Emotional vulnerability
we're sheep
I remember a lot. I've been through some chans. Really just joined this chan in either 2013/14. I also went to wizardchan and before, 4chan.
I saw a lot, I believe. Jews did that, conspiracy theories, /x/ stuff. Didn't go to /x/ very often though. /jp/ and /a/ were into immersion though - waifu immersion, anime immersion, video game immersion. Anything to avoid real life.
Became an atheist early. Maybe when I was…13? Started hating Christianity from what I heard - from what I heard from "fellow" Christians at the time. It was all about God though. How the bible contradicted itself, how God's action affected people. The bet with Job, the mass killings, the esoteric ways of getting the word of God out, and how "God's word" had inconsistencies.
From /pol/, and their funny antics, I learned of some "facts", or just facts, from their various sources and images that floated by. I was always angry because people were always getting on my nerves, and even I, was not perfect. I understood. I understood that everyone is flawed. Even /pol/, natsocialists, blacks, Jews, etc. are flawed. I stayed away knowing I made a ton of mistakes. The amount of information is STAGGERING.
I came to wizardchan to investigate the "losers" of the internet. They were broken socially, physically, and mentally. Some must have been mentally "retarded", but only to a degree. They weren't the typical special kids. Some, if not most, had Autism. A lot of them had social anxiety. There were cases of familiar abuse, especially parental abuse. Those without father figures ended up being socially screwed. Those critical mother figures, and ESPECIALLY father figures are astronomically important. A boy sees his mother with many guys with no father, he assumes many are like that. A guy with a lot of these illnesses get exposed to this, you end up with a variety of problems. A lot of these problems aren't their fault. I don't blame them for suicide. I don't blame anyone for suicide. I've felt those urges. The "normies" who commit suicide for a failed relationship though, must be protected. It's not because of a variety of problems that can't b4e solved or drive someone to hopelessness, but a single problem.
I can't say a single thing about therapy though, as I'm not familiar with the procedure. I've heard horrible "slogans" that psychologists and psychiatrists say though, like "be yourself", or "just go outside", that don't attack the main psychological problems.
I came here, too, to investigate. I came here when fringechan was around (13/14?). I believed it to be the usually woo woo crap. I even read the first book! it's hard going from religion to Atheism to some "religion" again. I came back because of curiosity and, unfortunately, weakness.
I realise that there are various claims here - strong claims - to allude to the total realness of this "cult". There are various websites and books about Astral projection and lucid dreaming. When I was a kid, I heard, in a book, that a man in prison "escaped and flew out of his body". That was the first of what I heard about Astral projection.
Splitting into parts.