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Dropping a Camera down a 1,000ft hole! Into the depths of the "Deepest Hole in the World"

"Deepest Hole in the World" revealed, filmed near dugway military base in the Utah desert. Filmed the morning of July 4, 2013 (the camera time stamp was incorrect).

2:40 Hit bottom

3:19 Rock dropped in hole while the camera sits on the bottom of the hole

6:45 Rock dropped in hole while the camera is halfway down the hole

10:18 We walk away from the hole with the line, showing how far down it was

We have no explanation for the lack of objects at the bottom… we have dropped countless rocks, bullets, fireworks, and other stuff down there. Where did it go? Also, seems to me there were some strange albeit faint sounds down there…

Our rig consisted of: a mini keychain spy camera, an LED flashlight, Styrofoam (for both padding and floatation, in case we hit water), a pencil (to protect the lens from rock strikes), fishing line, and a power drill (to reel the line back in).


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the thread belongs in /x/ not fringe



this thread*


Are you sure that's the deepest hole in the world OP? There's one in russia that's 40x longer than that.



This holds more truth than shitty "rituals".



is it the one where they drop in all the journalists who investigate politicians?




No, they have guantanamo bay for that. The "deepest hole in the world" is just as lackluster as the hole in OP's video.



prolly not even accurate since there are hidden underground cities and the such, along the fact that there are tunnel systems going from egypt to fucking romania and supposedly in northern scandinavia there are reptillian cities underground according to lacerta files and other bp library content.



>tunnel systems going from egypt to fucking romania

Wat, do you have any articles about this?




this didn't even prove that there was an underground tunnel

that whole page was like a joke



This information corresponds with a lot of material I have collected and read over the years. This is very impressive. Definitely a must-read.




Don't you think that, maybe, that sounds a bit crazy?



people are brushing their teeth, drinking and giving their babies what has been officially declared a neurotoxin and if you challenged them on it they would vehemently do it to spite you as witness.

If you visualize yourself doing something effectively, the experience occurs.

Next year 2 gundam mechs will be fighting.

and you think tunnels are crazy.







It's a prospecting drill hole, perhaps.



Well spoken


What would the purpose of this hole even be?

It's clearly man made and military related since it's next to a base, but for what reason? It's not pumping out smoke/gas and while I'm no engineer I don't think it's for air.



Perhaps all the rocks and sticks are underneath the fresh dirt at the bottom. Just after 3:00 you can see the camera taking chunks out of the wall.




Don't you think that maybe, something sounding crazy upon first impression, is not a reason to dismiss it out of hand?



If you have underground tunnels you need holes like this at periodic intervals for air. Usually there'd be a cap on top of the hole to keep water out though, maybe not necessary in that dry arid environment.



fear of being branded a nut is an important tool in being a good citizen


"Deepest hole in the world"

OMG are you kidding me? That's a common, unoriginal, standard petroleum hole, in the middle of USA's desert.

I understand you can't conceive a deepest hole out of USA because you are american, but lots and lots of caves are deeper. Men work every day way under 2000 ft in other places of the world. Just off the top of my mind, those chilean miners trapped in their mine were about 2100 ft, and survived there for about 70 days. No underground people in sight.


>Common petroleum perforation

>Soft dirt in the bottom hiding dropped objects

>Instead of filming 10 cm above the dirt, makes the filming completely useless by hitting the lens on the dirt, for some pretty 20 seconds of darkness


Mel's hole

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