I thought about making this thread on /pol/ or /4chon/, but it's really more suited for the inner circle, particularly the ones that have an appreciation for the esoteric.
So what's this about? Like you, with the various Happenings on the horizon, I'm sure you've seen the topic of precious metals becoming more frequent on /pol/ these past several months. Around 3 months ago, I decided to start stacking a bit of silver bullion myself. As a result, I started getting more involved in the silver stacking community on youtube, watching the videos, listening to the commentary, and participating in the banter.
That's when I came across this relatively new channel that first appeared 4 months ago, named IlluminatiSilver. I'll provide a link to the channel below.
So here's the deal. The videos are all narrated by the same man with a British accent of the Received Pronunciation dialect, and he describes themselves as a group or partnership of "retired bank managers, wealth managers and economists." He/they seem extremely focused on expanding their viewership and channel subscriptions, as if their goal is to capture a significant influence over the online precious metals community. To that end, they've been very on point with their bearish views on the marketplace, providing a more realistic view in contrast to the overly optimistic view of the doomsayers, which has appealed a wide swath of the community during it's moment of market capitulation. At the same time, they're still optimistic on silver and gold in the longer term, predicting that "you'll do very well for yourself" if you hold for 15 or 20 years or more. Furthermore, in comments in his videos, he reveals that they're a bunch of "old guys" and that many are Freemasons, but not all. They've hinted that there may be a "blood in the streets" moment, and that will be a good time to buy, at the fire sale prices.
But what are their real motives and why are they spending so much of their own time on this project? Why is this important to them?
Are they trying to absolve themselves of guilt by giving good advice to those few who listen, and plan on riding the upswing with the rest? Or are they trying to pull a Nathan Mayer Rothschild vis a vi the Battle of Waterloo, and trick the community into not loading up on silver/gold in time before SHTF when they know the value is going to skyrocket on the inflationary upswing? Are they trying to create a egregore or mental golem to further depress or manipulate precious metals sentiment within the community?
What's really going on here?