Satanism to me is Sanatana Dharma. Satan to me is Shining Serpent. Sat=illumination/shining/truth, An=Ananta, everlasting, never ending, the primordial serpent.
Yes, I do believe Shiva to be Satan.
>The Egyptians and Greeks noted that Hari [Horus] and Her-cules where the same God. Which is the traditional sun God mythos. Being repeated. Always the spiritual sun [symbolized by the serpent] and its perfection.
>Siva is the united male and female. Like Osiris. Who is Surya in Egypt. Which is the symbolic union of with Isis [Usa] generates Hari, the reborn Osiris. The same with Surya and Usa union generates Hari in India. Hari is another title of Siva. Helios is another spelling of Hari. So is Har. Hence D-har-ma. The wheel of Dharma is traditionally used as the symbol of the Godhead in the East.
This is what we believe. Was a bit hard to put into my own words, so I pasted this from our forums.