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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A lot of fun: ten minutes of Terrence McKenna describing an alternate timestream where a global amalgamation of Greek, Mayan, and Sung-Dynasty Chinese civilization emerges.. (Click embedded vid)

"…And consequently, as time passed, first decades, and then centuries, the absence of this particular intellectual influence in the world changed the world radically, in the following way: Greek science did not suffer the suppression that occurred with the conversion of Constantine; the Academies were not closed; the Hermetic knowledge was not repressed. Conversely, the Empire was stronger, and was able to repel the barbarian invasions of the 2nd to the 5th century, and mathematics, which had halted in our world at Diophantus, proceed through his disciple Hypatia to develop a calculus by AD 370. So that the millennium of Christian stasis that occurred in our world did not occur in that world.

As time passed, and engineering advances occurred, by around 850 they had ships that were able to cross the Atlantic Ocean. And they encountered the Mayan civilization reaching its fullest flower in Guatemala and in the Yucatan peninsula. In fact, in this vision I saw the Roman Emperor Cosmodorus the Fifth make a pilgrimage to Tikal in 920 to be present at the coronation of a king at the end of Baktun 8. Anyway, this Greco-Roman imperial culture immediately recognized the genius of the Mayans in mathematics and astronomy, and Europe was… transformed, into an amalgamation, a Greco-Mayan civilization, and this civilization continued to develop.

Now one of the influences which the Mayans brought into Europe around the year 950 was their extremely sophisticated psychopharmacopeia, and shamanism. And this mated with Neoplatonism and Hermeticism, so that rather than science developing as it developed in our world, a kind of magical, psychopharmacolytic technology of thought and understanding was what was developed over the centuries. And in later centuries, centuries before it happened in our world, they contacted the Orient, and the dynastic influence of the Sung poured itself into the creation of a global civilization. Such that, by around 1200 AD they were able to land on the moon, and create a cybernetic global civilization similar to the kind we have now.

They continued evolving, with all this psychotronic and shamanically-derived… well, by now you can imagine it was an unbelievably exotic and alien civilization compared to our own…"


Yeah very interesting video OP, I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for posting.



>tl;dr: we was emperors n' shit til' evil cis white male christian scum came and oppressed us!




>WOW if christianity wasnt here shit wud be so much better am I right guyz? Legalize it!


>middle school alternative history homework


An interesting hypothetical, but one thing in particular rustles my jimmies: the notion that Rome would have discovered the Maya before developing relations with China.

Rome was aware of China going all the way back to the Han, and was connected to Indian Ocean trade for about as long. If we assume a more powerful empire with access to superior ships, it's more likely that these ships would have sailed east from the Red Sea to China in search of silk long before attempting a voyage westward.


This, this is vision.

But this



Is the septic cynicism that would displace vision. When the firing of neurons are to much for some, we get the criticism that stimulates not, reconstructs not, simply reflecting the stale state of mind they've left their minds fall into.

McKenna was a smart guy, ostracized by virtue of having his ideas carry the sails of vision reflecting a reality greater then ours and his passion carried the battle cry of many a great thinker that would rather inch towards what is good and greater then drown in what this board festers.



No he was just a hippie boomer druggy faggot failure as was that whole shitty generation.



No this is just stupidity.

>we wud be livin on mars if it wasnt for dem christians!

Just like

>the roman empire fell because of christians!

>christians suppressed knowledge during the middle ages if it wasn't for them we would have mega cities n moon colonies check this graphic and get an education!


File: 1436428996382.png (15.91 KB, 1096x509, 1096:509, THETRUTHABOUTTHEDARKAGES.png)


Also check this graphic or remain ignorant u choose


File: 1436439140774.jpg (733.07 KB, 2272x1704, 4:3, 1351755138430.jpg)


>the millennium of Christian stasis

that old debunked bullshit

> psychopharmacolytic

oh yeah… no doubt the old CIA LSD pushing fuck wanted that

> cybernetic global civilization

oh yeah, thank you shlomo, give us your matrix

fucking faggy bootlicking cosmic refuse


God I hate this faggot and his psyop terminology


File: 1436629060817.jpg (103.13 KB, 736x734, 368:367, 48f15ff7949996f4e65454b4b1….jpg)

It's sad when people let their ideological autism get in the way of a good story. Just roll with it on its own terms instead of "reeeee! Muh fedora/muh christianity/muh jimmes."

Quote in pic very much related.


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File: 1436833961609.webm (1.18 MB, 476x360, 119:90, Family Guy - If Christian….webm)


*tips greco-sino-mayan helm


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Yep, christinsanity is cancer, like it or not.

You can fuck off now. >>>/christian/


everybody itt shpuld get acquainted with Jan Irvin's work about Timothy Leary, The Esalen Institute, Terrence McKenna, Gordon Wasson and all the other MKULTRA dregs. These people are worms, all that they spout is a distraction, smokescreen, and a gross perversion of whatever truths and stories they appear to be based on.



It's was actually the Roman oligarchy and Diocletian's reforms that caused the birth of feudalism and all the repression.

Eat that you ahistorical gnostic plebs.


>it being 476 +1539

>not realising the essence does not match the form

>and that hidden elites rule by phoenician shapeshifting

>blaming Christianity for all the worlds woe

>plebeian ressentiment

>being gnostic

>not having surpassed it as a doctrine



>not realising the essence does not necessarily match the form



>implying multi-culturalism doesn't lead to degeneracy and social/epistemological decay

I am only tempted due to being closet race traitor for neotenic NE Azns and Amazonian kuruminhas.






>Eastern Roman Empire's Theocracy was the pinneacle of human achievement and technologic advancement for over half millenium after Rome's fall




Wow, this is so incredibly ignorant I'm baffled.

>muh christianity

Wasn't for christians you wouldn't even know about Aristotle or Plato. Who do you think kept copying their texts and kept alive the knowlegde of ancient Greek while the barbarians turned the empire into a shithole? On a sidenote, the empire didn't fail because of christians, it was an economic collapse. Their economy was based on conquering more and more stuff, getting more and more free slave labour, but this requires ever faster expansion to provide resources for the expanding empire. Not sustainable. Keep also in mind that christian morality was actually an awesome innovation back then. The empire was deeply violent and inhumane, and I'm sure none of the hippies who go all "muh evil christians" would actually prefer the Roman Empire given an informed choice.

>greek science

The Greek idea of engineering relegated it as tricks to surprive the unwashed masses. They had steam technology, they used it to "magically" open the doors of the temple. It is recounted how the priests willingly did this as a scam to reinforce a dying faith they didn't buy into that much themselves. Thankfully the Romans were more practically minded.


She was a marthyr of free thinkers, paganism and phylosophy, but she wasn't particularly good at it, just an idealist and good teacher with solid principles. A most respectable individual, but no particular academic merit.


LOL. They would need a lot of stuff to get there, from the number 0 to accepting the idea of irrational numbers. They didn't even have the so called "arab" (actually indian) numbers back then. Calculus is far beyond that.

>Hermetic knowledge

Some people won't like to hear it, since they buy into specific brands of Ye Seekreet Teechings, but there were many different traditions that more or less coexisted, none of them being the right one, from time to time stealing elements from one another. Christianity was one of them. 2000 years later, we scrape what we can. But it's as if someone, 2000 years from now, started talking about the Internet Age Tradition. There's no such thing, in fact there are a lot of competing ideas out there. This is actually a good comparison by the way, falling empires share some characteristics.

>this Greco-Roman imperial culture immediately recognized the genius of the Mayans in mathematics and astronomy

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. The mayans were doing on a bigger scale what the Celts only did on a one actually proven occasions. The Romans would have seen them as deeply uncivilized, exploited them if they had been received as gods, while passively exterminating them with their diseases. Their numeration wasn't actually more advanced nor they had better instruments of measure compared to the Greeks, they just had a complex astronomical system. The assyrians did too, it was replaced by something simpler as culture evolved because it isn't practical. It's hilarious because that guy just implied the invetion of calculus before meeting the mayans. They would have been seen as weird savages by someone who mastered calculus. Sidenote: mayan engineering couldn't hold a candle to Roman, Egyptian or Greek. They were stuck at the terreplein, while the others already had actual mansonry, aqueducts, home heating and sewers (if you could afford it). This is also why some ancient mayan pyramids now are hills, while some of the egyptian ones, made of actual stone, last to this day almost intact. Romans came up with concrete. Mayans would have been yet another uncivilized province that should just beg the Empire to rule over them in exchange of their expertise.

>a kind of magical, psychopharmacolytic technology of thought and understanding was what was developed over the centuries

In Greek and Roman culture there already were cults based on hallucinogens, and others were used recreationally. Psylocibe is actually common in Italy, some legionaries used to get high on it. These cults were replace by other cults, as things change and there isn't one right and true system the world would naturally drift to as this guy seems to believe.


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I agree about christianity and the mayans, but there's no way in hell I can look at greece that way.

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