And here be the rituals:
Now there are tons of ways to accomplish these things, I'm just giving you guy's my way, which I find to be the easiest.
Charging the aura:
>Stand up like the letter T with your feets firmly grounded.
>Imagine that you are a tree with roots going down to the center of the earth.
>Draw energy from the center with your roots.
>Now move your arms up until your palms are together above your head, arms straight as possible. Visualize that the energy is being so intense that it bends you like the winds of a hurricane bends the tree.
>While doing that move your hands back, lift your chin, inhale and arch your back as much as you can.
>When you have finished, begin to breathe out and straightn up.
>Move your hands back down to the T position.
>Get a bit more energized by the earths core
>And finally bring your hands slowly down to your sides.
>Take three deep breathes after your hands reaches the sides.
You have a powerful aura
Mind influencing:
This technique has 3 complementary steps.
You are not obligated to do all three at the same time. Sometimes, the first part is enough to make your approach/conversation/date a breeze. But I would strongly advise, especially in the beginning to do the three parts at the same time or shortly spaced out. But again, adapt, if you are in a bus or metro and you can see that the girl is getting out at the next stop, stop the mind influencng and start your approach.
I would suggest that you practice them first, before using it in "the field"
First part:
>Relax yourself, do your favorite, short meditation, if you don't have one, color breathing the green color is a good choice.
>Now feel your hand, draw your awareness to it and breathe into it. Feel the energy getting in it,
>After that you must convince yourself that your hand is not yours. It lives it's own life, it is something else. Cut the energy connection with your hand. Make it very clear and real that it is not you. Feel your hole body and feel your hand as just an accessory that you wear, like a watch maybe.
>When you have done that, your hand might be cold, if it is, it is a good sign. If it is not, practice this part until it is colder then your other hand.
>Now visualize your hand being the pussy of your target.
YOU CAN NOT GET HORNY AT THIS POINT CONTROL YOURSELF! if you do get horny though, don't stress and channel your "horniness" to the chakra of your choice (since you are doing visualisation, the third eye chakra might be a good choice.) breathe three times and continue.
>When your hand has become the pussy of your target, channel your energy onto it.
This will make her feel a sweet, hot and gentle tingling that is very pleasing for her.
This technique is really short when practiced, and it is not an essential part, you can get away without doing it, but it is very important. As important as foreplay is to sex.
Since you have the ability to make any women feel good next to you, don't hesitate to use it anywhere and whenever you want. In the subway, while waiting in line,… Practice this, it is very important. When you "get it" you will be able to see your target move a little bit, uncrossing and recrossing her legs, changing position often,…This is a very good sign and it means it all works fine.