Every time I come to /fringe/ I'm more convinced that it's just a bunch of adolescents trying to frame their angst in an occult lens to rationalize their confusion.
>I don't want infinite suffering on this earth.
Then quit suffering. Make something of your life on earth, or just sit around moping that you're alive - which is basically depression, something that I assume every aspiring wizard or yogi would work to get rid of.
I like to approach the idea of reincarnation with the mindset that it's incentive for you to improve the world. If you know you're going to keep returning to earth over and over, then learn to shape it as you want it to be. You do that by opening your heart and embracing the world as inseparable from you, and allowing yourself to feel passionate. That's why I think this modern Gnostic notion of the world being simply a "prison" is absurdly misguided, unenlightening, and disheartening. It gives people the perception of the world being hostile, which leads them to contract into themselves further, reinforcing the borders of the ego, rather than expand outward. Ultimately, the difference between prison and paradise comes down to your interpretation.
I think a lot of you guys are experiencing dissociation, which is the result of thinking about life far more than feeling it. I suffer from it too because of some childhood traumas and learning to dull my emotions as a defense mechanism.
Consider the trifecta of the "mind, soul (emotions in this case), and body." You need all three working in harmony to fully experience life. But if you invest too much in your thoughts, you engage life like it's at a distance; like a movie projected on a screen, or some alien "prison" that you're trapped in. Your mind saps the energy from the other parts of you, and this leads to depression. You feel numb and unresponsive. A joke feels less funny. Music and art are less stimulating. The touch of a loved one feels less warm. Personal growth feels less fulfilling. The sense of wonder is lost.
You need to get riled the fuck up and you need to do it now. Get passionate about anything and everything, and don't question it, because for every "why?" there is an equal and opposite "why not?". The "feeling" part of you needs no reason. It's like asking why cake feels good when it hits your tongue. It just does. Learn to let go or you're going to drown in these thoughts - because that, I like to think, is what Hell is.
The prison's your own mind.