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Esoteric Wizardry


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I am done with throwing pearls before swine.

Seriously. I don't care how many fedoras are going to tip at me, how many religious fags are going to warn me about the devil or whatever, or even about the pleb-tier neophytes and mundanes of all sorts.

I'm just not willing to open up about magick now. Oh magick doesn't real? Ok then faggot, go fuck yourself.

Oh you're offended by my attitude? You expect something else? Fuck off then.

You're a dipshit who can't read the books or take any initiative yourself and needs to be spoon-fed? Bye!!

This is sacred knowledge and powerful and people have to come to me with great respect and an honest desire to improve if they want me to teach them this stuff.

I can understand why people new to the occult are so eager to share; they want to prove it to themselves by proving it to others.

…but I know full well how fucking powerful and unlimited the potential of the well-developed occult mind is and I'm busy with my own shit. I ain't going to take time out of my day for mundanes anymore. You have to be someone very special to me if I'm going to bestow upon you magickal teachings or demonstrate the powers for you and waste so much loosh in the process.

In my years of experience I know that only a very rare and intelligent breed of man is able to get to where I am and I know that the vast majority of people are too fucking stupid for magick and will never make serious progress in this incarnation due to weak desire.

The ONLY ones that are going to succeed are the people that truly give a shit and are eager to learn and do everything themselves.


I feel you, I was trying to reason some retards on /pol/ about politics but the board has worsen over 4 years (considering half chan /pol/ too)

well.. it's sad and depressing but I guess that's life

being alone



It's just weird as fuck man having so much immense power and every single person you come across the dialogues are completely predictable and you just see their programmed responses come out every time extremely formulaicly and they have 0 respect.

In Tibet, the occult practitioners there get to reject many students as unworthy, and you have to really prove yourself to the teacher.

That's how it should be. Instead we got all these entitled faggots thinking they actually deserve to be spoon-fed knowledge that will let them achieve immense power.


What you're saying is completely right


>you just see their programmed responses come out every time extremely formulaicly

I think we're subject to a great deal of mental programming in our society, it's tough to break out from.



>was trying to reason some retards on /pol/ about politics

same here, i am officially done with /pol/ as of today


>programmed responses




Wow you're really buttmad, I bet you're losing alot of loosh.

Are you the same fag that posted recently on the questions sticky thread? I have a strong feeling that you are. Your butthurt energies link those two posts together and to your spirit.


Looks like OP learned a valuable lesson in mundand ambition and interests.

I'll explain it to you and why this happens. Firstly, you know the freemasons. Have you ever seen an ad or campaign that markets to any new members for their cult? I follow the freemason group on Facebook and of all their posts they've put up, 3 has been pictures of advertisement outside on a bus stop or ads on Facebook itself.

However if you go to any local country's freemason page, you'll find good information about their activity. Mormones go on missions and meet people to disprove the bad reputation of the group. Jehovas Witnesses knocks on doors and hand out fliers.

When it comes to personal development, new age, yoga, chigong, meditation groups and anything that can't be backed by science; people need to find it themselves in order to spark interest and ambition from the divine within. No one told me about /fringe/ or freedomboard, I found it by browsing /x/ for 3 years. The people I've met to discuss magick I've found by my own will and intention.

Now the problem with generation X, Y, Z and soon the next is that they've grown up with Internet. They are used to instant gratification of their intention and can google anything any time they want. So when they hear about energy work or astral entities they can google it and find a chat room or forum discussing it instantly. But with most newfigs, they don't start by lurking and reading stickied threads (Am I the only one that does this?), they instead make a new thread or demand that others will answer their questions instantly. And when they don't get their instant answers they get cocky and act like children that can't have what they want.

>Buhu magick isn't real.

>If you can't tell me what I want to hear you are not a guru.

>I came here to find answers and no one will give it to me, what a load of pricks.

In conclusion: advertise then sit and wait like if you were fishing. Make a meditation group and put up fliers and have it at school or a public place. Advertise for a skype group or an IRC chat room. Make it a bit mystic.


Such a useless thread.


So OP prefers the time of secret societies huh ?

Where you can't use your powers the way you want, are under a secret oath and under an "order" that doesn't even respect your free will. Seems like a good thing, right ? If that is your will, fine the universe will give it to you…

I prefer that the knowledge is out there but takes time and investment to learn then then a couple of redpilled/greenpilled secret societies fuckwad retains all the knowledge and kill the spiritual development of the whole human race.

Information should be free, everything can be hashed and compressed in information.



You somehow missed the point…



>Missing the point this hard

what a fucking retard hahahahahaha



>Samefaging this hard…



>ur mom xD


It was some woman on Skype that got buttmad I left her shitty group she added me after naming it "Inane Banter".



>In conclusion: advertise then sit and wait like if you were fishing. Make a meditation group and put up fliers and have it at school or a public place. Advertise for a skype group or an IRC chat room. Make it a bit mystic.

You seem to be under the impression I want to waste time on this sort of stuff though. I just hate dealing with mundanes that come to me then waste my time./



I don't give a shit about hiding stuff from them. It's all hiding right out there in the open; they're just too lazy to read it themselves.



If your point is just you being butthurt about new commers's and mundane's attitude, whatever you want, cry in your room in private. If you wish you can even claim that you don't care about it in public, just don't make a shitty thread about it.

Ignore them and don't say that you are a magus if your goal is to be let alone.


People are stupid. They are also feminized. Not wise to teach a woman anything.

Ironically, I was set down the path by a female teacher. That must be the ONLY exception.

So, yeah… People are feminized and completely ruled over by the archontic false realities.

I sure as hell didn't learn SHIT by visiting chans, I merely got sucked in for semi-passive amusement.



So let me see if I got it right.

If you start lurking and reading, trying to learn everything by yourself while separating the Truth from the trash information, but you still get kind of lost in the path, that means we are not ready yet?

Not worth the knowledge?

Not worthy the "help" of someone a little bit more experienced?



All you need in this case is being focused on your goal. You choose something, read and learn about it, practise it all you can and if the method does not resonnates with you, you read another way of doing it and you continue getting deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole.



Because It seems that everything I try It's never enough, and every "occult" experience I have, like AP or even visualizing "things" It always comes when I don't want it to. It happened even more when I was a child, and in my first teenage years.

Now that I actually want things to be clear, they are not




>unironically using emoji

They're a lost cause OP.


If you're willing to put the work in you're worthy to be helped by those more experienced.



i don't understand the stress about mundanes. take a chill pill. heres why:

everyones on the path

how do you ever justify a holier than thou attitude? it's a waste of energy and inhibits your reason. you asked "what do you expect from me?" in regards to your attitude. have you considered asking "what do i expect from the world?"

tl;dr you're bein silly


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Keep in mind that some chat programs will convert ironic smiley faces into emoji.

:^) turns into smiley faces on a few chat programs.


His argument is that he isn't going to bother expressing a holier than thou attitude and would rather distance himself from people where he would feel it. It's a legitimate concern, and he has a right to not bother with people who rarely turn a result.



i agree completely. but it's better to not get ruffled in any situation as a practice of emotional maturity, water off a ducks back. imagine hermes getting buttmad.


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I mean, of course it's better not to get ruffled, but if it causes some positive changes, it shouldn't be espoused.

Sometimes emotional investment is needed to overcome a problem, and if being around these people posed a problem, it had to be overcome.



>emotional maturity



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You need to do 2 things OP:

First, you need to learn the magik… of friendship, and by that i mean to have people that you can relate in a meaningful way, if you want to come as the Master/Student figure, you have a 100% chance of fail, true friendship comes with opening your heart, and by that i mean to show your weaknesses (if you are one of those edgy fuckers who think of themselves as a mary sue, then reember when you where young, but not young as naive, i mean young, as vulnerable).

Second, its to (as bad as it may sound) get on their level… you dont help people who are in a lower tier by screaming to get their shit together and man the fuck up, if you want meaningful relationships, you go down with them, and talk their stuff, and then little by little introduce your teaching as 'new findings', and not the usual smug face I know it all… When they dont seem to catch it at 100% but still give you a try its a sing you just made a long lasting friend.

Bonus point: I fucking kid you not, if you like me, feel like a retard in this shit go watch pic related show, just give the first 3 episodes it a try, it may not be a step by step helpful guide, but it sure gave me hope tons of it.



Thank you for the helpful advice, friend.






YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love /pol/

But I mostly troll illuminattie Jews. Hard to prove but true. They are awesome.

One a sied note, be true. Good or bad, cuz it might be time to be uncomfortable.

Darkness chokes out the light. Feel choked? Hello? Fucking intuition?

Bail before fail.

I'm here if you need me.

If you can find me you've found me.

Instructed to protect.

Live long and…fucking run.



some people thought I was faking, lol.

Breathe deep that pure freedom

Sarcastic Laughter chases only its own.

Humor rules the day faggots.


OP's reasoning is why I barely post in the question thread anymore, if I hand everyone the answers on a silver platter it's not the same as going through the journey of reading books and figuring things out for yourself.

In a way that's detrimental to neophytes development and creates lazy wizards incapable of growing on their own.



I would argue that anyone who formulates the question is worthy of the answer.



What if it's something that's been answered a million times and had books written about it like

>how do I intro astral project?

note I don't mean the people who ask something like

>I've been trying to AP for 3 months now using this method to no avail, what am I doing wrong?

deserves a good answer far more than the former type of question.



Don't be cranky about it, knowledge is free.



It sure is, and I've answered many lazy questions in the past, but this isn't my job and I'll continue only doing it when I feel so inclined just like everyone else on this board.

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