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I often think how much I wish I could have been born female- all my biggest problems and stressors would be gone. Honestly, theres nothing i despise more than maleness and being born a male. If feminism is successful, there will literally be no benefit to being born male. it will be the unlucky gender to be born no matter what. id much rather be female… I imagine all the benefits:

>society is on my side, and im always seen more favourably.

>MUCH stronger sexual pleasure and orgasms

>significant better performance in school. i get better grades, am more likely to go to college, and more like to earn a postgrad degree

>more likely to be employed, less likely to be homeless

>programs and laws for education/employment opportunities are significantly in my favor.

>longer life span. men are 70% more likely to die from cancer and 500% more likely from heart disease after age 55 on a age adjusted mortality rate scale

>I will never have to worry about a program being "men only", or choosing men over women

>im mostly immune from the justice system for any crime less than a felony. i can assault my partner and half the population with relative impunity. not that id want to do this, but this certainly must be a safe feeling

>virtually all modern health research is geared towards me, despite already living longer

>early retirement/pension age

>Free healthcare, and better healthcare. more free services available, i get more for less, and higher quality.

>no mandatory military service

>more likely to be promoted, less likely to be fired

i just hate being born male. i feel inferior and hate everything about it. i feel my body slowly dying, my immune system is weaker, my heart worse, my body cancer prone. my sex organ is numb, and i can be physically harmed without being allowed to defend myself or call the police

and yes, i am a virgin.


This same exact thread is on /pol/ right now.

What kind of transgender bullshit are you pushing OP?



There is no male and female.



It's just how i feel


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In China, if you're the man, you are expected to provide financial support for yourself, your wife, your child, your mother, your father, your mother-in-law, your father-in-law. You are not considered marriage material unless you can provide an apartment. Money is everything. Sure, you can come into an agreement that both must provide financial support, but what happens if she suddenly loses her job? The blame of lack of financial security falls onto the mans shoulders.

Just comparing myself to my cousin. Since I am male, I am expected to do all the heavy lifting. Every thing. It's just expectation. I have arthritis is three of my fingers on my right hand. I have back pain. I have an bulged disk on my spine. My knees are fucked. My muscles are extremely stiff. Yet despite this, I am still expected to do the heavy work, while my cousin dates a man making 6 figures, while she's still in school with 0 income.

Can you imagine a guy in college making 0 income dating a woman 5 years his senior making 6 figures, providing for his every financial need, paying for round trip tickets so he can visit her every 3 months, etc etc? No, I really can't. I feel extremely disposable. No one gives a fuck about men. A society can thrive with 80% of their male dead. It only takes one man to pass his genes to thousands of succubi. It really does make sense when movies like "Inside Out" have scenes of the wife day dreaming of regretting the time she let go of that "handsome helicopter pilot" from decades ago. Imagine if a married man was dreaming of a petite, sexy, young woman in a middle of an argument with their wife in a Pixar movie. It would never make it through. It wouldn't even be considered in the first place.

I am expected to provide.

And all this burden just fuels the feedback loop that causes more damage to my body, more stress, and more hopelessness. There is no man-in-the-shining armor version for men. Fend for yourself, or die. Fuck off, no one cares!



Is this an r9k raid or somting?


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thought so.



OP, do you have the genetics to become a trap? >>>/trap/


>In China, if you're the man, you are expected to provide financial support for yourself, your wife, your child, your mother, your father, your mother-in-law, your father-in-law.

What nobody ever mentions is that this is the primary reason why males are favored there, and now outnumber women with the one-child policy. In a nation with hundreds of millions of poor and a very limited social safety net, having a male child insured a better life for you as you got older, as men were the ones traditionally held responsible for taking care of their parents.









actually it's a plan being ran since the 60s to increase the male military population.

every high level political master is also an occultist and obviously knows you must have feminine female energy for a society to flourish materialistically.

Being a male was a choice made to embody on this experience to compliment the choice made to be female by the zero point. Prior both where whole as one balanced infinite eternal awareness.

Each side has it's own advantages and disadvantages because of historical events, allegorically representing a deeper self-known and inner understanding.. simply because we are split in two.

look into Twin flame content but don't stick to the label or associate yourself to the culture - just get the information, read up on the ancient lore of sexuality and get the book The Women's Encyclopedia of Myth and Secrets, I would also recommend Jung psychology specifically in relation to how you where raised as a child. A good book is King warrior magician lover to have a better more refined under/inner/overstanding of the masculine energy.


Actually, this is a sluthate/lookism infection.

These autists really have outdone themselves.

THE METAGENE FACTOR: The Metagene is a biological variant lying dormant in

select members of the human race [especially on planet earth], until an

instant of extraordinary physical and emotional over-stress activates it.

(Apparently a latent self-preservation 'gene' capable of producing

seemingly 'superhuman' abilities in earth humans during times of extreme

stress or crisis. - Branton)

That's an energochemical, in response to adverse stimuli. A chromosomal

combustion takes place, as the Metagene takes the source of biostress, be

it chemical, radioactivity, or what ever and turns the potential

energoresponse into a catalyst for genetic change. The main focus of the

catalyst power is a gland in the middle of the human brain called the

PINEAL gland, and the nutrient for increasing the Pineal's action is the

adrenaline. The Metagene factor gives the ability of Psionic Power [for

better or worse].

The main interest of the Aliens, especially the Grays, is to understand and

control the Metagene for their own race. They try to do this using

Biological Experiments to make Hybrids from both humans and aliens. They





The Earth is flat, you disgusting disinfo pig.



I know this feel 100%. I fucking hate being male and always have. I've tried to get over this and to feel proud of being a man, I've really tried, but I can't. I just fucking hate it. I'm so sick, weak, and inferior.


I think I'm going to start preaching radical feminist and demanding sex-selective abortion telling people to kill off their male sons in favour of having more daughters as well as engaging in whatever practices increase the likelihood of having female offspring.



Traps aren't women and they die really premature deaths.


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Bunch of fucking degenerates in this thread.

Try lifting weights and doing something dangerous, you cowards.

It's either that, or you're going to get culled off when doom arrives to this world. It won't be long now, just a few more weeks.


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>just a few more weeks

Man, I really hope so. Multiple sources say big shit is going down on this planet in 2016-2017, the sooner this fake life ends the better.

Or maybe I'm just a delusional maniac and should have spent more time getting a "real job" and collecting federal reserve notes. Only time will tell…


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Of course traps are women! They are the same gender.



You die.



Traps are abominations not women.


It is more or less true that the majority of men will be failures and have to step aside for the alpha males.


This is a slide thread, it was posted on /pol/ too. Completely irrelevant to this board, so please sage.


I don't, I'm not even close to ascending past reincarnation. I don't want to be stuck in this hell. Who knows how many times I've missed the opportunity already.



>I don't, I'm not even close to ascending past reincarnation. I don't want to be stuck in this hell. Who knows how many times I've missed the opportunity already.

This so hard. I need more time. I'd prefer to be unbothered by any chaos that would disrupt my book-readings, my magickal practices, etc. I just want healthy food, stability, isolation, and not having to waste time on meager survival.

Fuck the happening. I'm preparing for it and I'm very afraid of it coming this September but I absolutely do not want it to happen.



I'm okay with managing life and magick, it keeps me between the chaos of femininity and the order of masculinity. I just need more time. I'm still struggling to get past mundane interests, there's no way I could become enlightened before September. I can't fuck this up.

I just hope I still have electricity, I really wish I got all my books on paper now.


as a female i feel that it isn't at all fair to males for such special privileges to be given to me. i really hope that one day, people realize that the concept of "male and female" is outdated and needs to go, more and more so as humans become more and more intellectual beings.



I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab S and a solar power recharger for it and a waterproof bag to keep it in all in. Jelly?


Male and female is more than a concept. It is a reality which has its correspondences on all planes of existence. Only a dumb ass female imprinted by the destructive memetics of the jewish male would want to do away with the great principle of gender. The intellect does not do away with or invalidate gender, there is no polarity of gender and intellect, that is nonsense.


With your bitching and whining you basically are a woman already so why you complaining.

Tough luck cowboy, stop being such a fucking manchild jesus christ.




How did you come to this realization?


In every single human society without an exception, men commit an overwhelming majority of all crimes and acts of violence. It is vastly more predictive than race or ethnicity.

Men are rapists, war-mongerers and war-fighters, and violent criminals. It's in their genes, they are damned by genetic games.

If you are a /pol/ish racist, you cannot in good faith mention minority crime statistics without addressing gender crime statistics. If you were consistent, you'd drop racism because the overwhelming problem with humanity is male aggression. If males didn't exist, or women had dominated societies during out evolutionary history, we'd have an effortless utopia based on the universal principle of cooperation for mutual benefit, not destruction for selfish interest.

The way forward is intensive eugenics among males to breed out violence and criminality in males. Remove all voting rights from males, they are psychologically incapable of making decisions that impact society. Neuter all violent males period, even one act of physical aggression warrants it.

OP. I recommend you consider being trans, or a feminine male. Make a pact of complete pacifism to deny your male impulses to kill and harm. Speak out against male violence.






>Dropping in to remind everyone originally the race was androgynous-looking females who reproduced using sunlight as the male sperm is simply just sunlight condensed in a vehicle to transport it with physical information to the egg.

>remind folks that society is fucked because of FREUD

>reminding folks FREUD and CIA-based psychology and social engineering was pushed on purpose

>reminding folks that JUNG is based as fuck and helps heal males

>reminding folks both males AND females are equally fucked on purpose via agendas.

>reminding folks that KING WARRIOR MAGICIAN LOVER book is awesome as fuck and should be widespread

>reminding folks how shitposting on the internet their frustrations won't change shit, what are YOU doing to contribute to the overall healing? are you writting books? are you custodian of a forum of knowledge and wisdom? are you making videos to spread the healthier lifestyles and mindsets?



>Dropping in to remind everyone originally the race was androgynous-looking females who reproduced using sunlight as the male sperm is simply just sunlight condensed in a vehicle to transport it with physical information to the egg.

>remind folks that society is fucked because of FREUD

>reminding folks FREUD and CIA-based psychology and social engineering was pushed on purpose

>reminding folks that JUNG is based as fuck and helps heal males

>reminding folks both males AND females are equally fucked on purpose via agendas.

>reminding folks that KING WARRIOR MAGICIAN LOVER book is awesome as fuck and should be widespread

>reminding folks how shitposting on the internet their frustrations won't change shit, what are YOU doing to contribute to the overall healing? are you writting books? are you custodian of a forum of knowledge and wisdom? are you making videos to spread the healthier lifestyles and mindsets?


I am.



>remind folks that society is fucked because of FREUDian type thinking and left-brain westernized self-induced responsibilities.

>reminding folks FREUD and CIA-based psychology and social engineering was pushed on purpose

>reminding folks that JUNG is based as fuck and helps heal males

>reminding folks both males AND females are equally fucked on purpose via agendas.

>reminding folks that KING WARRIOR MAGICIAN LOVER book is awesome as fuck and should be widespread



>>reminding folks that JUNG is based as fuck and helps heal males


>MUCH stronger sexual pleasure and orgasms

Not really

>longer life span. men are 70% more likely to die from cancer and 500% more likely from heart disease after age 55 on a age adjusted mortality rate scale

Enjoy being an ancient dried rasin who can't remember who she is for 30 years


Men are degenerate.




>spiritual practices shown to increase telomerase



Life is degenerate



goddamn, this is 10/10 b8, saving this


If you're born male, isn't it kinda pointless to dwell on how nice it might have been to be born female?

You're only creating your own mental anguish.


Fuck that. Literally the only reason is because you have been poisoned by a capitalist society that tells you your only value as a person is what you give to the work force. That's why so many people kill themselves when they lose their job. Women are ALWAYS favored when it comes to basic employment. by both men and women. unless a female is literally incapable of the task( tradesmen for example.), people hiring ALWAYS prefer females.

But just know this. Mens potential is so much fucking higher than females though in nearly every facet. Even female specialities such as "cooking" the top chefs are mostly male. Men are stronger, and of course they make better leaders and better decisions. There is a reason every society throughout all of history has prefered sons to daughters. It's because of this potential.

But the downside is the same as it's always been. Men are much more likely to hit the depths of the bottom. In ancient times this mean killed. Today, unemployed and a virgin. (lol)

could be worse dude, and if you still don't feel better, imagine being a women in Europe today with all of the disgusting fucking shitskin muslims who think their getting a free ride to welfare and white pussy. i feel fucking bad for all women in europe today



>>MUCH stronger sexual pleasure and orgasms

Get an aneros and teach yourself to have prostate orgasms. You will pity women. Words literally cannot describe. It's amazing how few men know about this.


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You've chosen this life and everything that's ever happened to you. Understand why.


Men are just degenerate women.


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It is known.



I'm unemployed and a virgin. I'm also a shitskin in Europe, but I look like a Caucasian from Chechnya. If I do nothing about it, I could be shepherded into both.

It's not the worst. I can do as my heart desires, I can sleep at night without worry. No women to throw money at, expend my energy to and to only end with raising slaves. No toiling for some rich fucks I'll never meet anyway. Actually, I'm living the best days of my life.

No value attributed to me at the moment is a hidden blessing. The only thing is, I wished I looked more like your average Arab, because I got hit on today. But guess what, I don't need some horny bitch in my life.

Face it, we live in a dystopia.

Perhaps it'd be better if I was a complete ignoramus, because now I feel I have responsibility. It's an endearing feel.



i'm not posting this question in a new thread.

what the heck is loosh exactly?

please do not be a retard and farm it by giving an occult and cryptic answer, i can promise i don't have any.


Work on the problem instead of complaining. This thread would be more useful if it was about how to aquire the body you desire.


You have a mental illness.



You do have loosh. Loosh in simplest terms is emotional energy. Idiots on this board misinterpret what that means and falsely believe they can make other people upset and gain energy from them, which they call Loosh farming. They are wrong, everyone has an infinite well of energy to draw from within themselves, that's where their energy comes from when they think they're getting it externally. Making other people upset is completely pointless and in many ways counter productive to your own energy management.

That image was posted as a reply to the person who's being retarded because the general excuse for being retarded on this board is that they were actually trolling in order to gain loosh (which doesn't actually make any sense).






Thanks for the loosh, mundane.


Every healthy non-degenerate male either wishes to be with a woman or be one.



>or be one

If a man wishes to be a woman he is mentally ill, no?



If a man wishes to become a wizard he is mentally ill, no?



do you mean 30+ year old neet hikkimori virgin or practicer of magic

anyway, what i'm saying is gender dysphoria a mental illness



So if people wish to look different they must be mentally ill?




Just curious, are you a man who wishes to be a woman yourself?



Just curious, did you ever have a haircut?




anyway, what i'm saying is the mere wish to look different is not a mental illness




How relevant is this line from The Arcane Teaching? I feel like somebody brought it up before but it never got discussed.

>talking about what inhabits the plane of astral "corpses" or waste

>These creatures are the disembodied entities

of those who degenerated along abnormal sex lines—who

attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity, and thus

brought upon themselves the Recoil of the Life Forces. They

were the lowest of the human Satyrs. Nature finally casts over

them the spell of a deep sleep, from which they never awaken,

and from which they pass into disintegration and annihilation.


If you want to look different, cross dress. There's no reason to put in energy to change your entire look if it's probably just a fad (like hairstyles). Especially when you're playing with something so delicate and important like sex.



You're not really smart, are you?



>I HATE being born male- does anyone else wish they were born female?

I'm not actually interested in your thread I had to reply to the topic.

As a male you are the thrusting spear. Why would you want to be the soft flesh? You make things happen instead of being an eternal receiver.

i can be physically harmed without being allowed to defend myself or call the police

And this is false everywhere in the world.



fucking idiot



Elaborate? Like I said, It never got discussed. I have no idea if it applies to people wanting to be the other sex, or if it's something entirely different.

Unless you are talking about what I said about trans being a fad, in which case, don't even bother replying.


I'd be such I whore if I was born a woman.


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This thread is basically why I transitioned.

Ride the wave, live off the fat! In such a decadent society, the life of one of the beautiful ones is the best way to live.

I have several betas and cuck orbiters who pay my living expenses and believe in my occult system which I've created, as a Magus. Their future is bleak, and many people are weak and anemic. Consequently, when a person with strong attachments to the world wills something, it is very easy to bend those people to accomplishing the will.

Being mtf is a tremendous boon. It sets me outside of the stalemate, the fragile dichotomy between men and women which barely binds society together. The sterility and vanity of the act makes it beautiful and transient. In more optimistic times, this role was filled by regular cis women, but it's the traps and mtf's now who are the real Scarlet Women, who can only live in the arena of men's dreams and fates. There can be no childbirth, the only things to succeed such a person being their lives, and actions.



Just sounds like an attempt to justify your hedonism to me.

I also had such feeling of wanting to be the little girl etc, when I was in the lowest rock bottom depths of my porn addiction, sissy porn is a helluva drug, and then when I started to get out of that destructive habit, although I haven't been able to fully recover yet I no longer have these feelings at all, it was the exposure to porn that warped my mind and twisted my desires around.

Can you say for certain that it is not the case for you? Also you sound like a cunt for manipulating others like you describe.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Girls just have better clothes. That's all. Otherwise they aren't special.


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Good luck committing suicide before 30.



You're still not a girl yet though. I'd prefer methods that actually work. :(



why don't you cuckolds understand that being trans and beinga degenerate porn addict are two entirely different things?



because they are both falling to your degenerate desires even when you know how bad it is



They are close-minded and stupid while pretending to be spiritual and wise.



"close-minded and stupid" = holds beliefs that conflict with my own



look, one of those cucks actually responded



One leads to the other.

So many beta weak males who discover sissy hypno/porn and suddenly realize they were actually trans all along and wanted to be a girl for as long as they remember, and its totally not because of the escalation of their dangerous fetish or anything like that, nope no coincidence there.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OP, tell me.. after watching this you'd still prefer to be the little girls and not Shinsuke Nakamura?

When SHTF you'll get trampled by the herd…. You sound more like a spirit that desires to be without a physical body altogether. I don't think you want 2 X chromosomes, you want more like No (x) chromosomes.


A female body is the best possible physical body a soul can inhabt.



Why would inhabiting an even more limited body be a good thing?



Trying to be cocky, eh? Man is degenerate inherently. Woman merely can degenerate.



The toughest women in the world are equal to about a 12 year old boy, physically speaking.


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jesus christ the ammount of weak pussies in this thread, get out of /fringe/ you dumb faggots



^ ^ ^



Simply put genders are made not born.


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I want to be a cute girl. How do I shapeshift?



lucid dreamig, astral projection, the book of knowledge, chi gong, energy work, chakras, kundalini

just to throw some useful stuff, it boils down to willpower though, rest is just extra helpful



what do you mean by it boils down to willpower?


Dude the guys up in the higher realms not gonna be happy about how much autism is gonna ascend up there. 4D up everyone is gonna be hermaphrodites anyway.



But women are already androgynous. Stop pretending you know shit when in fact you don't.




Read >>55789



>Wants to be a succubi

>Wants to be impregnated by strong male

>"Men are le awful ;(;("

Back to reddit, zombie.



Shut the fuck up, you degenerate.



Then how do you explain deez nuts?



fuck I forgot to sage…

Sorry for bumping :(



I do not necessarily hate being born a male. What I do hate is being born a male into a bad situation with a bad body / bad health. Given the right conditions and a very healthy strong body I could handle being a male. Being a male is OK – but you have to be the best, you have to be on top of things. For the majority of men I would say, you might as well have been aborted or turn into a female, because life is only going to be pain for you.

I want to become a perfect man … not a woman. However being an average woman sure beats being an average man.

All things considered, the woman always has it easier when contrasted with her male counterpart. Some women do suffer more than men – but only the best of men. If you compare say a poor man to a poor woman, the poor man suffers far more. All the advantages rest on the side of the female who statistically lives longer and legally and medically is favoured and so on.



You could kill yourself and hope to be reincarnated. It ois really the only way.


stop feeding these dead threads. No one cares about this tumblr shit.



…let me guess you are a white male!? Typical, living a comfortable life, because your forefathers invading other countries for your wealth and you can even not manage your life, waste of flesh and life.



>caring about the aesthetics of a third density form

>not accepting your role in this life, learning from it and working with it, live naturalistic and then transcend this dimension and reality, using what you've learned from your experience here in your experiences in the higher realms, along with the new friends you may have made

Whoever posted this is a fool and a mundane who seeks to muddy up this board with their redundant prattle. Don't give them your loosh, anons - this is very clearly a bait and switch. Deny them the pleasure of allowing this thoughtform to achieve any more power and banish it from your mind.

Subjectivism. Logic. Natural, healthy living. Being in sync with the "Mother Goddess," while you are alive. Acquiring information. Learning from your experiences. Helping others grow, escape these realms, and re-connect with their divine selves.

These are the things you should be focusing on - not the aesthetics of one's earthly body. I cannot fathom how one can be unhappy with what they were given and would not want to improve upon themselves.

Any one man or woman who rejects the divine masculine also rejects the divine feminine and can have neither.

And any energy you might garner from this post or these thoughts? Non-charged energy. Enjoy my trash while I suck up energy from the sun and the air. Now, continue living your degenerate lives.


No wonder you want to be a woman, psychologically you're almost already that weak.


this is all a result of stoic philosophy

guys arent allowed to care about these things publicly so men recieve no representation, no funding and no support.

the only answer is to convert to islam



t. stoic


You faggots are replying to a 8moth old thread… come one people its [THE CURRENT YEAR], Come on!!!

On a serious note tho, seriously OP, im also in the trans ride, but i dont bash on my male side it leads to nowhere good, why aim to have the ups and downs of been a feme when you can have the ups (and also downs i gues) of been both! its ok if you dont want to put even more effort since you seem in much pain, but at least dont go full SJW or appear on public, you will give transgender folk a an even more bad name.


>Not wanting to bring and manifest the divine in this 3D world

>Accepting the self imposed limitations on this realm

>Believing the other side is the 'ultimate frontier'

get gud

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