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Esoteric Wizardry


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What is the best way to clear my mind of anxieties and negative thought to maximize my magickal potential

No gookshit please





expand on that



Look up the half lotus asana, get into it, focus on your breath, don't judge yourself for thinking just accept it and leave it.

Later meditations can be more complex, you can use mantra, visualisation, focusing on the hidden space inbetween breaths rather than the breath itself, focusing on a single point with your eyes etc.

Do 20 minutes a day at least. If this is too much start with 10 and work up.



I said no gookshit, fam



Meditation is pretty much standard for all branches of magic.

If you wanna put your prejudices above the go-to answer to everything you asked for then that's up to you.




you sound like a cuck, tbh


go fuck yourself, you piece of shit


>Playing an instrument, painting, writing, singing, dancing anything artistic.

>Having a tantrum like a child on your bed while kicking and screaming, and other activities that push your orgone through.

>Running, body weight training, stretching, eating the right kind of foods.

>Yoga, taichi and maybe things like the Alexander Method.

>Cryotherapy, isolation tanks, isochronic pulses and binaural beats, maybe psychedelics and other weird shit

>Being in contact with nature, grounding, sunbathing, HEALTHY relationships with people

>Working on things that need doing, like cleaning the house and stuff

>Doing /fringe/ related things like meditation as anon already pointed out

All of the above have the benefit of teaching you how to solve the problems, therefore maximizing magic potential.

For temporary solutions that don't require work I'm afraid you'll have to go mundane like mindless entertainment or booze




what is that?




what is that?



loosh, vital energy, etc…


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There used to be a thread on here that was full of great information on reality creation.

Lets get one going again.

Share your experiences and favorite writings dealing with the subject



oops, was going to create a new thread, I fucked up

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