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Is our soul immortal?

Does it have a beginning? If so, when? how?

If it has an end, how is it possible and how do people prevent it


1. Stop breaking rule 2 we have a questions thread and these questions don't really warrant a whole thread.

2. The soul is mortal. The soul is the astral body and mind and so on which becomes your only body after your physical body it dies. Like everything else it is built out of desire and it dies one day.

3. The spirit however is eternal, it not mind or body, but awareness and will; a divine fragment of All. You will reincarnate.

4. If you want to extend the life of your soul build up the astral body through an intense accumulation of desire channeled into thoughtforms so strong they can endure for thousands of years or more.


The soul is a combination of spirit, mind, body, and will. These 4 aspects are not complete on their own. Balance the 4 to achieve a void in the soul that flows pure aether and ignite it with your will, as aether is infinite and spirit can only flow so much into you. Most beings in this universe survive mostly on spirit which is where all this "only spirit" crap comes from.

You are only immortal if you choose to keep going. If you give up you can choose to head back to the source of it all and be recycled, but existence is a gift.

There is no beginning, but death of self is a choice.

Also, samsies on rule 2. If you're just asking a question check google. If you have information to share and want a discussion, start a thread. If you don't have information, join a thread.


I'm sorry guys for posting a thread instead of simply asking in the main QnA thread :(


>You will reincarnate.

Why don't I remember my past reincarnations? Why is memory erased upon reincarnation?



Did you not read what I said about shedding the mind and body? Your awareness takes on new life, you become aware in a new body and mind; in this way you reincarnate. Your memories are lost because nobody makes an effort to create copies of their memories in the astral to be transferred to them when they are reborn.



>Your memories are lost because nobody makes an effort to create copies of their memories in the astral to be transferred to them when they are reborn.

Why? How and why does it take effort?



Lon Milo Duqette wrote about how he remembered his last life in his infancy in one of his books


Your brain, as in matter, is eternal.

The little show it generates is destroyed though, but not annhihilated, if that makes you feel better.



You don't remember past lives immediately so you can be a new person this time around.

If you vividly remembered last life you really hated black people, it would make you hate them this life, and then every life would have that trait and be too similar. Resetting creates variety of experience.



But I want to remember the one whom I died with (my spouse) ;_;



You can remember past lives, it's just not instant or inherent. It takes practice and meditation. It's perfectly possible though.



>decide to test out past life regression during trip long time ago

>be a 7 year old girl in a supermarket in the early 70s america being pushed around in a cart - overalls, bowl cut and crude plastic objects with a distinct tint of yellow included.


You can program yourself to retain your individual consciousness, including skills, memories, etc. after death. As far as I know, you just do this through willpower and desire.



and when were you born

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