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Does anyone know of a Downloadable PDF version of book in pic related?

Free, of course, because I'm a poorfag and I hear its pretty pricey if you can even find it at all, but I know there was a PDF version a while back



Ive been told 3x today that this is the only book anyone curious about it should read, as pretty much all others are fake. And there are no threads related to this.



Its a good thing I posted this thread tbh, because if anyone has the book, it should be in the fringe library, and it's not.



if you've done it, mind giving me some tips? I've tried a lot, and I've never been able to do it, I feel like I'm not in the right mindset or something.



if its channeled through lucid dreaming then why is it considered real?


But lucid dreams aren't real, they are still dreams, just controlled. Astral projection/OOBE is supposedly real though, not a dream. I've never heard anyone say that you're supposed to be asleep when you try to do it, and I've been studying it for years



mm. I doubt it, and coming here was probably a mistake, but please enlighten me.



I've had sleep paralysis, and I've been able to lucid dream before. But what you're saying still dictates that OOBE's aren't real, and are simply just dreams.



http://www.baytallaah.com/bookspdf/132.pdf I found this pdf though, maybe it's worth a read?



tried binauaral beats, dont have very good headphones and I never know if what I find is legitimate or not, so it's never helped me, hypnosis wont work on me, Ive tried some rituals before, if thats what you'd call it, and Ive tried sleep deprivation before. But still, assuming I had an OOBE, if you go through sleep before doing it, there's literally no reason to believe it's real. Its probably just a dream. and that still doesnt answer to the fact that I've looked into this and talked to loads of people for years, and this is literally the first time I've ever heard of someone going through sleep to do it. I've always been told to relax, try to meditate, clear your mind, and try to pull your spirit out of your body while you're conscious, by finding an anchor and imagining yourself pulling on it.



I get that, Ive actually heard that, just seemed like you were implying you need to actually do it while you're asleep. Also, even people who claim to do it still say that it's probably not real, just next level lucid dreaming, that everything you see is fake. would you argue with that or say that's true? Because I don't see a big point in it if it's not real. Ive heard of people doing it, and contacting other people that they know, having conversations that they can confirm once back to the physical world etc


take a look at the pinned breads.

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