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Practicing any sort of magick adds to your karma in an exacerbated way.

Any sort of action using the subtler sciences adds karma lads, so please be wise with how you're using it.





Surely then "wishing on a star" and "avoiding cracks in the pavement" and "imagining things" or "having a good luck charm" adds karma too?

Is personal development a bad thing? By developing yourself to be the best you can be then you can be better at helping others etc.

Nothing is evil spooky forbidden supernatural, everything is natural.



Manipulating events via supernatural means does add karma, but if it does not harm others and infact benefits others it is good karma.

It will tie you to samsara further, but should not smack you in the arse with bad luck or cause you to reincarnate lower in your next life.

The great realisation is once we have burnt all karma- the good and the bad.


>used to believe in tooth fairy

>got wiser

>used to believe in karma

>got wiser



That's a really nice picture OP



Tell me how you don't believe in Karma




As a magician, you can choose what serves you and what doesn't.

the Karma you think of is romanticized hollywood concept.

Karma is simply action.


OP shut the fuck up stop using the word "karma" and say "causality" instead.


Practicing any sort of magick adds to your karma in an exacerbated way translated is that magick has extremely chaotic effects and creates new causes for events you are manifesting.

Unless OP really is such a huge faggot he's implying negative consequences.


Sometimes I wonder if magic is the universes way of saying get a life with a darkly humourous bitchslap.



So if I've been constantly lead to believe there is such thing as Karma, there will be?

Like I'm the one making it real? If so, how can I force myself to stop believing it?


>"What you give, is given back. What you take, is taken back. That

is the law of karma. Karma is a type of spiritual debt or credit we

accumulate that attracts payback experiences, ones that compensate

for the choices you made in the past." - Montalk



Sorry phone got retarded



that's right goyim, there's no right or wrong, they're just human moral concepts! Now go on, dismiss karma and create chaos, go fuck a baby and kill everyone.


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if you're a human animal, sure karma applies if you believe in it, and in an eye for an eye, and in vengeance or vindictive thinking… now where on the spectrum of energy are those qualities?



I look at a dude's girls booty and holler damn baby why dont you come over here and ill show you what you missing

the guy can be an insecure asshole, or a pussy, or a balanced man who lets things go.

1/3 odds are you will get punched or the girl will do something.

other odds nothing will happen.

If you subconsciously did this because your better-self decided to check you in place, you learned a lesson - don't be a fuckhead to other's females.

It's all lessons to better the self and stop being a fucking disconnected cunt.

Attached image is the result of doing occult work with a douchebag mentality.




and end up looking like this fuck because your body responds to your mindset, if you seek to destroy and rape so shall your existence be so for ever onwards.

Folk don't get it that THIS is HIGHSCHOOL of the soul, and what you do here is what defines THE REST OF YOUR EXPERIENCE, because even if you die, and you get rebirthed THIS WHOLE SHIT YOU DID served to create the template for the next version.

Ask any immunologist or cellular biologist and he will tell you.. humans are just clones of humans with slight variations…



People tend to discredit karma because they do not precieve immediate negetive or positive effects.

Think of it more in terms of baggage (attachment) which is harmonius (good) or disharmonious (bad) which is aqquired and carried over a multitude of incarnations.

Given that the baggage from previous lives can determine our present circumstances and dispositions we reject the notion as we have no memory of past lives (at least until such knowledge is unlocked).



the only karma you get is if your shit pisses enough people for you to see the pitch forks and torches once you bring them to their limits.

somewhere down the line of you doing something evil or fucked that you regret, and no one ever finds out… well it gets you thinking, because that's what you do, you think, and it makes you wonder.. well, how did that affect that person? The scientist wants to see, So either you have it done to yourself, or you create a scenario where if you flick one domino and run fast enough you can put yourself infront of the last piece before it gets knocked over.




but then you have to think….

>if im here, doing occult work, doing spiritual work, balancing all aspects

>doesn't that mean i am done with this human bullshit ouroboros and ready to move the fuck on?

>why wake up in this life and not as Sam the mailman who died a pissed off christian last week?

>karma doesn't affect you once you know it.

-→ if i give you a sugar pill and tell you its medicine for your cold, and your cold goes away, then i tell you the pill was fake, will you be healed every time i tell you to eat a spoon of sugar? What do you do if you don't have access to sugar for a year or two?


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Astrology is the greatest tool for deciphering the blueprint or map of an individual’s karma, or inborn seed-tendencies, which manifest as his personality and life-energies.



>It's all lessons to better the self and stop being a fucking disconnected cunt.

No it's not. It's just spiritual evolution and you don't have to learn shit if there's no desire to do so.


Karma can be explained most clearly in terms of "the higher causality". To have any intelligent debate on this you must identify the chains of causality, lay them out, and understand them. We all know emotion/loosh changes everything, if you piss people off you receive negative thoughtforce to various degrees from them, and if you piss a highly developed and concentrated form of consciousness that is especially bad but if you do harm to something much lower in the scale of life than you it doesn't really matter.

Also I've read about karma that the only wrong is not striving to fill out the ideals your astral matrix is attempting to manifest. One who strives from the template or ideals is undermining themselves; but if say you are meant to be a thief then that is just what you are meant to be, much like the predator ought not to feel any shame for killing the lambs,



those without desire to don't grow further - therefore why the fuck are you even bringing them in this context, we're here to speak on magick and self-enhancement for overall good.

It's as if this was a basketball women's junior league forum, and then you started bitching about ping pong players not being able to throw a basketball for shit compared to you…. dafuq.



There's a big difference between being subject to lessons/classes versus striving by one's own desire to achieve a form.


I'm tired of giving this metaphor over and over again, Karma is just an other word for the consequence of your actions…

>be little, play with fire.

>burn yourself.


If you don't learn you become like me.

>play with an aerosol and matches, oooh fire is so cool, flamethrower…

>mom smells smoke, gets in your room, screams on ya.

Don't wanna learn and stop playing with fire ?

>You play with a lighter at school (in class) and you get caugh.

>Expelled from school for a day, have to collect trashcans all day.

And if you still don't learn, you become like me.

>Receive a bad grade

>Want to get rid of it

>Burn it while holding it in your hand

>shit, it's too hot drop the paper in a bin full of paper

>Everything goes to flame

>The bin is burning too (it was made in wood)

>Panic, step a few times on fire like in movies…

>Who ever though it wouldn't work ?

>Panic even more, trashcan falls, whole room is made of wood, I'm gonna die!

>fucking stress…

>Breathe in, feel a surge of energy and courage, all through my spine. me grabs the box where I used to put my toys…

>Get down to the bathroom as fast as I could

>put water in it

>Extinguish fire

>Understands, don't play with fire and be careful around it. Shit get's dow fast when you are on fire

That is karma, if you do something wrong, understand it's bad, you get left alone from life for a bit until karma decides to retest you and to see if you really learned your lesson.

If you do good, fine, you never have problems again, life is cool.

If you did something bad and died before karma retests you, you spend another incarnation learning from it.

This is why there is premature death, orphans, and bad things happens to "innocent" childs

Karma isn't a faery, Its not about good or bad karma, it's about "have you learned your lesson motherfucka?"

What about good karma, if you do good, you get good things ?

well that's called law of attracrion and has nothing to do with karma. You put energy (your action is a powerful source of energy) and on top of that, you feel good from your good action, causing more energy to be released. Sooner or later, an event causing a similar feeling will appear.


Law of Attraction is real.

Cause and Effect is real.

Karma is superstition and misinterpretation.


Wrong. Karma is causality writ large; it is not more than the observation of the way of things and an understanding that X leads to Y; that is, that certain actions undertaken by people with certain mindsets lead to outcomes which go against their desire and therefore cause them suffering. The most important step which one can undertake to lessen this suffering is to correct one's view of any given situation. Thus, to break the cycle of karma, one must recognize it for what it is, as a representation of causality but not causality in itself.

In short, you have planted petals and expected a flower to grow, and told others that they ought not to plant seeds. To someone still within the mental framework which uses karma as a guide, it certainly may seem as though these things add to karma when in fact it is not more than the understanding of causality applied to a particular place and time by a particular ego or what might be called self-form. You should be past this stage by now.


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Silly westerners not knowing to differentiate karma, akarma and vikarma.

Go back to discusses self-help shelf-tier 'spirit'uality and leave Eastern Spirituality for the higher classes.


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o I Emailed Montalk about this long time ago…

me: I am also wondering why you believe in karma? To me it seems to be but a spook - an illusory fixed idea that limits the actions of the individual, something put in place to keep the plebeian from questioning his poor life and preventing him from acting out against his masters. I assume you believe in it because of The Law of One? I personally trust Robert Bruce (who does not believe in it and is possibly the wisest living known mystic) and the Illuminati (who are against the idea and are possibly the wisest people in the world) over what an alien supposedly told a christian lady and is unproven.

tm: I’ve seen it in action with people who don’t even know about or believe in it. From all I’ve observed about it, it’s a self-correction mechanism for people who require it. People on a negative/demonic path don’t have karma in this life because they don’t need to learn how to be good, but to be more evil, as they already made that choice. Also there are spiritless humans who don’t have karma either.



epic meme bro



you mean south african spirituality right?



>People on a negative/demonic path don’t have karma in this life because they don’t need to learn how to be good, but to be more evil, as they already made that choice.

Please tell me i'm not the one only one who sees this as being fallacious.


>Karma lads

Sounds like a cookie.



I was thinking more along the lines of an Eastern Boy Scouts. THE KARMA LADS. Or it could be a book similar to THE HARDY BOYS. Or it could be a Tv show like THE BRADY BRUNCH.

Huehuehue my humor is so shitty and original.

Karma only exists in the sense that we are all addicts. We become addicted to thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, etc. If you die and still latch onto those things CONGRATULATIONS YOURE GOING BACK. If you reincarnate and you don't resolve that issue CONGRATULATIONS. But if you're reincarnated, and you don't remember your baggage, how do you rid yourself of it? Well that's basic shit my boys, because it always presents itself to you as the addiction for your new self. Just solve your own fucking issues for once and stop trying to "dissolve karma" in rituals and what not. Just because you flush out the system doesn't mean it stays healthy. That's like detoxing and then consuming nothing but Mtw Dewritos.

Karma is literally just that which you carry around with you because you haven't resolved the issue. The same thing happens when you have something you want to do but you can't forget about it. Sometimes you'll ignore, sometimes you're sabatoge yourself from feeling overwhelmed by those thoughts.

I mean, sure, if you believe your actions will cause positive or negative influences you will put out that frequency/vibration when you act. You latch onto external systems and reorient your awareness to see from that perspective. You give up your power to entities in other realms so you can make some sense out of the world for once.

There is simply Cause and Effect. If I crush a bug, the bug dies. Nothing happens to me unless I hold onto that action in thought and translate it into feeling. If there happened to be a "buginism" social warrior against the human way of just crushing these bootiful lil creatures then maybe I wouldve had something happen to me because of it. Otherwise, bug go bye bye.

This is why "negative" entities fuck with weaker beings. They've evolved to the point where they realize they can get away with manipulating weaker entities because those entities cant do SHIT about it. It's not karma, its awareness.



I'd say the majority of humans have somewhat shared moral beliefs that vary from person to person, but I believe karma is just something that is out of alignment with what YOU think is right, and so the guilt manifests itself into something harmful.



I'd say the majority of humans have somewhat shared moral beliefs that vary from person to person, but I believe karma is just something you do that is out of alignment with your own moral code, and so the guilt manifests itself into something harmful.




dont bother fixing this bug



this is notkarma



>implying fringe is not a basketball women's junior league forum


if karma was automatic balancing, then doing bad shit would have to create good to make up for that bad. so doing bad shit wouldn't mean bad shit will happen to you, two wrongs don't make a write



Karma is only in effect if you feed it emotion ( energy in motion ). The reason these degenerates can do all this shit is because they follow the principle of telling you what they do before they do it and they don't let karma affect them via the ritual of care which burns away their emotional empathy ( atrophy of the frontal lobes ) via sacrifice rituals with sounds, repetitions and fire used to program the autonomic-subconscious which is a tier before the actual subconscious. MK-ultra shit.

check out the anime

shinsekai yori

it's deep as fuck.

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