I'm beginning to think you, /fringe/, have no idea what you're talking about. I've been having mild depression (like most people's reason for coming here) and cannot solve it.
People say, read arcane formulas and teachings, and you will find your answer.
And i did, i read the part about deattaching yourself from the personality, emotions and lastly body, and it did work. Worked like a charm. All of a sudden i had this enormous feeling that i was a child again, happy and fullfilled, full of confidence, wisdom, and insight. I felt completely at peace.
I did this countless of times. It works, and quite well. I almost get the feeling those emotions completely vanished.
But i always get beat down by the pit of depression i built for myself. Always.
One can't help but think, is this just a technique of escape, not of true mastery over the emotions? This is why i think /fringe/ is completely mistaken. The rest of the occult community on the interwebz is pulling in a thousand directions, each with their own version of the "truth".
For example, someone who looks like he "knows" what he is talking about is telling me i can't start doing occult work with not reading Jung and Freud psychology. You on the other hand say that psychology is complete bullshit and i shouldn't read it. How does one discern false from true? Is there a standing point which is true? Then one can say something is false, because if it would be true then the thing established earlier would have to be false. There is a thing we can compare with, right?
Don't go rule 2 on me, because there will be people here telling a lot of multiple, different answers, so this might as well be a discussion thread.
>pic unrelated