUAL WIZARDS USE YOUR RETARDED FEDORA DEFINITION. Only creepypasta loving retarded mundanes on /x/ use that definition.
>>205297Atkinson is NOT a follower of Crowley, has NO associations with Crowley, and was a very successful man which is why he is such a great occultist. Stop spreading your lies here!! Atkinson is also racist, talks about vril, makes reference to "savage races" and "negroes", condemns degeneracy, and promotes ascetic practises. He is NOTHING like Crowley. His writings are practical and not all constructing an "elaborate fantasy world". They are extremely reasonable, testable, and sensible.
>>205287Where do you live? I also need to know what your general alignment is and why I should prove magick to you. It will change how I decide on proving magick to you and how badly harmed you are in the process of it or not.
>>2053051. You are not just a bunch of particle interactions.
2. Artificial means "man-made". Everything is "natural" in the sense you laid it out but all the same, artificial denotes something made by man, such a structure or a displacement of rocks or whatever created by man vs something that came about purely or primarily by the interactions of weather and animals and so in a natural landscape as opposed to an artificial one made by humans.
>>205648You absolutely shitwrecked him there. I think it's the same shill guy that came to /fringe/ to denounce magick, claimed he read everything, then proved upon being questioned by us that he didn't even know the basics.
>>205655Fuck off degenerate fedora.
>>205666I have read both books and
Book of the Law is in no way at all anything like
The Kybalion you fucking liar.
10/22/14 (Wed) 14:45:14 No. 6028
Shills are acting pretty poorly lately >they're discussing magick but hate gays, I'll show them this gay magician and they'll surely stop!
/fringe/ 10/22/14 (Wed) 14:49:40 No. 6030
Life is a dream An even dreams are dreams
10/22/14 (Wed) 14:49:53 No. 6031
no nothin personnel kid
10/23/14 (Thu) 07:16:42 No. 6130
What is the difference between /fringe/ and /x/?
10/23/14 (Thu) 21:08:42 No. 6214
>>6130 /fringe/ has more children
On the opportunity of /fem/ 10/25/14 (Sat) 06:05:09 No. 6426
You've probably noticed the
>>>/fem/ board sliding up in popularity over the past week.
A poll was done a few days ago there, I lost the link, but the breakdown of the board is something like 80% men, and 20% women at the moment. However, given the nature of the board and its subject matter, when you go there, your brain is tricked into thinking everyone is a female.
/pol/ has also noticed the board's rise in popularity, and is quietly spreading the truth on the board, inserting redpill topics into stream of threads, to which the board goers seem to be quite receptive.
I'm not sure where the intentions and aims of the board owner are, if she's secretly a cultural Marxist/feminist or not. So far, while she may be a degenerate and an attention whore, she doesn't seem to be much of a threat in this regard.
The board will likely attract more female viewership into the future. If left to its own, it would likely devolve into a feminist haunt that could threaten the stability of the rest of 8chan. However, if we can help /pol/ control the narrative on the board, we can create a new culture for women that frees them from the shackles of feminism and ZOG.
Or goal is to spread greenpills and work magick over the susceptible minds, attacking any bluepill/feminist/degeneracy shills. What are your ideas for tactics and strategies that we could use to further the aims of /fringe/?
10/25/14 (Sat) 06:05:22 No. 6427
10/25/14 (Sat) 06:09:07 No. 6429
Hey /fringe/, I have a question.
Are/could Stands real? Are they based off a real magical/paranormal concept?
>6190That's interesting, today I began reading "Initiation Into Hermetics". There was a chapter about the Tarot card of the Magician and that made me think of Jojo.
Just wanted to say that.
>>6182I can't remember the exact source, but I think Stands are based off of something in Mayan Mythology.
>>6273Actually, Stands are based off the concept of Tulpas, oddly enough.
>>6182 (OP)>Create tulpa >Program it to follow specific orders >Give it a lot of energy to affect things on our plane >Give it enough energy to perform super human feats There ya go. Your very own Sutanudo
>>6311OP here, could I get one like King Crimson?
>6354Thread theme -
10/25/14 (Sat) 06:32:23 No. 6435
CSUN UNSAFE FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDENTS California State University Northridge fosters an environment well-suited to further one's education. It is because safety is compromised that the type of comment is going to be 'Negative'. Having spent time as a student and guest to multiple Universities in California it is shocking to find there is a school as high-profile as this one that actively seeks to undermine its ability to make students feel like they are free to pursue their education without having to worry about being physically assaulted by other students or things possibly even worse. The GPA held by the writer of this review is a 3.0 . It would seem that a student who manages to maintain such a GPA would be given the space to perform with little incident. Instead, there seems to be justification given by certain members of the academic student body to violate the physical space or well-being of other students. It should go without saying that saying disrespectful things to a complete stranger or using one's own person to attempt to incite violence should be grounds for expulsion. This behavior has been tolerated for well over two years since this writer's admission . Another obstacle at CSUN is what appears to be a tolerance of people that are possibly mentally challenged. Whether such individuals are students or not is unclear. What can be said, is that the school tolerates the verbal abuse of guests on campus. These people who may or may not be students verbally harass and molest other students either because they need serious attention, or because they are given free rein to do so without consequence. Lastly there are scams targeted at gullible students simply trying to complete their education. Scams signed by officials working in various departments, officials that will remain unnamed, who have taken the liberty of exploiting the implications of their posts in order to take full advantage of students' trust for them. These officials do not make themselves available to meet the students that they are scamming and instead, make every effort to avoid them at all costs but their own. This is not a commentary on the availability of courses within a certain time frame ( a fair but common complaint ) but instead, an old-fashioned scam designed specifically to take a student's money and give them nothing in return . This isn't about tuition; it's about manipulation. The author of this comment is African American. If a ten dollar bill appeared every time the author was provoked or challenged by a complete stranger on the street this author would be wealthy . What is shocking is that this author is being provoked on a college campus; a place that is expected to be a safer haven than the ugly realities of the world outside it. I have never been assaulted by a Black student. If CSUN wishes to portray itself as a beacon of crime and a reflection of the ugliness just beyond its on-campus dorms then it should be satisfied by what has been written here. Initially I had only intended to comment on the insecurities of my professors in the face of educated and willing Black students. Since lately the efforts of not only its guests or certain members of the student body but also its upper level officials to engage in underhanded money scams and incitement have forced me to alter this comment to suit my most recent experiences. I hope that those who have experienced this may find solace in reading this review. And hopefully those other individuals who find this threatening take into consideration the privacy of others who want nothing to do with you.
10/25/14 (Sat) 06:36:09 No. 6437 >The boy's mother told the County Court on Monday that she used to call her son, 'Smiles', but Brimble had "hurt him in his heart" after Brimble had groomed him.
10/25/14 (Sat) 22:04:29 No. 6495
>6363 You'd better not listen to him because 1. He is a shill 2. If he also really is a "disillusioned" ex-neophyte, he must not have been the brightest student of magic, because not only he got no result at all, but also he did not even gain anything from what he read, as he is going all around the board telling people absolutely not to begin studying. He clearly has an agenda. And remember, when someone tells you absolutely not to look into something, it's an indicator that something fishy is going on, and you need to check for yourself. Worst case scenario: you'll spend a few hours reading very cool philosophy books. I reccomend starting from the Kybalion by the way. >6368 Magick is actually very real. It just varies from person to person, and as such cannot be subject to objective study or scientific empiricism (although some supernatural things can, believe it or not; most people would rather not believe in it even if there was evidence of it, however slight). It will depend on one's cognitive style and character as to what kind of magick will work for them. I personally am not fond of Hermeticism, however I do realize that it does seem to work for some; it simply isn't for me. The key, is to work with what resonates with you, that is, what you have faith in. And contrary to what some or most people say, quite a few people are incapable of magick. Either they have closed themselves off in their minds, or they just can't due to being narrow-minded in either education, social conditioning, or nature. You have to work with what you believe in, or rather, what you are willing to suspend disbelief in. If you want it and design the ways in a fashion where you have faith, there is a good chance that you will get it if you persevere enough. I have already invoked an angel, albeit when I was under the influence of DXM. I know that I truly have because I have done a makeshift ritual multiple times and it always had the same result. But it often the case, where the results are not always what you intended, or you don't quite understand them. So if you go down that route, be careful. What works for one, will not always work for another. We are not One, and diversity is rampant. Keep that in mind. >6370 >I personally am not fond of Hermeticism That's interesting, so what was your path, if you don't mind quickly summarizing it? I'm a neophyte studying Hermeticism, mostly because of the sticky guideline, although i had heard of it before. It's interesting to hear that people get into magic in different ways. Are the results the same? And if I might ask, for what purpose would you invoke an angel? >6396 >>6370 My path is one that largely incorporates improvised rituals and practices. I use time as a system of divination and I am looking into The Book of Abramelin in order to use an improvised ritual that will help me summon a spirit familiar. I haven't done it yet, but I am hopeful. It will actually be the first time I will have ever done a ritual; prior to reading The Book of Abramelin, I thought that ritual was pointless. Now I know that rituals can be very effective, and sometimes absolutely necessary. I am not sure. There are many different forms of magic, and one can be ill-equipped for one type and yet excel at another. Despite being very dark and angry, I would never see myself doing either Dark or Blood magic, for instance, even though things could change. I invoked Hariel in order to purify myself and to assist me in doing something that I thought was necessary at the time. The last time I invoked him, though, he telepathically told me that he felt bad that he was being used for my ends, and I respectfully stopped invoking him, at least for a while.
10/25/14 (Sat) 22:21:28 No. 6498
>>6130 The board /fringe/ is for actual wizards whereas /x/ is quite hostile to our kind and is for fedoras and creepypasta enthusiasts.
10/28/14 (Tue) 12:12:40 No. 6836
10/28/14 (Tue) 12:15:23 No. 6839
Hey, guys, what do you think of this thread: >>>/pol/240288 ? Some scary stuff is happening there (pic related). Is it an elaborate hoax or is there something to it?
10/28/14 (Tue) 22:42:30 No. 6892
File: 1414536150285.png (100.32 KB, 329x362, 329:362, Screenshot from 2014-10-28….png )
10/28/14 (Tue) 22:44:02 No. 6893
10/28/14 (Tue) 22:55:46 No. 6895
>>6892 peep them ears
he is not the reptilian you believe him to be
>doppelganger>wakeup >sheeple
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:04:46 No. 6912 Can we have any of the following in the game? Misanthropic master race reporting in btw. [b]1.[/b] Abductions. I want to be able to tie up or duct-tape up people after beating them, then put them in a van or just drag them off, and take them to a new location. [b]2.[/b] Torture. I want to be able to torture others in the game. It wouldn't be the first time torture has appeared in a game. [b]3.[/b] Please can we have animals and children? I know the FAQ says no … at least maybe make it so we the players can add it in through mods? Maybe add some birds and cats and other stuff in the game that aren't killable but none-the-less are there and make the world feel more alive? One of the things I hated about Grand Theft Auto is it never had animals or children in it and the world felt very dead to me as a result. At least add some crows flying around and raccoons going through garbage and so on. [b]4.[/b] Cannibalism. I want to be able to eat others in the game and cut them up and stuff. Stuff like that already shows up in zombies games and other games btw. [b]5.[/b] Can we have special events where funny things happen in the game? Like a zombie virus outbreak, or everyone turns into clowns, or you shoot a black character and he drops skittles and ice tea? [b]6.[/b] Character customization please!!! I want to be able to make my own unique character. I also want to try to remake Elliot Rodger, Anders Behring Breivik, Varg Vikernes, and some of my other personal heroes in this game. [b]7.[/b] Will we be able to destroy buildings? Can we set fire to and demolish churches, mosques, synagogues, fastfood stores, retail outlets, etc.? [b]8.[/b] Can you please have special gatherings of people in the game? Like furry conventions, holiday stuff, my little pony fan gatherings, neo-nazi gathering, SJW gathering, etc. all in the game and we can go into those places then and shoot them all up? (I'd personally not want to shoot any fellow National Socialists myself but whatever, we need to give players options). [b]9.[/b] Can we take hostages in this game and create hostage situations? That would be fun. [b]10.[/b] That grey-filter… can we have an option to turn it off please? Have it as the default setting but also make it so we can turn it off. I want to be able to see it all in full vividness. The grey-filter is extremely depressing. [b]11.[/b] Is there any melee in this game? Can we slap people, push them around, kick them, etc.? Can we also hug and kiss them? I want to be able to randomly go up to someone in the game and hug them, then shoot them, that would be super edgy. [b]12.[/b] Can we have black magick in this game? I'm an occultist and somewhat of a follower of the Left Hand Path and familiar with every form of Satanism as well as other edgy magical paradigms like Hoodoo. Although most magick and indeed true and proper magick isn't really sinister unless you use it for that purpose. I want to be able to draw pentagrams, do rituals, and sacrifice people in this game. If there is nothing like that, that will be sad, because a game should have lots of things to do and lots of different ways to express yourself and interact with the world. I hope there's some references to Hindu gods in this game too. [b]13.[/b] Will there be fat people in this game? Will we be able to kill people who seem to fit into various different subcultures in this game? [b]14.[/b] Can I wear a fedora in this game? That would be hilarious if I could. Please make it part of the game to be able to wear hats of various sorts in it! [b]15.[/b] Can we use doors? Lock them, close them, open them? …or do we just run through them? Can we also grab objects in the environment and use it? I want lots of interaction with the environment!
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:05:17 No. 6913
>>6912 [b]16.[/b] Can we have drug-use in this game? I personally do not approve of or want to use drugs in actual life but think it would a good thing to have in this game if you can get your character drunk, high, or light up a cigarette and start smoking, and so on.
[b]17.[/b] Can we have rape and sexual interactions in this game? Once again not something I'm into as I'm strongly against hedonism but it should be part of the game.
[b]18.[/b] Can we make friends with people in this game? Maybe give them stockholm syndrome? Team up with other NPCs to kill everyone and violate all the norms of morality?
[b]19.[/b] Will we be able to do good actions as well as bad ones? I want to be able to mix things up. Imagine if in the game you could be very nice on the surface and do jobs in it and interact in nice ways with others in the game world but you secretly abduct and kill people. There should be many different ways to play the game, many of them sinister and fucked up. If you don't cover all the different ways to do this you won't be doing a very good job at capturing all the different ways that people can express their hatred for everything.
[b]20.[/b] Can we please have some kind of character profile where you can fill out a few things that change how others in the gameworld interact with you? e.g gender, virginity status, religious beliefs, political beliefs? I could fill out something like "Male, Virgin, Esoteric Hitlerist, National Socialist" or "Female, Non-virgin, Christian, Feminist". Imagine all the intense butthurt that could cause in multiplayer when a little pop-up shows up when moving the mouse over another character in the game and pressing a key to make this little profile thing show up. You could then find out what other people have their characters set to and create all sorts of awesome scenarios where you kill people you've always wanted to kill in real life but you do it in the game! A healthy outlet for one's aggression…
[b]21.[/b] Can we name our character?
[b]22.[/b] Is it true you guys are Polish Neo-Nazis? If so I hope to buy the game just for that reason alone! We must have a Fourth Reich!
[b]23.[/b] Can we sit in chairs and on benches and lay in beds in the game? That would be fun. Also make it so we can use the washroom in the game by using urinals or sitting on toilets and flushing them. Just like in The Sims. Would be fun also to sit in a chair in some store and wait for people come in and blast them with your guns while still sitting there.
In short I want a world full of diverse people, objects, and ways to interact with it. I will get bored pretty fast if it the number of things to do and ways to interact in the game world are very limited. …and I want customization and mod-support and surprise events like parades/holidays/gatherings that happen at random in the game that introduce interesting scenarios that vary up the gameplay.
I hope you all defend and support free speech and freedom of expression btw. If you guys ban me from this forum for making any of these suggestions I swear I will screencap it and spam it across many different sites such as for a long while until everyone knows you aren't really for free speech. …and lets face it, your only market here is mostly people that are sick of political correctness, so if it turns out you're actually a bunch of politically correct wankers then you'll still offend the SJWs because they're going to be upset regardless AND you will lose the support of edgy imageboard users like me that just want to have fun doing whatever we want in a game world. It is important really that people can let out their aggression and hatred in a game rather than it being let out in real life and you can consider yourselves as doing a service to humanity by providing a non-violent outlet for violent tendencies inherent in all humans.
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:05:50 No. 6914
>>5672 >So actions on the 4th dimension have consequences on the 3rd? They can. There are many different third density timelines. If you manage to phase in correctly to this one you can influence things in this world from 4D.
>From a past experience I believe I had some sort of parasite I met on my travels on me for a long time, when I slept I always felt tired and a sick urge to masturbate.You can get entity attachments. Montalk talks about this all over of his site.
>A few travels before the last one when I woke up I didn't feel any of it anymore, seems like I got rid of it.I hope someday I can thank whoever helped me up there.
It was stealing your loosh.
>>5684Just the generic term for nonphysical entities as used by Islamists.
>>5685There can be. You should read Neville Goddard's
The Law and the Promise. >>5699Do you want all philosophies or just the esoteric and mystical ones?
>>5704I don't have a mic to say it. >>5768I am a very feminine male but I fucking hate sexual degenerates, hedonists, homosexuals, and so on.
>>5774I've never read the book. I suggest you experiment with it however you want and hopefully you won't fuck yourself over too much like I did with my fire invocation yesterday that was meant to warm me but just burnt a layer of skin off of me.
>>5852It's possible both to remove filter and apply filters. Did you know you can in a trance do stuff like see through a person and see what is behind them as if they weren't standing in front of you at all?
>>5853I just wing it and bare the consequences of fucking myself up. However,
New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce will help you avoid a lot of problems, if you are careful to not ignore his warnings.
>>5865Depends on how big the lottery is. The really big ones are magically protected. The smaller ones probably have no protections at all and you can win them in many different ways including through remote viewing, ESP to sense which ticket is the right one, etc.
>>5871Probably. Women throw themselves at me too.
"GF is like enlightenment, it comes to you when you stop chasing after it" . The Matrix Control System wants your loosh and when it can no longer get it by inducing "that feel when no GF" it will instead induce temptation by throwing GF at you.
>>5891Have you seen the threads on old /fringe/ about this?
Michael Harner wrote a book called Way of The Shaman which is in the mega on the subject.
He also made this site: The basic practises are stuff like spirit-walking, vision-quests, trance-induction through various means, contact with ancestors, and various ceremonies and traditions specific to the type of Shamanism being practised.
Sorcery is making spirits do things for you.
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:05:59 No. 6915
>>5956 I think this vague question is bullshit from its premise. You may as well go look in a dictionary for the meaning of that word.
You do serve a higher purpose and that is to be an extension of the work of the creator, manifesting all possibilities into being; and to experience it. You are experiencing being.
I really hate trick questions like that.
>>5964I don't want to "better the world" of the demiurge and I see offspring as a terrible sacrifice in the fight against the demiurge by dragging a soul here but hopefully preparing it properly to wage spiritual warfare against the tyrannical demiurge. The problem with this plane is that it has become so rigidly material and this is very oppressive to the spirit that seeks more fertile grounds for its expression. I want to bring heaven down to Earth, send us back to the dreamtime, release the spirits trapped here.
>>5967According to Lobsang Rampa they can.
>>5969Not likely unless you want to be hypnotized into not using hypnosis to its full potential while learning about hypnosis.
Why hand over money to them when there's plenty of good books already freely available and also the chance to learn these skills while in the astral planes from 4D beings?
>>5974Yes anon there is and I'm actually working on this as one of my long-term magick projects. One way is to think in a medium that's faster than sound-complexs and also to figure out how to send and receive large information packets via the astral. There's been a few cases of highly illiterate and uneducated persons one day being able to speak every language in every accent in the world before btw.
>>5978Those two guys probably not. I've read some of it myself though. I reckon you're referencing and … but there's also a few other books on the subject cited by the author of
The Holographic Universe (Michael Talbot).
>>5980The books you are reading are important for understanding and delving into the occult but I really wouldn't bother with
Thought Force right now. I'd read those essential books we've mentioned before already (Kybalion, Formulas, Teachings) and then just start work on the 2013serieslessons book. You've got to cover all that physical stuff beforehand to have a perfectly pure and well-kept body and then the rest will come easier. Think of your body as like a battery and an instrument which needs fine-tuning to be support your work. The body is a thoughtform btw.
>>5990He was also a faggot.
>implying he wasn't psychically or via scalar weaponry assassinated for revealing too much to the worldAre you aware of how many fringe scientists are killed all the time? We can and should start a thread on this. It happens so fucking often it's kind of hilarious. Even Tom Montalk mentions this fact on his site. All the time these whistleblowers, scientists trying to introduce banned technology, etc. get killed off early shortly after revealing stuff to the world then there works are destroyed and suppressed. Dying that early if anything should make you take him a little more seriously as nobody dies at that age from a disease like that under ordinary circumstances.
You know Franz Bardon was killed by communists?
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:06:23 No. 6916
Once upon a time Edgar Keisei, an inhabitant of a village near Kentucky (USA) was suffering from severe rheumatic pain and spasm. No doctor could diagnose the disease because of lack of knowledge about it during those days. While some doctors were observing this patient, they found that clinically unconscious Edgar was suddenly awake. He also started uttering the name and details of the disease and the names of some medicines, ointments, etc in fluent Latin. Being in that exceptional trance like state, he also suggested the methods of preparation of these medicines and the availability of the constituents…. Well, those preparations were attempted on him…. To everyone’s surprise Edgar’s conditions improved and he was cured by these ‘strange’ medicines within a week. Most amazing part of this incident was that this villager did not know a single world of Latin! How could he then speak so well in this ancient language in the exceptional state of unconsciousness? As described in earlier sections, this activation of the hidden layers of unconscious mind had also resulted in arousal of some extrasensory powers, which enabled him diagnose and cure dreaded diseases and ailments of people from different parts of the world…
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:06:54 No. 6917
LESSON FOUR As we saw in the preceding lesson, the body is surrounded by the etheric which encompasses every part of that body. But extending outside the etheric is the aura. This is in some ways similar to the etheric in that it is of magnetic electric origin, but there the similarity ends. One can state that the aura shows the colours of the Overself. It shows whether a person is spiritual or carnal. It shows also if a person is of good health, or poor health, or is actually diseased. Everything is reflected in the aura, it is the indicator of the Overself, or, if you prefer, of the soul. The Overself and the soul, of course, are the same thing. In this aura we can see sickness and health, dejection and success, love and hatred. It is perhaps fortunate that not so many people can see the auras at the present time, for nowadays it seems to be the common thing to take advantage of one, to seek the upper hand, and the aura betrays every thought as it should do, reflecting as it does the colours and the vibrations of the Overself. It is a fact that when a person is desperately ill the aura begins to fade, and in certain cases the aura actually fades out before a person dies. If a person has had a long illness then the aura does actually fade out before death, leaving only the etheric. On the other hand, a person who is killed accidentally while in good health possesses the aura up to, and for some moments after, clinical death. It might be well here to interpose certain remarks about death, because death is not like switching off a current or emptying a bucket. Death is a rather long drawn-out affair. No matter how a person dies, no matter if a person is beheaded even, death does not take place for some moments after. The brain, as we have seen, is a storage cell generating electric current. The blood supplies the chemicals, the moisture and the metallic ores, and inevitably those ingredients become stored in the tissue of the brain. Thus the brain can continue to function for from three to five minutes after clinical death! It is said by some people that this or that form of execution is instantaneous, but that, of course, is ridiculous. As we have stated, even if the head be completely severed from the body the brain can still function for from three to five minutes. There is a case which was actually witnessed and carefully chronicled in the days of the French Revolution. A so-called “traitor” had been beheaded and the executioner reached down and lifted up the head by the hair saying as he did so, “This is the head of a traitor.” People in the audience — executions in those days were public and also a public holiday! — were alarmed when the lips formed the soundless words, “That is a lie.” That can actually be seen in the records of the French Government. Any doctor or surgeon will tell you that if the blood supply be interrupted the brain becomes impaired after three minutes, that is why if a heart stops there are such frantic efforts to start the flow of the blood again. We have digressed here to show that death is not instantaneous, nor is the fading of the aura. It is medical fact, by the way, known to coroners and pathologists that the body dies at various rates; the brain dies, and then organs die one by one. About the last to die are the hair and the nails. As the body does not die instantly, traces of the aura may linger on. Thus it is that a person who is clairvoyant can see in the aura of a dead person why that person expired. The etheric is of a different nature from the aura, and the etheric may continue for some time as a detached phantom, especially if a person has died violently, suddenly. A person in good health who meets a violent end has his “batteries fully charged,” and so the etheric is at full strength. With the death of the body the etheric becomes detached and floats away. By magnetic attraction it will undoubtedly visit its former haunts, and if a clairvoyant person is about or a person who is highly excited (i.e. has his vibrations increased), then that person will be able to see the etheric and will exclaim “Oh! The ghost of so-and-so!”
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:07:13 No. 6918
>>6917 The aura is of much finer material than the comparatively crude etheric. The aura, in fact, is as much finer to the etheric as the etheric is to the physical body. The etheric “flows” over the body like a complete covering following the contours of the body, but the aura extends to form an egg-shaped shell around the body (Fig. 4). It might be, for instance, seven feet or more in height, and about four feet in width at its broadest part. It tapers down so that the narrow end of the “egg” is at the bottom, that is, where the feet are. The aura consists of the radiations in brilliant colour from the various centres of the body to other centres of the body. The old Chinese used to say that “One picture is worth a thousand words.” So, to save a few thousand words, we will insert here in this lesson a sketch of a person standing full face, and side view, and on these sketches we will indicate the lines of force of the aura to and from the various centres, and the general outline of the egg-shape.
We must make it clear also that the aura really does exist even if you cannot see it for the moment. As you will appreciate, you cannot see the air which you breathe, and we doubt if a fish can see the water in which it swims! The aura, then, is a real vital force. It exists even though most untrained people cannot see it. It is possible to see an aura by using various equipment, there are, for example, various types of goggles which can be used over the eyes, but all the information which we have been able to gather on the subject indicates that these goggles are extremely injurious to the sight; they try the eyes, they force the eyes to act in an unnatural manner, and we cannot recommend for one moment goggles purporting to enable one to see the aura, nor those various screens consisting of two sheets of glass with a water-tight space between which one fills with a special and usually highly expensive dye. We can only suggest that you practice and practice, and then with a little faith and a little help you should be able to see. The biggest difficulty in seeing the aura is that most people do not believe that they can see it!
The aura, as we have stated, is of various colours, but we would point out that what we refer to as colours is merely a special part of the spectrum. In other words, although we use the word “colour” we could just as well quote the frequency of that wave which we call “red” or “blue.” Red, by the way, is one of the easiest colours to see. Blue is not so easy. There are some people who cannot see blue, there are others who cannot see red. If you are in the presence of a person who can see the aura, by the way, be careful not to say something which is untrue, because if you do tell an untruth the aura-seer will betray you! Normally a person has a “halo” which is either a bluish or a yellowish colour. If a lie is told then a greenish yellow shoots through the halo. It is a difficult colour to explain, but once seen the colour is never forgotten. So — to tell a lie is to betray oneself immediately by the greenish-yellow flare which shoots through the halo which is at the top of the aura.
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:07:29 No. 6919
>>6918 One can say that the aura extends basically up to the eyes, and then you get a radiant layer of yellow or blue which is the halo or nimbus. Then, at the very topmost part of the aura, you get a sort of fountain of light which in the East is known as The Flowering Lotus, because it does actually look like that. It is an interchange of colours and to the imaginative it reminds one irresistibly of the opening of the seven-petaled lotus.
The greater one's spirituality, the more saffron-yellow is the nimbus or halo. If a person has dubious thoughts, then that particular portion of the aura turns an unpleasant muddy brown, fringed by this bile-coloured yellowish-green which betokens falsehoods.
We are of the belief that more people see auras than seems apparent. We believe that many people see or sense the aura and do not know what they are seeing. It is quite a common thing for a person to say that she must have this or that colour, she cannot wear such-and-such a colour, because instinctively she thinks that it would clash with her aura. You may have noticed a person who wears clothing which is quite utterly impossible according to your own estimation. You may not “see” the aura, but you — being possibly more perceptive than your unsuitably clad friend — will know that such colours clash completely with her aura. Many people, then, sense, experience, or are aware of the human aura but because from early childhood they have been taught that it is nonsense to see this, or nonsense to see that, they have hypnotized themselves into believing that THEY could not possibly see such a thing.
It is also a fact that one can influence one's health by wearing clothing of certain colours. If you wear a colour which clashes with your aura, then you will undoubtedly be ill at ease or self-conscious, you may even be indisposed until you take that unsuitable colour off. You may find that a particular colour in a room irritates you or soothes you. Colours, after all, are merely different names for vibrations. Red is one vibration, green is another vibration, and black is yet another. Just as the vibration which we call sound can clash and make disharmony, so can “soundless” vibrations which we call colours clash and make a Spiritual disharmony.
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:09:36 No. 6920
>>204851 Just so you know Thelema is literally just one paradigm in magick and the absolute worst one there is besides Wicca which occupies first place for bottom of the shitpile of occultism. We on /fringe/ hate Thelemites, hate degeneracy, and embrace asceticism. Drugs, sex, etc. we highly disprove of and you may check multiple threads on there to see this for yourself. Many magical paradigms are anti-degeneracy and more pure than most of you guys who masturbate and eat unhealthy food and do drugs. >>204941 Schizophrenics are the third eye awakened master race. You shouldn't use that word as a term of disparagement. >>205075 Are you a shill pretending to be one of us? You can't even spell The Kybalion right nor Liber Null nor Psychonaut and… Fringe Knowledge for Beginners, nice book that is, doesn't teach you about magick. …and those two chaos magick texts you mentioned aren't really that great. If you want to read them they're OK but they're nothing special. Liber Null being the better of the two. >>205106>intellectual vanguard lol >>205157>he actually believes in maya >he's clearly never actually read Fringe Knowledge for Beginners >he thinks Atkinson was a failure when he was successful in fucking everything he ever did in life "I've read so much of this bullshit that I can't even be bothered to refute most of it." No you have not. >>205172>that pic kek >>205177 He obviously hasn't read Fringe Knowledge for Beginners or he wouldn't have commented the way he did. He knows the titles of the books at least. >>205193 If you've really read as much as you have, why are you so fucking mundane still? Why haven't you made a breakthrough in your magical practise? Also are you that one shill guy who made that one thread on /fringe/ where he claimed he studied everything we ever talked about on /fringe/ since the days of emberbox but who upon further investigation turned out to be a shill who knew absolutely nothing about the subject he was shilling on? >>205211>Magic, by definition, is that which does not exist/occur in nature. Only to absolutely fucking retarded fedoras. >>205216 This so hard. >>205230 Don't you be hating on Hermes the Thrice Great faggot shill. >>205236 We use either term and don't give a shit if there's a k on the end or not and btw CROWLEY was NOT the first to spell it with a k on the end. There are older instances of such spelling of the word by people that weren't Crowley. >>205248 NO ACTUAL WIZARDS USE YOUR RETARDED FEDORA DEFINITION. Only creepypasta loving retarded mundanes on /x/ use that definition. >>205297 Atkinson is NOT a follower of Crowley, has NO associations with Crowley, and was a very successful man which is why he is such a great occultist. Stop spreading your lies here!! Atkinson is also racist, talks about vril, makes reference to "savage races" and "negroes", condemns degeneracy, and promotes ascetic practises. He is NOTHING like Crowley. His writings are practical and not all constructing an "elaborate fantasy world". They are extremely reasonable, testable, and sensible. >>205287 Where do you live? I also need to know what your general alignment is and why I should prove magick to you. It will change how I decide on proving magick to you and how badly harmed you are in the process of it or not. >>2053051. You are not just a bunch of particle interactions.2. Artificial means "man-made". Everything is "natural" in the sense you laid it out but all the same, artificial denotes something made by man, such a structure or a displacement of rocks or whatever created by man vs something that came about purely or primarily by the interactions of weather and animals and so in a natural landscape as opposed to an artificial one made by humans. >>205648 You absolutely shitwrecked him there. I think it's the same shill guy that came to /fringe/ to denounce magick, claimed he read everything, then proved upon being questioned by us that he didn't even know the basics. >>205655 Fuck off degenerate fedora. >>205666 I have read both books and Book of the Law is in no way at all anything like The Kybalion you fucking liar.
EdgyFuckwad 10/29/14 (Wed) 03:11:10 No. 6921
I'm just disappointed we can't rape, torture, abduct, practise black magick, and cannibalize others in this game and that it doesn't have character customization as far as I can tell so I can't remake all my favourite mass-murderers like Elliot "The Supreme Gentleman" Rodgers, Anders Behring "Cultural Marxist Slayer" Breivik, Cho, etc. I want to be able to go around in a van, find a random target, beat them up, wrap them up in duct-rape or tie them up with ropes, drag them into the van, chain them in there, drive off to some other building somewhere else, and then start to sexually abuse and torture the target ending off with cutting them to pieces and eating them just to go out and do more of the same to random other targets. I hope the NPCs are able to scream and cry and so on too and you can scare them and fuck with them in all sorts of ways and maybe you can stalk them too or just enter their homes and fuck around with their things, making them lose their minds in the process, etc. I want to be able to do black magick in this game, draw pentagrams, sacrifice people, etc. and I hope the developers understand the Left Hand Path enough to facilitate that in the game. I also hope that I'm able to do some good and loving actions too. It's more freaky if say you can befriend an NPC, make them your girlfriend, take good care of them, be a nice person and respected in the community, but then one day turn… and you kill your GF in the game after making your character take various drugs and going crazy… and you keep it all secret too and then say to other characters in the game she just went missing or whatever. Also doing stuff where like on the surface you're a good person and so on but you go and abduct children and sacrifice them in your basement and then you have to play the game in such a way as to pull all of this off without being caught. It would be really challenging and fun… and just plain being evil all the time doesn't really have the depth and so on I want. Imagine if you could join a church in the game and become a priest and then do really sick twisted things at the same time. Awesome that would be. Future mass-murderer here btw. One day people will read my manifesto and they will look through the comments on youtube and it will be epic to watch from hell to see how I destroyed the lives of so many and caused so much pain and terror. I wonder if people will realize games didn't make me this way though, demons (or if you're a fucking idiot then "mental illness") did.
10/29/14 (Wed) 03:22:14 No. 6923
>>4263 Imagination creates reality, as per the teachings of Neville Goddard.
We live in a mental universe, the all is mind.
As for whether that entity emanates from you or not, it's much more likely that it does not, unless you thought beforehand to create such a thing and then went about it.
You can in meditation encounter a lot of things which you definitely didn't see out to see. Let us imagine for example that you've decided to image a cube spinning in a void; that is what you are working on and what you intend to see. That clearly emanates from you. …but what if then while you are in the process of doing that you establish a connection and something else barges in on the astral scene? That is not from you but something that has made its way to you.
When I've talked before about throwing energy about the place in a room to drag in entities, it works something like that. Around and about you, you throw out thoughtforms of a generally vague nature, perhaps misty or like sonar flashes going around you. It tends to catch whatever is around you and drag it in, revealing the various entities in your immediate etheric environment, and enabling an interaction with them.
>What should I do?Continue meditation, practise discernment, and seek to understand the relations between things in the informational universe as per the practises of psychometry. You will be able to see how it connects, relates, interacts, etc.
Some of the writings of Lobsang Rampa here are relevant: >>4269He's talking about a banishing ritual that uses laughter and was favoured by Chaos Magicians at one time. It's referenced in a variety of recent magical texts such as the one by L.O.O.N., some of them in the /fringe/ mega. Apparently also found in Liber Null according to your other responder.
>>4284They are both well within the realm of possibility and instances of both exist and are recorded.
>>4404Already answered you…
>>4439Just look in the mega. It covers practically everything. Magic is relevant to and enhances every pursuit in life. There's sex magick, magick pertaining to the development of the body, magic for sports, magic for business, magic for spying and psy-ops and intelligence gathering, magic for for relationships, magic for evoking aliens, magic for programming, fucking everything. It was not without reason that in the past magicians would study math, physics, chemistry, and everything else and combine it with their magical practise. It was all one integrated whole.
Look at how many different things are covered in here ( ) and also I'll produce a list of sites and add them to the sticky. Just going over that you should that magic is an extremely diverse field covering many topics.
>Also, is there anything a beginner could try for themselves to get a taste of magic?It all depends upon your inherited predispositions from the previous lives. Some things will come very easy to you, maybe astral projection for instance, and others you will struggle more to develop skill in those areas.
>>4447A very important key that you should have included with your recommendation of autosuggestion is to emotionally resonate with the words being said. Doing it dejectedly, distractedly, or with the wrong emotional resonance tends to damper the effect of autosuggestion. It is much more powerful that way – and yes one must really believe in what they say but emotions are a key to enabling that belief.
It should be done 40x times in a row, as per the instructions in IIH, and preferably while one is in bed and just starting to fall asleep. If one falls asleep before completing all 40x of the mantra then that's actually very good and it has a profound effect upon the person when they then wake up tomorrow, there subconscious having just processed the suggestion very thoroughly, and acted upon it while they were sleeping; rearranging whatever must be sorted out in order to make the suggestion be manifested.
11/01/14 (Sat) 11:12:54 No. 7499
>wanting to be a dark lord >ever
11/01/14 (Sat) 11:15:08 No. 7500
>>7499 why the fuck my oekaki didn't work?
Thank god I printed this.
Also, double doubles
SAGE! 11/01/14 (Sat) 12:59:27 No. 7505
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:19:51 No. 7890
Magick isn't real btw
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:20:51 No. 7892
>>7890 Well you've convinced me. Close the board smiley, go get a kosher, mundane job and buy a fedora, this guy says magic doesn't even real and that is all the proof anyone should need.
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:21:48 No. 7895
>>7894 >Try something that doesn't exist Also don't insult my fedora, I have a katana and I know how to use it.
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:22:15 No. 7896
>>7892 This makes me think of some of the shit he's been getting thrown at him by people in the chat and on 4chon lately about getting a job and so on.
A minimum wage job eats up a lot of a person's time and leaves you exhausted at the end of the day unable to do much study or practise.
It it is better to avoid such shit – the people telling him to get a job and so on I am sure they will regret it years later from now.
Imagine how many great in history would never have amounted to anything if they gave up on their dreams and simply did what was recommended of them by the plebs?
What if some of Europe's greatest composers put away the pen and just helped out their uncle selling produce at the market?
What if Bill Gates was discouraged from dicking around with those "useless computers" that will "never amount to anything"?
"Dream big or go home" should be a slogan for /fringe/ for a week at the top where the Bringers of the Dawn quote currently is.
We here are men of an order striving for a higher ideal and should not settle for the mundane.
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:23:52 No. 7900
>>7890 I like to tell that to mundanes, it makes me laugh inside.
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:24:28 No. 7903
>>7890 Magick might be 90% horseshit. But you can bet your crusty ass hairs that Loosh is the real deal, you signifying motherfucker.
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:24:40 No. 7904
>>7903 >loosh >implying it's not just an autistic version of something that's already been proven
11/02/14 (Sun) 23:24:50 No. 7905
>he's a grown up who believes in magic >on an anonymous imageboard >he takes his "rituals" very seriously >he doesn't have a job >he'll never amount to anything >he will just spend day after day posting fedora pics >for free
DeOdioPosuere Septem-Maximus 11/02/14 (Sun) 23:26:33 No. 7907
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. k
11/03/14 (Mon) 05:29:06 No. 8016
Worcestershire sauce stories? >be me>hear about if you drink the sauce you have crazy astral projection >drink 5 oz of it >go to sleep >entered the astral realm >meet lea and perrins themselves >they present me a steak >wake up due to hearing parents have loud sex nonetheless this shits amazimg
11/03/14 (Mon) 10:56:50 No. 8054
>>8016 This has to be some advanced bait.
11/03/14 (Mon) 11:31:39 No. 8057
u w0t m8
11/03/14 (Mon) 16:56:54 No. 8066
>>8016 Is that a thing? I love Worcester sauce.
11/06/14 (Thu) 21:57:07 No. 8546
Thursday, November 6, 2014[4:23:21 AM] ☢ 卐<SAJJAD>卐☢: Yo[4:25:37 AM] Motto: shalom[2:33:24 PM] ☢ 卐<SAJJAD>卐☢: YO[4:05:55 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: memezone[4:30:34 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I got promethazine and codeine motherfuckers[4:31:11 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I got promethazine and codeine in my cup I'm sippin on that purple drank in the house tonight motherfuckers because you're all bitches and pussies and Sons a little bitches because I smoke weed every single day[4:31:44 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I'm Canadian kid and I smoke weed everyday and I got that promethazine and codeine phosphate syrup nigga y'all can't stop me nigga[4:32:14 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Fucking son John R Madison fucking pussy because he's a little bitch because he doesn't even do drugs you hear me because the Jazz is a little bitch ass fucking pussy[4:32:24 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: no one gives a frick Bich[4:32:37 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I'm Canadian kid the leader of the Almighty suggested I will kill the Illuminati[4:32:48 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Staples a little bitch ass fucking pussy he can suck my fucking dick[4:33:02 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: stuck Ur baton in My as[4:33:03 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: XDDDDDD[4:33:21 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Haha staple your little fucking bitch and suck my dick because he can't even take that promethazine and codeine in that purple drank nigga you can't do shit you can't smoke that Kate to her Belinda says popery nigga[4:33:45 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: pussy ass cracker bik[4:33:53 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: im A part of the Deegle nashun[4:33:56 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: dom ass cracka[4:34:04 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Calm down nigga you can't smoke weed cuz your little bitch because you don't do that cut Molly I pop Molly every single day because your little pussy[4:34:16 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: u gay nigga?[4:34:20 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: i dont Frick wid brods[4:34:31 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I got so much codeine in my cup because im so high in the on the fly because I don't give a fuck I smoke weed everyday till I die because[4:35:07 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Staple is a pussy he can't even smoke weed everyday like me because he's a little bitch you think I'm me I'm a little fucking bitch because your little pussy you can't stop me nigga[4:35:28 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: nigga i suck Dickck olld ay[4:35:35 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : No one can stop me because I'm the fucking master of the all money I can't even be tamed nigga they think I'm fucking to change but I'm fucking phone chain[4:35:51 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Shut the fuck up because your little fucking pussy[4:36:26 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : You suck dick all day I suck I'm a joint all day and get super high because dicks are for fucking a gay Lords because I ain't no game because I love my pussy I love to suck on the pussy while
11/06/14 (Thu) 21:57:21 No. 8547
>>8546 [4:36:47 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: i suck dick Bik
[4:36:51 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: I brown Cock suck
[4:36:57 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : You suck dicks all day I smoked all day I don't give a fuck you suck dick I get high I love getting hot all day because I get so hot I like GO
[4:37:05 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: ye mo fugguh'
[4:37:25 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Shut the fuck up you gay Pakistani mother fucker I will kill all the Pakistanis in the world I hate the Muslim Quran because it suck dick in the pool Run
[4:37:31 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: FUCK TO YOU
[4:37:36 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: ENFIDIL
[4:37:38 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:37:42 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: JEHAD!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:38:14 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: toronto pussy ass cracker
[4:38:17 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: bik
[4:38:19 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I'm a fucking nuke fucking Pakistan in the fucking the Muslim fucking Quran can suck my dick I will fucking shit in the book of the Quran I'm going to take a shit on the Muslim
[4:38:38 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: toronto pussy tryin 2 flim flam brown Boy malik ahmad hussain
[4:39:24 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: pussy bitch
[4:39:35 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: ill Take yo're Pussy assd on any day
[4:39:41 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: cracker son Of the basterd Bich
[4:39:45 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Fuck Pakistan fuck them all fucking deal fuck the Muslim fucker on I'm going to fucking blow up the fucking text in a millon you get on the fucking atomic bomb that mother fucker
[4:39:47 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: toronto pussy Mother Fugger
[4:40:10 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: Toronto Pussy Bich
[4:40:14 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: Im Cummin 4 U
[4:40:15 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I am going to kill all the Muslims in the world because they are pieces of shit I hate Pakistan I hate the Quran I hate the Muslim trade I'm going to kill everything about Muslims and Pakistan because they are all pieces of shit and fuck the Quran
[4:40:21 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That Boipussi
[4:40:35 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:40:35 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:41:13 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : You are a piece of shit I'm going to fucking kill you you son of a bitch I'm going to fucking kill all the Pakistan because you are a Pakistani ass motherfuckers you kill himself hang yourself you piece of shit I'm going to fucking murder you and all the Pakistanis in the whole world you hear me mother fucker I'm going to cum for you and I'm going to fucking murder you you hear me I'm going to fucking murder you fucking whole family and your manly and fucking asshole you're fucking butthole
[4:41:30 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:41:31 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:41:31 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:41:32 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:41:32 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:41:49 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: iM gonna Bring a quran 2 Youre fukin house
[4:41:51 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: Pussy Cracker
[4:41:56 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Fucking type longer you fucking pussy you can type as long as me because your a fucking pussy ass fucking Muslim
[4:42:27 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 That toRonto Boipussi
[4:42:32 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I'm going to send you the Quran with my fucking shit
[4:42:37 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: im comin 2 rape that bvoypussi
[4:42:44 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: dum toronto pussy bich
[4:42:49 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I fucking put the Quran in the toilet and I take a shit on it and I fucking
[4:43:14 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : You're being arrested this is the United States of America CIA I'm going to come for you you
11/06/14 (Thu) 21:57:29 No. 8548
>>8547 [4:43:30 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: no im an Honory member Of the Marines
[4:43:42 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: i am Comander Stryker
[4:43:47 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : This is the CIA National Security Agency of America
[4:43:56 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:02 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:02 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:03 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:04 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:04 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:05 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:05 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:06 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:06 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Boiupusyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:44:11 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat toronto Bo
[4:44:18 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : This is Ray this is child molestation I'm coming for you you're going to be arrested
[4:44:30 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I'm going to arrest you
[4:44:37 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 Dat tornoto!!!!!
[4:44:50 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Rape child molestation I am coming for you this is the CIA Central Intelligence Agency of America
[4:45:05 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I am coming for you you don't even know how to spell Toronto right you fucking idiot
[4:45:09 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: iM sendin a quran 2 The toronto Branch of The CIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:45:27 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: comin 4 U
[4:45:30 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: pusyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[4:45:38 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Trono is spelled with a capital not a lower case T
[4:45:52 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: no Because i 9/11d it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:46:05 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : Because you're Muslim and you don't know shit in your country fucking sucks
[4:46:20 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: i am Gay!!!!!!!!!!
[4:46:31 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: pussy Ass tronto bich
[4:46:32 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : This is the United States of America I order you to stand down before you get shot we are coming to your house we have your location
[4:46:35 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: fukin dumas
[4:46:45 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: fukin Dumas bik im shit
[4:46:49 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: not sunny,,,,,,,,,,
[4:46:56 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : This is the United States of America I order you to stand down we have your location
[4:47:05 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: frick Yea man
[4:47:10 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: wan2 rub Boipusi
[4:47:15 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: im in MexicO!!!!!!!!!!1
[4:47:18 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: 11!1111
[4:47:21 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: IM SO LE RANDOM!!!!!!!
[4:47:24 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : This is United States of America I am going to rob you you are fucking retarded
[4:47:31 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: bOiPuSsI
[4:47:44 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: toronto bich
[4:47:46 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: im comin 4 u
[4:47:54 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid : I'm removing you from this group right now this is United States of America
[4:47:55 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: U
[4:48:02 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: toronto bich as Cracka pusyi
'''[4:48:17 PM] Canadian Leaning Kid has left.
[4:48:39 PM] Fringe Wizard: What in the fuck are you niggers babbling about.
[4:48:58 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: argunn bout BoipussI…….
[4:49:07 PM] xddd meme wzirod!!!!!: normAl fricks wont Understand
11/06/14 (Thu) 22:33:58 No. 8555
>>8016 >be me >out scootering with my friends >go to the bath room >find a cup of odd, brown liquid >remember posts on fringe about witches brew and potions >drink it>oh shit, its Lea & perrins worcestershire sauce >i go onto astral project>in the strange realms >see lea and perrins >they hand me a nice rump roast >my friends wake me up anyone else have any worcestershire sauce stories?
11/11/14 (Tue) 21:54:31 No. 9388
*astral projects my ass into another realm*
11/12/14 (Wed) 00:42:43 No. 9396
>go to reddit >thread entitled "what's the closest thing to magic/sorcery the world has ever seen?" >4000 replies >most popular reply is a card trick I used to do as a child >mfw
11/12/14 (Wed) 18:40:37 No. 9469
11/13/14 (Thu) 03:53:10 No. 9511
11/21/14 (Fri) 08:19:56 No. 10487
become as a child become deaf become blind your own substance must become nothingness all substance all nothingness drive far from you leave space leave time eschew also all physical representation go without a way the narrow foot-path then you will succeed in finding the desert
sage sage SAGE! 11/21/14 (Fri) 12:49:09 No. 10503
11/21/14 (Fri) 22:41:28 No. 10523
DeOdioPosuere Septem-Maximus 11/21/14 (Fri) 22:46:44 No. 10526
hitler was a ragin faggot
11/22/14 (Sat) 00:17:06 No. 10530
☻ 11/22/14 (Sat) 06:30:37 No. 10575
>>10503 …but how do you derail and shitpost in a thread about shitposting?
11/22/14 (Sat) 08:31:46 No. 10597
>Read Cassiopean transcripts a few days ago >Go for a piss, while still thinking about text >Snap out of thoughts because I notice aura around my dick >Now every time I piss I get better at seeing the aura on my penis. A magic stories thread would be nice to have.
11/22/14 (Sat) 08:38:42 No. 10599
11/22/14 (Sat) 08:39:07 No. 10600
11/23/14 (Sun) 05:48:37 No. 10664
11/25/14 (Tue) 09:49:18 No. 10880
11/25/14 (Tue) 10:03:20 No. 10883
>>10880 Please no, there are already multiple magick stories threads in existence in the catalog, we don't need another because idiots like you don't look past the 1st page.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/26/14 (Wed) 22:16:13 No. 11028
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 8/8
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:24:09 No. 11125
AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them. “Hey Ebony!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Draco Malfoy! “What’s up Draco?” I asked. “Nothing.” he said shyly. But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz! Chapter 2. AN: Fangz 2 bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da chapta! BTW preps stop flaming ma story ok! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot pink velvet with black lace on the ends. I got out of my coffin and took of my giant MCR t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun. My friend, Willow (AN: Raven dis is u!) woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length raven black hair with pink streaks and opened her forest-green eyes. She put on her Marilyn Manson t-shirt with a black mini, fishnets and pointy high-heeled boots. We put on our makeup (black lipstick white foundation and black eyeliner.) “OMFG, I saw you talking to Draco Malfoy yesterday!” she said excitedly. “Yeah? So?” I said, blushing. “Do you like Draco?” she asked as we went out of the Slytherin common room and into the Great Hall. “No I so fucking don’t!” I shouted. “Yeah right!” she exclaimed. Just then, Draco walked up to me. “Hi.” he said. “Hi.” I replied flirtily. “Guess what.” he said. “What?” I asked. “Well, Good Charlotte are having a concert in Hogsmeade.” he told me. “Oh. My. Fucking. God!” I screamed. I love GC. They are my favorite band, besides MCR. “Well…. do you want to go with me?” he asked. I gasped.
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:24:39 No. 11126
Chapter 3. AN: STOP FLAMMING DA STORY PREPZ OK! odderwize fangs 2 da goffik ppl 4 da good reveiws! FANGS AGEN RAVEN! oh yeah, BTW I don’t own dis or da lyrics 4 Good Chralotte. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On the night of the concert I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding and I listened to some GC. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I didn’t put on foundation because I was pale anyway. I drank some human blood so I was ready to go to the concert. I went outside. Draco was waiting there in front of his flying car. He was wearing a Simple Plan t-shirt (they would play at the show too), baggy black skater pants, black nail polish and a little eyeliner (AN: A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!). “Hi Draco!” I said in a depressed voice. “Hi Ebony.” he said back. We walked into his flying black Mercedes-Benz (the license plate said 666) and flew to the place with the concert. On the way we listened excitedly to Good Charlotte and Marilyn Manson. We both smoked cigarettes and drugs. When we got there, we both hopped out of the car. We went to the mosh pit at the front of the stage and jumped up and down as we listened to Good Charlotte. “You come in cold, you're covered in blood They're all so happy you've arrived The doctor cuts your cord, hands you to your mom She sets you free into this life.” sang Joel (I don’t own da lyrics 2 dat song). “Joel is so fucking hot.” I said to Draco, pointing to him as he sung, filling the club with his amazing voice. Suddenly Draco looked sad. “What’s wrong?” I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on. “Hey, it’s ok I don’t like him better than YOU!” I said. “Really?” asked Draco sensitively and he put his arm around me all protective. “Really.” I said. “Besides I don’t even know Joel and he’s going out with Hilary fucking Duff. I fucking hate that little bitch.” I said disgustedly, thinking of her ugly blonde face. The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Draco. After the concert, we drank some beer and asked Benji and Joel for their autographs and photos with them. We got GC concert tees. Draco and I crawled back into the Mercedes-Benz, but Draco didn’t go back into Hogwarts, instead he drove the car into……………………… the Forbidden Forest!
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:25:02 No. 11127
Chapter 4. AN: I sed stup flaming ok ebony’s name is ENOBY nut mary su OK! DRACO IS SOO IN LUV wif her dat he is acting defrent! dey nu eechodder b4 ok! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX “DRACO!” I shouted. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Draco didn’t answer but he stopped the flying car and he walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously. “What the fucking hell?” I asked angrily. “Ebony?” he asked. “What?” I snapped. Draco leaned in extra-close and I looked into his gothic red eyes (he was wearing color contacts) which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn’t feel mad anymore. And then…………… suddenly just as I Draco kissed me passionately. Draco climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against a tree. He took of my top and I took of his clothes. I even took of my bra. Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time. “Oh! Oh! Oh! ” I screamed. I was beginning to get an orgasm. We started to kiss everywhere and my pale body became all warm. And then…. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUKERS!” It was…………………………………………………….Dumbledore! Chapter 5. AN: STOP flaming! if u flam it menz ur a prep or a posr! Da only reson Dumbledeor swor is coz he had a hedache ok an on tup of dat he wuz mad at dem 4 having sexx! PS im nut updating umtil I get five good revoiws! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dumbledore made and Draco and I follow him. He kept shouting at us angrily. “You ludacris fools!” he shouted. I started to cry tears of blood down my pallid face. Draco comforted me. When we went back to the castle Dumbledore took us to Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall who were both looking very angry. “They were having sexual intercourse in the Forbidden Forest!” he yelled in a furious voice. “Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?” asked Professor McGonagall. “How dare you?” demanded Professor Snape. And then Draco shrieked. “BECAUSE I LOVE HER!” Everyone was quiet. Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall still looked mad but Professor Snape said. “Fine. Very well. You may go up to your rooms.” Draco and I went upstairs while the teachers glared at us. “Are you okay, Ebony?” Draco asked me gently. “Yeah I guess.” I lied. I went to the girl’s dorm and brushed my teeth and my hair and changed into a low-cut black floor-length dress with red lace all around it and black high heels. When I came out…. Draco was standing in front of the bathroom, and he started to sing ‘I just wanna live’ by Good Charlotte. I was so flattered, even though he wasn’t supposed to be there. We hugged and kissed. After that, we said goodnight and he reluctantly went back into his room. Chapter 6. AN: shjt up prepz ok! PS I wnot update ubtil u give me goood revows! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The next day I woke up in my coffin. I put on a black miniskirt that was all ripped around the end and a matching top with red skulls all over it and high heeled boots that were black. I put on two pairs of skull earrings, and two crosses in my ears. I spray-painted my hair with purple. In the Great Hall, I ate some Count Chocula cereal with blood instead of milk, and a glass of red blood. Suddenly someone bumped into me. All the blood spilled over my top. “Bastard!” I shouted angrily. I regretted saying it when I looked up cause I was looking into the pale white face of a gothic boy with spiky black hair with red streaks in it. He was wearing so much eyeliner that I was going down his face and he was wearing black lipstick. He didn’t have glasses anymore and now he was wearing red contact lenses just like Draco’s and there was no scar on his forhead anymore. He had a manly stubble on his chin. He had a sexy English accent. He looked exactly like Joel Madden. He was so sexy that my body went all hot when I saw him kind of like an erection only I’m a girl so I didn’t get one you sicko. “I’m so sorry.” he said in a shy voice. “That’s all right. What’s your name?” I questioned. “My name’s Harry Potter, although most people call me Vampire these days.” he grumbled. “Why?” I exclaimed. “Because I love the taste of human blood.” he giggled. “Well, I am a vampire.” I confessed. “Really?” he whimpered. “Yeah.” I roared. We sat down to talk for a while. Then Draco came up behind me and told me he had a surprise for me so I went away with him.
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:26:19 No. 11129
Chapter 7. Bring me 2 life AN: wel ok u guyz im only writting dis cuz I got 5 god reviuws. n BTW I wont rite da nxt chapter til I git TIN god vons! STO FLAMING OR ILL REPORT U! Evony isn’t a Marie Sue ok she isn’t perfect SHES A SATANITS! n she has problemz shes depressed 4 godz sake! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXX Draco and I held our pale white hands with black nail polish as we went upstairs. I was wearing red Satanist sings on my nails in red nail polish (AN: c doez dat sound lik a Maru Sue 2 u?). I waved to Vampire. Dark misery was in his depressed eyes. I guess he was jealous of me that I was going out with Draco. Anyway, I went upstairs excitedly with Draco. We went into his room and locked the door. Then………… We started frenching passively and we took off each others clothes enthusiastically. He felt me up before I took of my top. Then I took off my black leather bra and he took off his pants. We went on the bed and started making out naked and then he put his boy’s thingy in mine and we HAD SEX. (c is dat stupid?) “Oh Draco, Draco!” I screamed while getting an orgasm when all of a sudden I saw a tattoo I had never seen before on Draco’s arm. It was a black heart with an arrow through it. On it in bloody gothic writing were the words………… Vampire! I was so angry. “You bastard!” I shouted angrily, jumping out of the bed. “No! No! But you don’t understand!” Draco pleaded. But I knew too much. “No, you fucking idiot!” I shouted. “You probably have AIDs anyway!” I put on my clothes all huffily and then stomped out. Draco ran out even though he was naked. He had a really big you-know-what but I was too mad to care. I stomped out and did so until I was in Vampire’s classroom where he was having a lesson with Professor Snape and some other people. “VAMPIRE POTTER, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” I yelled. Chapter 8. AN: stop flassing ok! if u do den u r a prep! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXX Everyone in the class stared at me and then Draco came into the room even though he was naked and started begging me to take him back. “Ebony, it’s not what you think!” Draco screamed sadly. My friend B’loody Mary Smith smiled at me understatedly. She flipped her long waste-length gothic black hair and opened her crimson eyes like blood that she was wearing contact lenses on. She had pale white skin that she was wearing white makeup on. Hermione was kidnapped when she was born. Her real parents are vampires and one of them is a witch but Voldemort killed her mother and her father committed suicide because he was depressed about it. She still has nightmares about it and she is very haunted and depressed. It also turns out her real last name is Smith and not Granger. (Since she has converted to Satanism she is in Slytherin now not Griffindoor. ) “What is it that you desire, you ridiculous dimwit!” Snape demeaned angrily in his cold voice but I ignored him. “Vampire, I can’t believe you cheated on me with Draco!” I shouted at him. Everyone gasped. I don’t know why Ebony was so mad at me. I had went out with Vampire (I’m bi and so is Ebony) for a while but then he broke my heart. He dumped me because he liked Britney, a stupid preppy fucker. We were just good friends now. He had gone through horrible problems, and now he was gothic. (Haha, like I would hang out with a prep.) “But I’m not going out with Draco anymore!” said Vampire. “Yeah fucking right! Fuck off, you bastard!” I screamed. I ran out of the room and into the Forbidden Forest where I had lost my virility to Draco and then I started to bust into tears.
11/27/14 (Thu) 13:22:45 No. 11153
>>11028 mashairi tamu, ndugu
11/27/14 (Thu) 14:51:23 No. 11156
>>6426 Swami's just an attention whore looking for a legion of beta orbiters.
She used to trip on /r9k/ for the same purpose.
☻ 11/27/14 (Thu) 19:45:58 No. 11174
>>11129 >>11127 >>11126 >>11125 Kek where did this all come from? This shit is amazing, I don't know how someone can think and type like that, it's so far-removed from my experiences I just have no insight into that insanity there.
11/27/14 (Thu) 20:18:19 No. 11178
>>11174 it's a fanfic called My Immortal.
11/29/14 (Sat) 10:26:32 No. 11358
>Try to induce spinning in meditation >Rotate counterclockwise at a reasonable speed. >"This is too easy" >Induce a forward rolling sensation with the spinning and get faster >Can't control it anymore >Start feeling sick from all the spinning That was quite annoying, I'll tell you hwat.
11/29/14 (Sat) 20:40:15 No. 11416
11/30/14 (Sun) 01:25:26 No. 11443
>>5810 So I can pretty much ignore anything posted on this board because everyone that uses it is an autist?
11/30/14 (Sun) 09:09:48 No. 11471
12/10/14 (Wed) 19:25:20 No. 12553
>>12535 I downloaded the game and it's interesting, however im stuck. What do i do? I can only visit the 4 levels
12/10/14 (Wed) 20:30:51 No. 12559
>>12553 You gotta collect the stuff
12/11/14 (Thu) 18:45:46 No. 12669
>Hey guys, I have something important to tell you… <What is it anon?>I've thought about it for awhile and I've decided that I'm going to live the life of a celibate. <B-B-But that's against the tradition, marriage is stressed! <As an atheist I don't want to say anything, but some people decide to put off relationships and change their minds to focus on their career>Th-thanks Grandma but my passion is esoteric wizardry and the bliss of meditation, I'm not going to college or anything <Wh-what, how are you going to have a future, anon? Muh success>I will live in the cheapest way possible, living on part time minimum wage jobs <B-But son what about muh grand-kids, why do you want to live a loser life?>The only thing that keeps me from suicide is not living a normalfag life. I have nothing but good reasons to do it. I'm going to deliberately avoid success in order to make sure I go through with this choice. I might have considered it my duty to contribute to the White peoples in an alternate universe, but you had to make me a racial mongrel >Dad is pissed off >Grandma looks like she's going to faint >Mom starts crying
12/11/14 (Thu) 18:51:53 No. 12670
>>12669 top kek
Minimum wage jobs would surely eat up too much of your time though? It would be better to do seasonal work with higher pay and quickly get enough money in a short while to ensure you can meditate in peace for multiple years.
12/11/14 (Thu) 18:53:39 No. 12671
>>11443 A lot of the guys in that chat don't post on the board except once in awhile to troll it and aren't the core of legitimate posters that are here.
12/11/14 (Thu) 19:24:20 No. 12679
>>12670 I was planning on just working weekends. I don't know how much more advantageous seasonal work would be. I've considered doing a bunch of work and then living on the savings, but I figure it wouldn't be very pleasant.
12/11/14 (Thu) 19:41:43 No. 12682
>>5810 >Being as self-pitying faggot >This is how normal people behave
12/11/14 (Thu) 20:01:21 No. 12686
>>12669 seems pretty fuckn winner to me
tipp 12/12/14 (Fri) 22:33:01 No. 12834
12/12/14 (Fri) 22:34:42 No. 12835
>>12669 > I might have considered it my duty to contribute to the White peoples in an alternate universe, but you had to make me a racial mongrel Gonna roll with this myself, publicly.
12/13/14 (Sat) 04:01:02 No. 12855
>>12844 Please take your sick child rape game avatarfagging elsewhere
12/13/14 (Sat) 09:09:44 No. 12884
>>12855 How would you know that the pic is from a sick child rape game if you didn't hear and play that game yourself. Are you a pedo?
12/13/14 (Sat) 14:09:07 No. 12902
>>12884 He obviously used magick. Also what does hearing the game have to do with anything?
Pro-Active Denial Game 12/13/14 (Sat) 15:58:42 No. 12908
Accuse Others of Your Fave Sin REAP INVECTIVE
12/14/14 (Sun) 00:21:38 No. 12941
>>12855 >being this much of a normalfag mundane It's a work safe screenshot from a video game, relax
12/14/14 (Sun) 00:21:49 No. 12942
>>12884 Thanks to you I download and made 100% of this game today.
I love you Anon.
12/15/14 (Mon) 19:58:57 No. 13141
12/21/14 (Sun) 00:56:28 No. 14112
wonder wat reptile alien flag l00kz liek
neo-pagan white nationalist 12/22/14 (Mon) 22:43:21 No. 14426
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. (WHY NOT WEAR THE BROWNPILL FLAG?)
12/22/14 (Mon) 22:58:14 No. 14429
This thread should be exempt from the flag rule.(NOPE, FLAG POLICE GON' GET YOU)
12/23/14 (Tue) 00:33:10 No. 14444
## Board Owner 12/23/14 (Tue) 03:40:30 No. 14469
>>14444 Holy shit, quads. You really should have a flag but I'll make an exception for you this time.
12/23/14 (Tue) 03:47:12 No. 14471
File: 1419306432116.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.87 KB, 419x249, 419:249, tmp_2269-14178819953113547….jpg )
12/23/14 (Tue) 14:36:05 No. 14539
File: 1419345365435.gif (495.94 KB, 220x371, 220:371, 220px-MictlantecuhtliByPhi….gif )
hapy xmas ebryone, ayy wel'l loosh u again in 2015, hahah… jk, (or am i??) doped, haha… jk, (or amm i agin??) haha.
12/23/14 (Tue) 19:04:44 No. 14546
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Merry Christmas faglords!
12/27/14 (Sat) 22:24:17 No. 15151
Constructive shitposting! I got myself spooked last night when I kept all these thoughts running through my head. 23 things you shouldn't do at night. 1)Don't leave small sources of light open at night, it'll attract the creepers. 2)Don't look in the closets or open it obnoxiously, give the creeper time to back off in it's dimension, you'll freak him out and he'll attack with his 10 inch long claws. 3)Don't let the faucet leak water, it attracts the eldritch abominations of the dark ocean. 4)Don't make loud noises at night or the watcher will come for you. 5)Do not under any circumstance flush the toilet, the watcher will wait for you at the door when you get out of the bathroom. 6)When you walk in the darkness make sure you hug the wall and kneel down as you walk. 7) If things are too silent then you probably have blooding nightmares. Like a goat person, but bigger and cloaked, bleeds out of his mouth and slowly opens his long mouth before he bites your head off quickly. 8) Talk to yourself in the mirror and eventually your doppelganger will respond in his own words. 9) Make sure you have a carpet in the bathroom, it can keep away cthulhu's spawn. 10) Watch out for the carpet to not be too thick or it creates a water portal allowing the cthulhu spawn to drag you under the depths of water. 11) The Rake is watching you, if all comes worst and there's no hope then your only chance is to get rid of all your clothes and don't speak a word. It'll think it's another Rake. 12) For people who live at high floors. Don't stay behind a window at night or a banshee will appear knocking on your window and telling you to open. Just flip it off, but don't look it in the eyes or will mind control you in a flash. 13) Jack off late at night in the bathroom and soon cockroaches will appear to ruin your fun time. They will go for your dick and try to eat the semen and bite your balls' scent. 14) Don't leave your dick out or the imps will steal it or jack you off during the night. 15) Leave your dick out or the imps will get frustrated and rip your pants off and then chop your dick off. These 2way scenarios always make you think what to do or not do. 16) Sleep in your underwear and bra with a thin white sheet covering it and a little leprechaun will grant you good luck in a quality male partner. 17) Sleep completely naked with or without covers(doesn't matter) and your next boyfriend will break the condom and get you pregnant. Or he'll be an attractive good looking fellow, but he's actually a sociopath. 18) Do not whisper late at night or the creeper will whisper back thinking it's another creeper, he'll probably even try to drag you in the closet rape your ass(it doesn't matter what gender you are). 19) Do not whisper kill kill kill or your dog and other creatures will rush in to attack you. 20) Don't drink water while in the dark, your water will be black and rats will come out of the woodwork. 21) Especially do not stay in a room in the dark after the light bulb just went out, a poltergeist might be nearby. 22) Don't carry a rabbit in your hands late at night, it attracts monsters. Rabbits are food. 23) Sleep in fetus position or with your face in the pillow, but never sleep with your chest pointing out, or if you do not use a cloak, monsters actually use cloaks to strangle you easier, keep you trapped and rape you in missionary position while you can't get the cloak off you. 24)? Nah story encounter time. In the early mornings and in the perfect shade of dusk(the sun's light rays) in the bathroom(you need a top window in the bathroom). There will be a weeping pale girl with black hair hugging her knees while she's naked. She looks between 10-14. I hope you do not have a bathtub, oh god you have a bathtub. The bathtub will be filled with water from where she can drown you. Do not switch the light on or late at night the same day your bathroom will be flooded and the water won't stop. Now here's what you do, you need to be in a sad depressed state too then you spread the girl's legs and give her a hug, make sure you cover up the whole body with your legs too and really mean it. Now you have to give her the D before she chops you off, but you better have a soft dick or she will kill you right there, she hates hard dicks. So you enter her slowly push it and out a little you have soft sex till she gets grabby and needy, now listen very carefully to not go with the flow and do not cum inside. You're got to march right up to this girl, right? You look her right in the brown eye. You lean forward. Just a little or almost all the way. Then you let her lean forward a little until you're just a lips' distance away from each other. And then you just tell her… how much you hate her. She then slaps you and vanishes away. Oh you sly dog! Woof woof! You are a real player you know that? Your sucubuss girlfriend is gonna be real jealous. Good job you just fucked a water lady.
12/28/14 (Sun) 01:12:56 No. 15163
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 12/28/14 (Sun) 11:37:49 No. 15210
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 12/28/14 (Sun) 11:38:58 No. 15211
12/31/14 (Wed) 05:29:47 No. 15758
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
01/01/15 (Thu) 23:42:33 No. 15952
☻ 01/02/15 (Fri) 03:01:39 No. 15965
Hey guys does the CSS on /fringe/ cause any of you lag? I hope I'm not making the board unusable to people on shitty PCs.
01/02/15 (Fri) 03:14:06 No. 15969
>>15965 >>15965 No lag on my phone since u had that big flfloating star (thanks for getting rid of it)
01/02/15 (Fri) 03:18:11 No. 15970
>>15965 No, only problem I've ever had in here was on that 1000+ posts question thread.
Curls !!YAVz6tuk1I 01/02/15 (Fri) 06:11:34 No. 15987
>tfw you will never cuddle in bed and watch anime with smiley >tfw you will never pretend to yawn and then slyly wrap your arm around his shoulder >tfw he will never nuzzle his head into your chest, moaning softly as he does >tfw you will never gently fall into deep slumber as he recites a speech about how the reptillian jews are taking over the media >tfw you will never wake up with him still awake, still talking like you never went to sleep >tfw you will never both get up and go to the gym for long, sweaty workout followed by smoothies >tfw you will never practice magic together but keep getting distracted by each other and then just forget and go to cuddle again life isn't fair, what the fuck?
01/02/15 (Fri) 06:33:26 No. 15988
Don't delete my threads because you're afraid of the truth and how they captured your repressed homosexual tendencies.
Curls !!YAVz6tuk1I 01/02/15 (Fri) 07:31:45 No. 15991
>>15988 gunna need source on that first image, friendo
01/02/15 (Fri) 10:09:26 No. 15996
>>15991 >>15988 >>15987 Why are there so damned many faggots lusting over me oy vey!!
01/02/15 (Fri) 13:00:59 No. 16015
>>15991 >>15996 Their going to get you one day you know, in your boyim-pussy
01/02/15 (Fri) 18:30:40 No. 16035
As above my dick, so blow my dick.
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/07/15 (Wed) 09:18:33 No. 17009
le pouch
01/08/15 (Thu) 04:33:18 No. 17013
01/10/15 (Sat) 02:06:13 No. 17130
01/10/15 (Sat) 08:09:30 No. 17146
>>17130 Maybe its different where you live but where I am (south west uk) there are a fair number of natural psychics who are open about it and people respect them for it and accept it as real. They may or may not bother magical ritual but the ability is there.
01/10/15 (Sat) 10:15:27 No. 17158
>>17146 forgot my damn flag please dont rope me
will do an extra 30 minutes of meditation
01/10/15 (Sat) 11:57:46 No. 17171
File: 1420891066532.jpg (137.22 KB, 676x673, 676:673, jesus_standing_alone_watch….jpg )
01/11/15 (Sun) 21:45:30 No. 17467
enlightenment isn't free. yggdrasil needs to be watered by the shattered souls of ancient heroes. the demiurge, aka satan is NOT my god, he's a lunar shill for the materiel world and probably a faggot as well. blood and gore, not love more. heil hitler.
01/11/15 (Sun) 22:59:51 No. 17478
I love how much butthurt smiley manages to cause without even being around.
01/11/15 (Sun) 23:28:22 No. 17482
>>17478 The willful ignorance of these people is appalling. They deserve their slavery.
☻ 01/12/15 (Mon) 01:58:05 No. 17510
>>17478 Where the fuck are they getting these ideas about me from? Is someone pretending to be me on other imageboards I don't use and feeding them disinformation?
I am about to be 22 in just a few days.
I am NEET.
I make no money at all and have never ever once claimed in my life to be anything but very poor.
I do not have sex every day and find the very idea of it appalling, and I have never been told that I am a reincarnation of Hitler! Nor have spirits told me they are going to save the white race. I have a collection of messages from an usual entity and they are all just weird and cryptic while revealing that it KNOWS things about me it shouldn't but I don't know what it wants of me or what it has in mind.
Also what the fuck is this bullshit about growing up with a father? My father has always been around.
☻ 01/12/15 (Mon) 01:59:35 No. 17511
>>17171 Holy shit those are like my exact thoughts many days. This image really captures a feel in my life very well. Even the beard thing.
☻ 01/12/15 (Mon) 02:01:48 No. 17513
>>17130 lel that sigil of lucifer
01/12/15 (Mon) 03:15:48 No. 17544
>>17510 My lifes like kanyes. Kanye knows about reality creation redux
Rap god, Greek mythology
And this life too crazy to think logically
Here’s something that you could use an analogy
My life is like a child’s illusions become reality
01/12/15 (Mon) 03:40:22 No. 17559
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 4:00-6:00
Kanye is a genius, and a wizard
01/12/15 (Mon) 03:43:11 No. 17562
>>17544 This post reeks of MK Ultra predecessor programs.
Zimmer !UrGVburcew 01/12/15 (Mon) 03:52:21 No. 17567
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>17544 Did you say RAP GOD!?!?
01/12/15 (Mon) 03:54:00 No. 17568
File: 1421034840661.jpg (39.19 KB, 470x399, 470:399, kanye-west-golden-necklace….jpg )
>>17562 It's from a kanye west album
What's a predecessor program?
01/12/15 (Mon) 04:48:41 No. 17586
>>17568 MK Ultra is now about 4-6 decades old. The programs have arisen to replace it, far more advanced forms of mind control.
01/12/15 (Mon) 04:49:21 No. 17587
>>17568 Is that reflection of himself in the glass an accident? Look at the reflection of him over the coffin.
01/12/15 (Mon) 04:52:14 No. 17590
>>17586 >comes after >predecessor what?
Zimmer !UrGVburcew 01/12/15 (Mon) 06:52:45 No. 17600
>>17590 It's just like the "aftermath" mind control program that laid the groundwork for MK-ultra back in the early 1900's.
01/12/15 (Mon) 08:07:03 No. 17608
>>17600 Oh, I see. Dark occultists sure love their word play.
01/14/15 (Wed) 20:35:53 No. 17924
01/15/15 (Thu) 02:41:44 No. 17966
>>17924 They don't realize that we're electrical beings, and that our soul is equivalent to a complicated operating system (which exists, but is composed of essentiall 1s and 0s…)
Too bad this comic seems to endorse materialism.
01/19/15 (Mon) 12:16:55 No. 18711
You're going to the astral with your girlfriend when this guy shows up and slaps your gf's ass. What do?
01/19/15 (Mon) 22:58:41 No. 18743
>>18711 Quickscope him back to oblivion.
01/20/15 (Tue) 01:56:33 No. 18755
>>18711 Astral pulse him a few times to weaken and incinerate him then subdue him and consume his essence.
☻ 01/21/15 (Wed) 18:36:17 No. 19039
le shitposting
01/21/15 (Wed) 19:30:11 No. 19043
Zimmer !UrGVburcew 01/22/15 (Thu) 04:35:36 No. 19077
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. It's /fringe/ the movie!
01/22/15 (Thu) 11:22:18 No. 19104
There is so much shitposting in here:
Reaching Out 2 Dark Guise 01/22/15 (Thu) 12:32:57 No. 19108
Hi there, /fringe/. It is curious. It seems like some force doesn't want me to post this. But here goes anyways. I'll start this by saying call me "X". X is a placeholder. A place holder because long ago, from the small bit I remember from childhood, I existed on a totally different layer of existence. You could call it a "megacarnival". There, I was infinite. All was connected to my soul. All things emitted from my soul. Sweet dreams and souls surrounded my wake. I was we was I. Words don't do it justice. Those around me rejoiced. And I did also. I lived vicariously through the infinite experiences of the fractal of my mind and the minds preceding. But I was devoid a twin flame, an equal, is the closest I xan describe to it. And in my saudade I wound up in the fractal, searching for this contemporary.. And the more I sought this illusory traveller, the more I forgot the divine mystery. And eventually the truth of form, in that the created always become Creators. I devolved and each time I forgot more, and was more wedged in this paradigm, of my own choosing. And so now I am here, a being foreign to this realm of delta (3d evolution of the point) and the supreme truth of it. So here I am, a dark guise, hoping slowly for the omnisistence I used to have. I cannot relate to another member of this species successfully. No one ever understands me. I'm not ugly, or unintelligent…but I truly cannot react to anyone. And what's more, my energy scares people. They cannot read me or my chaos and order despite their spirituality and thus retreat, but I always can read them. When they lie. I can tell by their eyes. Their eyes and their aura open the channel of their soul to me. But I mean no harm. I came from a different, higher place and I am filled with a love for all. And because I have lived an infinite number of lives, and am an infinite number of souls in one soul, something that many refuse to believe, I face all of the pain humanity has, as well as the human I exist in. Of course, that means I get glimpses of the future, limited as my physical mind and body are. They scare the mind and body. Their innocence retreats from it. My magic also doesn't work like most others'. If I will something into existence enough, it becomes so. Of course, as I have found refuge in the human body, that ability is not fully realized. But sigils, signs, reagents, incantations, chants and old mystic traditions do nothing but cloud my mind and deliver negative vibes to my core. Tl;dr, I'm just curious if the gifted among you understand what that's like. Remembering the different natures…the dreamscape, the Carnival. It is a shame. Words do my description of reality harsh. But to any who might understand…
01/24/15 (Sat) 16:37:19 No. 19464
01/24/15 (Sat) 19:41:51 No. 19483
>Bed at noon >Bed at 2 PM Decide for me.
01/28/15 (Wed) 20:59:46 No. 19930
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/29/15 (Thu) 02:44:27 No. 19958
farts and penises
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/29/15 (Thu) 02:50:22 No. 19959
mega poops
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/29/15 (Thu) 02:50:38 No. 19960
diarrhea hands
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/29/15 (Thu) 02:50:45 No. 19961
influx queef detector
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/29/15 (Thu) 02:51:25 No. 19962
masturbatory fluid checker
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/29/15 (Thu) 02:52:09 No. 19963
Smegma !C0cks51q.s 01/29/15 (Thu) 02:52:37 No. 19964
01/29/15 (Thu) 03:07:04 No. 19965
ever feel drained as soon as you wake-up and gain energy as the day goes on until you go to sleep (which you do not even feel sleepy)? Like something in the dream world taking your loosh or something?
01/29/15 (Thu) 05:07:37 No. 19966
Can I shitpost in the distance or do I have to move away from the mic to breathe?
CHAOSVOID 01/29/15 (Thu) 19:08:56 No. 20065
Why are children's movies so shit? Every children's movie that comes out is absolute garbage. When I was a child I didn't like watching movies that were meant for children as it's mindmelting stupid garbage, usually a lot of cringe singing, and it's just fucking awful. The fairytales and other literature written for children hundreds of years ago was a lot darker and a lot more engaging and imaginative and beautiful than today's commercialized shit children films.
01/29/15 (Thu) 19:10:20 No. 20066
>>19965 Happens to me all the time.
01/29/15 (Thu) 19:29:16 No. 20071
>>19965 Maybe at times. Early this week I had wet dreams (more than ever before! and they rid me of vitality.
It was my fault really. I should have lifted the energy centered in lower points to higher ones.
Sexual energy is so potent, I will not twice let it escape me as it escaped me this week.
01/30/15 (Fri) 05:02:28 No. 20124
01/30/15 (Fri) 07:50:14 No. 20128
>>20065 Mind control, societal programming, etc. No different from television (tell-a-vision). What else could it be? Walt Disney was a 33rd degree freemason, you know. All his films are used in satanic ritual abuse/monarch mind control.
SAGE! 01/30/15 (Fri) 23:29:59 No. 20220
>>20065 Yes, I have noticed the same thing. My childhood would have been much different without the dark and melancholy things.
But I suppose it is also a cultural thing. America, especially after 9/11, was potentially the worst case of this. In the 90s western cartoons seemed darker…
Now it seems like a new generation of stuff is coming up alongside the millenials like Adventure Time that assumes greater maturity of the child, which is always good.
02/01/15 (Sun) 04:51:48 No. 20431
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people of all races, colors, and creeds are crowded into the brightly lit auditorium. Seating room sold out within minutes. Many in the audience were greatful to get standing room admission. Slowly and without fanfare Smiley walks up from Backstage. He is shrouded in wizard robes, notunlike those of a Rabbi or druid, but textured with African patterns woven in to the fabric. >Good evening, we are gathered here tonight for a celebration The crowd listens intently. No one dares interrupt Smiley while he is speaking. >These electric lights, tools of the white man With a wave of his hand darkness sweeps the theatre, as though he was some sort of stand-up Dumbledore the wizard extinguishing the street lights with his deluminator. Not even the stage remains lit. >Tonight we use our tools the way Mother Nature intended when she first put people onto the great continent of Africa many thousands of years ago. A soft rhythm of Congo drum beats is heard. A flickering flame appears beside Smiley, illuminating not one but many figures on stage. Some with the same outline of wizard robes. Some seemingly completely nude. >Come with me and cast off the shackles of the white colonial oppressor. Embrace the culture of your ancestors, give in to your tribal instincts. A few of the white patrons seem to be confused. Others are joining in. Some of the black theatre goers appear to have brought their own personal drums. The fire grows larger every second. >For too long the races of men have been separated. When they do come together they remain segregated like water and oil. Tonight this shall cease to be. Let the drumbeats be the detergent for the mixture of races. Oil and water shall be one. (alchemy) The rhythm gets louder, the fire brighter. Many in the audience are standing. Many are dancing. All are waiting for what Smiley has to say next. >BRING FORTH THE WHITE WOMEN. TONIGHT I PROCLAIM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL INTERRACIAL BREEDING GROUNDS
02/01/15 (Sun) 05:02:10 No. 20435
>>20065 Fortunately we still have anime. :^)
SAGE! 02/01/15 (Sun) 05:11:37 No. 20440
>>20128 I have a feeling that Disney's company was eventually overtaken by the jew. look at what values he pushed for in the past, and look at what became of his company today.
02/01/15 (Sun) 12:34:24 No. 20476
>>20128 >(tell-a-vision) More like
Tel-Aviv-Zion .
02/02/15 (Mon) 05:05:08 No. 20679
02/02/15 (Mon) 17:44:01 No. 20739
ayy lmao!
02/02/15 (Mon) 17:50:34 No. 20741
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Wizard thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a wizardchat pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Erisian Goddess, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on fringechat posting about fucking wizardry. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a wizard. A pathetic Wizardfag looshfarmer. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "LOOSH LOOSH LOOSH LOOSH LOOSH." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
02/02/15 (Mon) 17:59:55 No. 20746
>>20435 Speak for yourself faggot
02/03/15 (Tue) 08:51:51 No. 20857
aylm ao
02/03/15 (Tue) 08:52:18 No. 20858
02/03/15 (Tue) 08:52:53 No. 20859
02/03/15 (Tue) 08:57:06 No. 20860
>that ayy when no qt gray gf ayy lmao…
02/03/15 (Tue) 08:57:48 No. 20861
>>20746 dude i bet u dont even watch nareto
02/03/15 (Tue) 11:20:25 No. 20875
mwahahahaa new world order guy!!!
02/05/15 (Thu) 02:32:22 No. 21094
02/07/15 (Sat) 21:44:57 No. 21349
02/11/15 (Wed) 04:31:34 No. 21814
/co/ is making a Wacky Races amongst the 25 top boards, so we are invited. Every board develops its vehicle, the drivers, and so on. Should we Vrilcraft? Thread: >>>/co/77318
02/11/15 (Wed) 04:41:17 No. 21815
>>21814 Yes please make it a Vrilcraft.
02/11/15 (Wed) 07:48:29 No. 21835
>>21815 We don't have drawfags, do we?
02/11/15 (Wed) 07:51:34 No. 21837
>>21835 We had one but she's locked up in a psychiatric institution or gone off the deep end or something and we haven't had a new one since as far as I can tell. She drew Fringe Girl for us.
02/11/15 (Wed) 13:09:01 No. 21857
this is a cool looking board
02/11/15 (Wed) 13:28:19 No. 21859
>>21835 Drawing Neophyte here, I'll whip something up latter in the evening after I'm done with my ritual.
If you have any ideas what you want to see besides a Vrilcraft, post them here for now.
02/11/15 (Wed) 19:49:05 No. 21879
>>21859 Person situated in a small pentagram engraved into either forest floor or floorboards, standing infront of a large hexagram which has an outer circle around the points, and 6 inner circles upon the points where the triangles meet, to form a flower of life within the hexagram.
Smoke/fire raising into a half formed smoke figure who gradually gets more complete towards the upper half of its being.
שַׁרְשְׁרוֹת (sharsherah) – chain enscribed around the hexagram.
I guess something in the middle of it could be cool too… Maybe a sacrifice or some inscence forming into the demon or something…
02/17/15 (Tue) 03:08:27 No. 22718
Nice montalk tribute theme. better than that christmas bullshit. well, keep it up
02/17/15 (Tue) 08:45:52 No. 22751
drawtwik 02/17/15 (Tue) 09:14:59 No. 22756
what do i shoop together?
02/18/15 (Wed) 18:18:06 No. 22949
I think that *Officially* Designated Shitposting Thread #2 is overdue
02/19/15 (Thu) 02:41:33 No. 22999
File: 1424313693357.gif (679.28 KB, 435x227, 435:227, 48e3b3e4519c94621a9dc696bc….gif )
MS. TEAPOT THAT'S FUCKED UP!!!! ←- look at this shit!
02/19/15 (Thu) 02:43:24 No. 23000
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
02/19/15 (Thu) 04:59:02 No. 23013
>>>/grundescorp/ A whole board for /fringe/-allied shitposts, though it does have a theme
03/03/15 (Tue) 04:13:35 No. 24994
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/03/15 (Tue) 04:34:19 No. 24998
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/05/15 (Thu) 12:03:04 No. 25415
>>25011 I just remembered I had a dream years ago that scared me:
>Aliens attack our planet>Saucers everywhere see huge energy beams going for earth from the night sky >It's clear that everyone is fucked >Still somehow the only people that can do something about it are wizards Looking back on it, that was quite prophetic of what I was about to learn.
03/05/15 (Thu) 15:29:27 No. 25427
File: 1425569366852.gif (22.63 KB, 289x285, 289:285, mentat-prayer-quote-it-is-….gif )
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the energy of vril that thoughts acquire speed, the mind acquires impressions, the impressions become a heritage. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:12:58 No. 25464
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:11:57 No. 25465
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:13:16 No. 25466
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:12:14 No. 25467
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:13:21 No. 25468
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:13:28 No. 25469
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:13:32 No. 25470
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:16:34 No. 25472
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:16:42 No. 25473
xsqw 03/05/15 (Thu) 18:16:48 No. 25474
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:17:15 No. 25475
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:16:17 No. 25476
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:18:30 No. 25479
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:19:33 No. 25480
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:19:35 No. 25481
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:19:40 No. 25482
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:19:45 No. 25483
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:21:00 No. 25485
>>25483 Nigga whachu doing?
>Hey guys if you want to make /fringe/ popular make a lot of normal posts on /fringe/ but each post from a new IP, don't spam a ton of non-posts in one thread, 'cause we'll get banned from the top boards list 30 days. Just make your craploads of posts spread out in all the threads and make them relevant.
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:22:59 No. 25486
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:23:11 No. 25487
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:23:26 No. 25488
ayyyvfdsb fdsfdsghsdg
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:23:37 No. 25489
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:23:49 No. 25490
ayy ayyy
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:24:03 No. 25491
gfdsgfds gfds gdsfg
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:24:15 No. 25492
gfdsg dsfg sdfgsd
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:24:23 No. 25493
gfdsgdsf gdsg sdf
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:31:47 No. 25494
03/05/15 (Thu) 18:52:15 No. 25500
>>25415 >tfw we save the world
03/05/15 (Thu) 20:37:00 No. 25514
03/05/15 (Thu) 20:41:51 No. 25515
03/06/15 (Fri) 00:26:52 No. 25578
>>25515 ;_;
Lobotomy is murder. Worse than it really, for it leaves a body in such a horrible state.
03/06/15 (Fri) 18:53:45 No. 25730
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 19:10:42 No. 25737
requesting the freemason fedora pic i cannot seem to find it on my computer
03/06/15 (Fri) 19:21:58 No. 25741
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/06/15 (Fri) 19:23:59 No. 25744
>>25731 SPOILER ALERT! If you have not watched the show! Do not watch! >Fuck you
03/06/15 (Fri) 19:57:08 No. 25752
>>25744 Sorry was thinking with the old reptile brain on autopilot.
Will exercise better discernment in the future (An not post sleep-deprived, I'm a dopey fucker otherwise.)
Hail Discordia! Eris 03/07/15 (Sat) 15:31:26 No. 25923
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Wizard thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a wizardchat pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Erisian Goddess, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on fringechat posting about fucking wizardry. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a wizard. A pathetic Wizardfag looshfarmer. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "LOOSH LOOSH LOOSH LOOSH LOOSH." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
From the Order of Fringe Wizards Chat 03/08/15 (Sun) 13:26:49 No. 26116
[10:21:36 PM] Truth: What happens when it's all irrelevant and someday he will realize he needs a new wife and your argument becomes invalid in about a year, which is technically now if you truly understand the concept of time, to understand it's non existence makes it perceivable but truly unreal [10:22:47 PM] Truth: But again, as above so below. Making time travel completely possible by simply ignoring times' existence [10:27:11 PM] Truth: Basically achievable by those syfy cryogenic chambers [10:27:41 PM] Truth: The problem with that theory is that what's in motion tends to stay in motion [10:28:03 PM] Truth: You would only be able to go forward in said perceived time [10:30:02 PM] Truth: Everything is in fact perception, but those who choose fate and destiny and believe in love are bound to it, for better or worse [10:33:16 PM] Truth: But TECHNICALLY if history repeats itself with advancements in technology and politics yadyada if those who can beat aging human/nonhuman/ burrow underground in a lab and save some technology, and then they could just repopulate slowly and then those sent select few could have a cell phone with dinosaurs [10:36:11 PM] Truth: But they would probably skip that part and just keep the civilization and then rerun it like some old shitty sitcom at 4am to see if we get it right. But get what right? Immortals to learn from us? Or thinking to hard and forgetting the concept of god. I don't even have a structured concept of immortality unless the beings knowledge is connected elsewhere and the body had regenerative properties and FUCKIN YADAYADAYA [10:37:43 PM] Truth: Because a bullet to the brain would end the immortality or atleast it's functioning until it repaired itself, meaning if then the knowledge and wisdom wasn't located elsewhere [10:38:33 PM] Truth: Plus the ideology of a perfect being kind of shits on anything we humans perceive as bad like raped babies [10:39:16 PM] Truth: Like why god? And then you have to play with the idea that earth is middle ground for something darker, well evil as we perceive [10:41:27 PM] Truth: But I mean it's all perception but I'm not raping babies in my life so I'm wondering like if the God or higher being can know the good and bad as the being percieves as said we are in his image or it has been said we are also the creator [10:42:15 PM] Truth: Just something to say, hey, you shouldn't do that, or, good fucking job, bud, keep it up [10:43:20 PM] Truth: I just refuse to COMPLETELY believe it's unorthodox paradoxical entropy [10:43:35 PM] Truth: But without chaos there is no peace [10:43:46 PM] Truth: With or without, there just [10:43:46 PM] Truth: Is [10:46:38 PM] Truth: It is what it is, and I guess you just do whatever you want, but everything stays in motion, so I believe in a thing somewhat like karma, that maybe deep in an inner conscious a bad act may not necessarily happen but mentally and emotionally haunt and torment someone [10:47:22 PM] Truth: Or like our justice system. It's kind of like what you do here that deters what happens after [10:47:36 PM] Truth: Death: the end of whatever path you choose [10:48:43 PM] Truth: For betta or worse mafucka, Do you [10:51:00 PM] Truth: And by the law of attraction/ perceiving it as real, atleast/ then refusing to believe everything is chaos sets yourself up for peace. But TECHNICALLY by that law you'd have to just focus on the peace and happiness part. Also a perception [10:51:40 PM] Truth: Motion motion motion thoughts [10:55:24 PM] Truth: I smoked and invoked my inner conscious connected to something as great if not greater than myself in wisdom and perception of perceived reality of my life and hereafter [10:56:17 PM] Truth: Me, myself, and i, and what ever inspires me. You too, all you fringe fuckers. [10:57:33 PM] Truth: Hell, even the matrix idea is completely reasonable. But the goal? I couldn't fathom it. Lol. [11:00:53 PM] Truth: Perhaps mindless drones don't care much for goals. Just data
03/08/15 (Sun) 14:01:58 No. 26125
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03/09/15 (Mon) 01:25:21 No. 26222
03/09/15 (Mon) 01:31:57 No. 26223
03/09/15 (Mon) 01:33:43 No. 26224
03/09/15 (Mon) 01:35:13 No. 26226
03/09/15 (Mon) 01:47:28 No. 26227
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03/09/15 (Mon) 01:54:56 No. 26229
03/09/15 (Mon) 01:57:05 No. 26230
03/09/15 (Mon) 02:01:29 No. 26231
03/09/15 (Mon) 02:02:01 No. 26232
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/09/15 (Mon) 02:23:06 No. 26233
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/13/15 (Fri) 06:39:17 No. 26927
FIRST LESSON! 03/15/15 (Sun) 04:07:27 No. 27292
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Jesus was a 'Judean', not a Jew: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Revelation 3:9
"The synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Jesus Cleansing the Temple of the Pharisees: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
SAGE! 03/15/15 (Sun) 17:29:52 No. 27366
Rolled 2, 3, 6, 6, 5, 6, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 2, 5, 6, 6, 3 = 79 (18d6)
Gotta roll sorry. i need to roll. Dunno why I will divine the meaning and purpose afterwards.
03/15/15 (Sun) 23:03:54 No. 27415
lol Eris
03/15/15 (Sun) 23:47:14 No. 27419
>>27299 What if all the people who were assassinated are actually shitty human beings, and that's the real reason they were assassinated? If they were in on the conspiracy, they'd obviously be talked-up in the media.
03/15/15 (Sun) 23:48:41 No. 27420
03/15/15 (Sun) 23:52:37 No. 27421
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. .
03/16/15 (Mon) 02:31:09 No. 27440
03/16/15 (Mon) 02:42:06 No. 27441
03/16/15 (Mon) 02:48:30 No. 27442
>>27299 What a shitty fucking comment. No amount of funny money is going to change that shitskins are going to reproduce like fucking mad when you give them food nor it is going to change the reality of limited resources on the planet. You can't eat money. …and education is fucking worthless and wasted on many individuals and on others only damages them.
Shitty fucking comic, kill it with fire.
03/16/15 (Mon) 02:51:20 No. 27444
>>27442 The main message, went in one ear and out the other.
03/16/15 (Mon) 02:55:53 No. 27445
>>27441 This comic also fucking pisses me off.
>>26927 This comic is shit too. You can't do fuck about beauty. You're either beautiful to begin with (and can lose it) or you can simply never attain beauty while in the genetically misconfigured body you are in.
>>26229 This is a good quote.
>>26226 Shitty quote.
03/16/15 (Mon) 02:58:58 No. 27446
>>27444 What's the supposed main message of that garbage comic?
Gandhi, MLK, and that other boomer icon there all need to be fucking tortured to death I hate them all. Glad those fuckers are already dead.
It's also anti-guns and pro-egalitarian.
I don't want to cut spending on money and defence I want that shit funded. I do not want to feed and cloth and educate shitskins, I want them exterminated.
03/16/15 (Mon) 03:16:13 No. 27451
>>27449 We'll see whose butt is hurting when I am willing to be top predator and you choose mediocrity and die with the rest of the cattle filth.
top kek 03/16/15 (Mon) 03:27:33 No. 27457
>>27451 Go on! Let it all out buddy!
03/16/15 (Mon) 03:35:02 No. 27458
>>27457 I'm tired of being constantly fucking sick all the time no matter my perfect fucking diet and spending so much time all fucking day with exercise and preparing my meals and everything just to feel disgusting in my body still like all physical solutions don't seem to have any effect at all on my body and I'm fucking tired and can't sleep, I spend so much fucking time laying down trying to sleep, straining myself to sleep, and can't fucking do it. I wish I was asleep a few hours ago and I'm still awake. I'm going to my room again to try and sleep and I'm not getting up all night, but if it's anything like the last times, it'll probably be the case that the sun is rising before I get some very low quality shitty fucking sleep.
Please, send a thoughtform to me with the intent to force a deep and restful sleep on me, I am so aggravated, and this has been going on for years now, I just want to kill everyone and visualize killing everyone I see in very brutal manners god damn I feel so disgusting trapped in this body and not knowing what to do to get it to fucking operate right greasy pile osdf hdfifdsu9fs0df09dsf9sdrew
03/17/15 (Tue) 16:50:11 No. 27922
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. .
03/17/15 (Tue) 16:50:47 No. 27924
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. .
03/17/15 (Tue) 19:26:05 No. 27960
03/20/15 (Fri) 04:14:44 No. 28371
03/21/15 (Sat) 21:59:52 No. 28717
03/22/15 (Sun) 03:06:54 No. 28743
03/22/15 (Sun) 14:22:03 No. 28844
03/23/15 (Mon) 18:14:02 No. 29076
MESSAGE from ISIS Whoever approaches the gates of my orchard, An aspiring initiate - perchance a soul tortured? Seeking soft hands upon a weary cheek? How naive! I shall give you Death - hear me speak, "Only the suffering one shall have my white hand, to the rest - animals! - I shall give my black hand!" Whoever glances at my face cannot escape me, whoever sees me - yea, cannot the Vision unsee! Having met me, Isis of the mysteries, I can tell you, having known many men's histories, you carry inside a great promise and hope, but it can destroy - perchance you shall cope? No one escapes my tyranny of the spirit. Should you cope, a kingdom shall you inherit. Whoever glances at my face cannot escape me, whoever sees me - cannot the Vision burning unsee!
03/23/15 (Mon) 18:41:58 No. 29077
>>29076 Fuck off and stop disgracing an ancient queen
>"muh mother goddess" >"muh 3 aspect triple godess mother of all" >"muh benelovent mother earth figure" Arrogant fucking neopagans and their concepts of mother worship could not be more wrong…
The Queen's name has been dragged through the dirt enough… Leave her alone…
03/23/15 (Mon) 20:08:20 No. 29088
>>29076 ISIS
I used to think of the goddess when I heard that name. Now all I think of is …
03/23/15 (Mon) 21:57:13 No. 29099
03/23/15 (Mon) 22:22:02 No. 29103
Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990) quote 03/24/15 (Tue) 00:24:13 No. 29121
"The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of life, your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul. So, if you're frightened of dying and… and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the earth. "
03/25/15 (Wed) 01:00:44 No. 29322
Where were you when baneshitposter's egregore crashed a plane named '4U' in Les Baines region with no survivors?
Zimmer !UrGVburcew 03/25/15 (Wed) 01:08:38 No. 29323
>>29322 >bruce robin >near Digne-les-Bains' I can't handle this.
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 03:47:06 No. 29334
>>29322 Neville Goddard's theories about the imaginal
In what manner do you reckon we will discover Smug Frog manifested into physicality?
03/25/15 (Wed) 06:54:14 No. 29357
>>29322 This is funny on so many levels.
It took more than 2 years of baneposting to crash a plane along the lines of the "spell". Can you just imagine how this would go over in a magically aware society?
>Has wizardry gone too far?>Call for suppression of negative thinking in online message boards. Happy thoughts to be the only legal ones. >Weaponized memes I hope that some shitposters at least figure out they helped kill a bunch of people with magic. I wonder how other imageposts and memes have materialized over the years.
>4U 9525> with "no survivors" >Digne-les-Bains' >Bruce Robin No wonder governments want to take over internet culture.
03/25/15 (Wed) 18:39:41 No. 29439
>>29357 Wizard age chart
>TFW almost 30
03/26/15 (Thu) 01:03:46 No. 29470
>>29322 Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
03/26/15 (Thu) 07:50:49 No. 29501
check mate fringe-fags
03/26/15 (Thu) 13:52:10 No. 29509
>>29357 I could tell you a cool story bro on Ebola-chan and how the infections in the US and Spain a few months ago had to do with some retarded fight between magicians.
Basically it was focused in a campaign coordinated from Spain towards the US and some SJW-style tumblrs were trolled, then those who were trolled gathered people from IOT temples to fight against Ebola-chan and took the retardest decission ever, mirroring the effect.
Thus, instead of reducing the spread, two western countries became infected instead of one. Well done, IOT.
And this is why you do not leave things in the hands of magicians.
03/26/15 (Thu) 14:06:45 No. 29510
>>29509 I knew full well that the Ebola-chan thing was a magical operation, the extents of it I did not, sounds fun.
Know any more of such happenings?
03/26/15 (Thu) 15:19:53 No. 29514
>>29510 Fun indeed.
This was a magical operation to shut up the Pope Benedict through a storm. He couldn't deliver his speech:
03/26/15 (Thu) 22:44:48 No. 29529
>>29514 >all of those squares Why does the Pope's stage designers have such shit taste?
03/26/15 (Thu) 23:52:49 No. 29532
03/27/15 (Fri) 01:43:42 No. 29536
Calico Labs. It's a company controlled by google with the purpose of ending death.
Here's the really really uninformative website that is so vague you wouldn't have any idea what their true intentions are just from reading a little. They are hiring a lot research people with a ton of experience in biology. Discuss
03/27/15 (Fri) 01:44:23 No. 29538
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
S 03/28/15 (Sat) 01:55:46 No. 29736
03/30/15 (Mon) 22:47:32 No. 30291
03/30/15 (Mon) 23:21:06 No. 30294
03/31/15 (Tue) 04:33:00 No. 30319
Does this sigil look beneficial to you?
03/31/15 (Tue) 04:38:21 No. 30320
>>30319 You've been trying to charge it on /x/ and now here,etc.
>short answer >no
03/31/15 (Tue) 04:40:40 No. 30321
>Trying to charge it I don't think you know what that means. It's been charged. Let it work for everyone.
03/31/15 (Tue) 04:46:19 No. 30323
>>30321 I don't think you know what you are talking about.
babbiez firsss sigil!
03/31/15 (Tue) 04:55:30 No. 30325
>>30323 niijnbyu iyvuh olmytc ym ycytol iubmoi iuhghlnuyvu
03/31/15 (Tue) 04:56:10 No. 30326
>>30321 "This is a sigil of grounding and purification. It is made of a circle with six 3 bi-directional lines inducing a balanced inward and outward flow. It is a sigil of spiritual freedom."
You really can't in 2 majix huh?
03/31/15 (Tue) 04:57:42 No. 30327
03/31/15 (Tue) 05:04:30 No. 30328
>>30326 I know everything. You can't see where you are, where I am, where you're going, and where I'm going.
03/31/15 (Tue) 05:07:12 No. 30329
>>30328 You know "everything"! AYE AYE CHIEF!
03/31/15 (Tue) 05:10:25 No. 30330
>>30329 Y'r nt cmmnng wth th hghr rdr. Y'r lst t th entrty.
03/31/15 (Tue) 05:14:27 No. 30331
>>30330 I hate holding my tongue so much.
☻ 03/31/15 (Tue) 09:30:34 No. 30339
Tonight was a very good day in the astral planes.
03/31/15 (Tue) 09:49:56 No. 30345
>>30339 For me, it got pretty dodgy until late yesterday then things in my neck of the woods cleared up. Now I'm doing some sigil work and just having fun with my creative half.
☻ 03/31/15 (Tue) 10:37:32 No. 30362
>>30345 I saw the name of another poster on here (not their nickname but birthname) written on some newspaper.
Also just felt so must harmonious vibes.
CHAOSITECT Χάοςίτεcτ 03/31/15 (Tue) 12:50:59 No. 30416
ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ ΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτΧάοςίτεcτ
03/31/15 (Tue) 19:57:43 No. 30464
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>30416 Nowhere Boys
Green Pilled Children's show from ausland
04/03/15 (Fri) 06:07:13 No. 30973
Ⓣⓗⓘⓢ ⓜⓐⓢⓣⓔⓡⓨ ⓑⓨ ⓣⓗⓔ “Ⓘ” ⓞⓟⓔⓝⓢ ⓤⓟ ⓐⓝ ⓔⓝⓣⓘⓡⓔⓛⓨ ⓝⓔⓦ ⓦⓞⓡⓛⓓ ⓞⓕ ⓣⓗⓞⓤⓖⓗⓣ, ⓕⓔⓔⓛⓘⓝⓖ, ⓐⓝⓓ ⓐⓒⓣⓘⓥⓘⓣⓨ ⓣⓞ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓘⓝⓓⓘⓥⓘⓓⓤⓐⓛ. Ⓣⓞ ⓑⓔ ⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓜⓐⓚⓔ ⓞⓕ ⓞⓝⓔⓢⓔⓛⓕ ⓦⓗⓐⓣ ⓞⓝⓔ ⓦⓘⓛⓛ ⓘⓢ ⓣⓡⓤⓛⓨ ⓐ ⓦⓞⓝⓓⓔⓡⓕⓤⓛ ⓣⓗⓘⓝⓖ. Ⓣⓞ ⓣⓗⓘⓝⓚ ⓦⓗⓐⓣ ⓞⓝⓔ ⓦⓐⓝⓣⓢ ⓣⓞ ⓣⓗⓘⓝⓚ, ⓕⓔⓔⓛ ⓦⓗⓐⓣ ⓞⓝⓔ ⓦⓐⓝⓣⓢ ⓣⓞ ⓕⓔⓔⓛ, ⓓⓞ ⓦⓗⓐⓣ ⓞⓝⓔ ⓦⓐⓝⓣⓢ ⓣⓞ ⓓⓞ—ⓢⓤⓡⓔⓛⓨ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ ⓘⓢ ⓐⓝ ⓐⓒⓗⓘⓔⓥⓔⓜⓔⓝⓣ ⓦⓞⓡⓣⓗⓨ ⓞⓕ ⓐ Ⓜⓐⓢⓣⓔⓡ. Ⓐⓝⓓ ⓘⓣ ⓘⓢ ⓟⓞⓢⓢⓘⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓣⓗⓞⓢⓔ ⓦⓗⓞ ⓦⓘⓛⓛ ⓣⓐⓚⓔ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓣⓘⓜⓔ ⓐⓝⓓ ⓣⓡⓞⓤⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓐⓒⓠⓤⓘⓡⓔ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓐⓡⓣ ⓞⓕ Ⓢⓔⓛⓕ‐Ⓜⓐⓢⓣⓔⓡⓨ ⓐⓝⓓ Ⓢⓔⓛⓕ‐Ⓔⓧⓟⓡⓔⓢⓢⓘⓞⓝ.
04/03/15 (Fri) 06:24:07 No. 30978
>>30975 Oh noes not more Mass Media.
04/03/15 (Fri) 13:07:42 No. 30995
04/03/15 (Fri) 16:12:10 No. 31005
20 8 15 21 - 1 18 20 - 1 - 19 23 9 14 5
04/03/15 (Fri) 17:13:48 No. 31011
04/04/15 (Sat) 22:34:13 No. 31245
04/04/15 (Sat) 22:46:05 No. 31248
What are /fringe/'s thoughts on the heh pill?
SAGE! 04/04/15 (Sat) 22:51:49 No. 31249
04/05/15 (Sun) 02:06:22 No. 31257
04/05/15 (Sun) 02:12:33 No. 31258
04/05/15 (Sun) 03:37:16 No. 31269
>>31248 Pretty funny. It is approaching an ACTUALlY enlightened model. Soon these pills will take on a tenor that isn't 100% shitpost.
04/05/15 (Sun) 03:39:47 No. 31270
>>31266 Why do all the youtube videos on this chan activate clickjacking/UI redressing warning on firefox? :(
04/05/15 (Sun) 03:40:43 No. 31272
☻ 04/06/15 (Mon) 00:59:58 No. 31394
>>31248 I am totally heh-pilled.
You should add that the world is just a lot of memes fighting with each other for meme domination and that loosh farming is the purpose of life.
04/06/15 (Mon) 01:31:46 No. 31401
File: 1428283906301.jpg (80.69 KB, 474x598, 237:299, 956aaed81b5defad799ada8e06….jpg )
04/06/15 (Mon) 01:54:53 No. 31405
04/06/15 (Mon) 01:56:09 No. 31406
>>31402 >provided people are interest Go and don't come back. Speak or don't. I ain't gonna beg, shitfag.
04/06/15 (Mon) 02:07:29 No. 31408 #here
04/06/15 (Mon) 16:39:55 No. 31461
Smiley the question thread is MAXED. And I've been thinking this board needs a Shaman flag.
04/06/15 (Mon) 21:38:05 No. 31492
04/06/15 (Mon) 22:33:15 No. 31499
04/07/15 (Tue) 12:59:25 No. 31658
04/09/15 (Thu) 01:33:02 No. 32027
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. NSA/CIA Engineer goes viral about their base of operation. Gang Stalking, rape, covert operations, murder suicide you name it..
04/09/15 (Thu) 06:15:40 No. 32058
04/10/15 (Fri) 07:04:18 No. 32195
04/10/15 (Fri) 09:37:37 No. 32201
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:01:40 No. 32254
>>32027 Someone could've just added those subtitles to that video, can anyone here speaking whatever gibberish these guys are talking verify?
F A G G O T 04/11/15 (Sat) 09:19:54 No. 32395
IS V A P O R W A V E /fringe/? IS V A P O R W A V E /fringe/? IS V A P O R W A V E /fringe/? IS V A P O R W A V E /fringe/? IS V A P O R W A V E /fringe/? IS V A P O R W A V E /fringe/?
04/12/15 (Sun) 09:36:06 No. 32554
04/12/15 (Sun) 09:45:12 No. 32555
04/12/15 (Sun) 10:03:09 No. 32556
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
04/13/15 (Mon) 04:26:05 No. 32690
>tfw procrastinating because so fucking tired, but the majority of my time is still highly productive, yet I still feel bad about the time I do waste
04/14/15 (Tue) 23:39:10 No. 32943
ORIGIN OF HELL (1)The one thing in common between paradise and hell is that both are concealed from human eyes. We have presented the etymology version of the story of paradise and pointed those who wish to see it to a BBC video. After watching it some may conclude that paradise of southern Arabia alternated biannually between heaven and hell and still does.Etymologically, 'paradise' is an ancient Arabian concept expressed in an advanced linguistic structure (Nucleitic Compound) that gave us words such as Camel (GMML), Carmel (GRML), Damascus, Qalzam (Red Sea), Arnab (rabbit) and hundreds more. All of these are made of joining two bilateral roots in the cleverest linguistic structure we've studied.There are two types of hells in extant literature and three in Islam, but two in Islam are related because they have ancient Ariba/Sumerian background. The third is as real as the words "camel, Carmel" etc.., in the sense that probably certain northern Arabians knew where their hell was and decided to run away from it as far as possible. The story is documented in a full linguistic cluster (✤*JH⇆*HJ) and a nucleitic compound using the root *JH: 'JHNM' vocalized "Jahannam".*JHn is vocalized "jahan". In Lisan al Arab Dictionary (the most comprehensive), 'Jahan': "a morbid face; juhma (notice the switch to 'm') "is the black part during the first half of the night."If we look up 'Jaham' the following is found: "A morbid face, ugly, hateful face. A lion's face is described as "morbid, sullen, angrily looking". Other meanings of the word: "wrinkle one's brows in displeasure or deep thought; express disapproval; present a gloomy aspect; express or compel with a frown, become or look depressed or sullen, stare or scowl, especially angrily, become or look sullen".In the Online Etymology Dictionary: hellfire (n.) also hell fire, from Old English hellefyr, in which helle is the genitive case of hell. It translates Greek gehenna tou pyros, literally "fiery hell."The whole mystery is cleared with the double root: *JH*JH: "to jhja a lion or another type of cat is to shout at it to scare it away; 'jahjah': "a lion".The second root is *NM "to sleep". Hell (jahannam) is nothing more than the caves where lions sleep. What appears to have happened is that a group of prehistoric ancient human beings found a suitable place and camped. After a time they consumed whatever food there was including animals they hunted.
04/15/15 (Wed) 08:24:40 No. 33029
>ponyfag erisians joke of the century
04/15/15 (Wed) 23:19:40 No. 33130 Vore giantess guy caught samefigging.
04/16/15 (Thu) 00:05:24 No. 33134
>>32690 Sounds like your kapha is vitiated.
04/16/15 (Thu) 04:53:42 No. 33190
04/17/15 (Fri) 09:42:08 No. 33397
04/17/15 (Fri) 15:00:25 No. 33417
>>33130 No surprise there. What bothers me most about the guy is his insistence on the notion that his fetish is better than all other shitty fetish-thoughforms that should be dealt with.
04/19/15 (Sun) 04:30:23 No. 33742
SAGE! 04/20/15 (Mon) 03:24:12 No. 33888
Below is a message I just wrote and then realized I shouldn't post. It was going to be a new thread but I'm just going to dump it here and hope none of the wrong people notice. It's getting increasingly unsafe for me to talk here and I may have to destroy all my enemies or else find a better way to hide from them.
This message is for the initiates on /fringe/.
I well advise you to carefully observe and select the persons whom you decide to initiate into the sacred mysteries.
In the past it was considered permissible to commit suicide in order that its highest secrets may not be profaned and misused by the wrong people.
It is ok to share material and let those who have faith and conviction already walk the path; they will do so regardless of you being a catalyst in their ascent or not.
Once in awhile a mundane may witness immense power and if he is not made afraid by reason of his conditioning to reject it then he may become fanatical in his search for power and dedicate his life to the occult. This on its own may not be a bad thing; but think wisely about who you choose to initiate.
I was eager to share and display my power with anyone due to how lonely I was. Indeed not a single other soul knew or had ever shared in what I knew. So when I met someone with some interest in the occult I talked and I showed off, despite me knowing this person was a threat to me that I was empowering. I realized then I should have never opened up to him and should have minimized contact. So I had to work my Will in order that he may forget me and hope that he be too weak and distracted to progress much in this life. Since then I have not had trouble… but I have to fear now that I may have sown the seeds of my own destruction or at least that I may encounter him again in the future and come into conflict with him.
Most monasteries or similar places force all of their students through an initiatic process which isn't really about teaching them but sorting them. It is meant to test their values and where possible change them to conform with the ethos of the order. This is done merely as a matter of survival, like when a great master refrains from teaching all that he knows to a student, in order to have at least one trick up his sleeve he may use in the event of betrayal. Those who are found to be entirely incompatible are to be immediately rejected. Those who are unworthy of the inner-teachings might be used in some manner but will meet a dead-end in which they can not progress any further in the order for lack of trust and affection from the leadership.
Ah shit I have to go something just crashed near me, maybe I will continue this later,
tl;dr is if a person's ideals and biology don't match your own and you empower them with sacred knowledge be afraid for they can and do become very serious threats that can potentially kill you. If you think a foreigner is no threat you are wrong, their values tend to change, and biological imperatives turn them against you. Everything has within it a self-preservation extinct and everything in existence is essentially a living meme; memes want to propagate themselves and make everything like them. None of you can claim otherwise if you've ever once held an ideal as to how you would like to be, how you would like society to be, how you would like someone you associate with to be, how something you would create is to be, etc. and if you do not possess this fire at all then you will simply come into contact with someone else's fire and they will work their will through you.
Ignore all of the above please, all you really need to know is, once a person has the power to act on his ideals he will do so and the non-threatening seeming person suddenly can become the cause of a massacre; like how humanists have killed millions and well all humans are killers at heart even the ones that claim pacifism (which is really just an effort to keep things the way they are, pacifists are simply those that support the present power structure, all pacifists become militants the moment they are put under a regime they don't like).
If you are a National Socialist never give occult knowledge to a Communist. That's what I did. I knew he was a fucking communist, he's literally a member of the communist party in my country and votes for communism.
SAGE! 04/20/15 (Mon) 03:29:52 No. 33889
Shit, I actually got two stories mixed up here. One was a communist the other was a shitskin.
I failed hard. I am only going to greenpill people after I check for sure what their race is and another thing… don't believe in "pro-white non-whites". Every single non-white that was friendly to White Nationalism that I have met and corresponded with over the years, all of them, turned against WN later on and stop being sympathizers. In nearly every case it was because someone of the opposite sex showed an interest in them and rather than reject them they decided to racemix. Now every time I see some non-white in a WN group I advise all the other WNs to reject them and get rid of them and of course they often get butthurt because a lot of WNs absolutely LOVE it when a non-white talks their talking points but you seriously can not trust them. It doesn't matter if they say they won't racemix, that they love whites, that they hate their own race (or that they are a mongrel) they are a threat so long as you have not made them into an eunuch. Maybe if you can get them sterilized, maybe only then could one PERHAPS be trusted, and even then I doubt it.
SAGE! 04/20/15 (Mon) 03:39:13 No. 33890
…and one more piece of advice don't greenpill a fedora just because he expressed doubt in the existence of magick and begins to mock and insult you. First of all, magick is absolutely real and you KNOW this from personal experience and being an initiate. Secondly, it's his loss that he ignores the occult and doesn't study it and benefit from it. Look at his aura and peer into his mind, ascertain his character, know who he is and how he is likely to develop; then proceed in the most sensible manner. Sometimes it is best to do something to provoke fear in him and put him in his place. Other times it is best to dawn a fedora yourself and tell him it's not real then try to avoid creating any suspicion within him that you are continuing to study and practise the occult less he doubt his own fedora. Only if the fedora in question happens to be a a good generate white NatSoc than maybe you can greenpill him but be aware that not every redpill is generate or trustworthy, there's lots of roleplayers, racemixers, FBI agents, and other refuse infecting the WN movement.
04/21/15 (Tue) 00:13:25 No. 34043
I've always ignored this thread until now.
I have to say, even /fringe/ shitposting is still better than normal content on many boards.
04/21/15 (Tue) 01:09:11 No. 34046
Oh we struggle for the joy
That life is haunted by~
04/21/15 (Tue) 01:10:34 No. 34047
Am I white Smiley?
04/22/15 (Wed) 14:36:46 No. 34243
In The Arcane Teaching where he said there is no such thing as CERTAIN, EXACT, FUTURE SIGHT AND PROPHECY all I can say is he is a dummy head and a stupid fucking MORTAL. I'm glad I know everything and can sift the bullshit from the not. I'm more or less only reading this for entertainment now because to truly run my life by it, even though it is the Greater Lesser, would be to lead myself to ruin.
04/22/15 (Wed) 17:06:02 No. 34273
If you are HamSandwiches than you're not white.
04/22/15 (Wed) 17:09:18 No. 34275
How can infinity exist in a world where the future is certain and set?
Do you not see the metaphysical problems that arise from rejecting that assertion?
Also, tell me my future.
04/22/15 (Wed) 17:39:09 No. 34283
How can one, residing in pure knowing, regarding the arising of knowledge that person A has resolved to do Action A and that there is no obstacle to the doing, and that Person B has resolved to do Action B and that there is no obstacle to the doing and that Action A and Action B will lead to the arising of scenario AB and that there is no obstacle to the arising NOT say with certainty that "scenario AB will come to pass thus?" You know less than me.
04/23/15 (Thu) 00:09:56 No. 34323
We will conclude this lesson with a recital of the wonderful instance of Cazotte, whose prediction, and its literal fulfilment, are now matters of French history. La Harpe tells the story as follows:
“It appears but as yesterday, and yet, nevertheless, it was at the beginning of the year 1788. We were dining with one of our brethren at the Academy—a man of considerable wealth and genius. The conversation became serious; much admiration was expressed on the revolution in thought which Voltaire had effected, and it was agreed that it was his first claim to the reputation he enjoyed. We concluded that the revolution must soon be consummated; that it was indispensable that superstition and fanaticism should give place to philosophy, and we began to calculate the probability of the period when this should be, and which of the present company should live to see it. The oldest complained that they could scarcely flatter themselves with the hope; the younger rejoiced that they might entertain this very probable expectation; and they congratulated the Academy especially for having prepared this great work, and for having been the great rallying point, the centre, and the prime mover of the liberty of thought.
“One only of the guests had not taken part in all the joyousness of this conversation, and had gently and cheerfully checked our splendid enthusiasm. This was Cazotte, an amiable and original man, but unhappily infatuated with the reveries of the illuminati. He spoke, and with the most serious tone. ‘Gentlemen,’ said he, ‘be satisfied; you will all see this great and sublime revolution, which you so much desire. You know that I am a little inclined to prophesy; I repeat, you will see it.’ He was answered by the common rejoinder: ‘One need not be a conjuror to see that.’ ‘Be it so; but perhaps one must be a little more than conjuror for what remains for me to tell you. Do you know what will be the consequence of this revolution—what will be consequence to all of you, and what will be the immediate result—the well‑established effect— the thoroughly‑recognized consequence to all of you who are here present?’ ‘Ah!’ said Condorcet, with his insolent and half‑suppressed smile, ‘let us hear—a philosopher is not sorry to encounter a prophet.’ ‘You, Monsieur de Condorcet—you will yield up your last breath on the floor of a dungeon; you will die from poison, which you will have taken, in order to escape from execution—from poison which the happiness of that time will oblige you to carry about your person.’
“‘Monsieur de Chamfort, you will open your veins with twenty‑two cuts of a razor, and yet you will not die till some months afterward.’ They looked at each other, and laughed again. ‘You, Monsieur Vicq d’Azir, you will not open your own veins, but you will cause yourself to be bled six times in one day, during a paroxysm of the gout, in order to make more sure of your end, and you will die in the night. You, Monsieur de Nicolai, you will die upon the scaffold; you, Monsieur Bailly, on the scaffold; you, Monsieur de Malesherbes, on the scaffold.’ ‘Ah! God be thanked,’ exclaimed Roucher, ‘and what of I?’ ‘You! you also will die upon the scaffold’ ‘Yes.’ replied Chamfort. ‘but when will all this happen?’ ‘Six years will not pass over, before all that I have said to you shall be accomplished.’
04/23/15 (Thu) 00:10:10 No. 34324
“‘Here are some astonishing miracles (and, this time, it was I myself (La Harpe) who spoke), but you have not included me in your list.’ ‘But you will be there, as an equally extraordinary miracle; you will then be a Christian.’ Vehement exclamation on all sides. ‘Ah,’ replied Chamfort, ‘I am comforted; if we shall perish only when La Harpe shall be a Christian, we are immortal.’
“‘As for that,’ then observed Madame la Duchesse de Grammont, ‘we women, we are happy to be counted for nothing in these revolutions: when I say for nothing, it is not that we do not always mix ourselves up with them a little; but it is a received maxim that they take no notice of us, and of our sex.’ ‘Your sex, ladies, will not protect you this time; and you had far better meddle with nothing, for you will be treated entirely as men, without any difference whatever.’ ‘But what, then, are you really telling us of, Monsieur Cazotte? You are preaching to us the end of the world.’ ‘I know nothing on this subject; but what I do know is, that you, Madame la Duchesse, will be conducted to the scaffold, you and many other ladies with you, in the cart of the executioner, and with your hands tied behind your backs.’ ‘Ah! I hope that, in that case, I shall at least have a carriage hung in black.’ ‘No, madame; higher ladies than yourself will go, like you, in the common car, with their hands tied behind them.’ ‘Higher ladies! what! the princesses of the blood?’ ‘Still more exalted personages.’ Here a sensible emotion pervaded the whole company, and the countenance of the host was dark and lowering; they began to feel that the joke was become too serious.
“Madame de Grammont, in order to dissipate the cloud, took no notice of the reply, and contented herself with saying in a careless tone: ‘You see that he will not leave me even a confessor!’ ‘No, madame, you will not have one—neither you, nor anyone besides. The last victim to whom this favor will be afforded will be——’ He stopped for a moment. ‘Well! who then will be the happy mortal to whom this prerogative will be given?’ ‘’Tis the only one which he will have then retained—and that will be the king of France.’”
The amazing sequel to this historical prediction is that it was verified in every detail , as all students of the French Revolution know—and all within the six years , as Cazotte foretold.
04/23/15 (Thu) 03:57:18 No. 34356
In the world which is as the author of The Arcane Teachings imagines, this could never has arisen. But it is so that it did arise. Accordingly I say to all who read this that the world is not wholly as author of The Arcane Teachings imagines it. Become one who can discern the truth and, thus discerning the truth, can no longer be deceived.
04/23/15 (Thu) 05:48:02 No. 34371
I just substantiated the fact that jesus was, by right and thoughts, action, and speech, bisexual. Vindication is mine to claim. Bisexual master race.
04/23/15 (Thu) 21:17:15 No. 34466
Hey faggot, guess what, I quoted that out of Psychomancy by William Walker Atkinson.
Guess who wrote The Arcane Teachings ? William Walker Atkinson did.
…and the account given there in his Psychomancy book is in no way incompatible with what is told in The Arcane Teachings .
04/24/15 (Fri) 03:07:23 No. 34506
I feel you're trying to make a point in favor for William Walker Atkinson but all I'm reading is "The same man wrote both books. He's played both sides AGAINST the middle. He is without integrity. Anything from that source will not bring integrity to one thus following after its reasoning."
04/24/15 (Fri) 18:26:29 No. 34590
Nigger, read the books, and comprehend them properly. There hasn't been any contradiction at all. Probable futures exist and can and often are fulfilled but at times can also be defied. In the very same book ( Psychomancy ) he even gives examples of Future-Time Psychomancy allowing people to avert a terrible fate.
Read both The Arcane Teachings and Psychomancy then come back at me and say there's a "contradiction". There is none. It's all philosophically consistent.
04/24/15 (Fri) 18:58:55 No. 34600
>Nigger, read the books, and comprehend them properly. There hasn't been any contradiction at all.
False. I already told you of the False thing present in The Arcane Teaching. Now if he said an unfalse things before printing thing, present with printing that false thing, or after printing that false thing it STILL FUCKING SPEAKS of a WRITER who arrogated to teach that which he possessed not a whole and complete knowledge of. He arrogated to teach completely those things.
That is an evil thing and if you do not know it you are yourself evil for you cannot discern good from evil, integrity from non-integrity. You are fool. I see that you are so.
04/24/15 (Fri) 21:16:43 No. 34615
…and I already refuted you with infinity. Do you reject the concept of infinity as well?
William Walker Atkinson is RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING. He hasn't been wrong once as far as I know. Good luck finding something though that was wrong and even if you do find something it wouldn't really undermine the rest of what he has said very much as it's overwhelmingly true.
Stop talking all weird as fuck btw.
04/24/15 (Fri) 21:17:32 No. 34616
Tom Montalk of also says the exact same things about time as William Walker Atkinson including that the future only exists as probabilities and not as a fixity.
04/24/15 (Fri) 21:19:14 No. 34617
If you weren't there you missed out.
04/24/15 (Fri) 21:20:01 No. 34618
04/24/15 (Fri) 21:21:39 No. 34619
Boomers, please, let your shitty boomer-culture die.
04/24/15 (Fri) 21:22:37 No. 34620
I'm no boomer, just a witless dupe.
It was still a fun show.
04/24/15 (Fri) 22:11:05 No. 34622
>But I like my half-truths
Then you stand under me, pleb.
04/24/15 (Fri) 23:00:28 No. 34629
"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." — The Kybalion.
William Walker Atkinson is the author of The Kybalion you nigger.
04/25/15 (Sat) 09:57:46 No. 34761
Smiley, are you bisexual? I want to know you. I'm a guy.
04/25/15 (Sat) 19:04:42 No. 34831
Anyone summon a succubus lately?
☻ 04/25/15 (Sat) 22:54:39 No. 34848
Have you not been paying attention at all?
I find the idea of sodomy revolting. I could choose to be bisexual but that is purely an expression of lust and is wrong, it serves no legitimate creative/regenerative purpose.
☻ 04/25/15 (Sat) 22:55:00 No. 34849
04/26/15 (Sun) 02:51:13 No. 34899
Yes, smiley. Bisexuality is an expression of ANDROGYNY and is the greatest right. Did you cast a love spell lately?
Jesus was bisexual.
He came to show one-genders to be androgynous and literally love, sexually, all people. I know you'll come around in a finite amount of time.
04/26/15 (Sun) 21:37:00 No. 35080
Real metaphysical androgyny is the coming together of the two polar opposites, masculinity and femininity. Pseudo-"androgynous" sodomite apelings do not possess that - they are gender-LESS, while the act of alchemical union of the polar elements of the male and female elements is gender-MORE.
04/27/15 (Mon) 00:15:09 No. 35101
That has nothing to do with what I said. Shoo, I'm talking to smiley.
04/27/15 (Mon) 01:34:49 No. 35108
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
04/27/15 (Mon) 02:07:52 No. 35113
I've read that too. It's bollocks. In the same way words of wisdom have been removed from the bible (see: >>34899 ) so too is there foolishness in the bible. Who knows how to discern wisdom from foolishness? I tell you truthfully I.
04/27/15 (Mon) 02:44:06 No. 35121
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."
[ Romans 1:22 ]
Under The Divine Electron We Seek Deliverance From The Sodomite Apelings.
04/27/15 (Mon) 02:57:21 No. 35125
That doesn't mean that no one who says they are wise are actually wise. Wicked and lovely people alike can say "I love you." One is a liar and one is a truther. And the words are the same.
You seem to be grappeling with the ramifications of uncertainty and lashing out at every hand held out to you because you cannot discern that which you will like, find agreeable and welcome from that which you will dislike, find disagreeable, and unwelcome.
I tell you truthfully I am a person who the wise find likely, agreeable, and welcome.
You should really stop trying to tell me I'm wrong. I'm not. I know it and can reveal your foolishness from now until forever. You should ask me questions instead of trying to convert the incontrovertible words meaning of my posts.
04/27/15 (Mon) 05:04:54 No. 35155
04/27/15 (Mon) 18:31:30 No. 35246
I'm doing good things for him. I require more pics of smiley for purposes.
04/27/15 (Mon) 19:47:42 No. 35253
Have some anti-semitic pill hip hop.!78AQ1CJb!Jk8FyRAkdId1zw-qeJ0nDQ
Also has prank calls to masonic lodges.
04/27/15 (Mon) 22:25:00 No. 35277
>Human studies
I only find cat studies reliable
04/27/15 (Mon) 22:29:57 No. 35280
S 04/27/15 (Mon) 23:41:09 No. 35294
04/28/15 (Tue) 03:26:51 No. 35309
Well when you stop being dumb my sense are open you and you'll find pleasure in my company. In your future lives and after your last rebirth.
04/28/15 (Tue) 03:29:57 No. 35310
Do you want his autograph?
04/28/15 (Tue) 03:31:29 No. 35311
For only 19.99 you can get the Smiley fan club membership!
☻ 04/28/15 (Tue) 03:48:02 No. 35314
1. How do you propose transcending the bodily limitations so that one human can assume a female form and the other male?
2. Why would I want to have sexual relations with you when I could have them with an actual woman instead? Homosexuality is for losers that couldn't get a decent mate of the opposite gender.
3. What the hell would I even do with you? You don't have breasts to breastfeed children, you can't reproduce, you don't have a vagina.
4. Why are you still entrapped by lust when you could instead choose to experience pure bliss simply by an act of a will, without the nonsense of sexuality which drains ones vitality rather than renews it? Why not embrace celibacy?
5. You keep saying you talk nothing but truth, what then if I expose an untruth you thought was true?
6. What can you even do and why do you take an overly "I know the truth, I got it figured out, blah blah" stance you can't back up?
Try and impress me. From what I observe so far you can't even sense the people behind posts properly and feel their thoughts and are quite oblivious to a lot of things. There are wizards in the Fringe Illuminati who, quite simply, are way more advanced than you.
Drop your egalitarian nonsense as it holds you back. It's the ideology of the weak and degenerate who don't strive to be stronger. Hierarchy is for those that will not accept their inferiority and instead will recognize it consciously and act to move beyond it. When you delude yourself into thinking we're all equal and other bullshit like that you have no reason to improve.
For all I can see you are metaphysically impotent. You talk like you've got something to offer me but whatever pleasure it is you're striving for, I can do better, way better.
☻ 04/28/15 (Tue) 03:55:01 No. 35317
At least you're a female. Albeit a short one.
04/28/15 (Tue) 05:08:28 No. 35322
You're asking questions. I love that.
1. Androgyny is perfect. It is spiritual and transcends and is to be discerned more than the physical reality of two beings. A male can be of the female principle and another male of the male principle and their joining, if it is in love, is proper. One human wanting to assumed a female form and another a male form need only say to themselves "I am this" and believe it without doubt and it will be so.
2. Because not just anyone knows the way of sexual initiation. I know the way of sexual initiation. Also I don't like that question because it doesn't recognize that I am no one but myself and I am not fungible for any other person. I am no one but myself and I am not fungible with any other person. Just as you are not fungible with any other person. Homosexuality isn't for losers. Neither is bisexuality. I won't speak of homosexuality because I'm bisexual. Same sex relating is the province of losers and winners alike, just like both good people and bad people speak but HOW and WHAT they speak is indicative of their vice and virtue. A fool thinks "A person speak lies. Lying is bad. So it is bad to speak at all." A wise person thinks "A person can speak lies. A person can speak truth. Lying is bad and truth is good. It is how one speaks that determines their vice or virtue. Speaking is intrinsic to the existence of all. Accordingly, sex is intrinsic to the existence of all things. How one has sex is important. With whom is not. Lust can be present in same sex and opposite sex relations and takes one further from the god principle. Love can be present in same sex and opposite sex relations and takes on closer to the god principle.
3. You would touch me and I would touch you. You would smell me and I would smell you. You would taste me and I would taste you. You would see me and I would see you. You would hear me and I would hear you. You would sense me with your esp and I would sense you with my esp. You would perceive me wholly and I would perceive you wholly. We would reside in complete communion with each other and find fruitful that state and its thoughts, actions, and doings. You would think not of procreation as you would be wholly your own and lack nothing and I would not think of procreation as I would be wholly my own and lack nothing.
4. I am not entrapped by lust. I am enraptured with love. Lust is spiritual bondage for self and other. Love is spiritual freedom for self and other. I tell you truthfully that I feel free and wish to free all beings. Sex is essential to enlightenment. The libido is the force which connects all beings to each other and empowers the feeling of "I love thee simply because thou exists." Loving one because they exist and realizing that one cannot make themself not exist leads one to the conclusion that "Yes, I love this person unconditionally and forever." The feeling of loving ever being in creation unconditionally and forever is the feeling which is constituent to enlightenment. It leads one to want to touch and to be touched by others. It leads one to want to smell and be smelled by others. It leads one to want to taste and be tasted by others. It leads one to want to see and to be seen by others. It leads one to want to hear and to be heard by others. It leads on to perceive and be perceived by others. It leads one to want think of and be thought of by others.
I cannot embrace celibacy. Celibacy is loneliness. It is not suitable for one with suitable partners available to them. I am not without suitable partners.
6. I can do everything which is proper, good, and timely and nothing which is improper, bad, or untimely. I take the stance of "I know the truth, I got it figured out, blah blah" because I know the truth, I got it figured out, and I blah blah. I can back it up when its proper, good, and timely. I cannot back it up when it is improper, bad, and untimely.
>Try and impress me. From what I observe so far you can't even sense the people behind posts properly and feel their thoughts and are quite oblivious to a lot of things. There are wizards in the Fringe Illuminati who, quite simply, are way more advanced than you.
I know what I'm doing.
I am not egalitarian.
What I can offer to one willing to receive cannot be bested by any other. It can be equaled.
04/28/15 (Tue) 05:36:33 No. 35328
>I have been more alone with others, than I have ever been with myself.
I have been equally alone with other beings in the room as when I am minding my self. Proper company is not negligible in companionship. Whole, proper company feels like whole and proper company. You felt heard and that you can hear everything they are saying and that their inner expression is identical with their internal reception, free from dissimilitude.
tl;dr Celibacy sucks. It's you and your company, not the concept of communion, which is deficient. Lonely is a world where only you know your inner self.
04/28/15 (Tue) 06:13:24 No. 35348
>first line made me very angry
Let me build it up for you, though it may not make you less angry. When I am in my own company, I do not lust for other company. I enjoy those things which can be enjoyed in ones own company. Truly, I am never alone, because spiritually entities abound infinitely even in the finitude of a room.
When I am with physical company, lusting not for companionship from those incapable of such and being not deceived by their dissimilitude, I find my level of companionship is equal to my level of companionship when I am kept in my own company.
>You don't understand and know what I am even talking about.
I know. I want to impress upon you that to escape what you feel you must turn inward and change those things which arise and renounce the things on which those negative arisings are dependent. You cry because reason A. Stop. Turn inward. Contemplate. Find in your mind reason A and break it down. Having broken it down, send it away. Having sent it away, you will cry never again. Being that you will never cry ever again, you will have progressed toward equanimity/enlightenment.
Forgive me that I do not enable the continuance of that state you do not enjoy. I tell you truthfully to not tell you these things would be improper, bad, and not-timely.
04/28/15 (Tue) 06:56:28 No. 35365
Killing out emotions and their expression is bad. It is proper to use the emotions in a concentrated manner at the appropriate time but there's no reason to avoid negative emotions as loosh is loosh, it's all useful, all energy.
04/28/15 (Tue) 07:11:58 No. 35369
It's a good thing this is the shitpost thread or else that second half of the second sentence would be in the totally wrong place.
04/28/15 (Tue) 09:55:44 No. 35378
I had a dream that I was doing telepathy with Smiley while paranormal shit was happening in my room.
What does it mean?
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:21:36 No. 35413
04/28/15 (Tue) 17:25:22 No. 35415
Describe some of it, you may quite simply have been doing telepathy.
04/28/15 (Tue) 18:13:36 No. 35438
You're a troll. Just get his autograph and move along.
04/28/15 (Tue) 18:17:18 No. 35441
>Celibacy sucks
No it doesn't. You are just a degenerate.
04/28/15 (Tue) 18:31:31 No. 35445
We are two different people 100%! If I could start over, I would save myself for marriage. YOU ON THE OTHER HAND…
>Plus you are a gay troll.. who wants in smiley's pants lmfao
04/28/15 (Tue) 18:46:49 No. 35449
For all your talk of androgyny and balance you're clearly imbalanced as you need to look outside of yourself for a companion. A complete human being doesn't need to reach out as he finds everything he needs within himself.
ayy lmao
04/28/15 (Tue) 18:51:19 No. 35451
…or go full Tesla and be celibate all my life
>just had to add that. I should stop posting now…
04/28/15 (Tue) 19:13:23 No. 35454
Are there any reasons the world should not be peopled in the future by your offspring?
I am inclined towards celibacy as well but if I obtain the physical perfection I desire I may as well do my part to ensure the the future world isn't populated by nothing but filthy niggers and chinks.
04/28/15 (Tue) 19:49:57 No. 35460
Haha. Yes. You're wrong. Being disconnected is suffering. Connecting through the senses is bliss.
04/28/15 (Tue) 20:06:35 No. 35462
[cognitive dissonance intensifies]
04/28/15 (Tue) 20:16:41 No. 35465
04/28/15 (Tue) 20:19:15 No. 35467
I'm talking about YOU being full of cognitive dissonance.
05/01/15 (Fri) 06:54:54 No. 35938
The is one witch/warlock on fringe and I have no one to talk to about it. Why do I keep coming to fringe? I'm starting to think communing with witches doesn't happen on the internet. Or people who can commune at all don't call themselves wizards and witches.
05/01/15 (Fri) 12:34:00 No. 35963
Please make sense. What is that you're trying to say?
05/01/15 (Fri) 17:19:38 No. 35991
The posters on /fringe/ aren't even doing folk magic. They ain't about that life.
05/01/15 (Fri) 17:30:33 No. 35997
This. What the fuck is he saying?
Make a thread about folk magic and start posting a lot about it and you'll find others into it, whatever it is you are into.
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:11:02 No. 36065
No. I don't have the energy to spare to just be casting pearls before swine. MY loosh is for practicing magic and communing with people who are already about that life.
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:17:47 No. 36066
Whatever supposed pearls you have, I assure you that in a magical duel, I'd be able to give you a major beatdown and my manifestations would outclass all of yours.
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:19:40 No. 36067
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:37:24 No. 36073
benis in bagina x——DDDDDD
05/01/15 (Fri) 22:56:06 No. 36101
Deal. I'll do that.
05/02/15 (Sat) 04:04:10 No. 36171
I was laying in bed.
After a while I either passed out and started dreaming, or I floated out of the dimension. The physical completely vanished and I was between two planes: the lower was full of clouds of thin, wispy energy that traveled around really quickly, and the higher was full of clouds of thicker, foggy energy that had more momentum, inertia, but was sluggish at times. Mostly the energy on the lower plane was influenced by energy on the higher, but sometimes a great accumulation of energy on the lower would move energy on the higher.
I thought the lower and higher planes were mental and emotional respectively, and when the energy on the two was perfectly aligned it was extremely influential and I called it will.
After a while I reappeared in the physical, and I was awake and rolling around in my bed, everything was totally normal, and I was at the cusp of hypnagogic and awake. I was really excited and wanted to tell someone, but I didn't want to use too much effort because I would have to "wake up" and interact with physical things.
I remember trying to speak in the physical, but my words were slurred and meaningless. I think my tulpa used telepathy to tell me to stop talking. I went back into the foggy planes and used telepathy to connect with someone, and I thought of Smiley. I went back and forth between the physical and the foggy planes several times. I would think of the fog and it would appear all around me and I would fade from the physical.
When I started having real dreams, I was in my bedroom but with some items, and I would pick up an item, visualize another, similar item, and the item I was holding was that other item. I also used visualization to levitate a Selenite crystal into my hand. I felt a strong electricity-like energy as I waved my hand over it, and when I visualized it in my hand the crystal glowed a bright, light blue, vibrated, and buzzed as it transported instantly into my hand.
I was ecstatically thinking all these things toward Smiley, and I felt a response, but didn't remember any words.
didi 05/02/15 (Sat) 04:48:10 No. 36174
I just looked at the 4 chan x recommendations thread and it was too unbased.
☻ 05/03/15 (Sun) 00:02:31 No. 36329
Just so you know, I regularly put my self into a receptive state and invoke water and literally just wait for any thoughtforms and any signals to come my way and tune into them, so it should be pretty easy for someone to get in contact with me if the time is right or the message is not in real-time.
05/03/15 (Sun) 01:44:33 No. 36351
05/03/15 (Sun) 17:08:01 No. 36438
Anyone got the /fringe/ version of this image?
05/03/15 (Sun) 17:10:07 No. 36440
>implying this wasn't created and leaked specifically for the purpose of making people do these drugs and get more entity attachments and become easier to manipulate
05/04/15 (Mon) 07:46:05 No. 36574
A man has, on average, 657,450 hours of life on Terra, that is, he is expected to live for seventy-five (75) terrestrial years.
A man who wastes 4 hours a day on some foolery (anything that is not beneficial, a waste of time), wastes 28 hours a week, that is, he wastes more than one day a week. There is about 52 weeks a year, so a man who wastes four hours a day wastes not only one day a week but 52 days a year, that is, he wastes 1248 hours a year.
Such a person, if he is to live 75 years, wastes a total of 93,600 hours if he is to continue his 4-hour activity. 657,450h minus 93,600h is 563,850h.
Such a person wastes 10 and half years of his life on that activity which won't benefit him at all and just gives him a quick shot of short-term "happiness". Is that what you want?
Your time on Terra is precious. You are worth so much more, you are capable of so much more. Why waste time?
Best the "disease of tomorrow", ("I shall do it later, I shall do it tomorrow"), for the time to act is now - the present moment is the moment you need to hold presence!
Become a Stellar Man - be, think and act in the present for the past will die out and the future is but a possibility, YOUR possibility. Live in the present so that you will actualize the future you wish for - do not let it be but a possibility, plant the seed now so that you can reap the fruit in the future.
Procrastination ought to be a sin for there is nothing more sadder than lost potential.
I do not wish to scare you. I do not wish to change you. All I want to do is to remind you that you are, as everyone else, a mortal being. I want to remind you of this because I care for you and your potential. Be kind to yourself when you find yourself lazing around, sometimes a rest and play is beneficial for our being - but all in proper place and time, remember this!
Do not be afraid or angry. If you will trust yourself, all will be fine in the end.
The stars await you. The stellar existence awaits you. Please fulfill your potential.
05/04/15 (Mon) 18:37:43 No. 36641
what does this sigil do?
05/04/15 (Mon) 19:11:58 No. 36652
Evocation of repeating digits.
05/08/15 (Fri) 09:18:07 No. 37318
05/09/15 (Sat) 17:02:44 No. 37553
05/10/15 (Sun) 23:24:15 No. 37779
That's a pretty bisexual thing to do, Smiley, posting that song.
☻ 05/11/15 (Mon) 01:39:42 No. 37804
What was the song and were they posting with my symbol?
05/11/15 (Mon) 01:50:04 No. 37805
Omogeni is my Father
And Magnesia is my Mother
And Azot truly is my Sister
And Kibrick forsooth is my Brother
The Serpent of Arabia is my name
The which is leader of all this game
That sometime was both wood and wild
And now I am both meek and mild
The Sun and the Moon with their might
Have chastised me that was so light
My wings that me brought
Hither and thither where I thought
Now with their might they down me pull,
And bring me where they will
The Blood of mine heart I wish
Now causeth both joy and blisse
And dissolveth the very Stone
The Bureau of Memetic Warfare wants YOU! 05/11/15 (Mon) 03:36:55 No. 37818
Join us at >>>/BMW/ and take the fight to the enemy!
We have seen the /BANE/crash, watched as Ben "The One Man Auschwitz" embraced his destiny, had a hand in the rise of Ebola-Chan, and watched as Ebin Pepe trolled his way into the women's locker room through SocJus.
Our memes will shape the future!
Here in our labs we practice the only dankest memecraft with leading meme-gineers.
Our meme-searchers predict that by early 2016 we will have unlocked the secret to the mass production and dissemination of Red-pills, broken the Tumblr-ese enigma machine, and crashed marxism with no survivors!
Be a big guy today and help us to create a brighter tomorrow!
05/11/15 (Mon) 04:40:27 No. 37833
What a shitposter you are, ayy lmao.
ayylmaoo 05/12/15 (Tue) 03:03:29 No. 37995
I'm a dragon controlling a human body no other kin nonsense last night I looshed out so hard grabbing loosh from mundanes I almost went up a density but funneled it to thoughtforms to prevent such, if I am to vibrate that hard and advance I'm not cing back, I'm having too much fun to do that.
05/12/15 (Tue) 03:07:58 No. 37998
File: 1431400078147.png (120.36 KB, 449x343, 449:343, Screenshot from 2015-05-11….png )
What the fuck is this faggotry I have encountered?
05/12/15 (Tue) 11:34:59 No. 38091
If you were from Germany you'd see that on almost everey video that contains music.
05/12/15 (Tue) 13:07:44 No. 38099
This is why I don't game anymore. My day-to-day life and dreams are living fantasy. Why would I tunnel vision onto a contrived fantasy where I can't even touch the players or make lecherous vibrations that they can respond to. 0/10
☻ 05/14/15 (Thu) 02:03:59 No. 38480
THE SHAMAN Trailer (2015) Science-Fiction
What do you guys think of this greenpilled movie?
05/14/15 (Thu) 02:45:05 No. 38487
It look shit. White shaman whose emotionally tumultuous who seems to approve of all the technology by his unconscious actions, words, tone etc when all true shamans and such would not approve of it in like manner. tranhumanist qualities.
It looks to be perched in the uncanny valley between indie and blockbuster and I'm not wishing to watch the plot be drawn-and-quartered by its on indecisiveness about what kind of movie it is.
05/14/15 (Thu) 15:10:00 No. 38586
File: 1431616200763.jpg (44.89 KB, 615x409, 615:409, MAIN-Calvin-Harris-the-ris….jpg )
The before looks like Smiley. Smiley look and be hopeful.
05/15/15 (Fri) 08:26:52 No. 38726
"He joins unconsciously in the tasks of his people and of his race.
Every extension of his horizon necessarily enlarges the scope of his duties. What actually
happens is that the student joins a new body to his finer soul-body. He puts on another
garment. Hitherto he found his way through the world with those enveloping coverings of
his personality. And now, a further revelation made to him by the Guardian of the
Threshold is that henceforth these Spirits will withdraw their guiding hand from him. He
must step out of the circle of his community. Yet as an isolated individual, he would
become hardened in himself, and decline into ruin, if he did not, himself, acquire those
powers which are inherent in the national and racial Spirits. Many, no doubt, will say:
‘Oh, I have entirely freed myself from all lineal and racial connections; I only want to be
a human being and nothing but a human being’. To these one must reply: ‘Who, then,
brought you to this freedom? Was it not your family who placed you in the world where
you now stand? Have you not your lineage, your nation, your race to thank for being
what you are? They have brought you up; and if now, exalted above all prejudices, you
are one of the light-bringers and benefactors of your stock and even of your race, it is to
their upbringing that you owe it. Yes, even when you say you are ‘nothing but a human
being’, even the fact that you have so become, you owe to the Spirits of your
communities.’ Only the esoteric student learns what it means to be entirely cut off from
his family, national or racial Spirit. He alone realizes, through personal experience, the
insignificance of all such education in respect of the life now confronting him. For
everything inculcated by education completely melts away, when the threads binding
will, thought and feeling are severed. He looks back on the result of all his previous
education as he might on a house crumbling away brick by brick, which he must now
rebuild in a new form. And again, it is more than a mere symbolical expression to say
that when the Guardian has enunciated his first statement, there arises from the spot
where he stands, a whirlwind which extinguishes all those spiritual lights that have
hitherto illumined the pathway of his life. Utter darkness, relieved only by the rays
issuing from the Guardian himself, unfolds before the student. And out of this darkness
resounds the Guardian’s further admonition: ‘Step not across my Threshold until thou
dost clearly realize that thou must thyself illumine the darkness ahead of thee; take not a
single step forward until thou art positive that thou hast sufficient oil in thine own lamp.
The lamps of the Guides whom thou hast hitherto followed, will now no longer be
available for thee.’ At these words, the student must turn and glance backward. The
Guardian of the Threshold now draws aside a veil which till now had concealed deep lifemysteries.
The family, national and racial Spirits are revealed to the student in their full
activity, so that he perceives clearly, on the one hand, how he has been led hitherto, and
no less clearly, on the other hand, how he will henceforward no longer enjoy this
guidance. That is the second warning received at the Threshold from its Guardian."
-Rudolf Steiner How to Know Higher Worlds
05/15/15 (Fri) 16:08:27 No. 38754
>"Only by working through the force of habit and custom in man can you give order to his will and therewith also to his memory. In other words, you must understand how everything that awakens an intense interest in the child also contributes to a very great extent towards making his memory strong and efficient. For the power of the memory must be derived from the feeling and will and not from mere intellectual memory exercises."
- Rudolf Steiner, Study of Man, VII
I am not sure if Steiner ever read Atkinson or if it just is their Rosicruco-Theosophical background that explains why they share same views on certain subjects.
Want a tip on Steiner? Study Lucifer-Christ-Ahriman-influences so you can extract what is good and useful from different materials!
05/25/15 (Mon) 04:54:29 No. 40949
An open le[tt]re to the L[ord] Maiour of London and th'alermen his brethren, And to all other Maiours, Sheryfes, &c. Her Ma[jes]tie understanding that there are of late divers Blackmoores brought into the Realme, of which kinde of people there are all ready here to manie, consideringe howe God hath blessed this land w[i]th great increase of people of our owne Nation as anie Countrie in the world, wherof manie for want of Service and meanes to sett them on worck fall to Idlenesse and to great extremytie; Her Ma[jesty']s pleasure therefore ys, that those kinde of people should be sent forthe of the lande. And for that purpose there ys direction given to this bearer Edwarde Banes to take of those Blackmoores that in this last voyage under Sir Thomas Baskervile, were brought into this Realme to the nomber of Tenn, to be Transported by him out of the Realme. Wherein wee Req[uire] you to be aydinge & Assysting unto him as he shall have occacion, and thereof not to faile.
WHEREAS the Queen's majesty, tendering the good and welfare of her own natural subjects, greatly distressed in these hard times of dearth, is highly discontented to understand the great number of Negroes and blackamoors which (as she is informed) are carried into this realm since the troubles between her highness and the King of Spain; who are fostered and powered here, to the great annoyance of her own liege people that which co[vet?] the relief which these people consume, as also for that the most of them are infidels having no understanding of Christ or his Gospel: hath given a special commandment that the said kind of people shall be with all speed avoided and discharged out of this her majesty's realms; and to that end and purpose hath appointed Casper van Senden, merchant of Lubeck, for their speedy transportation, a man that hath somewhat deserved of this realm in respect that by his own labor and charge he hath relieved and brought from Spain divers of our English nation who otherwise would have perished there.
These shall therefore be to will and require you and every of you to aid and assist the said Casper van Senden or his assignees to taking such Negroes and blackamoors to be transported as aforesaid as he shall find within the realm of England; and if there shall be any person or persons which be possessed of any such blackamoors that refuse to deliver them in sort aforesaid, then we require you to call them before you and to advise and persuade them by all good means to satisfy her majesty's pleasure therein; which if they shall eftsoons willfully and obstinately refuse, we pray you to certify their names to us, to the end her majesty may take such further course therein as it shall seem best in her princely wisdom.
05/25/15 (Mon) 20:20:15 No. 41035
To Know:
Before you embark on an act of magick, you must first understand the situation. Take the time to gather, analyze, and fully comprehend all the information available. Know yourself, that is, what is your precise magickal desire? Why is this your goal? Know your craft. What ingredients, tools, or spirits will you need to work with? Are there any aspects of magickal timing that you need to be aware of? How do you employ this information? Know the situation. By understanding as many of the magickal and mundane variables as possible, you can help to ensure that your spell achieves the desired results in a reproducible manner. Be prepared to go get the information you require. This may involve being proficient in divination. Outside of your magickal practice, "To Know" is just good advice. Know that there is always more to learn. If you conduct yourself in a measured manner, and act only when you know you are fully informed, you are less likely to misstep and your actions will be more responsible. No one will ever fault you for being too well-informed.
To Dare:
The second part of the Witch's Pyramid, To Dare, is about having the courage of your convictions. As witches, we walk on both sides of the veil. We are in charge of our reality and manipulate the world as we see fit. This is no task for the unsure. To create powerful magick, you must dare to stand alongside gods and spirits of the unseen, to walk in darkness. You must trust in your instincts and your skills, and be unafraid to act accordingly. On a mundane level, this can mean simply having the determination to act - to take on an active role in the world around you. You must trust yourself and your abilities, and have faith in your knowledge that the world around you is quite a bit more malleable than it seems at first glance.
To Will:
Magicians often characterize spells as acts of focused will. To manifest a spell, or any act, one must put their energy behind it, want it, and enforce that desire with their will. To will is to take responsibility for your manifestations. Magick doesn't happen because you have the right candle or incense. It happens because you say so. Your spell wont get off the ground if you don't supply sufficient force of will. This is also to say that your desires are powerful in their own right. By knowing your intention, you can take greater responsibility for your manifestations.
To Go:
Historically, "to go" has not been included in The Witch's Pyramid, and I could not find when it started being included. This precept is in line with the common bit of witchy advice, "to act in accord." Magick works best when you help it by creating opportunities for your spells to manifest. Employment spells work faster when you are actively seeking a job instead of sitting at home. If it's your will to manifest something through magick, then you should be active in manifesting that desire through any additional mundane means available. In addition to this, "to go" can mean to apply the other parts of The Witch's Pyramid in your life. I take it to mean that we should be true to our words through our actions.
To Keep Silent:
This is meant to emphasize a number of practices. First, it tells us the importance of quieting our minds and surroundings to seek inspiration and connect to energies which are all but silent themselves. Second, it means that your spells and magickal workings should be gone about in secret. To follow your path in silence is difficult advice to follow. It's easy to get excited about your latest spell or magickal theory. Although your path is something it's reasonable to be thrilled about, blabbing can do more harm than good. You don't want others creating negative thoughtforms around your spell. That aside, you certainly don't want others undermining your faith in yourself lest you destroy your own manifestations before they can get off the ground. To Keep Silent means more than just shutting up about your spell work. It emphasizes a need for discipline in, and reverence for, your path and for the forces with which you work.
didi 06/08/15 (Mon) 13:25:41 No. 43182
>obvious sigils and symbolism everywhere
>obvious allusions to real-life tech and events
>mass indoctrination via comedy and humor to pre-select events
>blood rituals and shock value
>brain explosions and headshots as common in blood magick-tier hollywood movies with generic immediate nlp scene after to create neuroplastic effect.
>redpill on world depopulation and elite retardation
(entire world can fit in texas with demography of newyork - we have unfathomable amounts of land which is unused and the queen herself owns personal property equaling to countries - we can easily all be happy here )
>ending scene is anal sex as per ritual and insult to intellect and the female's temple and the male's value ( anal sex is getting lot's of popularity because the more you do it the more the energies of both parties are drained and lost and insulted in a sense with a degenerate energy ) [here is ultimate life energy and powerful act of love and creation;shove the energy upward a draining sewage pipe]
06/08/15 (Mon) 18:46:41 No. 43214
I didn't ask
06/08/15 (Mon) 19:25:08 No. 43217
>hurrrdurrr we can pack all humans like sardines into Texas and that means the world isn't overpopulated
This is literally the only argument I see nowadays being made by you pro-overpopulation retards.
The planet is extremely overpopulated and the elite are doing everything in their power to ensure the population continues to explode and overwhelm the planet.
If you factor in quality of life, sustainability, etc. than you got to bring the planet's population down to about 200 million if you want everyone alive to have a very good life.
More people does absolutely nothing except shit up the planet more.
06/08/15 (Mon) 19:40:17 No. 43218
☻ 06/09/15 (Tue) 06:18:29 No. 43297
How far is this thread from maxing out?
06/09/15 (Tue) 06:35:35 No. 43299
>Implying they don't already know they dun goof'd on the population issue and are only trying to convince their idiotic economists that more doesn't always mean more.
>Implying in about five years or so we aren't going to have a conflict that will claim plenty of lives
>Implying that in result of higher transit from that conflict there won't be a 'sudden' outbreak of disease
>Implying that most countries are now on their way to sociological collapse a la Calhoun Rat Utopia
We'll get to the desired numbers of about 1bil or less in about…200 years or so. Then we can shit things up again like it never happened because people don't actually learn anymore.
06/10/15 (Wed) 12:35:14 No. 43483
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 2, 5, 2, 2, 2 + 5 = 18 (5d5)
Heavy as fuck.
06/22/15 (Mon) 15:14:06 No. 44627
06/23/15 (Tue) 06:38:48 No. 44714
Daily reminder Wicca a shit and is infested with landwhales, faggots, and dindus.
Asatru, Gnosticism, and Hermeticism is a-okay.
07/05/15 (Sun) 20:36:44 No. 45792
I wanna see smiley's asshole. Smiley show me your butt please.
07/05/15 (Sun) 21:28:35 No. 45799
Gnosticism? You mean "taking a fuckload of stuff from the curries and claiming that it's deep gnostic wisdom"? You mean "everyone is equal :^)" gnosticism? You mean "life sucks", that kind of gnosticism? The kind that claims that "it's all in your mind"?
How the FUCK is it pagan?
It's LITERALLY christianity (and free slave morality) on steroids.
Look at your loosh, now look at my dubs, now back to your loosh, now back to my dubs, now back to the loosh, you wish you had my dubs. But I do have your loosh.
☻ 07/05/15 (Sun) 21:36:41 No. 45800
Check these dubs though and remember that all is mind; the universe is mental.
07/08/15 (Wed) 20:59:33 No. 46055
12/04/15 (Fri) 23:45:39 No. 62910
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 12:43:36 No. 63354
02/04/16 (Thu) 08:35:46 No. 69665
"In Tibet, the Lama magicians have discovered a system of lighting rooms by means of a luminous ball of phosphorescent, greenish-white color, which in- creases in luminosity when ordered to do so by the priests, and after the departure of those who are in the chamber it gradually becomes fainter until only a spark remains, which burns continuously."
03/19/16 (Sat) 02:57:46 No. 72676
File: 1458356266343.jpg (614.34 KB, 1210x676, 605:338, illuminate_by_auroralion-d….jpg )
"When I look up at the night sky, and I know that yes we are part of this universe. We are in this universe.
But perhaps more importantly then both of those things is that the universe is in us"
Black Science Man confirmed Hermeticist? As Without; So Within? Principle of Correspondence?