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If people knew how easy it is to invoke angels and the light of God and start living off prana, they would. But the byproduct or negative effect by doing the breatharian 10 or 21 day process is that you get a clear and direct channel to the all and you develop spiritually by doing practically nothing. The only down side is the 3 days of starvation that make you feel shitty depending on how detoxified you are when you start.

In the next post I'll link some books so that you can start out.


File: 1436370291685-0.pdf (1.61 MB, A Year Without Food (With ….pdf)

File: 1436370291780-1.pdf (1.04 MB, Pranic Nourishment.pdf)

What drives a person to breatharianism is an inner calling to unite with God. We are all born split off from the God and only through denying yourself the illusions and fake traditions of satan that was created in this world can you reunite.

Breatharianism is not for the weak and not for the doubter. But within 100 years you will see people live without food become more common for every generation.

It might be the call you need right now. Remember to ground yourself by standing on soil barefoot or other methods. Mental grounding is not really effective for noobs.


Thank you for this, your posts are always helpful


can i fast and go biking, about 100 km per day?



There's 3 days you dry your body out and then 4-7 your body heals.

In order to not feel hungry during the 3 first days you must do very little activities and meditate with the pranic light and ask the angels for help.

Once you start fasting you need to focus all the body's energy towards the process.

You may stretch your muscles, do yoga on grass and sun gaze and less energetic activities but on the night of the 3rd day you will have to be still for 6 hours for 3 days.

When I'm fully through the process I will work with another guy to help people through skype video chats.



As the view widens and you realize that you are helping yourself by helping others, the act of helping becomes easier and more fun. And through gratitude for the life we've been given we can appreciate how our life is in a world of chaos.

If anyone wants to take on the process of breatharianism, be ready to initiate yourself into spirituality as well. Many people who do the 21/10 day process abort or go back to normal eating habits because after the 4th day, spirits start doing astral surgery on the body. This might scare people or encourage. Since I had astral surgery done at the beginning of this year I am ready for the next surgery.


Ignore the disinfo OP, to become a breatharian… well the concept is wrong it's not about the breath it's about living on the akasha. Anyways, to do it you need an extremely strong will, and to maintain the feeling of wellbeing thereby. The aibi pdf in the library explains how.

>muh Satan

Dropped for mass man religion idiocy.

Also, yeah, you really should contact higher beings if you're going to do this as well as keep around a third density human to check on you to make sure you don't die.

Also, despite OP being a dummy, he can still achieve what he aims to achieve even if he doesn't know exactly how it's being done.

I want to know OP if you continue drinking water or not.



I recently experimented with breatharianism and am very active on a bike (40km average ride many times a week depending on weather). Also commute by bike.

I did still eat but it was very little and was meant to supplement the breathing. Just a few pieces of fruit per day. I would eat a couple fruit around noon and in the evening I would have more fruit as I desired it. Breathing (and other) exercise was done during breaks at work, upon waking from sleep, and before going to sleep. Some focus on breathing throughout the day but focus can slip.

What I found was that my overall performance was about the same. Explosive energy on a bike was slightly lower. Endurance on a bike was the same. My muscles recovered from fatigue the same. At work I had less desire to put in extra effort which could be due to something else like sleep but it appears to be related to what I ate. I did this for a couple weeks and had steady results, no hunger.

I would like to try no food but delicious food to just so easy to get and it is delicious. OP seems to be suggesting that a healing will occur from no food but other than that what would be a reason to go from food to no food?

>more books to read



Breatharianism is barely about not eating. It's about connecting to God by healing the body to where it can sustain itself on prana which comes from within and through air.

After the process you can enjoy food by being a taster but you cannot eat anything more than a bite or else your body will switch back to diet mode.

It's also a very environmental way to live because no plants or animals will have to die to feed you.



And through breath you suck in prana through the throat chakra thus it's necessary to breathe until you can suck in prana without breathing which comes with years of meditation and practice.

What other way to live as a human is there without having to kill something in order to sustain oneself in this world? It was the serpent in the garden of even that tricked adam and eve to start eating from the fruit, symbolically, metaphorically and spiritually.

Even this handheld device I'm typing on steals energy.


Wow anon this post is scrumptiously synchronistic for me. After having a complete LHP break down of debauchery for the last three weeks and I decided to start the path again as of Monday which means sobriety, optimal dieting, fitness, meditation, stretching, research…all the favourites.

Any-ways the good news is that not even 2 days through it I find my self gifted with a large energy boost and no appetite. But still eating because you've got to be sensible with these things… I am highly doubtful this will be permanent but it is lasting a long time… (31 hours so far) and yes of course if I wasn't highly doubtful it would be for eternity but I'm not quite there yet.



Did you perhaps receive the astral surgery in an earlier time when you fasted before?

We're on the same time roughly. Don't forget to breathe.



>invoke angels

LOL, how's that New Age paradigm treating you? I hope you know the Greys are behind that one, buddy.

None of that is necessary to live off prana except for having a clean vessel. The waters of EA are best to cleanse the body… Distilled water, pure water, and urine remove all obstructions.

Once that happens, a raw vegetarian diet comes naturally. My body is constantly buzzing, chi animated, life force magnified and I haven't even done proper practice in the past few days.

I find myself eating out of pure habit now, mostly.

Those dry fasts you recommended are also fatal if done too hastily with a toxin riddled body.


At least OP tried, I guess…

Here's a website I found most splendid on this subject; it's only reachable through archives now:





>Breatharianism is barely about not eating

>anything more than a bite or else your body will switch back to diet mode

a contradiction

The exercises that I was doing were intended to heal me and only as a side effect did I notice I was less hungry. Also something of note, while doing the healing exercises I was at first eating as I normally did and found that I was getting bloated as if my body had too much of food/energy.


You sound like you are on a similar path as me, just further. My body is buzzing sometimes, more so when I do certain exercise. A bit off topic but do you have info on pure water. I have access to RO water but have heard it can leech minerals when your body processes it. Urine is good stuff.



Still: I am not your enemy and this is not a game with a winning team.

Do what you have to do in order to become the best version of yourself where your actions are as pure as gold and your thoughts are filled with love.

I have had distilled water for over a year and my breatharianism triggered when I noticed that I couldn't eat meat and large sized servings. An affirmation later and I was on my way to live on Prana.

I've met the grays and they are mixed in their ethics. It's not like aquarians trying to scare you every day.



Two words: Distilled Water

RO is not the same

Urine is best

Here's a bonus page from this man's awesomely insightful website:




The only extraterrestrials I recognize are the friendly founding Gods here, The Old Gods. There is too much deception in that arena to take it lightly, it is a "masquerade of angels" best not to get caught up in.

Everything is about winning, this is war! Just because we elevate ourselves does not mean we cease to create and destroy. There are still factions that want to destroy Humanity. They love death, reek of it, society reflects it.


You can also search term Aquarius and Distilled Waters to find the most comprehensive source.




Good links.


What I mean is that going into breatharianism for the food aspect alone is not the point of it. You find the connection to God and your higher self and as a byproduct you can live off prana instead of eating. Healing the body is essentially to remove all toxic elements and to allow the body to heal to the point you become a full 100% human which you weren't even when you were born.

To distill water you need a 300 usd distiller or a moonshine apparatus minus the yeast part. I bought mine from the land of the chosen people with funny hats and with the stone coal filter it makes water very pure.

Pure water is alkaline and negatively charged so it will attach to impurities that are unnatural or synthetic such as lemon acid and different metals. I've been using pure water for such a long time that I am considered malnutritioned and a walking corpse by the self entitled scientists. But I have never felt better.



So what better way to win this war than to oppose food, starvation, power monopolies in food industries where they objectively pour poison straight unto the food?

What if the story of Adam and Eve is literally Eve eating an apple when everyone are beings of light and can sustain themselves on light from God?

If you read Jasmuheen's book you'll see that there's a next step from breatharianism which is equal or similar to Magnum Opus. But we won't know until we get there.



My sources say that alkaline water is bad for you. People who drink out of "alkalized" water machines have had reported that it makes the lips tingle, which is a sign of poisoning.

Fruits are optimal for consumption and they are acidic. Lemon juice is known as a health tonic, it's quite acidic. Urine fasting is the shortcut and that gets really acidic to drink.

I'm pretty sure the body breaks down acidic substances to make them have an alkalizing effect within the body, so it's a play of opposites.


There is in fact a thing called the "New Age Paradigm".. look it up. I'd tell you how I've exorcised invasive ETs but that takes more hands on knowledge instead of childish conjecture.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, of course that makes sense.



And I'm sorry, you wouldn't know what New Age Paradigm I'm talking about unless you were well versed in ET abductions and exopolitics. My apologies.



Are your soruces based on scientific research funded and credited by a face jew by the name Cohen or Shekelberg?

The elite rulers and the medicine industry have zero care and fuggs to give about humans' health and prosperity. According to my sources, most cancers have already been cured but the patents are thrown in a secret safe and HHO engines produce more energy than energy is put in to split the water allowing it to be ignited.

In the world of lies, what they don't recommend is sometimes what is good because how can they recommend something that is not profitable for their company? I wouldn't recommend eating mercury as we have evidence of its effect but the distilled water myth is getting old.

It is true that we weren't developed to drink it as we didn't distill water until we had copper tubing but we weren't developed into eating GMOs, calcium flouride or additives either. Which pure water happily removes from the body.



I'm not sure what your getting at…

All that nature produces is distilled water, with rain, it is blood milk amniotic fluid saliva semen urine.

It's the natural choice. It's kind of like how these 'inorganic archons' we could call them continue to push inorganic minerals into our diets, which clog us up. Most people don't know the difference between edible minerals and things like salt/fluoride. It's inorganic vs organic as a basic premise.



Again: we're not enemies. Although your intention is to inform us, the tone is despicable.

I had aliens come through my hallway like a space terminal. I soon realized that some were not interested in my wellbeing and some asked me to join their cause in the galactic federation. Problem is that we live here on Earth and we have earth problems to deal with. If the solution to our problems is to kick them out "They live"-style then so be it.

Now it's very simple for me: Demons are aliens pretending to be aliens or aliens are pretending to be both.



You said you were unsure about drinking distilled water because of your soruces but you answered your own doubt in this post.

Rain water is distilled but out modern industry makes it taste like ash.



I wonder then if RO is better than RO with a remineralization filter. RO water certainly tastes better.

Water distillers on ebay are fairly cheap and I will look into that.



I just buy it at supermarkets.



Sits in a warehouse or on the shelf in a plastic bottle for who knows how long.

Although where I shop distilled water is usually sold out.



Hehehe… Despicable.

I only talk that way to people who worship false gods. Anyone aligned with life gets my total respect, but this itself is an archontic platform we are communicating on so it blurs my countenance even further at times.

I found that the Gods that were here to assist us were labeled 'demons' by the church.




noun: daemon; plural noun: daemons; noun: daimon; plural noun: daimons


(in ancient Greek belief) a divinity or supernatural being of a nature between gods and humans.

an inner or attendant spirit or inspiring force.

synonyms: numen, genius, genius loci, inspiring force, attendant spirit, tutelary spirit, demon

"it must have been a magnificent daemon that inhabited the heart and soul of this artist"


archaic spelling of demon1.


I only drink a large glass of that plastic jug water in the morning then the rest is living water.




Yeah it's a valid theory but I think it's important to judge an organisation based on their actions rather than the opposing team's opinion about them. So far I've had mad problems with Djinns and they seem to work off the same principle as any other evil being out there.

Let alone the intention is even more important.



Eh… I must have spent too much time on /pol/, with it's chaotic energy.



Jews and space niggers man, I tell ya.


>tfw I drink fluoride-free healthy well water in glass bottles all the time

>tfw I consume the very best water of everyone on /fringe/



>muh adam and eve

>muh satan

When are you going to break free of those tired old memes?



Yes I definitely remember entering a heightened state for a time when I first started cleansing. This one is way more potent though and I've seen my first color visuals and my energy body :)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>well water

Has inorganic minerals, even trace fluoride, that will accumulate in the body and cause issues.

It's nothing compared to a glass of warm, living, golden light-filled kidney milk.

>mfw consuming plasma ultrafiltrate structured water for months on end






This guy is right.

On Distilled Water:


Also here is a file archive of all the pdfs I have on distilled water and urine therapy: https://mega.co.nz/#F!Vx4hBBhS!2kyKyV7q5x_xdjNsWYT0VA



What is Magnum Opus?



Magnum Opus is the Great Work in Latin. It's the process of enlightenment which includes not masturbating, eating good food and meditating for several years.



Remember to lay still in bed for 3x2 hours every day so that they can heal your body.

Also start talking to your inner guide and see if you can get it talking.

Surgery feels like a small scratch and small pains when you lay down.



>Has inorganic minerals, even trace fluoride, that will accumulate in the body and cause issues.

I've drank well water for most of my life. What would be some ways to remove these inorganic materials from my system?

>It's nothing compared to a glass of warm, living, golden light-filled kidney milk.

I tried once, don't think I could ever make it a habit. Gonna be doing some more research on it too.


I've seen water distillers on amazon for around 100-300 usd. Most make a few gallons daily and aren't too bad on electricity consumption. Are these a good buy or are there even better methods to getting distilled water?

Thanks for the mega too.


Care to expound more on the astal surgery? This is the first time I've ever heard of it.



Start with a 2 day fast drinking only distilled water or nothing at all. Wait for the sweating to stop the second day and then resume with a raw food diet and eat small sized portions to start with. Rinse your food well to remove pesticides and eat only the inside of the fruits.

A distiller is not so power hungry because they have a limited output for the boiler and doesn't exceed 130C because of a thermo trigger. When I bought my new computer my electric bill went up with 5 dollars a month, but the distiller was not noticeable.

The astral surgery comes the 4th day after fasting on only small amounts of water and manifests as a dream first and then you receive the surgery while in sleep paralysis. The first surgery performed is the rainbow bridge which Chloe Folan writes about on her website. When the rainbow bridge is done, you will be able to eat less and drink less as your body and mind is lining up with the higher self, eventually triggering the breatharianism process.



If you eat the insides of food, you gotta be skilled with that knife. The vitamins are all contained just between the peel and the fruit…


File: 1436615460505.gif (916.22 KB, 245x285, 49:57, asddd.gif)

>hey kiddo wanna do MAGIC?

>wooow cool, sure!

>have sex with young boys, cut yourself, don't eat anything, drink your own piss




Hey fedoratipper, wanna become the best version of yourself with little effort?

Fast for 4 days drinking only water.

Meet your spirit guides.

STFU and join the family.



>I tried once, don't think I could ever make it a habit. Gonna be doing some more research on it too.

Urine is from YOUR blood filtered through the kidneys. A conclusion you can draw from that is your urine will be affected by the quality of your blood and your blood affected by the quality of your intake (food).

I have previously only experimented with drinking morning urine as it has elements from the body while sleeping but these past couple days I have been drinking much more (almost no water) and I had my first two astral projections (that I invoked and remembered). A coincidence perhaps, but you can easily test it yourself.

> mundane SAD diet -> non-processed diet -> vegetarian diet -> vegan diet -> fruitarian diet -> water diet -> breatharianism -> you are energy

Where are you on that above list? Urine will taste better the further you are on that list.



Don't forget that you have to be fit in order to start urine therapy because otherwise your urine will taste fat.

I'm interested in testing urine therapy when I'm down to 14% body fat and when my urine is clear instead of yellow.



Mmmm… Fat. I feel I need fat to replenish ojas after risky forays. Thus, my diet is raw vegetarian right now.

If people are wanting to lose fat, urine fasting is the fastest way.



There are usually no fat fruitarians so going from fruit to water (urine) is easy. Vegans are usually consuming very low fat and vegetarians more fat (milk).

You do not have to be fit for urine to give benefit. Such thinking is very much like procrastination and is not suited for someone who wants to advance. One does not even need to follow the dietary progression list I put above. You could just go from a mundane diet of hotpockets and mountain dew to a fruitarian diet immediately but without a strong will you will likely reject it as the change is too great.

If not for rice being so tasty I would be a fruitarian right now that is transitioning to breatharianism and I must say my urine tastes pretty good. Tastes even better when not eating rice.



Oh god.

Beer Grills has competition…


So I started a sort of fast inspired by this thread

I'm 12 hours in and I already crave some delicious spicy chicken wings from KFC and my somach wants to eat but I'm going to sleep.

is a 3 day only water fast to much to try for now?



Any recommendations on what distiller to get. or at least anything to avoid when buying one?


Thanks for the tip.


>have sex with young boys

When is this ever stated?


A mostly non-processed diet. Until I master mundane existence e.g. get a better paying job, my own place, etc., I don't think going past non-processed would be the wisest choice.


Well, I'm a skeleton at 125lbs so I'm sure my body fat is low, maybe even too low; however, I exercise daily, learning the complete yoga breath, drink plenty of hard water, get enough sleep, etc, so I think I'm above average as far a physical fitness goes.


Considering the properties/taste of urine change depending on what you consume, I shouldn't really be trying this out if I have amalgam fillings, correct? As a kid I had a textbook SAD diet and now I suffer its consequences: about 10 small to medium sized amalgam fillings, which no doubt increase the level of mercury in my body. Which in turn, is expelled in my urine, or worse yet end up staying in my body and damaging vital organs.

To my knowledge, replacing the fillings with composite ones is the best solution, but I'm much too poor now to do it.


>eating KFC

To answer your question, not at all. As long as your desire to complete the fast is stronger than your desire to eat bad food, it's a guaranteed success.



>A mostly non-processed diet. Until I master mundane existence e.g. get a better paying job, my own place, etc., I don't think going past non-processed would be the wisest choice.

Heres a tip for you. I am well below the poverty line where I live and yet I have more money than I can spend while maintaining a whole table in the kitchen (of my own place) full of fruit and many other luxuries. You just have to want it to work and it will, it's so simple.

I suppose everyone will progress differently but just over a year ago I was eating SAD and now I am almost fruitarian.

>Considering the properties/taste of urine change depending on……

Drinking from a poisoned well is generally not a good idea. Most of the info on urine seems to be from well before poison fillings were put into peoples teeth. You could still get benefit from urine just think about it for a while.

You might want to avoid composite fillings, a quick search says they are made of glass and plastic. Gold fillings would be much better but expect to get jewed hard on the price. Cheaper to rip out those teeth with pliers.

Some website I just found said a gold filling could cost up to 300$ per tooth. A good goal for you to work hard for. Struggle breeds character.



Okay so what is /fringe/ up to ?

>"eating" breath

>eating fruits, but just for fun, it has nothing to do with the facts that we are starving!

>drinking piss

>buying new age distilators


But at least if you do that, you can have gold teeths!

(Which is so elegant, right ?)



>Heres a tip for you. I am well below the poverty line where I live and yet I have more money than I can spend while maintaining a whole table in the kitchen

I could probably make it on my own right now if I found a good place to rent, but now is not the time.

>You could still get benefit from urine just think about it for a while.

Yeah, I get that, but I was just worried about recycling the mercury that's in my urine back into my body. The well water is a non issue once I get a distillator.

>Cheaper to rip out those teeth with pliers.

Teeth last a lifetime. I don't think ditching a whole tooth just because of some potentially harmful metals is the best first move. And since there is no permanent dental filling that won't harm your body, I think finding a way to increase the body's ability to detox is a better path to take for those with dental fillings.

It'd be cool if I could just get them removed and somehow regrow the lost tooth structure, maybe even magically, but I don't think that'll even happen in my lifetime.



>The well water is a non issue once I get a distillator.

But anon the well is your bladder not some hole in the ground.



Oh shit, I took that sentence literally, whoops.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prana is greenpilled and pro-white.



Who knew /fringe/ has disinfo and retarded shit posted in it unlike any other online community (esoteric ones notwithstanding)?


Well I am now on my second day of fasting. And this night something I wasn't quite expecting happened, I've been shitting some black water that smells like sewage, everytime I do however I feel waaay better. I'm just drinking normal water but apparently my city doesn't use fluoride, though I'm not sure of it. And I've drinking amethyst water twice a day.



you talk of fasting as if it was some epic thing to do, and on your 2nd day. You know some people in the world have to not eat, or eat bread or pieces of shit to survive? I often fasted but I didnt shit black water

amethyst water I didnt bother googling but what the fuck, what about regular water



Well I didn't say it was epic, and it is not my first time fasting either, but it was the first time I shit black water. I noticed in the morning my stomach was feeling kinda bloated, and I had a pain on the right side of my abdomen, and both happened to disappear after the black sewage water shit.

I do know some people don't have the option of eating a lot of time during their life, having been a poorfag myself it also happened to me, but it does not follow that one should eat everything he can because of that.

Amethyst water is nothing more than a glass of water with an amethyst inside it, which you leave sitting for a while before drinking. I didn't, and to some extent still don't, expect much of it, but the worst case scenario is "nothing happens" so I'll keep doing it for the period of my fasting.



Program the water you drink by saying affirmations directed towards it and yourself. Water changes like a clock and remembers information that have been said to it because thoughts and intention manifests as nonphysical vibrations that affect the water.

Leaving black stool is a sign that you've been eating really bad stuff or done too many drugs. I suggest you stop smoking weed for the fast as well and really clean up.

When you're done sweating the angels may come to you. If you hold too much emotional baggage then you'll have to look inwards first.


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I have done drugs in the past but I don't anymore, this last year I smoked three maybe four times. I have learned during my trips however that water is like a divine blessing, it is hard to express it but water seems like the best thing ever. So every time I pour me a glass of water I tend to look at it in awe, the water is alive, and a lot of times it is easier to see life in water than in people.

I'll try the affirmations, I'm going for 4 days just water and after that a week of vegetable juice only. I'm literally too dirty inside to do a longer fasting.

Also may I use this thread for reporting my experiences/insights during fasting?




On the television program "60 Minutes" aired on June 4, 1978, the former Prime Minister of India, Morarji Desai (1896-1995), was interviewed by Dan Rather, Mike Wallace and Morley Safer.

–Rather: Tell us how are you able to run the government of India, working 12 hours a day or more, horseback riding in the countryside, talking vigorously in public at the age of 82 years young. Tell us your secret.

–Desai: My diet consists of fruit and vegetable juices, fresh and natural milk, plain yogurt, honey, fresh fruits, raw nuts, five cloves of garlic every day, and I drink five to eight ounces of urine every morning on an empty stomach.

–Rather: Yack! You drink your urine? That is the most repulsive thing I have ever heard.

–Desai: Don't be alarmed, it is a very natural treatment. If you observe the animals, you will see that they drink their urine to stay fit. Observe them. In my country mothers used to give babies their own urine when they were suffering from stomach ache. And In the Hindu philosophy, in the Hindu customs, cow's urine has been considered holy, and it is prescribed in every ceremony. People must drink it. So they drink their urine. That is not considered in any way wrong.

–Rather: I guess you don't consider this a strange practice?

–Desai: No. It is not a strange practice. In America scientists are preparing extracts from urine for heart trouble. You probably don't know that.

–Rather: No, I didn't know that.

–Desai: They are doing it. So your people are drinking other people's urine but not their own. And it costs dollars, thousands of dollars, while,their's is free and more effective. Many medicines are worse in color, worse in taste, worse in smell, still people take them. I think it is much worse to take them. You should taste it to find out.

–Rather: I guess so … I could.

–Desai: If you drink all your urine (urine fast), in just a few days the body becomes purified. By the third day your urine is without any color or any smell or any taste and it will be pure almost like water. You will feel very good because your system is improved and cleansed considerably. Drinking urine fights the cause of all diseases and it cost you nothing.

–Rather: Respectfully Mr. Prime Minister, I am not ready to try that.






That doesn't make any sense, your urine contains toxins and contaminants filtered out by the body, drinking them over and over again would just keep reintroducing toxins. At the very least you'd need to drink clean water for awhile first




Because it makes sense to live on breath ?



>Invoking angels

You stupid goyim, malachim only do biddings of G-d and don't answer to people's orders, you can only gain their grace by praying.

You're probably just summoning shedim/fallen malachim of qlippoth who lie to you.


>mixing up abrahamics with hinduism

I shiggy diggy doo



You're a troll.


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>Not using prostate and increasing chance of cancer

>Not knowing about variety nourishment

>Meditating inside society



>Being this new.

Also your picture is dead.

Anyone that thinks the great work is a fairy tale of infinte physical abundance and no worries are mistaken. Not having to eat is a consequence of uniting with the divine so that we can spend time doing things that matter.

Breatharianism will be the next step in evolution but only for the strong people that can bare the weight of it.


So if you can live off prana how come so many spiritual and occult masters are fatasses?

Also how come buddha got skinny as fuck during his ascetic period?


Unfortunately, too much of modern occult and magic practice has degenerated to mere psychodrama and playing make-believe. Given how often even the most rudimentary foundational training is completely disregarded, it is not surprising that people find the possibility of things like this to be outright impossible.



>Given how often even the most rudimentary foundational training is completely disregarded

Like what? List everything that you would include in rudimentary foundational training.

Give me an overview of what occultism involves that gives credence to the idea of ridiculous super powers like being able to sustain yourself without digestion of food.

Seems to me like you're playing make-believe yourself.


Need to know purpose and function of digestive organs upon taking up living on prana.



LOL! If you aren't shitting black water, you ain't doing it right.

Some older guy went on a urine fast and shat a large crystal, then passed out and hit his head on the bathtub.


Less plastic, more light.


I was going to quote you something but then I thought not to.



stfu disinfo shill



No need to degrade yourself further, mudblood.

Plasma ultrafiltrate is what it is.

Knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance,

and the things that are profitable are to him hurtful.

He liveth in death.

It is therefore his food.



ayyy Thoth the Atlantean quote

/thumbs up



which one of these is best, btw?

most seem to be made in china…




So far, I have seen some conflicting reports regarding the suggested time for sleep. In some articles, it stated that, after a while of sustaining a urine diet, you can sleep for only 1 or 2 hours a day. Other sources state to get plenty of rest. Anyone out there willing to clarify? Thank you in advance.



For the record, you can eat mercury safely if you know what you're doing. But 99.999% of people don't. When mystics recommend eating mercury, they alter it spiritually in subtle ways such so that it essentially becomes a different substance and therefore won't negatively affect the human body when ingested.

If you have no idea how to do this, don't eat mercury.

And I doubt any of the companies selling mercury laced "health" products know what they're doing, either, as this sort of knowledge is pretty rare, so I wouldn't eat any of that at all.


I didn't feel any astral surgery and I am on the 7th day now. I don't feel sick or bad or anything. Actually I feel fine besides the dry mouth and a bit of tiredness. What do?



7 days without food and water?

You can start drinking pure water now before you dehydrate.

At this point you're supposed to be able to talk to your body and listen to its desires. I hope you are doing it with the correct guidance because you could fail.

Do you have a high blood pressure or feel dizzy when you stand up quickly?



How long before you can stop drinking water after the 7 day dry fast? I imagine it will be a couple weeks and your body will give the signals that the cleaning process is done. I'm on the first day dry fasting currently. Feeling great so far.


how do you get dem muscle gainz with only light bro?


Does this light by any chance also mean fire?

Life and death, light and darkness, hope and despair. The rift was created, and on that day, the Prior were born. But the hatred of those who strayed from the true path festered and bloomed in the dark corners of the Avernakis to which they have been cast! And consumed by this hatred, they poisoned all they touched, bringing death, darkness and despair. And the souls of their victims knew no peace, until the Prior came and whispered to them: 'Sleep, for the end draws near!' And on that day all will rejoice, when the Prior come and lay them low.



The light must come from inside. Any external dependencies will take the truth away.

I've started the process 4 times this year and every time I've come closer to myself and the truth.

Our bodies were made to live for as long as we want to live in them. Remove the belief that you have to die. Remove the belief that you have to eat. Change yourself from action to thought if you cannot change yourself from thought to action.



You started the process 4 times? Seriously? I'm on my third week now.

Living on Prana by Jasmuheen is probably the best book ever written. So many references. I should have read it sooner.



Every person's journey is different. There are people that can't even fast for 2 days without loosing it.

I had to abort it twice because of nocturnal emissions. The other two I didn't follow through with the process properly.

Have you started the conversation with your body yet?



I don't even experience sexual desire since I started the process.

That may have to do with the fact that I am trying to reshape my phsyical body into a form for more suitable for me.

I have dreams where I eat stuff like meat and get immediately disgusted by it and want to throw up. Yet I crave tiny bits of chocolate or chips, just for the taste. I am not hungry or thirsty, Not even in the first week despite feeling very hungry earlier this year when I didn't eat for a single day.


Tomorrow a new life will begin: A life of being a liquidarian. I will stop eating solid foods and will keep to fruit juices and pure water. It's been a long and interesting summer for me. I've fasted 9 times with different approaches to see and feel how it feels like. I was going to summarize it a little bit.

Withdrawal symptoms are bad:

Bad breath (basically smell like wet dog in the mouth).

Urge to eat all kinds of delicious foods for no reason.

Blood pressure drop when you stand up.

Becoming less grounded.

Strange visions and dreams.

On the positive side however:

A different kind of energy without highs and lows.

Less sexual desire and less risk of nocturnal emissions.


A new perspective on things.

I've also learned a couple of things regarding the process that I need to tell people if they're reading this. Do not start the dryfast process that Jasmuheen talks about in her book, unless you have a clear inner guidance. That means: Contact with higher self, the source, the all, angels, your body and so on. The desire to want to become a breatharian must be a deep desire from within and should be avoided if you don't feel the calling.

If you want to start however, I recommend a 7-10 day water fast. This will kickstart your spirituality to get ready for the big fast however. And don't time yourself. The breatharian process started in January for me, but I'm only now starting the actual process.


I have tried this a couple times now and while I do not get hungry I find that I can get lazy or woozy while at work. Work is manual labour mostly. This happens some 35 hours into the experiance.

I have gone about 3-4 days without food/water but at that time I was sitting around all day.

Also conflicted with having so much good quality food available to me.

Any tips?



First of all: Do not fast or attempt the 21 day process while doing anything but laying in a bed at home. Are you even trying? What part of: "You must do absolutely nothing during the whole breatharian process" do you not get?

Yes, the body will become tired and lazy, it's healing and pushing out all the toxins. You will sweat, you will be dry, your urine will smell bad, but after the 3rd day of complete dryfast, things will turn around.

What is conflicting about having good quality food available? Either you know deep down that you want to do the fast or you don't. You are your own master.



I was never trying any process like '21 day'. Think of it like dipping your toes into the water. I have started to make plans for taking some time off work in the coming months so that I can attempt something like '21 day'. Another thing to note is that when I said I was feeling lazy or woozy, I was still greatly outperforming everyone else at work. To all of them it probably seemed like there was no difference in me.

Having such good food available seems like such a waste if it's not used. Though I have thought about giving it away, it is weird to give someone food because you no longer need/want it.


I wanna try this but if i tell my parents they would never let me.

And laying in my room 3 days is bound to raise some eyebrows. Not to mention, i don't have 3 days worth of time, school, friends, travelling, etc.

Im thinking of having one small meal per day consisting of fruit, vegetables and water. How much worse is it from being a full on breatherian?



That is why it's recommended that you travel to a place you won't be disturbed.

Yes, removing bad food from your diet will help you. But as long as you are eating, you can't go that extra mile and start living on Prana. The body won't allow it.



How can I teach my pet dog breathairinism?



Is dog food really that expensive?

Dogs do not have minds like ours and (as far as I know) cannot achieve enlightenment. You cannot teach them breatharianism just as you cannot teach them how to open their chakras. You know, because they're dogs.



You actually can do that.

You just have to feed on prana/energy consciously, nothing pretty fancy, it just take time, dedication and discipline to energy work.

Then, the body will be forced to allow it, because of you mastering it and at a point in time it will be done so automatically. Your appetite will shrink and you will also be able to go all your life without food if you like, like a "real" breatharian.

How do I know it's possible ?

Personal experience, now please, I've read this thread for a while and even though there is some good information in it 40-50% is dumb dogma or copy pasting without understanding.

The body can be put under control, that's what Hatha Yoga is for, once you have accomplished Hatha Yoga and have understood, used and controlled powerful bodily energies by he means of Highest Yoga Tantra, nothing is impossible.

This path is longer and no, it's not a 21 day and don't eat experience, but then, you can choose when you want or not to eat and not be affected by it, you have absolute control and mastery over your body, mind and soul.

Why do it that way instead of the "21 days spiritual miracle" way?

Because if I give you a small chunk of cholate right now or give you some cianure, in the first case you revert back to normal animal eat, sleep & shit and in the second one, you die.

You don't transcend food and body needs by being afraid of them and using a shitty half backed hack to create the illusion of doing so.

None of that happens with sweet Highest Yoga Tantra…

*drinks some more kool aid*



Eating mercury like a pro.



On any plane, at any time.


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Yeah, sure, why not?



Or you can cleanse your body and "force" your body to live off prana anyway.

You're not in my shoes. You're not the having the experiences with how to view food. Not everyone are like you.

When I'm done with my process, I will be drinking a modest amount of water and live off prana. This has already been decided.

The thread is not copy pasta'd anything.



I didn't mean copy pasta in that way, I meant that for the most part you were just repeating what you read instead of having a pure experience.

Yes, I'm not in your shoes. Yes, not everyone is like me, really, who wouldn't enjoy the fastest path to power and enlightenment when one see's fit?

Enjoy yourself.


Have been dryfasting for a few days now and there are no huge changes in how I feel except my heart rate. It is 54 bpm and while the average resting heart rate is 60-120 it feels like my heart is beating strongly such that my whole chest is moving. Also 54 is much faster than it normally beats. Keep in mind that I do a lot of cardio and eat well.

It has been like this for at least a full day.

Anyone have experiance or advice to share on this?



>muh daddy read bible

>muh not like daddy

>muh different

Denies the validity of arch types, hasn't comprehended the assigned reading.. Yet posting and not lurking… Will not pass go will not collect two hundred dollars….



My heart rate is faster than resting rate. It depends on your body fat ratio because the heart takes extra beats to burn fat when cleaning out the body.

Do you sweat when you breathe heavily or when exposed to a strange odor?



It is not easy for me to sweat since I started cycling, that cardio man.

Seems like a raised heart rate is linked to dehydration however I had no other signs of dehydration and the heart rate stayed high for a whole day after the fast, still is a little higher than normal.

I gave up on the fast, had some water, then sugar water, then some fruit, then some rice. Felt like absolute shit after eating. My first bowl movement was colored purplish-red from some steamed beats I ate the day before the fast. So that shit was just sitting in my gut the whole fast.

I will try this again when I get another chance and will take it seriously. Water fasting seems like a good idea for a couple days prior to flush the shit out.



>Water fasting seems like a good idea for a couple days prior to flush the shit out.

That and/or take 10g of vitamin C.




will clean you right out


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What is a healthy BMI? I'm 14.6 and I want to be healthy but 18.5 is too much eating.



Vitamin C you say. I found the same thing with fasting is that whatever is in your gut seems to ferment and make you feel like you're drowning in it. Are there any recommended types or brands of this vitamin C? I've been thinking of doing some lemon and orange juice fasts or another fruit with vitamin C.



When I was younger I drank one of those cans of apple juice (1.9L?) and within an hour or so I was shitting out apple juice. Pretty sure those cans sell for 1$ at any grocery store. It may be a better option than drinking lemon juice or taking vitamin tablets.


That chart is useless. According to it I am overweight. It does not take into account muscle mass, but probably assumes an average muscle mass for an average person. I can fall into "healthy" by losing a bit of water.



Thanks. I remember a while ago I used prune juice to fast of and that was pretty good as well. But It was pretty awful stuff so I'd rather go the comfortable route lol.




A little add is that I've done salt water flushes before. But they don't always work. It's not comfortable taking in a whole cup of salt water since it feels like your mind is melting.



In all my haste, I forgot about this excellent exercise to get Prana flowing. Read it so that you can use it.


Yeup. Poop sits for a long time if it is not pushed out by more poop. I ate stuff a couple of days ago that I still haven't pooped out. So It might have gone back into the body.

Good luck man. Just ask questions here if you need anything.


Reminds me of when I bathed a lot in Ascorbic acid. Yes is drains the shit out.


It depends on your body's build. The BMI index is good for averages, but you must consider the weight of bone or muscles as well. A real buff dude can be overweight on a BMI index.



Optimal types of vitamins are magnesium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate. Magnesium ascorbate tastes better, so long as it one drinks it soon after mixing.

As for brand, I am unaware of which is best; it probably doesn't matter.

I got the info from a guy whose info I pasted into here;


it's helped me become more sensitive, though you're beyond the point where it really matters.


>>63371 (You)

(taste is subjective though. I somehow turned sodium ascorbate into tasting partially like coconut sugar in one container, and have since attempted to imagine it tasting that way always, to varying degrees of success. the sodium ascorbate tastes like alka seltzer, I would say, and the magnesium ascorbate tastes a little sour, like vitamin c or strong citrus. If it sits, it tastes more like magnesium, which is not tasty, but I've forgotten the magnesium taste enough to be unable to describe it right now)



Consume the fluids from God's light cock.



That is a similar exercise to what I was doing.

What I pictured was something like an empty glass in the middle of an ocean and I was tugging the glass down into the water allowing it to be filled. In that exercise the glass is me and the ocean is everything. I am allowing myself to be filled with all the energy that I need, the glass can only get so full after all. The glass was also placed around my crown.

Another exercise that is non specific to breatharian that I used in conjunction with the above is having a sort of vortex/spider web thing above me that pulls all energy in through my head. It seems to negate hunger almost entirely. It should be noted that these are only simple explanations of what I have done and what matters is the intent of the visualization.

Eating things now makes me feel sick, though that could just be eating too much. I am a bit skeptical about breatharianism but some results I am getting are hard to deny.


Why don't starving third worlders just eat light and air?



Because they have become chained to the fields through eating grain. When the grain runs out, they die. Yet, the noble transcendent…




People also starve from a number of factors. Or, morespecifically, being numb. By numbness to their polluted body they do not realize it's inherent capabilities as a self-sustaining and regenerating machine.


I just really doubt all of this since I've been carefully monitoring my diet for several years now.

Does any of this take account for muscle building and the body's need for protein in order to maintain strength gains? Being a skelly ascetic might work for some people, but these days you have to be a warrior as much as a philosopher.



The old "but muh protein" vomit. I eat very little protein and yet gain muscle. Must be magic or "muh protein" is simply wrong.

Breatharianism gives you all that you need. If you read this thread you would already have seen that.



What: >>63560 said, also:

Your body is a factory, it creates all it needs. However, when you eat things that contain what it creates, you create a backflow and clog up your body which prevents the things from being created in the first place. The muscles and the glands can create the "protein" equivalent when living off Prana just as easily as one who buffs.

There's a short period when getting used to Prana in the beginning where the body cannot workout at all and one needs to focus entirely on breathing and letting Prana in. Regardless of body fat or muscle density, the person will loose some mass and muscle tissue just like Astronauts in space loose theirs. After the period is done and you're living completely off Prana, you can start slowly by adding a little bit extra exercise to your daily habits.


Für alle, die der Deutschen Sprache mächtig sind: http://letstapdance-letsfightdance.blogspot.it/


How much would food and drinks affect a Breatharian? Would it be "bad" to eat or drink sometimes and do you lose the positive effects?

I know eating might be really bad because of digestion and pooping, but drinking would only cause you to pee, right?




I'm just saying that anecdotally I had more gains when eating a caloric surplus. I cut for 3 months losing 35 pounds and my lifts did not increase as much as the following 6 months that I was eating more. I just have my doubts that I could do this practice while still being able to have physical strength. I don't doubt that breatharianism doesn't work, I just have doubts that I would be able to lift heavy and do this since every breatharian I've seen is DYEL.


>ITT skinnyfats drinking their own piss

This board should be called /cow/.


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After starting the process, you must not eat a single thing for 3 months. The body needs to adjust to the idea of not getting food so that the pranic energy can flow freely. During the 3 months the body also looses fat which blocks the chakra and energy centers in the body. By removing the fat, the prana can flow freely.

After you've done the process and the body has been skinny and is now returning to an optimal body fat level, you can enjoy food yes, but not like you used to. You can eat banana sized portions barely one time per day. You are not eating because you need it any longer, you're eating it because you want to taste it. When the body is healed and optimal, it can deal with food much more efficiently and thus you won't be pulled down by it like before.

On the picture attached you can see what happens before and after the process.



It doesn't matter if you cut or not, you're still eating food. You can't judge Breatharian lifestyle when you don't live off Prana.

The body must seize all intake of all food before it can understand that it has to create the parts itself. There is no: Eat a little less sized portion and then hope that the body gets it.

There are two ways to approach it:

Meditate on pranic flow before you fast. Or fast and get the pranic energy meanwhile.


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Just for you, I typed up my personal findings on this subject since it first appeared on my radar a couple of years ago.

Well before I was even aware of magic or the powers of the mind, I almost always "skipped" breakfast and instead opted to break my fast around lunch, or at least 5 or so hours after I awoke (while I was monophasic, as an aside I'm going to attempt polyphasic again once I make more progress in inedia). I was always just repulsed by food soon after awakening. I could force myself to eat, but it was very unappetizing. As a note, my vessel was of a nominal weight, strength, and of good mental clarity.

For about 4 months I had the chance to sungaze at least once a day, almost every day. This was my first time, and I followed HRM's method (solarhealing.com). During that time I started only eating when hungry and my necessary meals went from 2 or 3 a day, to once a day, to once every few days. No other inediac practices at the time, just listening to my body. I will say this though, there a glutinous obsession with food, the habit of eating "because I thought I should" and then because I was literally addicted to it (as a taste pleasure) and not that I actually needed it, indeed often I would feel worse after eating that before, especially if I didn't consume high quality organic food that was low on the food chain.

After breaking my addictions and learning to reply on my intuition. I managed to fair much better and make some real progress. At the peak of that season of my life I was eating modestly once, maybe twice a week, while maintaining weigh and mental clarity and building strength/muscle mass. I started to really notice how much food, especially meats and (hyper)processed food really grounded me. I felt free-er and more aware I was when I did not have those within my system, and until I defecated I would be a rather grounded. From then on I tried to stick to plants mostly and as natural (raw, unprocessed) as possible.

I moved there after into an area with far too much cloud cover, and in a valley so I could no longer sungaze, but save the rare occasion. I went back to a normalish volume of food for my diet, how ever I did keep my better/purer/higher standard of food. When I tried anything too adulterated, especially fast food my stomach would turn in protest. I noticed that things that I used to think tasted bad (such as many juiced veggies or greens, notable fresh spinach) started tasting much better, and as a result there was a positive feedback loop impelling my to maintain and further my quest for ever purer foods. And I started getting more from then that I used to, before I could eat several apples, and still not feel full, now a single apple will sustain me for a good chunk of the day.

From then on I started removing animal products from my diet (my only exception is honey, local, which is still in small quantities) as I learn how the bodies digestion process works and how animal proteins are actually quite bad for your health (if consumed as more than 5% of your dietary intake). And how continued consumption of such actually causes all sorts of dis-eases and allows the growth of many more, that if they (the disease) where not fed what they needed (the animal proteins) your immune system could manage, but can not if you fuel the fire consonantly.

This only further purified my body and drove me to be repulsed by what modern man calls food even more. From then on I started fasting (strict, water only), at least one day a week, perhaps more if I felt like it. At this point it was quite rare that I would eat more than twice a day, sometimes only once.



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After a time of this I started including a meditation in place of meal(s) on my fast day as I would still feel a bit hungry. I would take a glass (preferably crystal or ceramic, plastic is ok, metal is last choice), then I would collect each of the elements (using the IIH elemental breathing technique, 10 breaths/elements) and push the energy into the water charging it, then I would collect some prana and push it into the water and intend/program the water to nourish and sustain me, and to finish it, I would then ask God to fill the water with his divine love, that it would nourish, sustain and purify me. I would drink said water. If I was hungry it would be gone, and, well I would not feel 'full' (as that is a physical sensation due to food in the stomach) but I would be energized and revitalized.

After a time of doing this, I started not to need the whole glass of blessed water and I started offering the last 1/10-1/3 back to the earth of an offering/tithe unto the universe, usually on a tree, fern, bush, flower, etc. that cough my eye. But then I got curious, how far could I push this? So I extended my fast several days, doing this meditation at least once a day and including affirmations "I am sustained by the purest of foods, the light of God, it nourishes and sustains me" which eventually morphed into a daily affirmative mantra (I have 5 of them that I cycle though depending on the day and my mood). I managed to get a week of fast doing this while still feeling great (and in some respects better, since I didn't need to partake in my daily grounding, however minuscule).

I now sungaze, weather permitting, at sunset, being more of a veteran now, I usually do at least 5 or 10 minuets, but the days are not always the cloudless as to permit such time and the terrain forbids morning gazing. I continue my quest for the purest of foods, whether they be physical of energetic in nature. And now a days I, if I do eat a meal (a decent amount in a single sitting) it is rarely more than once a day, and some days it is not much more than a banana and/or apple, some tea, and maybe some fruit or veggie juice. I feel far better now and more energized after eating even a single apple than I did after a 8 oz. steak years ago.

And since reading >>63424 and doing some linguistic research, I have reason to suspect the forbidden fruit of the bible may have been wheat, or grains more generally. As the word for wheat (????) shares a root with the word for sin (??) which just means imperfection and furthermore the word for tree (???) also included such things as stalks, reeds, not just trees in the contemporary usage (as differentiated from the word for herb, which would be like a bush). It is written, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest there of thou shalt surely die." And I have noticed that as of late (the last couple of months) my body really does not like the 'density' of bread, it is reminiscent of a milder, yet still discernibly undesirable variation of the feeling I get from meats. This squared with bigu and personal experience too so I will probably be going full fuitarian soon.

I want to stress though, this, for me was a long, multi-year process, your mileage may vary. Be safe and sound in your approach, ventures, and research, keep good 'lab notes' on progress and check yourself often. I'm of the personal opinion this slow transition to inedia is the better way than something sudden as a 21 day transition as suggested by some.





FInally someone in this thread who has done this the right way. 21 day process is the best way to fuck yourself up IMO. Eat when hungry until eating spaces out and if mildly hungry do some energy work. Results will be progressive and you will actually achieve some mastery over food instead of building a fear of eating.



You are taking the slow route towards prana nourishment. You can read about an internal meditation method here:



Your opinion is noted.

Fasting is not at all based in fear and if you carry such deluded ideas about fasting I completely understand your reasoning about the topic.

You fast because you love your body. Because you want it the best. You give to your future self what no one else can.

The 21 day process is the name, but not the factual truth about it. My journey with the 21 day process has become more like: 3 days of water fast + 1 week of fruit + 4 days of water fast + 1 week of fruit + 2 days of dryfasting + 3 days of water + 1 week of fruit + and so on…

You and Jericho Sunfire both have the idea that the 21 day process has something to do with starvation. That through starvation and Inedia you become a guru and ESP just pops out of a jack-in-the-box. Let me explain it Barnie style:

Any person living a normal "healthy" life eating everything is not at all healthy. The body is at a low energy state and the immune system in the body has to constantly fight off everything that enters the stomach. This occupies the immune system so that it can fall ill for all kinds of diseases, with most common being colds and fevers.

The dryfasting is the detox fast. It's the fast that will clean out everything your body does not need and clear out clogged bloodstreams, calcified pineal glands and all heavy metals. No human born today can truly say they were even born healthy because their mother ate food before they were even conceived. So prior to being born, the body is already at a disadvantage.

The first time you detox 5-9 days straight and don't eat or drink, you will suffer from withdrawal symptoms and blood sugar balancing. This is what scientists calls starvation because if we don't eat we die, all animals tested has died so we must also die. But if the bible taught you anything, you'd know that man is not like the other animals.

I completed a 6 day dryfast without any issues. I chose to start drinking water, but there was no reason for me to quit. I could easily do 8 days in that pace I was doing and that will be my next goal.

Do I hate food? Do I fear food? No. Abstaining from food has given me perspective. I can clearly differentiate between desire for food and need for food. They are completely separate. One is like the ego, and the other is the spirit. Abstaining from food is a choice, a gesture of gratitude to myself and my future self. Why live a life of dependency on food when we don't have to? After I am independent, I will start saving money to work on other independences, like free energy tech.

All problems can be solved as long as one realizes there is a problem. Stop spewing bullshit comments based on fear and ignorance. If you can't get yourself to dryfast you should try to water fast for 12 days. That would teach you things.



Thank you for posting your personal findings. And for that link. I really could feel the power/truth/synchronicity of it's words. Thank you.

A question now for you:

I've never tried dry fasting, from what I've read about when people dry fast usually involves lots of meditation (5+ hours/day) and minimal movement for at least the early detox phase. Since I usually work doing physical things 6 days a week (I live on a farm), this would not be possible for me. Is there another way to accelerate the process (to dry detox) without severely hindering my ability to be work?



You don't really need to do 5+ hours of meditation a day. I only did around 1-2 when I was dry fasting. Though it's not the kinda thing you want to be moving around too much on. Try not move from a laying to a standing position quickly. You'll probably feel ill enough that you just kinda sit and chill. It's a bit like the worst day on a water fast (around day 3 for me).



The answer is in the same post you quoted: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?34696-Breatharianism-and-living-on-Prana-a-how-to-guide

You can do the prana meditation without fasting. It will take a little bit longer but eventually you'll loose interest in food.



First 3 days are slowpoke days. The others are slightly faster days. I sit at the computer reading online for a couple of hours then I get tired and go to bed. I wake up at 5 am and go to bed at 5 pm.

But some healthy people can move a little bit more after 5 days than the rest.



Yeah I find myself sleeping through most of the first few days lol.



hmmm, you are right, I have not considered it that way…

Thank you for opening me to new perspectives, I'll read the complete thread and try to get more information on the process. Thanks.



By the way, any arguements as to why do the 21 day process instead of the slow road?

It's not like you need to be a breatharian tomorrow, especially if the advantage is just a boost in your practices, more energy and you are pretty healthy already.

In my situation, I am already the guru, receiving intuition as to what and how to and what to do next, communicating with the divine source so easily, I laugh at myself, I already have "ESP's poping out of the jack-in-the-box". Why want to rush the process if you already have these benefits, is there something more to it except faster siddhis, health and more money saved? Seems like the difference between the benefits from observing a moderate pure and simple diet and kundalini work compared to breathariaism are pretty similar…

Am I dead wrong again ?



Please please please share what you did :(



I used to meditate and do energy work for 3-4 hours every day, then I used this technique in the book of knowledge called "The Voice of God" and gave it a fair try, Impregnating all my chakras with the "I and the Creator AM One" mantra.

When I got to my base chakra ,poof, kundalini. It lasted for 3 days and got through the 3 different channels, first ida, then pingala and finally shushuma and I was "in the clouds" for 5 days. Finally got back and spontaneously started to practice advanced completition stage yogic and tantric practices and divining information without trying, developng what I call the Divine Intuition, manifesting all the stuff I needed at the rigt time and every time doubt crept in, something prooving me that what I got through intuition was right came into my life. Knowledge, siddhis and liberation started flooding me and …. well, yeah… it still does…

Try the Voice of God technique in the book of knowledge. It's well worth it.



Thank you!



Breatharianism is not for everyone, just like occult secrets and magick.

If you're already a guru and living your life at the fullest, you can choose what you want to do. Yes, you have choice! Can you reprogram your stomach and the food you receive like a guru so that you are not fallen ill from the food? Do you receive Pranic energy automatically every day without effort?

My quest for Breatharianism came from the question: How can I live independently from nature's resources? How can I call myself a man of God or a man of Earth when I have to chop down trees to feed my stomach, or kill animals to get a hamburger? This quest drove me to find the answers I needed. In the process I also learned about the truth of our world.

>It's not like you need to be a breatharian tomorrow, especially if the advantage is just a boost in your practices, more energy and you are pretty healthy already.

Sadly, time is running out. If I knew what I know today earlier, I could have started earlier. During our lifetime there are high probabilities for alien visitation, nuclear war and civil unrest. The faster we can live like God intended, the faster we can fix the planet. How can you scare a people of deprivation from food when they need no food? That's the basic need of requirement.


Do you hear the voice of God now?




I will probably not start the process any time soon, but I'll keep it in mind for when I settle down and actually work towards my enlightenment and the liberation of others to be able to do so without any distraction.

>Do you hear the voice of God now?

Hehe, even though the technique is not about hearing it, I actually do…

Valuable information, many thanks to you!



>hears the voice of God

I wish you were trolling, because that's all I've ever wanted, for Him to talk to me.

What kind of meditations and energy work did you do?

Did you do it for 3-4 hours straight, or at various times throughout the day?






>does not matter



3-4 hours straight, the same complete energy circuit as in Robert Bruce's book on energy work. My meditation was about pore breathing energy around me and using breath patterns to not fall asleep, although breath patterns don't work that well…

If I had to do it again, I would saturate myself with energy and impregnate it all with "I and the Creator AM One" and then work on all my chakra's using that same mantra.



Historically, in English 'he' is the gender neutral pronoun. It's just all the feminists got their panties in a bunch as of late and didn't do their research before opening their mouths. Q.E.D.

That said, from a more theological perspective. You have God the father, who put his spirit into the mater-ial or mother realm. Hence mother Earth.



>divining information without trying, developng what I call the Divine Intuition, manifesting all the stuff I needed at the rigt time and every time doubt crept in, something prooving me that what I got through intuition was right came into my life. Knowledge, siddhis and liberation started flooding me and …. well, yeah… it still does…

Lmao you had to work for that and I had it all my life. Well hope you have fun, try not to look at normals like they are ants.



Well, guess we can't all be born with getting out of meditation and knowing the secret teachings of the buddha, with the highest accuracy, without ever having the slightest interest for tantra and developing siddhis in mater of weeks.

It's indeed an extremely fun time to be alive! I wouldn't call it work though, there was never a clear goal, I was just having fun and doing energy work because it felt good, which I guess is the right attitude to have, feels like being five years old all over again!



I remember when I was 5 years old, I did not have that sense of adventure.

Having insight into things and knowing what other people were thinking was just confusing. It all seemed so pointless, lacking direction. Most confusing was people who told lies. I could see that nothing good would come of it and yet they still told them.

Supposedly all new posts will be wiped when the site switches over to infinity, so people may want to backup their posts and repost when it switches.



You can hear the voice. Even though the signs of God is still God talking to people, it's not at all similar to having the dialog within.


One needs experience with thought forms and beings before being able to discern the real voice from the fake ones. Practice and patience.


When the site comes back up again, I'll drop my flag and tripcode for a new one. I'm done with Montalk and it's community. It's not something I want to advertise any longer. I will backup my threads though.



>I'm done with Montalk and it's community. It's not something I want to advertise any longer.

Why is that?



It's shit?



Long story short: What happened to gaming journalism in #gamergate happened to their chat. Moderators in bed with each other landed a banhappy SJW as admin of the chat and removes conversation that is outside the norm. If you piss her off there's no retribution and she will abuse her powers to have you removed. All while Montalk is away doing the great work and have no idea his community is going to shit and haven't been online since February 2015.

Yeah it's bad that SJW mentality infects everything while being hypocritical of the things it preaches.

>Apparently Montalk's community went to shit 5 years ago, but no one told anyone.



Ah, you see I never went on the chat or participated in noble realms. I just read his works and loved them.



Auntwatermelon, write a guide or a book or something. Or make a recommendation list please.



AuntWatermelon what do you think of Neville Goddard? He seems to have a good way to get that divine intuition, a good connection with the higher self.




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Update on inedia log. ( >>64143 )

I've started urine therapy, nothing too extreme, perhaps 5 or 6 ounces each time I urinate (which is 3-5 times/24 hours) I've noticed that it has really cut down on the level of food I require, several hundred percent over the last few weeks infact. And my body has even indicated to me a 'craving' for it.

Since I'm not looping even 20% of the water I drink (which is rural well water) it has not been getting tasting too much better, but due to my diet (raw vegan) it's not too bad any how.

I'm down to ~200 kcal/24 hour period now. (And I'm a 188cm 210 kg guy.) I still am plenty active, mentally & physically. I often will eat only a couple of bites at any given time and be sustained as though it where a meal of the days of old. Even a whole (small) apple or pear now is 'over filling.' I mostly have been surviving on water (as far a physical sustenance is concerned).

One of the things I've noticed as I do this, especially since I started on urine, is my body, it's cellular memory, is working out old traumas in addition to the other physical detox, I'm going through an energetic detox too. Places where I was hurt or injured are resurfacing, they will start to hurt again for a few days and then it will pass/heal.

I've been guided to start dry fasting. I was meditating, my normal routine and I went to grab some water and I could hardly stomach it due to it just being so far, vibrationally, from where I was in my heightened state. Thus I believe I'm ready to start introducing dry fasting that into my life. This is day 1 of that.

Honestly I would prefer to have more data before posting as to provide better information and a larger perspective, but oh well. I do have something to contribute, so here it is, the diamond in the rough.



>188cm 210 kg guy

>210 kg

Are you the king of the ham planets or some kind of god?



Whoops typo'd that, I'm 110 kg. I'm pretty built though.



not sure on heart rate but i have way low blood pressure. when i fasted i got light headed when standing up


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Pranic Exercises to charge your body

Image 1

1) Sit in a straight backed chair with your hands resting on your thighs, palms facing up

2) Create a grounding chord linking you to the center of the earth

3) Now bring the earth energy up through the balls of your feet, up your legs, and when it arrives at the 1st chakra allow it to fall down your grounding chord like water. So now you have an upside down "U" of energy going up through your legs and down your grounding chord.

4) From your crown reach up into the 'universe' with your awareness and find a frequency of 'cosmic' energy you like and invite it down through your crown, into your spine, and on downwards, finally exiting your grounding chord. This should run down the 'back channel' of your microcosmic orbit.

5) When this cosmic flow is strong, begin to mix it with the earth energy in an 80/20 ratio [80% Heaven & 20% Earth] and bring this up the front channel of your microcosmic orbit. Each time it reaches a chakra as it travels upwards, hold your attention on that chakra until it begins to spin and balance.

And another meditation to draw in prana for inedia (from InediaNonEatingFasting.pdf aka Life Style Without Food by Joachim M. Werdin). Image 2

Stand astride comfortably, with bare feet directly on the ground. Let your arms hang freely on your sides. Move your hands a few cm in front of your thighs. Feel how energy is freely flowing through the entire body, from the ground to the cosmos and inversely, depending on what you imagine. Next, close your eyes partially and inhale deeper than normal but do not exaggerate the breath. Stop the inhale when your lungs are filled with air. Do not block the larynx or nose. Simply, when the lungs are filled, hold your breath.

Now imagine that an invisible and imperceptible inhale is continuing. This is actually the prana inhalation. Prana is not air, it has no mass and does not occupy space. Prana follows mind's will, that is why it is enough to think that prana flows into your body in order to make this happen. Keep holding your breath while imagining that prana is flowing into your body. After a while, you will notice that you want to yawn. You may yawn but do not inhale. Continue drawing in prana through your imagination of directing it into the body.

When you feel saturated, you can freely release the air out of your lungs. You may have felt tingling of your body or tears in your eyes. Repeat this exercise effortlessly after your next inhalation. Repeat all of this effortlessly but do not force the body to withstand without breathing. This exercise is pleasant and arousing feelings of energy that deeply vitalize the body.

Be aware that prana can be drawn from the sky or the ground. Your imagin-ation decides that because you are directing the drawing of prana. When you chose to draw prana from the sky, you will feel it flowing through the middle of your head top. When you chose to draw prana from the ground, you will feel it flowing through your feet and legs.

You can also draw prana simultaneously from the sky and Earth. This is the most efficient way to saturate your body with energy. In this instance, you are directing the prana flow from above, through the middle of your head top and from below, through your feet at the same time. You have to clearly feel it. Both streams of prana, the upper and the lower, meet in the area of your heart or in another place of your choosing.


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Is it true that consuming nightshades has a negative impact on body and mind?



Yes, I reccomend detoxing your body with 5g of sodium fluoride a day (also great for teeth!).



no, i always ate tomatoes before goin breatharian



It looks like in high amounts they can. I assume you are refering to nightshades like tomato or potato.

Some quick searching found that potatoes are pretty bad, worse if they are green or eyed, and almost all the toxicity is in the skin. Tomatoes are fairly non-toxic if they are ripe.

I can confirm that ripe tomatoes (organic) are a pretty top tier food as when they were in season this year I was almost living off of tomatoes and never felt so good as I did then. I felt more focused and energetic. The fruit flies which are much more susceptible to nightshade toxins seemed to love eating my ripe tomatoes. They never went near unripped tomatoes though.

It also seems that the toxin is mostly negligable to humans as long as the body has time to flush it from the intestines. If you are eating nightshade toxins every day you could have serious problems.



CE gives your body exactly what it needs (real body needs) in right quantity and at the right time. Here is how to do it step by step. Let us assume that you feel hungry. Pro-ceed as the following points suggests.

1.) Stop for a while, relax the mind and body and ask yourself: “what is it?”. Now, FEEL the answer, do not THINK about the reason, because you need to feel it. The more feeling there is and the less intellectual process happens, the more Consciousness is manifesting itself. The thinking process (intellect, the conscious mind activity) is a smaller, more limited sphere of Consciousness. Man needs to transcend it in order to better understand the mind and the body. So feel the answer. It is possible that at this point the hunger will vanish and … well, in such a case this is the end of CE.

Another possibility is that a picture or emotion will emerge, because blocked emotions, thoughts, thinking mechanisms, when they are being pushed out, first are felt as hunger. If this is the case and you start to eat, they are being covered with food and put back inside your psyche.

2.) Do you still feel hungry? Go to the next step. Ask yourself, what it is that you want to eat. Scan through different foods and feel what food is most appealing to you. Having found it, imagine for several seconds, that you eat it. Imagine feeling it in your mouth and stomach. Ask your-self again: “what is it?”, and feel the answer. If the hunger vanishes, you can stop here. Also at this moment some pictures or significant thoughts may emerge to help you understand yourself more. Immerse yourself in them, let them fully pass through you, feel them all over the mind and body, so that you understand better what they are all about. After they are gone, they will never make you hungry again.

3.) If the body really needs some substance called food, the hunger you feel will not vanish at this stage, so continue the procedure of CE. Take the food that you feel the body needs to eat. But do it consciously, feel your every move, how you are taking it, cutting it, cooking it, preparing it etc. Use your feelings to carefully observe yourself (deeply feel your-self). Continue to concentrate on the same question: “what is it?”, and wait for an answer with your feelings (it is the feeling to answer, not the mind). At this stage the hunger may vanish and pictures or unusual thoughts may appear. If nothing happens, proceed to the next step.

4.) You are now sitting in front of the food that you feel hungry for. Slowly take a piece, all the time observing yourself by feeling your every slight-est movement and body reactions. Bring a piece of the food to your nose and smell it. Delight yourself in the smell and keep your feelings open for the answer to the question: “what is it?”. You need to feel it, not to find the answer by thinking. Again, the same may happen: either the hunger disappears or emotion, picture, thought appear(s). If not, continue.

5.) Now bite the food. Keep it in the mouth and immerse yourself into feel-ing it. Feel the whole intellect, psyche and body reactions. FEEL, FEEL and FEEL, observe and do not think.

6.) Next, very important, chew it for a long time, never less than three minutes; the longer the better, even a few hours in extreme cases. Usu-ally three to six minutes is enough. Swallow ONLY when it has changed to liquid and changed the taste. Remember, the food you are chewing will change taste once or more. Never swallow it before the taste has changed, else it will not be conscious eating procedure. FEEL, FEEL and FEEL, observe and do not think. When chewing you may start to feel disgusting taste and will not want to swallow it, then spit it out.

7.) Proceed this way with every bite until you feel that you are full. By doing so you are making sure that you satisfy the so-called “real body need” (for specific substances, regardless of what the body uses it for). With CE you are all the time making yourself conscious of the process that you are going through. The process starts by feeling hunger or thirst. As you proceed with CE, you discover what it actually is. If it is not the real body

need, you will not force the body to eat what it does not need. The best care for the body is to give it what it needs, when it needs and in the right amount.

With CE you are becoming a non-eater consciously, without fighting or misunderstanding, without making many mistakes. You are discovering the real relation between your body, Earth and your psyche.


As a personal note: I've noticed when I do this I feel much more energy being gathered from the food as I slowly intake and savor it, also water as well. Often when I am feeling 'low on energy' I'll just intake some prana from drinking water very slowly like this, extracting most(all?) of the energy from it before it even gets down my gullet.


I crave taste. When will this end?



>he can't visualize taste to the point he physically tastes things

Do you even try?



That depends on you (the spirit, the awareness) and your relationship with your ego.

Something that I do that has helped me is, as lot of the tastes ego has desired come from foods that I know will make me feel unwell due to my purified my body. So sometimes I'll intentionally give in to it, knowing (intellectually) that it will make me feel sick so the ego can have the experience of eating those foods equating to sickness/discomfort/pain. Which helps (de)program it, so I do not have to fight it (as much).

After doing that sometimes I'll chew on something and just spit it out, because even as I am chewing on it for the taste, my body is telling me you better nor dare swallow this, you know what is gonna happen which makes it very unattractive not only to actually consume, but to even attempt in the future.

Now before I even intake things I'll hold them up to my body and ask it (be still and observe how it feel about it) how it feels about consuming a certain thing. This can help screen supposed "desires" and can make something that seemed attractive unattractive now that I actually have it's vibration in my field (much less in my body).

Also you can 'visualize' taste & texture to simulate it in your mind.


This is the most important thread here.






Peter ist ein Spast XD



It sure is. It has taken me several months and tries to learn to understand the ego behind food and desire. Several dryfasts to understand prana, understand mucus, understand toxins in fat.

With more answers now, I recommend anyone that wants to start their fasting, to start with a raw fruit diet.

Anything that generates mucus in your mouth, which smells like wet dog, will ruin your fast and you have to spit a lot. You have to spit until you're tired of spitting.

Thank you for bumping my thread. To people that comment on my flag change, yes, I've stopped endorsing Montalk's community. Montalk is ok, but his followers are sheep.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very based negro, this is 100% truth!


So how many of you have have failed and are dead yet?



bullshit "occultist" detected

please die in a fire, cancerous faggot



Leave that bullshit occultist cancerhouse alone…




> Drinking urine

Inb4 Bear Grylls was right



>responding to tipp

Don't do this, filter it.




For someone who seems to have an open mind on everything, this is a weird post.



>literally drinking piss

You aren't doing anything esoteric or occult, you're just being a piss drinking degenerate

Retard new age degenerates need to gtfo


Can we all agree not to reply to the trolls?



So you're telling me you believe in magic, but drinking piss is too far.

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