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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1436646854741.jpg (81.98 KB, 483x549, 161:183, Occult.jpg)


I know you fuckers want it


Well what are you waiting for ?




too big to upload everything at once, ask folder, I show contents, ask specifics I upload


Do you by any chance have any of the following?

The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena: A Study of Idealism in the Middle Ages ISBN: 0521892821

Periphyseon on the Division of Nature ISBN: 1610976304

Plotinus: The Enneads (LP Classic Reprint Series) ISBN: 0943914558

Plotinus the Platonist: A Comparative Account of Plato and Plotinus' Metaphysics ISBN: 1472575210




-only in italian

-not that version, but I do have all the enneads





It's uploading, I'll post link in ~10



Can you post a mega link to them?




Thanks a bunch!




Do you have a decent version of THe occult philosophy of Agrippa aka none of that shit that is already online?



Aura things folder


File: 1436668223119.jpg (159.05 KB, 670x958, 335:479, 1435460787613.jpg)

Could you upload Agrippa, Shamanism, and Buddhist Meditation please?

Also, might I ask what is in "Shit I don't know how to categorize"?



These are fucking LOEB edition enneads. I must thank you again, this is great.


File: 1436712729765.png (11.31 KB, 603x135, 67:15, ss (2015-07-12 at 04.50.30….png)


File: 1436712791776.png (2.71 KB, 243x101, 243:101, ss (2015-07-12 at 04.53.23….png)


File: 1436713188136.png (27.48 KB, 485x635, 97:127, ss (2015-07-12 at 04.56.51….png)


File: 1436723741704.png (124.44 KB, 1507x750, 1507:750, ss (2015-07-12 at 07.54.29….png)

beyond Occult:

since I'm too good for this world, here's a list of books I have collected in the past 10 years.

feel free to request anything




Put it all on mega you cockmongler



Do you have martial arts books? Tai-chi and that stuff.



nigger, it's 941.2Gb, I can't possibly put it all on 1 mega file, read the fucking 2nd post I made


It's 5am in the morning and I'm drunk as fuck, I'll come back to you tomorrow



if you have good vegan/raw vegan cookbooks I would love it.



Put just the occult stuff on mega then. You can host up to 50gb on there for free.



as funny as it sounds it would actually be of great help. There are vegetables/fruits/roots/seeds/grains that go well together and vegetables/fruits/roots/seeds/grains that don't.

There are also things you can do without using fire, like I love using coconut water to make salad dressings. I usually just put it in a blender together with lemon, sea salt, garlic and other things, makes for a delicious salad dressing without really cooking anything.

I've also heard about things you can "cook" in the sun. Like you could get certain grains and leave them on water over night, then let it dry in the sun during the morning and by lunch they would be perfectly eatable without actually cooking. There are also ways to make bread in the sun, which I'm not really sure I would like because bread.



all occult shit



I got a shitton of books about vegetarian/vegan/raw cooking

I'll upload them now





Martial arts?

of course I have shit about martial arts!




Thanks anon, much love



Thanks man!



i would love the magicians workbook, crowley's meditation, elemental magic, and essential sklls of magic please.


File: 1436812921808.png (13.04 KB, 387x429, 129:143, 1412020280421.png)



It's my pleasure



File: 1436813415208.jpg (18.52 KB, 253x379, 253:379, homeryes.jpg)


anon, you da man.


Do you have any kind of natual magic shit? May be with the wicca stuff.


90% of "occultism" is tl;dr disinfo bullshit.



That may be, but it's interesting to read about anyway



this is a small collection of nature, magic and herbal things

hope it's sufficient




Its cool you have an excuse to not read shit but I think everybody already got it the first time you said it.



You're very pretentious for someone who is an armchair occultist.



please save the trashtalking for another thread, I'm just here to supply books and shit






What books do you recommend?



Depends what your interests are;

personally I really liked the Necronomicon, books about Tarot and Tarot cards, Lucid dreaming, summoning spirits and medieval spells and wizzardry





Lucid Dreaming:




Medieval Wizzardry::




Do you have shapeshift books or something teaches possession and shifting dimensions?



on shapeshifting: I do have books about werewolves and such, if that's what you mean


I do have an excelent book about voodoo:


as for shifting dimensions, I never heard about that nor do I have books that can explain or will teach you about it.



I imagine those werewolf techniques can be applied to other aspects such as face or hair color? Or is this is some "mystical" thing where you pretend to be a werewolf? On /x/ a guy claimed to have met a shapeshifter.



>on /x/ a guy claimed…

yeah, no

it's actually about the history of the mythology of werewolves and the myths behind it.

I don't have books that will teach you about shapeshifting, sorry.



why even bother mentioning then :/



Thanks, I thought that book was french when I saw it in a folder.


I know I'm kind of abussing by asking, but do you happen to have some stuff in epub or kindle format?



Download the program calibre and convert the pdfs to epub or kindle.



luckaly for you I happen to have the complete Kindle Library on my harddisk, however almost none of the occult stuff is in .epub format.

I can provide you with litterature, fiction and novels, but nothing occult-related in epub/mobi

see this file for all the literature:




well zoom gets kinda fucked up from what i've been told but will give it a shot


managed to get 112 books in epub format on the question thread, that will keep me ocupado some time



Remember to activate Heuristic processing on Calibre otherwise the book separates lines making a paragraph every fourth one.



i'd like to read the divine comedy


creepy pasta and egypt and summoning

if you want to bother, upload it in different files so others can pick what they want




cheers m80



Thank you very much, mate. It will be of great help!





Oh boy. That will take time to read. Thank you too, friend!



whoa, thanks man




Is that first time you the saw the big mega?



this is the first time I've ever visited /fringe/ actually, I normally lurk in /lit/ and /int/ on 4chan




sheiit, and I thought I had a lot of books ( ._.)



Thank http://np.reddit.com/r/alexandria for that.


i know


File: 1437096924036.jpg (20.68 KB, 404x444, 101:111, hair fuck dude.jpg)


941.2GB?? Is that all books?



Thank you bro goddamn



780GB of .pdf

140GB of .epub / .mobi

20Gb of .jpeg / .png

1Gb compressed .html files

so yeah, basically books, guides, infographs and websites


Could generate like a .txt file containing all the filenames of your collection? I think the command for that is "dir /s > output.txt" but I'm not exactly sure


OP, do you have Self Hypnosis: Creating Your Own Destiny by Henry Boldu?



Make a torrent.

You can make a 941 GB torrent just fine.


would be nice to have also some german books!






convert pathetic .pdf to based .djvu

save 90% of space



germany is dead

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