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I have never had a job before and I have no idea where/how to get one. I am Male, 24 years old, white (german heritage, 6 foot blonde hair and blue eyes), and /fit. my social skills however are really bad probably due to years of semi-isolation.

I have been living a semi acsetic lifestyle for the past while where my days simply focus on exercising (lifting weights, running, shadow boxing), learning german, Kundalini meditation, Yoga, various Reading, eating(healthy), taking care of pets, and then I play some league of legends occasionally. Whenever I stick to these things I feel pretty good and fulfilled. However it becomes obvious that I should have a job. I tend to avoid relatives, old friends, and meeting girls just because one of the first things topics of exchange is "So what do you do?" and I know that people will give a "What the fuck?" so I just save myself the embarrassment.

The idea of working, labor for money doesn't even turn me off. It sounds great. I dont want to be a lazy freeloader… However here is where the problem arises for myself. I simply can't bring myself to writing a resume because well…I don't think the things I do/have done would even warrant mention on it. I am self conscious about my lack of experience that it turns me away from even attempting the whole process. The idea of a job interview also gives me anxiety. Whenever my parents tell me to write a resume and applications I get a sort of bad feeling in my gut.

I am sorry if this is a TL/DR, but I was just wondering if there was someone willing to help.


>white (german heritage, 6 foot blonde hair and blue eyes)

Are those the the requirements to post on here?



>mongrel detected


Do you have any friend or family member that knows someone that can hire you? Ask around. Use your magick to manifest an opportunity to get an apprenticeship in a trade.


Warehouse or warehouse related jobs are your best bet. I didn't have to interview for my first job because they were so desperate but you're gonna have to bite the bullet eventually on that one. I've never written a resume. As long as you find a manual labor job you won't have to deal with very many people.


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god this thread is mundane as fuck but okay…

What are some of the things you've done that you don't think you can put on a resume?

Do you masturbate frequently? Stop it now if you do. Masturbation and being a shut in strongly overlap.

1) If you want money NOW, do some honest blue-collar labor. Start with odd jobs. Post ads on craigslist, go door to door in your neighborhood and offer to mow their lawns (look for shitty unmowed lawns and untrimmed hedges), rake leaves, pick weeds, wash and wax cars etc. If you're good with computers you can do computer repair. Ease into it gradually, be honest and confident in yourself. Make a goal like getting at least one customer per day, then move it up from there. Some people will inevitably be dicks or say no, just say thank you and go to the next house. Take it a step at a time and you'll see there's nothing to be afraid of. You can explain to your potential customers that you want to start earning some pocket money, and that you've admittedly just been a shut-in. They'll praise you for the effort to make something for yourself and you can make some vital connections and referrals if you do a good job.

If you want a long term plan, find a trade school near you. Plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, construction, roofing, tiling, etc. Any sort of service that requires technical skill or labor. Do your research. Offer to work for people in these trades if you can, just look through your phonebook and ask some questions to people who have been in the trades you may be interested in and find out how to get your start. There is a surprising lack of people with trade skills everywhere because "it's too hard." They're really just a bunch of lazy shitheads. Of course your desire to make money has to be greater than your social aversion.

Working in warehouses can be quite meditative. You exercise your body and you can exercise your mind as well. There's a kind of honesty and respect in blue-collar work that can't be found in other "jobs."

If you live close to a fast food place, see if they have any job openings. No shame in starting in a place making pleb food. It's the experience you need. You must learn to deal with other people and their bullshit. There will be shitty people, there will be decent and helpful people. This is life.

2) If you have the time while you search for your work, start volunteering somewhere. Animal shelters, non-profits, soup kitchens, churches, youth organizations. You should look to volunteer and help out as much as you can. Even if you don't have "work experience" volunteer experience makes you look good on a resume especially if it's in a relevant skill. This also helps you get valuable references who can vouch for you when it comes time to get some real interviews.

3) when you finally get around to putting in some applications after you've had some volunteer and work experience, explain on your cover letter something along the lines that although you've had a late start on your career path, you're eager to begin someplace.

Use a functional resume and highlight your education, your extracurricular activities related to school and volunteer work. If you can, tailor your resume to the place you plan to interview for. You can artfully stretch some elements of your resume if you have to or add in key relevant skills. In your 20's, interviewers generally want to see that you have some kind of higher education, or that you are on your way to getting a degree of some sort if you don't have a storied work history.

Study interview questions online and study the place you plan to interview for, most interviewers ask the same bullshit things. For your anxiety, practice pranayama and mental exercise, self conditioning to overcome it. Practice by getting some interviews too. I've failed at so many interviews but because of that I know what to do. You just get accustomed to the challenges that they barely even faze you anymore.

Don't worry about getting an ideal job. Just get some kind of work and learn to appear to be the best person you can be to your potential interviewer. Being 6 foot and blonde and blue eyed, and assuming you are hygienic, not fat and look alright, as long as you aren't a complete spaghetti falling out of pockets type, you should be able to land a decent job easy unless it's some bullshit make work desk job with race and sex quotas. Ignore those and go for the honest work.

If you found this helpful feel free to send a loosh orb to my servitor. Heed >>46608 advice as well.



If you're NEET and comfortable I think it is better to stay that way, coming home too exhausted and depressed to do anything and having no free time is not worth it.



Thank you so much. this is why I brought a rather mundane problem to a community like /fringe. so much practical suggestions and advice in there. I really do appreciate you outing that much time and effort into assisting me. I am going to print out your post and hopefully get on my way.





I'd like to thank you all as well for your various input. Thanks guys



I would suggest getting a job selling something. Sure you'll probably be working for some greedy company, but it will make you talk to people and if you approach it in the right way it can be a learning experience that boost your social skills beyond imaginable.


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Hi OP, You seem pretty cool/lucky and a similar story to mine. You already got some good advice here, and you could of course also look at online work, like transcription or editing, but it's not really natural to be completely isolated like that at such a young age, so maybe working with your hands would be better. I also think you need to challenge yourself more with the world if you want to develop spiritually.

Which leads me to what I hope for you: a nice woamn. You need a woman. It's an essential part of the human experience, and if you get a good one, she will help you become more a man, and you help her become more a woman. It's one of the best things here. Good luck with all.



sorry mememan, 100% white

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