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File: 1436763073508-0.jpg (160.15 KB, 496x694, 248:347, Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at ….jpg)

File: 1436763073508-1.jpg (160.74 KB, 496x698, 248:349, Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at ….jpg)


Sup /fringe/ bros I thought you'd all get a kick out of this. I like to roleplay the anime Madoka Magica over the internet with 14 year old girls to alleviate boredom and farm loosh. Madoka Magica has some pretty green-pilled central themes. The premise is that there is a race of highly evolved aliens who come to earth and make contracts with little girls. In each contract, the alien, called an Incubator, grants one wish for each girl. In return for granting the wish, the girl is given powers and is turned into a Magical Girl, or Mahou Shoujo. The job of a Magical Girl is to fight Witches, which are actually Magical Girls with corrupted souls. The Incubators are essentially farming loosh, because putting middle school girls through traumatic battles generates large amounts of emotional energy. Here I am dropping some green-pills in one of our sessions.


File: 1436765110167.png (213.94 KB, 800x450, 16:9, chris-hansen.png)


Stop trying to incubate little girls.


Dang mang dang. I get yo point mang bout spreadin dem greenpills mang but mang can't be chattin up 14 year olds online mang. What is this magic mang?


Aren't you just associating green pill with fiction by doing this?

and quit talking to little girls


File: 1436791317043.png (163.03 KB, 413x451, 413:451, 1433120071730.png)

>((Oh stop it, you're making me blush))


Seriously though, I'm not sure if what you're doing is harm or good. One on hand you're associating the holographic universe theory with fiction but on the other hand these are impressionable children and all information gets stored off somewhere that their age.

Either way, I just hope you're behind seven thousand proxies while you do this.




By keeping green pilled thoughts on their mind, they may or may not realize something like

>maybe there is something after all

They might start looking into it and synchronicity will bring them here.


These girls have just started going through puberty, their emotions are off the charts. Lot's of loosh to be farmed.


There certainly is an interesting parallel between loosh farming and Madoka. Out of curiosity, what website do you visit for this?


You could make the same argument about the Simon Necronomicon.

Wisdom is wisdom even when spoken from the lips of a fool or on a stage.



It's over google+. Great place for magical activities such as this because of the sheer number of communities to join, and the profile system.

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