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I'm beginning to think you, /fringe/, have no idea what you're talking about. I've been having mild depression (like most people's reason for coming here) and cannot solve it.

People say, read arcane formulas and teachings, and you will find your answer.

And i did, i read the part about deattaching yourself from the personality, emotions and lastly body, and it did work. Worked like a charm. All of a sudden i had this enormous feeling that i was a child again, happy and fullfilled, full of confidence, wisdom, and insight. I felt completely at peace.

I did this countless of times. It works, and quite well. I almost get the feeling those emotions completely vanished.

But i always get beat down by the pit of depression i built for myself. Always.

One can't help but think, is this just a technique of escape, not of true mastery over the emotions? This is why i think /fringe/ is completely mistaken. The rest of the occult community on the interwebz is pulling in a thousand directions, each with their own version of the "truth".

For example, someone who looks like he "knows" what he is talking about is telling me i can't start doing occult work with not reading Jung and Freud psychology. You on the other hand say that psychology is complete bullshit and i shouldn't read it. How does one discern false from true? Is there a standing point which is true? Then one can say something is false, because if it would be true then the thing established earlier would have to be false. There is a thing we can compare with, right?

Don't go rule 2 on me, because there will be people here telling a lot of multiple, different answers, so this might as well be a discussion thread.

>pic unrelated


The "occult" community is full shit. All is mind is the only truth.


Robert Anton Wilson's non fiction helped cure my depression for a long time.

Read prometheus rising (do the exercises as well) and quantum psychology.

Other occult stuff is more spiritual fulfilment and exploration to me.


Once you get past a certain point, reality is your teacher and you don't have a need to listen to others much. Use others as a source of new ideas, not as guides.


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wow this guy put it well.


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If you're unsatisfied with what you have, gain something more.

If you're unsatisfied with who you are, be something else.

You're overthinking it. Play it by ear, relying on synchronicity and advice, or play it hardcore, following one tradition to the end, or something between, but never think you're doing something you aren't. Know where you are, what you are doing, and who you are, and you'll end up where you want to go.


Living is about getting used to problem then detaching, not the other way around.


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These two guys have got it 90% right



Anon, you said it yourself

>But i always get beat down by the pit of depression i built for myself. Always.

Reality is an illusion that you are constantly reinforcing. Constantly. If your reality involves a cyclical depression, then congratulations you are achieving your beliefs. You built your depression and you alone can dissolve it. Stamp it out for good, don't let it come back.

People are often mistaken in their understanding that our ways have immediate and permanent results. You are literally going to project your success into the future and stride towards it. How quickly/slowly you do that is entirely up to you based on your beliefs.


The answer is not a way of "being," it's a way of "doing."

There are many possible paths to truth, peace, inner realization, call it what you will. There is more than one valid Way. But notice here that the word is "WAY," which implies *doing,* not *having.*

Whatever practice you choose, remember it is a *practice* in the most literal sense. There will never come a point when you "have it" in some kind of eternally stabilized answer. Instead you are going to have to *do it* over and over, every day.

In a sense, the OP is like a man saying: "I dunno, /fringe/. I've eaten a lot of meals, and you have shown me a lot of different recipes. And often I will cook and eat a meal and it will be perfect – I will feel totally satisfied and all that nagging hunger will be gone. But the next day, I'll still be hungry again. Not matter what I try, I can't seem to find the one true meal that cures me of my hunger forever."

Of course, every day you are going to have to eat again. You can only conquer hunger through the *practice* of cooking and eating every day. The same goes for spirituality. There are many delicious, wonderful and healthy meals but no "one single meal" that will make it so you are never again hungry. Each day you are going to have to go through the same act of preparing and eating a new meal. Likewise Each day you are going to have to actually walk your chosen path, put in the effort, make it happen day by day.


OP here, thanks for the replies


You know, that's completely right, i should try out stuff on my own and if it works then i consider it true.


So we are living in some sort of a collective dream?


Wow, i realize how stupid i really was. Guess they really are right when they say that we are a student forever.



(like most people's reason for coming here)



You're a real idiot if you think this breaks rule 2. How about you actually go read the rules and realize this thread doesn't?

Example of rule breaking thread:

>a question nothing else

Example of not rule breaking thread:

>a paragraph of text, with a few questions thrown in


My answer to you OP is aim on becoming super intelligent. Eventually you will surpass this imageboard format of communication and you will be thinking thoughts so immense, complicated, and abstract that it will make all the thoughts of your average mortal man with his every day consciousness seem like droplets in a pond, while your thoughts are the cliff-high waves in a stormy ocean. Whereas you now hold petty dialogues, slowed-down streams of words carrying meaning, one day your thoughts will take you instantly to different worlds and will convey and process far more meaning at once that the scribes will be too slow and you will need hundreds of them just to write down what you thought in one second.



>One can't help but think, is this just a technique of escape, not of true mastery over the emotions

Mastery IS escape.



Escape just sweeps it under the rug. Unless you truly master it. Mastery lies in the ability to not be swayed by emotions but to see their inherit value in the current situations. It's all just tools, just like a compass but each one points in a different direction. Walk the fine line in between and never take a side. Ultimately it's your world, make of it what you will.


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>You can only conquer hunger through the *practice* of cooking and eating every day. The same goes for spirituality.

Thanks for sharing this.

Good vibes to you.



This picture is absolutely true. Thank you.


Don't hate on Jungian psychology, that shit is based. Freud isnt the greatest other then his works on dream interpretation, his stuff on developmental psychology is pretty good but not concrete. Jungs works on symbolism, the unconscious and the collective un/conscious are way ahead of its time. Just check out the Red Book for an example.

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