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Would it be possible for a whitish person to make himself look like an ideal Aryan by sheer will? Is that advanced level shit or can a beginner do it with enough time?

Presenting substantial information here:



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not all that glitters is gold. You can gold plate a turd but it's still a turd. How superficial are you? Who are you looking to impress? It's really not worth it.


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I feel the second part may have come off wrong. For that, I did not mean it as such. Inside outside.. as above so below.


Yes, of course it possible.



Social gains are not on my mind (I don't live within society anyways), I want to impress myself.


But would something like that be advanced?



Not really. But being advanced would help immensely.Just look into The Book of Knowledge and Franz Bardon, basically intense visualization and directing Chi.


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Bunch of goobly-gook in this thread and now I have to dl Bardon's plagiarisms because another anon was so vague.

That's a weak study, OP. I'll toss out the term epigenetics. I mean, it's kinda like Bruce Lipton who I've been listening to as of late. Even he is behind the curve, though.

Yeah, I've heard of BIOKINESIS… People changing eye colors or moving teeth around. It is an advanced thing, it seems. Someday I shall seek to master it once I go full alchemical hermit mode.



You're just a fucking idiot.




muh dubbsbssss


A post flying in the face of reason.



>moving teeth around.

Curiously enough I've been doing this but not for aesthetic purposes. I noticed I used to keep my mouth shut in a way that was fucking up my flow. After a little research I noticed my teeth were not siting in the right position, but then I noticed they weren't right because they couldn't be right. So I've been getting them in position.



Fucking stupid. As within; so without. OP isn't asking about how to hide his loathsome body under a false mask of cosmetics he's actually going to change it from within by thoughtforce.


It's possible but requires very powerful thoughtforms to be sustained.


Why are you autists so obsessed with 19th century orientalist mythology? Even your leader stressed language groups over surface physical attributes ( convenient since most of the NSDAP higher-ups looked mixed)

This is coming from a nordid phenotype white person btw




How how how?



The same way I do most body related things, by attention.

At all times being aware of my teeth, my jaw and my face. Eventually you begin to notice the morphogenetic/magnetic field of your face, when that happens you will have the knowledge necessary to apply the next step.

When you know your particular fuck ups you need to combine will (or however you prefer to call the power of mind over matter) to change the magnetic field of your jaw/teeth, and combine it with physical action like doing things that relax your neck and jaw muscles, constantly putting your teeth in place and closing the mouth properly so you actively change the morphogenetic field.

There is also the psychological aspect of it which you must become aware of and solve if you want to have any success doing it. For instance, I've been working on my neck for about a year now and only had minor success because my psychological "mechanisms" related to that area were so fucked up for years and to some measure still are. Been an "introverted semi-autistfag" for a long time.

I have a theory that Greek sculpture wasn't necessarily some group of artists wanting to create something perfect just so they can have a statue of the gods they prefer. I think that their striving for technical perfection and their ideal of perfect beauty was really just a way to show how the human being becomes when everything about him is in accordance with divinity.



Fuck me. That's Trip from Dramatical Murder on the dakimakura!!! And Isabelle from Animal Crossing on the left, but wow, I'm mostly surprised I recognized Trip! Although if it were me, I'd get a dakimakura of another character, ideally Ren, with the body he had in Scrap (much nicer than the one he got from Aoba's brother Sei in Ren's ending/true ending when Sei died). Although a Clear or Noiz dakimakura would be ok too since they're both pretty nice too. For Clear, one side of his daki could have him in his whole coat and gas mask getup and the other naked, whereas for Noiz, one side could have him in his punk clothes and the other could be the piercing-free, clean look with a suit that he wore when he came back to take Aoba with him to Germany in his ending. Also, as a nod to DMMD:RC, on the side with the suit, he should also hold a water bottle, that would be too cool! Although most people might get offended at watersports, so I guess he could just go with holding his belt provocatively. Now that I think about it though, there could also be a daki of Aoba himself, maybe with Aoba on one side and his evil tulpa (I forget the name) on the other.

…hold on, I just realized I may be autistic.

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