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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This video was posted three days ago. The one in the next post is dated October 22, 2012. What is your take on this transformation?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That contrast is hilarious. I have met a few Jesuses walking about and they've all had too much of something. Usually psychedelics, and information that shouldn't be floating around in their heads in the first place. Pseudoscientific theories that people responsible with their minds can handle and work on to eventually have them regarded or understood more so they can become truths, everyone else just shits them around and people buy into it and drive themselves insane.

He's just a poor soul without much support. He's obviously talking about suicide or murder, and someone should consider making contact with him. Have him look in the mirror and show him another jesus on youtube.



I say suicide because one of the insights people of this nature eventually realize is that there was nothing stopping Jesus from living. If he was rogue enough he'd pulled a Jackie Chan. He killed himself. Just like I am thinking about doing. I go on this board to find answers.


Maybe I should have summarized what I know to save others' time first. He served ten years in the military and participated in the late 90s/early 00s operations. In the first video, he introduces himself as a completely rational atheist and one of the topics explored is the role of religion in controlling the masses, and how his son fell victim to their institutions. In the last few weeks (months?) he has been convinced that the rapture is coming in September, amongst other things.


Yes, it is quite a contrast. I feel fear and pain on his behalf, because I had a similar phase (not as far gone as this) after psychedelic usage. A good lesson not to fall too far into any extremes and to be careful with using substances to assist ourselves. Even though this planet is backwards and it's very tempting to denounce all logic to escape, it's just not worth it. Balance is hard, but we must pursue our ideals.



I don't really agree with you there. I think people that cater to their own beliefs are heroic. For the average person, such as you or me, balance is something to strive for because of survival, etc. but some people have a real point to make, and it's those that sacrifice their chance to participate in a regular person's life for an opportunity to make a fool out of themselves or in the case of a select few: really teach us something. ,



Anyone can become like him. How does a rational atheist transform into ranting lunatic? The rationalist realizes that rationality is just a game. Every facet of human society and culture are games that arose when our minds became capable of playing them.

Games are systems of rules, which in a sense are completely arbitrary. Rationality is a game, it's one that's useful for biological survival, but there's nothing that makes it objectively better than any other "game" you could play.

He has clearly realized this, yet lacks the discipline to realize that what he is now is still a game, it's just a different one.

Consciousness is a masquerade.



the path to Self and the path to lost of Self are closely related, anyone who is traveling alone can make the mistake.

But if you must travel alone, like me and many others, you can take a few measures to make it less likely to "go crazy". Like… Being patient, starting by solving the closest thing, being very careful in judgement and even then not taking it seriously.

And perhaps the most important thing is having your immediate experience of this world as reference, there are no sages who aren't capable of adjusting to this world to the degree they find necessary, there are no sages who can't connect with the majority of people, even if they don't agree with said people.

I had a master once, and although all about him was pretty outside the experience of normal people, he had a way to make it relatable, not alienating people even when he was intensely disagreeing with them.

Normal people might not be very bright, but if you're actually going crazy they'll tell you, in a different way than the usual "you're being different therefore I'll say you're crazy although I don't really mean it".


rest in peperoni


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So is this what happens when you forget to Banish Often, or what.



This is what happens when the unprepared venture into the unknown. When the ignorant march into the unknown they will most likely project into it their own inadequacies. His view of "god" is nothing but a crystallization of his previous ego.



Lets keep an eye on him. He literally said "it's happening". Anyone know where he lives?

My prediction: murder-suicide.


is there a direct correlation between lack of blinking and insanity?


Is he masturbating in the beginning of his last video? Oo


Sad, but, also a warning to all seekers.



He lost all his marbles.



I meant a warning in the way of not losing your mind like him. Obviously he's insane.


If this guy didn't start stoking his ego and wasn't glued to the weird side of youtube I wonder where he'd have gotten.


This is what people have to go through. If you stray to fringe because you're a step apart from the crowd, but you cringe when someone goes far out, then what are you?



>perfect example of a misfired kundalini without being based.



Just ordering the videos by date, and reading the titles tells most of the story I think you're looking for.

Early on he talks about taking heavy doses, then goes homeless, then the titles are suddenly 2deep4u.

APRESHEATE EYE… ore… B DELLeatd. EYE L.U.V. u! π

What the fuck is this shit? Also why is he so angry most of the time?


…it seems he easily falls victim to your average youtube troll, some jesus.



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>This Vlog discusses my evolution from an Athiest to a Secular Humanist

Thats his second video 2 years ago. According to the Steve Jackson cards he was already on a path to doom.


Has 13 letters wich might mean the snake, the dragon or Satan among other things.

>B DELLeatd. EYE L.U.V. u! π

If you count the caps in this one you get 11 letters wich by masonic standards means Lucifer as they think 10 is perfection and Lucifer is 1 above perfection.

The eye of horus is also the south pole of Saturn aka Satan or Kronos god of time probably ruler of this plane or the machine that projects the Virtual Reality we live in.

Saturn is known as the black sun or black cube aswell from ancient times. Masonic Nasa "produced" some pics of its north pole where you can see a hexagon wich is a flattened cube with a storm circling around counter clock wise exactly like the muslims do with their black cube Kaaba. Black & Decker has a black cube and 11 letters and many other companies have the cube as its logo, or the eye or a pyramid like Caterpillar 11 letters too.

His jewtube account name has 11 letters and the sigil or whatever logo of the Black Sun.

May this poor soul find its way out from the grip of Saturn.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

new video starts off with him masturbating and talking about being close to the end

how can u be this crazy?

imagine what the muggles who know this guy IRL think lol


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


people who don't believe him are apparently schizophrenic xd


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you retards don't understand him, but he's right.

it's usually best to not try explaining this stuff. be what you are or say what you would be.

it might be better for you to not watch but reach the same conclusions on your own.



he is making sense in some stuff but presenting himself as satan/saturn/black sun must mean its not himself but some entity being channeled i think


He's a fucking schizo. Albeit very intelligent and well-versed in occultism, he is obviously not okay. Look at how skinny and unhealthy he looks in his later videos…he meets like all the criteria for schizophrenia. Which no, is not a freeway into enlightenment.



looks like hes just starting to figure out the oneness, but having trouble processing it and using the jesus shit that was probly shoved down his throat for years as a kid to explain shit. He will be fine in a few years.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New vid boys, very kek worthy. Laughed out loud a few times.


His appearance instantly repels normies


Will he regret the tattoos I wonder?


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>Rationality is a game, it's one that's useful for biological survival, but there's nothing that makes it objectively better than any other "game" you could play.


I just imagine people like this being arrested for stopping traffic because they can then going meta/occult on the police who are literally the least intelligent when it comes to abstract spirituality.



Listening to him makes me feel like im trippin.



And then comes the psych ward.



hahah can we get some feminists to watch this? I feel the comment section would be hilarious.


Madness is the emergency exit

I know because I went mad and when I came back I forgot about it.

I guess that was for my own Good.



He isn't mad.

His reality is just different than yours :^)


The titles of his videos and the moments he spouts chains of seemingly irrelevant words is a typical tick with neurological basis. It feels a bit like a song stuck in you head, a line that you just HAVE to repeat one more time or even say aloud. It's accompanied by tickling in spine and surges of "restless" energy. It's like a speck of dust on your clothes that you just have to clean, or you'll go crazy.

For example in one of his titles he has


When he was writing this title, he must have felt sudden urge to forcibly pronounce "WEEKNOOSE" few times, pronouncing it and indulging in the sound of it gave relief to his Kundalini'd brain


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This guy talks so much like me and makes me cringe.



Atkinson wrote an entire book on the art of expression for a reason.

These people just can't communicate well or sort their thoughts well.

Doesn't mean they are actually having a radically different experience of reality.


fucking hotwheels


Is it better to be a mundane or this guy?



this guy tbh



The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns. - R. D. Laing

Tis better to (be aware and) swim.

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