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/fringe/ BTFO




Agree with most of this, haven't seen much yet that undermines fringe though.


I think he's right, but I'm not a /fringe/ regular so I'm curious of your thoughts. It definitely reminds me of some /fringe/-types I know.


File: 1436673063416.gif (45.14 KB, 365x882, 365:882, demiurge_vortex.gif)

>join the material world


Nice bait thread, OP.

>hurr durr materialism the only reality



>I can't think of a rebuttal so I'll call it bait



dude read the Kybalion



astral travel



Give me some legitimate evidence that shows it's not just schizophrenic delusion, otherwise it's meaningless.



>*tips fedora*

Go experience it yourself fedora tipper.



Ok, you're not interested in the occult and do not intend to read about it so just leave already, no use in being another self-centered magic doensn't real mundane. We don't care.



I'm interested the same way I'm interested in mythology. I believe we have a lot more we can do with our minds if we discipline them - but it's not magic, it's imagination.

The fact it's imagination doesn't make it less real - but we should be a bit more humble and accept it as it is. Calling it magick, astral projection or dream/mindscapes or whatever is just a label to big up your egos.



Imagination is magick and we live in a mental universe deal with it. Are you some full-retard dualist who believes in a clear separation between matter and thought? Everything is thought.




>Calling it magick, astral projection or dream/mindscapes or whatever is just a label to big up your egos.

Magick is the original, traditional term; and you seem to be implying there's some kind of limitations to the imagination. We can literally remote view, remote influence, engage in psychokinesis, etc. etc. through mental principles.



The thing is that I can astral travel to friends house and ask them to confirm what I have seen. 9/10 I'm right the only time I am not is the times when they call me 2-5 hour later to tell me that what I saw did just happen right now, yes you can also forsee the future, is this happening all in my mind?

Do it yourself and you will see.



>is this happening all in my mind?

>that implication

It's happening all in your mind but there is no separate reality from mind. All is Mind.






>I believe we have a lot more we can do with our minds if we discipline them

No you don't cause you see 'but it's not magic, it's imagination' shows that you already put limitations on what your imagination can do



>Do it yourself and you will see

Great circular reasoning there. If I'm unsuccessful you'll say I'm just some mundane who has no business criticizing.


How so?



Is that your first book? Be careful with that one..


There is no proof that astral travel is not a part of the material mind. But I do agree there is more than the material, but this doesn't prove it.


Experience doesn't change the truth, for example, for all we know, we could, each and every one, be dead, and this is the afterlife, yet, nothing has changed.


Ignore this guy /fringe/ he really likes to attack posters, I'm very familiar with his posts, he's easy to identify, I see him in /b/ a lot and I believe he's a foolish man, and he doesn't understand the purpose in the ego.


Does it scare them? I wouldn't like being watched (not that I'm not being already).




Well said.

I need to learn how to astral travel.

I've done quite a bit of Work and I have yet to achieve astral traveling, nor have I experienced sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming, although, I am quite interested in them, and have been trying for a number of years.


Emotional vulnerability

we're sheep

I remember a lot. I've been through some chans. Really just joined this chan in either 2013/14. I also went to wizardchan and before, 4chan.

I saw a lot, I believe. Jews did that, conspiracy theories, /x/ stuff. Didn't go to /x/ very often though. /jp/ and /a/ were into immersion though - waifu immersion, anime immersion, video game immersion. Anything to avoid real life.

Became an atheist early. Maybe when I was…13? Started hating Christianity from what I heard - from what I heard from "fellow" Christians at the time. It was all about God though. How the bible contradicted itself, how God's action affected people. The bet with Job, the mass killings, the esoteric ways of getting the word of God out, and how "God's word" had inconsistencies.

From /pol/, and their funny antics, I learned of some "facts", or just facts, from their various sources and images that floated by. I was always angry because people were always getting on my nerves, and even I, was not perfect. I understood. I understood that everyone is flawed. Even /pol/, natsocialists, blacks, Jews, etc. are flawed. I stayed away knowing I made a ton of mistakes. The amount of information is STAGGERING.

I came to wizardchan to investigate the "losers" of the internet. They were broken socially, physically, and mentally. Some must have been mentally "retarded", but only to a degree. They weren't the typical special kids. Some, if not most, had Autism. A lot of them had social anxiety. There were cases of familiar abuse, especially parental abuse. Those without father figures ended up being socially screwed. Those critical mother figures, and ESPECIALLY father figures are astronomically important. A boy sees his mother with many guys with no father, he assumes many are like that. A guy with a lot of these illnesses get exposed to this, you end up with a variety of problems. A lot of these problems aren't their fault. I don't blame them for suicide. I don't blame anyone for suicide. I've felt those urges. The "normies" who commit suicide for a failed relationship though, must be protected. It's not because of a variety of problems that can't b4e solved or drive someone to hopelessness, but a single problem.

I can't say a single thing about therapy though, as I'm not familiar with the procedure. I've heard horrible "slogans" that psychologists and psychiatrists say though, like "be yourself", or "just go outside", that don't attack the main psychological problems.

I came here, too, to investigate. I came here when fringechan was around (13/14?). I believed it to be the usually woo woo crap. I even read the first book! it's hard going from religion to Atheism to some "religion" again. I came back because of curiosity and, unfortunately, weakness.

I realise that there are various claims here - strong claims - to allude to the total realness of this "cult". There are various websites and books about Astral projection and lucid dreaming. When I was a kid, I heard, in a book, that a man in prison "escaped and flew out of his body". That was the first of what I heard about Astral projection.

Splitting into parts.


I have no doubt that humans are amazing. I have already experienced many different philosophies because of the various emotions I felt on the internet. I thank 4chan for introducing me to wizardchan. I thank the raiders here for taking me to fringechan. I thank myself for going along with it.

My main point of this story is that no matter where you go, YOU ARE A SHEEP. EVERYONE is a sheep. Society betters everyone, but there are so many philosophies, that one cannot dare to keep up AND process which one is right.

"The government is horrible", "The government is good", "There is no good", "The _ are the bad guys", "You are a sheep", "You are red pilled, blue pilled, etc.". All of those mean nothing. People will cling to whatever brings them "away" from the "bad" people. The emotional instability is within all of us. Even in the video, I found him somewhat blaming the government on charges of mind control via MK ULTRA (It's real, btw).

Does anything matter, or does the question in itself matter? Thinking past your biological imperative has brought you here.

My primary objective was to learn MORE. It was to escape school at the time, and now, knowledge has brought me to a small part of whatever THIS is. Truth? The more "truth" you "find", you ask more questions, you get more interested. That's knowledge, a wheel. You run along a path that shouts the truth to run in place. You find out more miscellaneous stuff, but it's only a part of the truth. You will die before you find that "truth". We're a collective of minds. We must wait and experiment with what we have before Science comes around, or immortality is achieved. No one will know the truth, but because we're all on this together, we're discovering the truth, and destroying ourselves, as we progress.




You might like Bob Wilson's books like Prometheus Rising if you haven't read it already.



Robert anton wilson folder:


prometheus rising is in there, illuminati papers are good too.

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