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Esoteric Wizardry


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I fear reincarnation a lot.

The Buddhist are right about most everything so I think they have a point. People into spirituality also often feel reincarnation exists.

I'm kinda angry that existence is forced on me. Even if I kill myself I would still exist since I'd just reincarnate. I cannot handle this cruelty. I don't want infinite suffering on this earth. I want to be done with life and earthly existence (and if the alternative to earthy life sucks just go for blissful non existence).

I must find ways to break the cycle of reincarnation.

Anyone with insight on how to do this?


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I feel you, im kinda claustrophobic and losing earing or eyesight is terrible, you feel stuck in your body.

Reincarnation is the ultimate thing that confines you in something and I dont know if the ride ever ends


YOU are the chooser. You chose to forget/ignore for this earthly experience.


If you attain conscious union with your eternal self (spirit), aka self-realization, you won't reincarnate again in the physical plane if you don't will to.

Mystical paths such as yoga are better suited for this than the majority of western occultism. Hermeticism is fine, but it's a slower process.


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in short; when you die theres 4 places you can end up (more complex than that but just lissen)

there is 'real heaven' and 'real hell' then 'pseudoheaven' and pseudohell'.

real heaven is the higher spiritual planes; to get there you need to actively purify yourself of karma and attachment.

real hell is where you are sent if you need to learn a lesson (say you beat your wife everyday and saw nothing wrong with that; before you could be reborn/progress further you would have to see through your wifes eyes)

now most people dont end up there because most people arent truly good or truly evil ; they end up in the astral, which is divided into 2 parts (psuedohell psuedoheaven.) because fractals and the part mirrors the whole.

remember that the astral is the realm of thought and imagination;

weve all been to 'hell' and weve all been to 'heaven'.

weve all experienced absolute joy and absolute misery;

the thing is, if you dont have a body it is very easy to get stuck there; because you are in a dream state and not rational. thats why its never a good idea to kill yourself if youre depressed (if youre depressed youre already in 'hell' by killing yourself you just put yourself head first in that realm.

but yeah TL;DR: being reborn is a natural process just like crawling is natural for a baby; if you want to 'walk' then build up as much good karma as you can, get rid of attachment and purify yourself so you can enter the higher realms when you die.



I think you're missing the point here. What reincarnates isn't your "ego".

The fundamentalist materialist is right in assuming you'll just disappear when you die. They are wrong however in assuming that which disappears is all of you. They're further in the wrong when considering that the disappearance of that means in someway it has never existed, like a physicist can ignore small numbers for practical purposes, they feel life can do the same but that simply isn't so.

Furthermore existence is not an outside force. There can't be a you to which something else (existence) separate from you can be forced upon.

There is no way to run from the problem however, death won't solve it so it must be done now and while living.


>build up as much good karma as you can

Nigga the whole point is to be free from karma.


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this is how i see reincarnation.

first there was nothingness. then something realised that it was. this first mind; to stop from getting bored i guess, came up with some games to keep itself entertained.

first it created various states of being (earth air fire water spirit etc) each one has a different goal (earth is stillness, water is movement etc)

then after it had completed all those 'levels' it decided to make a new kind of game called life where spirit enters into the earth and water and animates it into a body breathing air etc before passing away after a lifetime for the spirit to enter into the matter again.

idk if my wording here is very good haha but i think im onto something here. ill have to write it more eloquently one day.



I think yoga is actually more slower and uncertain than what Western occultism; yoga doesn't develop your intellectual (discerning) skills and there's a lot of useless superstition in it; also think of lowering consciousness by chanting mantras, making you a target for manipulation (what is Transcendental Meditation, for example?). Think of killing your potential than developing it, that's what separates east from west …

I am more into Fourth Way and Anthroposophy than most Eastern traditions. Eastern traditions are interesting and all but they are too passive and miserable while Western traditions like Fourth/Fifth Way, Anthroposophy, Hermeticism, Toltec teachings, etc. are positive, empowering and balanced. Not perfect by all means but more coherent and applicable than eastern traditions.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lolwhat? Bro do you even yoga?

I know yoga has been targeted by brainless idiots but the same goes for any western occultism, so lets no judge something by what you hear about it on television.

There is not such a thing as a separation between east and west when it comes to /fringe/ knowledge. If anything you're at an advantage point to study the east since most its terminology and the way of expressing the same thing is brand new and therefore free from previous misconceptions.



If anyting, the real yoga and taoist teachings are vastly superior to western mumbo-jumbo.



I don't get my opinions from television, I do my own research; I know some yoga and eastern stuff because that's where I started. I didn't and still don't like the overtly philosophical tones in it and asceticism or submitting under the rule of some power-hungry guru, but whatever.

There is separation if not only in expressing two poles of the same thing; the being might be considered 'returning to the original state of pure spirituality' - the West achieves this by developing oneself so that one becomes connected and identical to one's spirit-Self; the East aims to do this by killing all that is not spirit-Self, (like destroying one's personality or ego) and so return to the state of purity minus the understanding and skills achieved by "developing oneself the Western way" …

And by no means is eastern stuff brand new or free from previous misconceptions. The damage has been already done by various authors (both Western and Eastern) who've tried to make sense of eastern philosophy with their own pet theories and such. There's also deliberate disinformation going there, (like espousing non-duality and Ahimsic pacifism to the point of making people passive to aggression and such, basically turning people into "spiritual" doormats) …

There's mumbo-jumbo both in Western and Eastern traditions. I don't care at all for "magical" traditions or rituals or such (which is 90% of occultism), I prefer practical work. I would also rather develop my understanding through study and contemplation than do mantras or meditation for hours and hours …

You just need to dig for the golden grains from the waste material that is 98% that goes by names of "occultism", "mysticism", "magic" or "esotericism". That's why I recommended the traditions in my earlier posts, they're not perfect by all means but they're practical, easy-to-understand and balanced. There's no occult formulas, no rituals, no gurus or masters, no "magick"; just practical things everyone with enough time and determination can try out for themselves.



>If you attain conscious union with your eternal self (spirit), aka self-realization,

Thats the entire point of modern gnosis (SAW) but that incorporates teachings from both western and eastern schools.


Learn astral projection, master it completely. That's all really. It is the ultimate key to liberation.



I guess people react to it differently.

I don't think in anyway there is this difference between killing or developing oneself, simply because neither can be done. I do understand some people look at a statement like the one I just wrote and immediately think "well then that means I can keep drinking booze and watching television" but that is very far from what it means to me.

To me it allows for freedom of development and action without tension, it means that when my body calls for exercise (which it will inevitably call for simply by virtue of being a body) I can go without even thinking about it because the situation don't need to be judged. In fact, for me at least, I always find that when I think in terms of "I as a serious business" I always hesitate before doing that which I should do, and that usually translates to overly thinking or to just plain not doing stuff. Whereas when there is no thought of I crossing my mind, the mere recognition of necessity is enough to call for action. You'd be amazed of how much "development" you can do by "killing" yourself.

It also is by many means free of previous conception. Simply because there is in my head a deeply rooted the image of god as a bearded man in the sky where literally no eastern concept were programmed that deeply into me. I think it is clear that for many people this is also the case.

You do not need to do mantras and meditations for hours and hours simply because that is far from the root of eastern philosophy. To say that is on the same level as saying Christianity is about going to church every sunday. When real meditation is achieved you meditate while sitting, while standing, while walking, while lying, and pretty much by doing anything else which you do. Same goes for western traditions. I just think easterners had a more practical mind and as such they developed many practices and exercises, which can be used if needed and as needed.



Sorry to break it to you your stuck here until you reach enlightenment unless you decide to fuck it and stay as a ghost which is not recommended.



Your astral body isn't your spirit and isn't immortal, you grow a new astral body in every incarnation. There are means to make the astral body immortal, but they are inaccesible to most initiates.

Mastering astral projection has never been enough, you will be reborn here after a period of astral wandering, as long as you don't attain self-realization.


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There is no better way to achieve that than astral projection. Mastering it means having full consciousness at all times.



>also think of lowering consciousness by chanting mantras

Mantras are literally the best thing in the world.

Vibrate "aum Suryae" a dozen times and tell me you don't feel like a god afterwards.




>full consciousness



>importance of dream remembrance.png




read more!


it's good to focus on a tradition or a technique that works for you. neruda once said that he "knows less every day." once you have a means to experience truth, knowledge becomes a crooked representation thereof. for example, one school may teach empowerment and another passive experience, but attainment may have no doing with such distinctions.


hey this was cool to read


Every time I come to /fringe/ I'm more convinced that it's just a bunch of adolescents trying to frame their angst in an occult lens to rationalize their confusion.

>I don't want infinite suffering on this earth.

Then quit suffering. Make something of your life on earth, or just sit around moping that you're alive - which is basically depression, something that I assume every aspiring wizard or yogi would work to get rid of.

I like to approach the idea of reincarnation with the mindset that it's incentive for you to improve the world. If you know you're going to keep returning to earth over and over, then learn to shape it as you want it to be. You do that by opening your heart and embracing the world as inseparable from you, and allowing yourself to feel passionate. That's why I think this modern Gnostic notion of the world being simply a "prison" is absurdly misguided, unenlightening, and disheartening. It gives people the perception of the world being hostile, which leads them to contract into themselves further, reinforcing the borders of the ego, rather than expand outward. Ultimately, the difference between prison and paradise comes down to your interpretation.

I think a lot of you guys are experiencing dissociation, which is the result of thinking about life far more than feeling it. I suffer from it too because of some childhood traumas and learning to dull my emotions as a defense mechanism.

Consider the trifecta of the "mind, soul (emotions in this case), and body." You need all three working in harmony to fully experience life. But if you invest too much in your thoughts, you engage life like it's at a distance; like a movie projected on a screen, or some alien "prison" that you're trapped in. Your mind saps the energy from the other parts of you, and this leads to depression. You feel numb and unresponsive. A joke feels less funny. Music and art are less stimulating. The touch of a loved one feels less warm. Personal growth feels less fulfilling. The sense of wonder is lost.

You need to get riled the fuck up and you need to do it now. Get passionate about anything and everything, and don't question it, because for every "why?" there is an equal and opposite "why not?". The "feeling" part of you needs no reason. It's like asking why cake feels good when it hits your tongue. It just does. Learn to let go or you're going to drown in these thoughts - because that, I like to think, is what Hell is.

The prison's your own mind.





so if you get to real heaven then what

do you strive for even higher realms or

is that it


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the universe is alive, torus shaped and has chakras.

the chakras are the dimensions.

when spirit reaches the pinnacle of the torus it goes back down to do the journey upwards again; but with each journey it becomes more perfect.

imagine when there were only amoebas and single celled organisms.

they live then die then live then die and through the process of life become more perfected and therefore need more perfect bodies.

thats how evolution happens.

back then the highest level was probably like root chakra level.

life kept evolving and now theres us, just about at heart chakra level.

once weve all lived and died enough to progress further then we will enter a new dimension


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damn it just occured to me the 7 chakras correspond with the 7 densities


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You don't give any shred of explanation nor testable prediction, you just spew a bunch of statements that don't follow from each other as if they are some Cosmic Truth.

You are either truly a huge delusional fucking idiot, or another shill trying to distract people with horseshit to keep them from studying actual knowledge (real science and philosophy.)

Sell your spiritual heroin somewhere else, you piece of shit.


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Pratyahara is achieved after 12 Kriya Pranayamas. Dhyana is reached with 1,728 Kriya Pranayamas. Samadhi is attained with 20,736 Pranayamas.

Savikalpa Samdhi refers to a temporary state of Samadhi where the soul is perceived for a limited period of time.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is oneness with the Absolute without any break. This state is permanent.

In Sahaja Samdhi the person can remain in above state, while also remaining active in the wold and acting naturally. A Yogi in this state acts as a direct agent of the Single Supreme Being, because his consciousness is one with God's at all time. Very few Yogis achieve this state, but if they do, they become true masters.

Mahasamadhi is the final exit of an advanced Yogi from the body in which he is liberated. It is a form of Kriya Yoga where physical death occurs while the Yogi has brough all his energy to Bindu.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is generally the goal of most Yogis; however, in this state there is no desire to remain on Earth. It is difficult to even speak, as the one in Nirvikalpa Samadhi becomes drunk with bliss, and awareness shifts to an alternative reality. Sahaja Samadhi is superior, as the Yogi can remain in the world and perform service to others, while at the same time experiencing this alternative reality.

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