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I need to make a decision guys please help:

>keep dedicating a lot of my time to general maintenance and trying to develop skills and shit and getting money and so on to have a future wife and children and homestead

>forget all that shit, abandon my hobbies, abandon my projects and let them sit, don't work for more money, live on what I have right now and dedicate my time fully to greenpill stuff

#1 compelling reason to go for the second option is that I feel that without going full obsessive greenpill I won't be able to correct certain issues in my life anyways

#2 compelling reason to go for the second option is once my greenpill shit is done everything else will be a shitload easier as I'll be rocking a whole new upgraded consciousness and thoughtform network

#1 compelling reason to go for first option is mundanes will seriously start bothering me and sabotaging my efforts if I don't keep up some pretense of continuing with the more mundane shit of making money, pursuing hobbies, studying non-greenpill stuff, etc.

#2 compelling reason is "muh balanced development" and having enough money and other shit to buy food for myself I need and possibly some other things and these other things can be integrated into my magickal activities

The thing is going the first route is a huge time waster and incredibly inefficient. Honestly, I am accomplishing mundane-level shit very poorly. I am making barely any money, barely any progress, etc and I don't think a divided attention is really that great. If you want to succeed at something you've got to throw your whole energy and focus into it.

…but I do want to keep it, I want to do those things, it's just painfully slow progress and it's holding back my greenpill development.

I am practically done with reading btw. There's a little more I want to read but I've got all the core shit well out of the way and I know what I'm doing.

I also keep meeting others on the astral lately in a more controlled manner, even met someone my own age (though I thought upon seeing them they'd be much younger than me, they looked like a child and rather androgynous in the way that sometimes young girls and boys can be a little hard to tell apart), and have got a lot better at navigating the astral and using it.

Magick is exciting as fuck but mundanes keep distracting me and I honestly do need to sort out some mundane shit. There's a lot of problems I see potentially rising though even when for example I get my own place I might then have to worry all the time about a lot of things that are just going to keep eating my damned time up. It could easily extend for years.

I know one Czech hermetic wizard (following Franz Bardon) did what option 2 himself before and basically quit his job and went full wizard for awhile but then found himself starving and having to resume normie mundane shit in order not to starve to death. He wasted money on drugs and really seemed to believe he was going to asend or something but didn't get anywhere with all his druggy nonsense.

I don't know guys… lay aside the hobbies and shit and just focus only on the greenpill for next few months or lay aside the greenpill and focus only on hobbies and shit and not be able to do any of them effectively due to a messy weak mind?


Thinking it over a bit, it might still be an effective plan if I decide to just do a flip-flop every month. One month would be nearly all mundane shit, the next month I'd put it all aside and focus exclusively on magick/greenpill, then the next month I could resume. Maybe even a 2 week cycle might be better.


What's wrong with continuing as you were before and simply finding the right balance between the greenpill stuff and your mundane double life?

Magical operations don't even take that long to do, but I recon you should fix up your regular life first, not without still practicing some magic of course, it's just that being able to eat is a tad higher on the scale of immediate necessities the spiritual ascension.


Become a sailor or an offshore oil station worker.

You work some months and then have some months off.

Also you might get into academic work - science and shit. It's all about figuring things out, just like /fringe/ the occult. Actually it's even interconnected.



>What's wrong with continuing as you were before and simply finding the right balance between the greenpill stuff and your mundane double life?

It's akin to someone who gets themselves hurt doing sports and doesn't take proper rest and then seriously prolongs their injury.

>Magical operations don't even take that long to do, but I recon you should fix up your regular life first, not without still practicing some magic of course, it's just that being able to eat is a tad higher on the scale of immediate necessities the spiritual ascension.

Not if you're doing what I am doing which involves a shitload of energy gathering, thoughtforming, using the astral senses constantly so they get stronger, planning, stabilizing thoughtforms, trading loosh for favours, etc.

I got a thoughtform for example that requires praise, love, devotion, and faith and in return heals me. Essentially the more I thank it and give it loosh the more it'll heal my body. Working with it takes a lot of time and it's very meticulous and careful work, you can't feed the wrong stuff into your thoughtforms or you can end up having to start again from scratch or having to repair them,

I wouldn't normally be even typing at this very moment but I got interrupted from something, I've got some incoming loosh packages I have to pick up and an invite to someone's astral plane to join them doing whatever.


If I was already in a state where I was capable of doing those things this dilemma wouldn't be one for me.


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^This was the best I could tell you…but


>what I am doing which involves a shitload of energy gathering, thoughtforming, using the astral senses constantly so they get stronger, planning, stabilizing thoughtforms, trading loosh for favours

All I could say is drop half of what you see unimportant and take up

The Inner Guide Meditation: A Spiritual Technology for the 21st Century [Edwin C Steinbrecher, Israel Regardie]

and make sure you work the with

>The Sun

>The Fool

>The High Priestess

>The Strength

>The Magus

Start with the usual Sun then go for the latters.Try to manage your time, cut your "average" stuff and try to find the "Middle Path"(Please don't pull at me Purtain Ethic on me).Imagine That there is a tall mountain with a beautiful and a glorious city shinning on top.Leading in it direction two paths.The one on the right is steep,narrow,rocky, full of thorns and pitfalls, uncomfortable and dangerous; it shown leading gradually to the mountain top.The path on the left is shallow,smooth,clear, safe and easy;it's shown leading to the bottom of the mountain and then going behind it where some not-so subtle hellfire flame upward.There is also a young person at the fork of the road.The implication is easy and heavy-haned; he can go the easy way and suffer or go to the long and hard route to get what he want.If people looked carefully there was a between these two extreme a path hidden from all but the occultist "The Middle Path".

You are using artifical elemental or human thoughtforms and you lack the contact of the archetypes in your life(I might be wrongly mistaking but that what I would infer from your daily suffering).There is no need to recreate the wheel rather using what the giants have laid to help you achieve what you need and want.Ever man and a women is a star, and everyone have a special path to take in their normal life and their magical life, a special piece in the universe that have a true purpose that each one of us must finish.Why shall I go through the whole IIH for the sake of "active" communion with my Holy guardian angel when there is a working easier system like A.A. or easier than that the model presented by Alan Chapman in his "Three Steps to heaven"?.

Probably this post will not change anything at you but if you care about talking the inner guide meditation there is a "compressed" version in Plotinus site


a 30 min dedicated work everyday is far more effective than 4 hour unusual magic every now and then, and there is no need to be "off the grid"



also remember to visualize in First Person Point of view



I think he's got his own routine and won't really change.

Not to mention that judging by his posts he's already made his decision and just came to /fringe/ to have us reinforce it.


At some point you'll have to fix your mundane life you know, so it'd be better to try and get it in a stable state now before it gets even worse.

From what I can tell, apart from the healing thoughtforms that you've for some reason not made self sufficient, can be cut from your routine in place of getting your life back on track.

Truly it's a shame that sometimes we have to do things that we don't want to but that's just life and there's no way of avoiding it.



I understand his behavior and his "normal" lifestyle but I thought if he actually tried it, it might change him.(I know it's a failing try but whatever)

> don't know guys… lay aside the hobbies and shit and just focus only on the greenpill for next few months or lay aside the greenpill and focus only on hobbies and shit and not be able to do any of them effectively due to a messy weak mind?

I don't know if this is even a question

but even if he made his mind here a small quote from Regaride

You relax the body, the benefits extend to the mind.You develop the ability to relax physically as well as to relax emotionally, as is noted in your relaxed attitude towards the events of life. All the tension that existed in your mind regarding people, experiences, and life generally, are overcome. Slowly, you learn how to let life itself work upon you. If only you let it, it will transform you and bless you. If only you give it half a chance, nature will alchemically transmute you, whereas before life only hardened and hurt you. You will learn not to fix your mind into a rigid, unyielding mold that will be in dire conflict with the changing, fluctuating world without.

Also I thought if you sealed your aura(banish, cast a circle, whatever just put a border between the mundane and the magical) you would have less fuzzy mind



I somehow doubt it's just a fuzzy mind that is fucking him up, I feel that he dedicates far more time to magical practices rather than his mundane survival and thus his situation in the physical suffers.

Hell, even Smileberg had to stop his astral adventures and go out to get a job at some point which made for a nice blog post.



I thought OP was smiley

>I am practically done with reading btw. There's a little more I want to read but I've got all the core shit well out of the way and I know what I'm doing.

I could infer from this it was smiley since he was all on "READ READ READ ABC"

but you know he might locked himself into his own little astral playground(I don't just a thought)



>trying to do magick for mundae reasons will give you a shit mundane experience

>trying to do magick for spiritual upgrade reasons will give you a delicious mundane experience

If you're TOO focused in doing magicka research, that's feminine imbalance, if you want to avoid mundanes because they fuck with your magick… well sir, if you're god if your reality and the ever so all powerful mage and creator… why is that human's small drama halting your magick processes?

Your condition attracts exactly what you're giving out brother - the distractions, the bullshit, you're creating this on purpose to give you messages and clues.

You need you folk similar to your vibe.

You need to take the mundane aspects and use them in magickal contexts ( wife/gf? no, priestess or goddess ) ( friends/chilling? no, a covenant or a guild or a mastermind of magi )

Stop trying to cut everything and put everything in it's special little container.



You say some dumb shit from time to time, magical negro, but thanks for this post.


If your body and mind are weak, your soul has little chance.

Mundane shit is necessary. You need to find a balance.

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