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how do I get rid of a strong curse?

i'm pretty sure I was cursed by a my own sister

happened a few years ago,

ever since , my life gradually turned from good, worse and worse every day, and I feel like there is nothing I can do

i don't want to actually harm her, just get rid of the curse

any good material?

this is serious stuff, I can give more details if you ask the right questions



Are you blamed scapegoated by her? I can offer a ritual.


Get some milk and stand in your backyard under the moon, then put a circle of milk around you and ask the moon for its blessings and protection. Then do the same with the Sun during the day.

And you don't have to do that often at all.

The milk is just for some sort of animal product that has energy in it, the fairies really like it, it's a nice color and has a nice energy, etc.



I answered your question in the question thread. In my opinion there is no need to post the same question 2 times unless you are not satisfied with the answer I gave. Then I sincerely apologize. Now the mods might be upset but I think since there is more that just a question here it shouldbe fine to post that as a thread.



posted the question after i saw the rules



>If you truly love her the curse should backfire on her. From this you can see that if you do not love your enemies you cannot even curse them properly. Now since you said you don't wish to harm her. In my opinion if she has indeed cursed you out of love she was already willing to suffer karmic repercussion for you. So here I see 2 choices for you either you return the curse or to suffer. I told you how to return the curse now the choice is yours to make. I hope this was of help.

I don't think the cursed me to intentionally harm me,

its more like, she did it, for selfish reasons,

helping herself,

actually, i think it is kind of backfiring on her,

how would I return it?

i bought the book you mentioned,

hes talking about genius spirits, I'd try to not ask for help from these things,

what are they?



She might have done it for selfish reasons but that doesn't change the fact that you have 2 choices. First because you truly love her and everyone else you don't wish her any harm and are willing to suffer for her. That is what jesus did he was given the chance to fight but he loved his followers and enemies and chose to suffer for them.

If you want to help her with her spiritual development you may curse her. But you are risking karmic repercussion.

How you curse simple invoke extreme hatred for another depending on how powerful your will is the effects will manifest accordingly. Do not be afraid if you choose to do this there is a huge difference between cursing someone after they already cursed you and cursing someone first. This is the same as self defense. Essentially if you love for another is strong enough you will end up transmuting the hatred into love. This will make the curse useless. I hope this helps.


You're only cursed because you believe it to be so. Replace negative thought patterns with positive ones.

It is true that the possibilities for events can change due to entities/energies but you can always counteract this with your own energies. You may think you don't need to or have done so already, but it's always possible to further shift your perspective to a better one.

Even if all the negativity there is was somehow directed towards you, free will cannot be broken; it is law of the universe. If something like this is happening, you should reconsider your life path into something that relies less on chance and other people and is more self reliant. Obviously interaction is required but people are people and a certain ratio of them will eventually respond the way you expect.


I just had an insight,

I m not so sure anymore my sister cursed me

i think i did it to myself,

few years ago, I wanted to do something I had to do,

I promised to myself,

and I prayed to god, that I would do it, no matter what, under any and every circumstance

for years i had totally forgotten about that

i didnt do it, i stopped and forgot about it,

I know i have a debt to pay,

problem is, what i wanted to do back then is not possible anymore,

if I promise something to a deity, and I don't finish it or follow up

what can I do to repay it

what can I do to pay the debt I owe?



can I sort of ask for forgiveness for failure?

its not like I just didnt do it, I tried my best but failed then burrowed the memory



In Christianity, I believe God would forgive you.

In Paganism or Asatru or even Wicca, you may have to give an offering to make up for your failure. Something valuable very precious to you, or even your own blood if you think it's that bad.

I would do >>45501 's method.

Also, find a forest near you, take a knife, and make a sigil in a tree. The sigil should be something along the lines of "I am not cursed" or "I am free of curses."

After a few months or even years, the sigil will not be recognizable, and you will probably have no clue which tree it was on, and you most likely would have forgotten the meaning, which is the point of the sigil. The sigil may be charged by the forest's aura but make sure to charge it through meditation or masturbation.

When you find something, something finds you.


File: 1436438556669.jpg (48.99 KB, 400x300, 4:3, caturday panther 607.jpg)


> charge it through meditation or masturbation.

oh yeah that will help

bringing lower spirits into the deal, just what op needs


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