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Greetings, /friends/. I come to share with you a neat little trick that my spirit guide taught me. I'll give it to you pretty much word-for-word:

>"Take forth a brown leaf, one that hath fallen from its branch. Poke one hole on each point, at least five in number. Look through each hole as if it were a looking glass.Each hole will grant thee a new perspective.

The First will reveal any wandering spirits of the dead in any graveyard. The second hole, from the left, will reveal the presence of any infernals. The Third, the middle, will reveal the presence of all things hidden, be they material in nature or of a person absconding. The Fourth, will reveal money and other treasures, such as gold, heirlooms, and items with magickal properties. The Fifth point, should the leaft possess one, reveals the intentions of the opposite sex. Should they love you, deceive you, and so on, will be revealed by their aura. This leafy looking glass will last for no longer than one week from the time it hath fallen from the branch. Therefore, it is best to use one that you personally witness fall, so that the remaining potency can be accurately gauged. When the week is up, you must thank Mother Gaia and then promptly burn it and return its ashes to the earth by burying them at the foot of the same tree, near its roots. Should you forget this task or otherwise not perform it for any reason, then the trees will no longer trust you for some time, and may no longer wish to assist you until their trust is re-gained. Use this rite in any way you see fit".

I myself have yet to try this, as I've yet to witness a leaf fall. But I was thinking we could all try this together, and ascertain if specifics matter, such as the size of the holes. We should also report back any cool findings with it!

Here's a shitty little hand-drawn diagram as to what I THINK it's supposed to look like.

Thoughts? Questions?



I'm interested and will promptly be on the look out for fallen leaves. Although the directions are worded oddly:

>at least 5 in number

>The Fifth point, should the leaft possess one,

So do you need a leaf with 5 points or more, or do you just need more than 5 holes on a leaf with at least (I'm guessing) 4 points.

Other than that, the only hard thing would be collecting the ashes of the leaf. Even a small wisp of wind of a good exhale could blow them away.



>So do you need a leaf with 5 points or more, or do you just need more than 5 holes on a leaf with at least (I'm guessing) 4 points.

I'm GUESSING it means the existence of a 5th point on the leaf is optional, and that the minimum requirement is, like you suggest, 4 points with 5 holes. Whether or not the placement of the fifth hole's location matters is another variable that ought to be tested. I'll promptly post my results asap.


Although it should be obvious, but I'll state it anyway:

Picking up any old leaf is very unlikely to work, as it's probably been on the ground for longer than a week.



Ok, thanks. Just thought I'd ask for clarification. I'll try to test it too within the week.


bumping with great curiosity, it reminds me of the lense of truth from OOT


In regards to the third hole "revealing all things hidden", this means it requires a query before taking effect. Meaning you have to "ask" the leaf where something specifically is first. So for example "where is my missing sock?" or hell, "where is my missing wife?" will work. The tree, being connected to all of the earth, and thus what is "missing" (really, simply out of your perception) can be picked up on its all-encompassing radar.

The 4th hole is what you would want to use if you're searching for nothing in particular. It will usually lead you to the nearest "treasure". Do keep in mind that one man's treasure is another man's trash.

Also, it should be kept in mind that these leaves are single-use only (one simply has a week to decide which hole to view through). After your target as been properly identified, it will cease to function and you'll have to get a new fallen leaf.

Hope this helps.

Neat trick indeed, OP. Testing out if color of the leaf makes a difference or if it has to be brown.



Another tip, don't use your fingers for the poking of the hole. You'll just create a rip and thus release the leaf's remaining life force, which is what this operation functions on. Use something sharp and metalic. I carefully and gently used the end of a silver paper-clip. The diameter of the hole doesn't need to be bigger than that, as long as you can see through it.


Contributing my experience:

>Too much of a pussy to fuck with spirits and infernals

>Try hole #3

>Feel a slight "tugging" sensation from my forehead

>Through the hole, I can see a "path" made of some sort of energy begin to form

>Found a $20 bill on the ground

Tried once again with another leaf, but I noticed that there were pre-existing holes in it, maybe from a caterpillar or some other such insect. Didn't work.

Judging from this post:


The life force must have leaked due to the hole.

I'll keep trying this, but god damn am I impatient as fuck now waiting for it to happen.

>realizing it's going to be Autumn soon


What if the leaf is divided in more parts than five do you still poke five holes and leave the external parts ontouched like say it's seven parts you make a hole on the internal five?


OP here.




Thank you very much for your feedback. Ok, so now we can confirm the effectiveness of both specific and unspecific searches. We also learned that the leaf should be unblemished.


Valid question. This is another variable that ought to be tested. Which also leads me to wonder about leaves with only a singular point. My hypothesis is that the the "maximum" amount of options correlate to the amount of points. So if a leaf has only 3 points, then only holes 1-3 will work. Let's keep collecting more data. This is excellent.


Tried plucking a leaf fresh from the tree, but it didn't work. Didn't think it would. But just had to make sure. Guess I'll have to wait for one to fall on its own. Damn, I've never been so impatient for something so previously seemingly trivial. Your spirit guide must know what's up. Got me all appreciating nature and shit.



Thanks for answering. I was also wandering do you think it would be enough to put the ashes under a rock beneath the tree it's kinda hard to bury it without people seeing.


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I don't think any of our trees have multiple points, but what about saw tooth leaves like pic related?

Do those count as multiple "points"? Otherwise, would poking multiple holes along a single-pointed leaf still work?

I don't think I really have any use for finding wandering spirits, unless the area where I bury our deceased animals counts as a graveyard.


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I tried it with a rounded oak leaf with more than five 'points'. I live in an area with a lot of oak trees, saw one leaf falling, poked 5 holes in it with a fallen branch from the same tree and looked around. Even went to the local cemetery. The trick didn't work, or it did, and there was nothing hidden at the time. Now to burn the leaf and return the ashes, i'll try it again soon.

I think your best bet is to find a tree with 5-pointed leaves, i'll ask a platanus next time.



No, it should always be at the roots. I can't think of a reason as to why you would be worried about people seeing you quickly playing with the dirt for a second.


Those will will definitely work (provided it is fallen on its own and it's been no longer than a week) The points may be small, but they are defined enough.


Those should work as well. Your hypothesis about spirits not being present at the time is most likely correct. At one time did you venture into the graveyard? Night time is usually more conducive to graveyard liveliness.



*sorry, meant "at what time"


Wow, I can't fucking concentrate for shit today.


No, it should always be at the roots. I can't think of a reason as to why you would be worried about people seeing you quickly playing with the dirt for a second.

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