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Oh occultists. I need some advice on how to overcome an identity crisis. I don't think I even know who I am anymore. I'm in a conflict in everything with myself from appearance to job/school, my sexuality even. The thing is I think so much everyday. I daydream more than I literally do anything else. From the moment I wake up until I fall asleep im thinking and daydreaming , and in the daydreams I'm living a complete different life but im still myself. It's as though im living two lives at once, one in my head and another in reality. I do it in my work and school and even when I drive. Hell im daydreaming as I type this. And I over think everything to the point that I feel im confused. I'm guessing all of this might be the reason why im having a monster identity crisis. But I'm not sure. I tried astral projection because i heard you can learn more about yourself through it. But I always fuck it up because im constantly thinking really hard even during the part where im lying in bed. I read the Kyballion and half of the arcane teachings and though I feel I know more of the universe alittle, I learned nothing about myself. I also looked into some outlines of Jungian psycholagy and while I like his stuff, it hasn't helped me with my identity crisis. This isn't a small crisis either. I'm in conflict with every thought and its hard to describe but its like a there are two parts and they want completely different things, most times in opposite extremes. For examples: one part of me wants to shave my head while I don't want to because i like my hair, and another part of me wants to go full gay and forget women even though I have been straight my entire life and I only ever fapped to straight porn so I should be straight. These are only two of them but there are so much more conflicts.

I apologize for writing a novel here, but I hope there is someone who can at least tell me what path I should take to overcome this crisis and find the true me and maybe begin thinking without confusion like a normal human being.

Please and thank you.


only advice i can give you, which has helped me:

go into nature and let her help you sort yourself.

a few days without electronic and civilizatory distractions helps me get a clean head.



Try just observing your thoughts. Sit still and meditate, in meditation do not attach to your daydreams, just observe them. Let the thoughts come and pass without clinging onto them. Realize that these dreams and these personalities aren't really you. You are just a point of consciousness observing what is going on in your mind. Do it for 15 minutes, 2 times a day. After a month (probably earlier) you will feel at peace with yourself. Practice detachment from your personality.

Also, if you want the knowledge of yourself, meditation of insight (Vipassana) is what you are looking for. I outlined basic principles, but I'm no expert. Search for yourself some materials on it.




This will help a lot. Do your best to minimize interaction with stimulating media, ie: TV, Video games, computer. Let your brain relax. Get some sun. Remember to give yourself time to be yourself.




here are some Vipassana materials, from one of megas, Temple of Solomon I think


I recon the other posters are right on the money.

You're being being bombarded by influences in your daily life, this acceptance of homosexuality, various styles and trends, advertisements urging you to buy shit.

It's messing with your head so block it out for a while and let your mind rest a bit. Go on a camping trip and get some fresh air to clear your head and find yourself. Do not bring weed or alcohol tho, you've read entry level books so you should know how to meditate.



>these dreams and these pesronalities aren't really you

Im just gonna hijack OP's thread for a while because i have a similar problem, the thing i wanna ask is is this the same with emotions and thoughts? The mind's thoughts as well as emotions are just a product of the mind which is controlled by the Ego, Will, True Self, right?

Then what do some people mean when they say "killing the ego"? The gnosticbro posting his thread on fringe always mentions this, although i don't think he means the higher self, because that would be killing your self, your counscioussness. Isn't that kinda backwards?

Also OP, just read the sticky, i was hesitant to do so and as a consequence i didn't know what i was doing, just read arcane formulas and teachins if you haven't and you'll be all set.



Yeah, different people mean different things while talking about ego. Eg. Atkinson's Ego is your higher self, while some other authors use the term "ego" to describe your personality.

To kill your ego (your personality) you have to dissolve it by realization that you are not your thoughts, that you could inhabit many other bodies and personalities and still be yourself. Your personality isn't conscious, you (your higher self) is conscious. Killing your higher self is impossible, although Buddhism is kinda cosmic suicide because you merge your higher self with the All (also, from my understanding RHP in general is all about uniting with God).

There was some mental experiment in Arcane Formulas based on this realization in which you visualized yourself as someone other.


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I have a pdf in which George Gurdjieff talks to his students and gives them advice I haven't read the whole thing yet but I think some things in there might help you. Gurdjieff describes humans who don't practice occultism as nothingness. Only through earnest practices can one cease to be nothingness and get his 'I am' persona. I attached the pdf if you are interested or if anyone else is. Essentially I agree with all other posters that you need to meditate but all those are just temporary solutions not permanent in my opinion. I hope this book will help you find a permanent solution to your problem.



At least that's the beginning of a way to dissolve your personality if you wish to do so.



I don't know if i want to, but the thought that i am not my mind/thoughts/personality but something higher, always gave me hope in times when i was pretty fucked up, much like OP.



I feel ya bro.

Had same problems as OP and you to the point I was seeing psychiatrist about it (of course it didn't really help). I fixd myself via mediation and progress on occult path.

If you practice detachment from your thoughts and personality, as I suggested to OP, you will get better, I guarantee.


Also, I don't really consider this a problem. Creating daydreams usually means that you are dissatisfied with your present life. You are bored by the mundane. You yearn for something more.

Reforge this yearning into yearning for the real thing. The real knowledge of the world, then you stop daydreaming (or if you still do, then you are not caught up in it completely, you are aware).

The skill necessary to create complex fantasies will come handy in visualizations and later occult work. People without imagination have it harder for them I guess.


Thank you guys for some answers. I got some very good ones here. I will definitely be following some of these advices and see if it works out. Once again thanks my occultist friends. If anyone else has something to share, please do because i will be checking this thread often


I wonder how people who post frogmemes look like and what kind of archetype they inhibit.



I wonder the same thing



>Reforge this yearning into yearning for the real thing.




Instead of daydreaming read books or do magic or whatever. Take energy from the place where your daydreams come from and use it to change the way you live.



>Take energy

Yes, that's still not precise enough. I understand that magick is mostly experience-based and relies heavily on these feelings and internal perceptions but how do I take energy from it?

Do I visualise something leaving that place and going down my spine to my solar plexus perhaps? Or, if I cannot perceive the energy, perhaps I simply just need more work?



The place I referred to is not a physical place, you don't actually have to "take" anything, that was just a figure of speech.

Shift your attention from daydreams and distractions to other things, raise your awareness. The change will come in time. Visualization, as you described could be of help, yes.

Experiment and, first of all, read more books. As you progress you will learn about Mental Transmutation and proper use of desire-force and then you will be set.

I think I am not capable of teaching you proper techniques, it's your mind, not mine and I am only a neophyte after all. I can only give you pointers.



>I fixd myself via mediation and progress on occult path.

Same here. I grappled with major depression and anxiety for much of my childhood, escalating to the point I actually spent two years in a bed, and in total darkness. My life changed when I'd begun to create a thoughtform as a sort of interface with my somatic mind through meditation and powerful visualization; though I'd begun the timeless practice of occult methodology entirely on my own, without knowing and without tutorial of any sort, and would later deny it entirely (I'd a very evangelical upbringing), it still, despite my ignorance at the time, benefitted me and saved my life. I created this thoughtform and it enabled me to banish my depression, anxiety, and enabled me to lose over fifty pounds, something I'd never done before.



I can't say for certain this thoughtform acted as an "interface" of any sort, but it certainly perforned– much how sigils operate– superbly as a focus for my desire as concerned myself.


If visualization will help, certainly. Have you yet explored the possibility and confirmed whether you are under a predatory entity's influence? Elements of your testimony express the hallmarks of either possession or communication, but you're becoming unable to differentiate your own experience from that of your daydreams.

I'm leary of offering up my methods of "hunting" as it were mostly because anyone can fuck it up and shut off from the practice entirely (either in failure or inadvertently worsening their situation); proceed only with the utmost confidence.

Try something: when you daydream, try instead to visualize your environment, imagine you're doing so with your third eye (even if it is as yet undeveloped, this organ has always been part of you). Does your intuition place you in something's presence? If you can neither see nor feel it, try instead to visualize (and not necessarily with your imagination, but in just desiring) that as you begin your daydream, you've SNARED something, immobilized it (important!) , and are now consuming this thing's energy. Does it thrash? Can you see its energy entering you as its form diminishes? Does it flee? When you feed on anything, focus only on your intent (not on the thing itself if indeed it is there) , and observe what happens.



FYI diet and exercise improve the benefits of things like meditation and yoga


Help, i'm not OP but i did the same thing that J.S.S advised and it worked great, it was just great everything was fine for me i just felt like nothing could be wrong it's like i was a child again.

But then i got fucked somehow. It all vanished and got back into the depressive pit i built for my self. This happened multiple times but those times i was able to bring the feeling back. But now i just /can't/.

I assume im making the mistake of trying to get that feeling back when i should really stop identifying my self with those feelings altogether. I totally understand this intellectually but i can't actually do it.

Now that i think of it, i always had two "profiles" as a kid. One was depressive, the other was good. Somehow i altered between them, using a lot of bullshit i thought on my own, but it always worked the first time, sometimes the second, then i'd get stuck feeling depressed. The only time i managed to do it willfuly was when i just stopped caring about how i was feeling and who/how i was.

So is this the catch /fringe/? Just detach yourself from the mind and that's it? Again, i see that i am clinging to my feelings by posting this and trying to find something that will enlighten me and thus make me happy. I know this, yet why is it so goddamn hard to stop it?



Attempt to grasp what may be inducing your duality– possessing you– and *devour. it. whole.*


Read Ramana (most respected and realized modern sage. Be As You Are is good intro) and practice the direct method to knowing the Self.



but if i just stopped identifying with it it would vanish… but i can't


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Read ALL THIS POST OP, for what you BELIEVE its a curse, its truly a BLESSING

You have a HIDDEN ability: a rare and refined skill NOT bestowed upon the many. TONS, literally TONS of aspiring occultists WISH with all their desire and will to gain just a small glance of YOUR OCCULT POWER: the ability to CONSCIOUSLY and STRONGLY SYNC with your OWN personal, MENTAL plane.

Everything is mind. Behind everything that exists in the Cosmos, there is mind

Firmly grasp this principle in your being and soul, for it is the KEY to FINALLY unlock your TRUE power.

Those activities, characters and personalities created by yourself during daily activities, in what you call "day dreams", they are not just some random crap in your head:

Its your OWN realm, your OWN creations.

Within your realm, you can do ANYTHING you wish. From analyzing decisions you took on our physical plane of existence (this plane we call "The Human Plane"); creating fantastic thought-forms that, via evocation, can project themselves in physicality and assist you; or reach higher occult wisdom employing employing Desire and Will.

ANYTHING, you can use it for ANYTHING, for you are the OWNER, you are the MASTER

From the Mental Plane to the Astral Plane there is just a small step ahead, since one is an analogy of the other, in a scale of vibration.

Keep studying, keep practicing. Maintain your patience, poise and balance: SOON everything will make complete sense.

"As above, so below", says the Hermetist.

"Know Thyself, Within Thyself is the center of the Cosmos."

To keep a slave of your own realm, or to assume the throne of the rightful king: the choice is YOURS

Good vibes OP, prosperity and blessings to you.

"I am."


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From your post I get the feeling that you *try* really hard to detach yourself from these feelings. That's not the way. You can't try really hard to let go… you just let go.

The process can take some time, especialy if you've built up negative thoughts for years (as it was the case with me). All this fear, guilt and frustration won't simply vanish with one session. Keep at it, do it every day and you will see yourself progressing I guarantee.

In emergency situations (or if you feel like it), if you are really caught up in negative thoughts and seem not to be able to detach from them, try replacing these feelings with something positive or at least neutral. If you have a favourite painting or picture or landscape or really whatever, focus on it in these situations. Let it saturate your thoughts. If you, for example, fancy a specific picture of some flower try meditating on it. Saturate your mind with it. Examine the texture, the smell. What is the colour of petals? Is each petal the same as others? Make it dynamic, make the flower sway in the wind, imagine sunrays descending on it, vitalising it. That's just an example, use whatever suits you. Energy follows awareness - if you cut off the energy supply (your mind) from negative thoughtforms they will die.

You can do this with music or virtually any stimuli. Keep at meditation of observation to detach yourself from negative thoughts.

Another useful imaginatory technique I used in need is visualizing protective sphere around myself. I usually did this before going to sleep. Imagine sphere of pure light surrounding you, protecting you. Nothing can penetrate that sphere. Make yourself feel safe and well protected.

Focus on positive feelings, by overcoming depression and focusing on happiness or bliss you raise your vibrations. When you raise your vibrations negative thoughtforms (or entities) will have troubles sucking onto you.

I apologise for grammar mistakes, it's not my first language and I type in a bit of haste. Every mind is different, I posted some techniques that helped me. Use them if they work well for you, or adjust them, or discard them and make your own.

The only rule is to keep fighting, by any means, never surrender.




>Stars of the Lid

I don't have the time to go through this thread right now, but I just dropped by to compliment you on your good tastes.



I don't mean to embrace it, Anon. In devouring this thing much like any predatorial creature, you could likely overcome it. That isn't to say it's actually sentient, but this approach is well-rooted in the principles governing all things, including personal affects and character flaws one might wish to cure. In many cases, mostly involving my own family or the elderly around me, I've cured the environment of negative entities responsible for a range of malaise and misfortune, equally predatorial as any animal. These can even implement benign qualities in their principles' character that serve to confuse and prolong their victims' suffering, making cattle of unwary mundanes and even the initiated, should they somehow fail to detect such an entity's influence (pro-tip: they really shouldn't be so oblivious if they dare call themselves initiates). My brother spontaneously developed crippling anxiety and panic attacks that might have rendered him handicapped (in that there wasn't any curing this, and he almost lost his job), had I not investigated it, found the antagonist, and dined upon this creature's own energy; the phantasm in question was a bloated thoughtform either of his own creation or someone else's (which, unfortunately, may cause trouble later).

It's difficult for me to expound my methods– I'm just an initiate, myself, so I apologize if I've confused you and beg you disregard this counsel if what I offer isn't helpful. It's enabled me to see through phenomena I've experienced, both remarkable and mundane, and partake of the higher planes in a manner to which my spirit has eternally been accustomed, as could or ought to anyone on the journey: as an efficient predator of the many phantasms, entities, and rampant energies and thoughtforms all people at all times, daily, mundane and initiated, make contact. Not all among the initiated and far, far fewer among the mundane are ever appropriately sensitive to place and charge these entities proper, let alone eliminate them or substantially ward them off.

My phone's about to die, so I'll leave you with that before I expand on this exemplar of tl;dr any further.


you crave change at any cost.

a rebirth as something different, anything

the world is fucked, its not just you.

what drugs have you done yet?



Sorry for reviving this old ass thread, but What makes you think I have some hidden power? I can't even astral project at all.

And yeah I do day dream to extreme. But while many daydreams I like, there are negative thoughts/ones too that confuse the hell out of me.

And I understood a while back that my thoughts are like a completely separate realm, but how will they assist me in the physical world? I always hide in my day dreams but reality stays the same. Sorry for picking your post apart, but I'm confused about everything, I don't even know what to practice/study anymore.


I smoked weed once and I did dxm a few times but in lower doses so I didn't feel much. Tmro I'm aiming to cross into the third or fourth plateau so I can experience/visualize extreme shit like getting swallowed in a black hole, or meeting a qt alien girl and losing my virginity, or something.

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