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Esoteric Wizardry


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My serpent gets risen tomorrow. I'm nervous as fuck.. idk how to feel or what to expect. It is currently 2:06 AM PST and I'm getting ready for bed. My friend is putting the spark in me to jump start it. I'm nervous. Been meditating for 3 years almost now, done chakra work, pranayama, mantras, yoga hatha and kundalini, I've done a lot considering how long I've lived. Idk what to expect but I will check back tomorrow morning/afternoon and fill you guys in.



update. so my friend lives in uk and he stimulated my serpent about 46 mins ago. not gonna be sleeping tonight i guess. i feel a very warm sensation in my lower chakras and spine. i keep telling myself to remain calm, i may even put headphones on and listen to some music. i feel things are going by very fast and speedy. like a cartoon but not a cartoon. hard to explain. surreal i guess.

will update in 20-30mins


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>more than 30 minutes passed

R.I.P in super-consciousness


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>he stimulated my serpent


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where OP go?


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he was killed by the fella in the image because he wasn't prepared to see the wonder, marvel, and the horror of 6th density.


Hey sorry guys, wasn't realized anybody was interested. So my friend did end up sparking my serpent and this morning was pretty fucking intense. My sacral was going insane. It felt kind of like abdominal pain. I've had gastritis before and it almost felt the same. I did yoga and meditated after and it goes down since then. I can still feel it if I tune into the energy and sometimes comes and goes even when I'm not paying attention to it.

A while after he stimulated it, my lower three chakras were going insane. I told him everything that was going on and he said it was creating a pathway opening (I just got this weird energy buzz and its getting stronger…) anyway, my sacral was feeling completely empowered as if I vibrated a sun mantra into it 100 times.


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3 years and this is as far as you have come?


That sounds pretty gay tbh


How do I do that op?


I saw you on halfchan's /x/, faggot. Nice meme btw.



I started researching around Dec 2012, I didn't actually start meditating till around May 2013, even then i didnt keep up every single day. Wasn't very disciplined. I think I noticed my soul getting stronger around Jan of this year when I had a "soul cleansing". You know when a bunch of repressed emotions come out and you just start going fucking insane. I felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Around that time I was doing pretty powerful meditation like Asanas and Mantras combined. Not many are able to handle this.


Well what was actually done to me in the beginning of this thread is called "Shaktipat". Shakti means energy and pat/pata means to fall. Thus their energy fell on me causing the initial rising. Right now it is pretty much up to me, like it was before the initial rising.

Another Satanist who has already had shaktipat performed on him by another Risen Satanist(who said I was ready for rising) initiated the spark. You can't actually have this happen to you unless you're chakras are really empowered and strong otherwise there are complications.

My advice would do Hatha Yoga daily and work on opening and empowering your chakras. The chakras are the most important. Not only this but sexuality. The kundalini lives off sexual energy. If you have sexual hang ups and are not sexually open or free, or repressed. You will have a lot of trouble with this.



Curious about your melding of Satanism and Hindu Tantric practices.

What is Satanism to you and what/who is Satan?

Do you identify Shiva with satan?

Also given your focus on Tantra wouldn't Hara be more appropriate?

Vaishnavas (Vishnu) worshippers tend to use Hari as an epithet for Vishnu and he is generally not as associated with Yoga and Tantra.



Satanism to me is Sanatana Dharma. Satan to me is Shining Serpent. Sat=illumination/shining/truth, An=Ananta, everlasting, never ending, the primordial serpent.

Yes, I do believe Shiva to be Satan.

>The Egyptians and Greeks noted that Hari [Horus] and Her-cules where the same God. Which is the traditional sun God mythos. Being repeated. Always the spiritual sun [symbolized by the serpent] and its perfection.

>Siva is the united male and female. Like Osiris. Who is Surya in Egypt. Which is the symbolic union of with Isis [Usa] generates Hari, the reborn Osiris. The same with Surya and Usa union generates Hari in India. Hari is another title of Siva. Helios is another spelling of Hari. So is Har. Hence D-har-ma. The wheel of Dharma is traditionally used as the symbol of the Godhead in the East.

This is what we believe. Was a bit hard to put into my own words, so I pasted this from our forums.



You're a very kind person.



Do you wish to be ontologically seperate from Shiva once realized or merge with him?

Is he the supreme reality or a deity seperate from reality which is dependant on him or he is more of a guide to realisation like a Buddhist Bodhisattva?



>You know when a bunch of repressed emotions come out and you just start going fucking insane. I felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Explain further


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>The kundalini lives off sexual energy. If you have sexual hang ups and are not sexually open or free, or repressed. You will have a lot of trouble with this.

So i have to plunge my jonhson into some vagina and go wild or is it just sexual stimulation/orgasm to whatever makes me happy (example: dwarf porn)?



Satan is beautiful. We can only become more beautiful…

Legit thread.

Raising Kundalini is the only thing.

Must eliminate all distractions. Urine fast, then raise.

I wonder how pure/healthy OP is, I've only been doing the 5 rites lately. The 8fold path is ours to personify.



Can you tell us what these 5 rites and the 8fold path are? I only know the 5+1 "Tibetan" rites.


>not giving respect to shiva be toking some seriously dank kush.




How does one transmute their sexual energy, or get rid of their hangups? Does one have to join an Eyes Wide Shut orgy to actually utilise this?

If so, it hardly seems worth it.



put some really uplifting groovy music on and dance for a good while. Qi gong dancing pretty much.



If one has found Satan then they would know…

Satanist must unite, less they be overrun by those who are without.



stimulated my serpent

that is just fucking gay



>if you are not sexually open or free you will have a lot of trouble with another dude sparking off your serpent

gay is bad


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