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Because pussy feels so damn good.

Post all your seduction magick tips question rituals in here!

For my part, I am currently developping a magick system to seduce and have sex with "any" partener you will. It is still in infancy stage and even what is here has not been completely tested. Feel free to test and contribute.

Wall of text ahead, results depend on your predisposition and amount of work with occult and psychic disciplines. Results will vary.

>inb4 all you need is to will it

putting yourself out there and having a flexible system that you use to have fun and get laid is in my opinion much more fun then fapping to a sigil and waiting for coincidences. It just puts the fun back into seducing and gives you all the flexibility to choose which woman you want.

More in the comments


So here is all the theory behind it. (the rituals and techniques will be in the next post)

First we will need an outline of all the steps that one needs to go through when seducing a woman. For that I decided to take something that is commonly accepted into the whole mundane pick up artist scene because it is somewhat true and correctly maps my personal experience.

Seduction has phases:


-Long Distance Game (or phone game)



-Deep Raport

And yeah sex.

Comfort, Rapport and Deep Rapport is everything that happens in a "date"

The first one is the Approach phase:

This step is when you first introduce yourself and approach a girl. It starts whenever she acknowledges your existence (when she sees you for the first time).

As we all now, most womens have no or very little sense of will, they only follow the most powerful and intense energy tide. This is why they need a man who is "confident" meaning that he has a strong will, vision and is charismatic, his energy tide must be so powerful that very she can't resist it and follows him like a sheep.

This is why you sometimes see hot girls with mens uglier then your asshole. They are "charismatic" or as womens tend to call it "confident"

For that, our first magickal component to successfully approach a female is charging our aura. This helps a great deal in appearing, and on a certain level, being, charismatic. The only little problem is that your appearance also kinda matters. Now don't get me wrong, you can be as beautiful or ugly as you might consider yourself to be but you need to be clean and groomed (DUH!) AND take a confident posture.

This means bumping your torso a bit (not too much), smiling and being (appearing is enough in most cases) comfortable in your body. If you are not clean or are not appearing confident, all that energy work on your aura would have served to "nothing".

Don't worry too much on how you appear to be though, just make your best effort to be confident.

So here you are with your aura charged like crazy, smiling (as if you were satisfied from a good meal), walking just 1/4th faster then usual (this is a little trick to appear more confident) and oozing sexiness and charism. Now what ?

Well you have a couple of choices. It depends on the setting.


>If you are in a static setting:

As in you both are sitting somewhere and are going to stay there for a while. This can be an office, classroom, train, bus, waiting hall,… Just about anywhere where you can't just go walk right up to her and start a conversation because everyone is pretty much silent and focused on something else.

You have to use the mind influencing technique (in the next post). By doing this you are going to make her think "dirty" thoughts involving her and that charismatic guy at the other end of the room (you) making your approach waaaaay easier.

At the end of the "static setting" (end of business meeting, class,…) or when you finished your mental influencing and you deemed that the moment is right, you are going to go and talk to her. Which is going to be super easy since to her, in her mind, it's basically as if the super sexy guy in her favorite tv show went to talk to her.

All you need to say is something along the lines of:

>Hey, I know it might seem a little weird but I couldn't just go by without telling you that you simply look astonishing.*warm but kinda shy smile*. uhm, can I ask you your name ?

>She will smile, blush tell you her name and be really happy that

the sexy guy she just had crazy fantasies about found her cute as well.

>Oh that's a beautiful name do you know where it comes from ?

>She will be really glad the man of her dreams is interested in her and tell you what she knows or does not about her name. *if you know something about her name you can also tell her, it makes for small talk*

>That's awesome! *smile* I would really love to continue this conversation, but I gotta run to a (meeting, rendez vous, whatever)

is there any way we can stay in touch, do you have a phone number ? *laugh or smile*

>Yeah sure it's blablablablablabla

Now normally you wouldn't even need to mind influence her for her to give her her phone number, but it might just give birth to really pleasing situations…

>if you are in a dynamic setting:

As in you are walking on the street with your aura charged, walking a bit faster then usual and oozing confidence. You spot a cute girl walking by you or in any situation where you both are in movement and time is limited. Just walk right to her but when you come in her proximity, smile as if you just saw an old friend. Try to NOT be too face to face with her, do everything you can so that your body is not facing her directly but that your shoulders are facing something like 5-10 degrees next to her. The reason why you would want to do this is because, if you'd face her directly, you'd risk to trigger some unconscious "fight or flee" response from her and she will panic quite a bit (depending on the kind of girl she is). This is why feminist scream at the "stare rape" thing… (I know, I know, womens are quite stupid in that aspect, but at least they have emotional intelligence, because that is super important right? kek).

Then you would just talk to her and pretty much say the same thing you did say above.

This method is a little bit "harder" then the other one in the sense that if the women is on her period, or stressed out or whatever, she will be more prone to reject your approach. But it's alright, you didn't know her and will probably never see her again in your life, let the bitch walk away and find a tampon.


Now what about the clubs ?

I don't know. I don't do clubs. Too much mundanes, too much of a depraved and degenerate ambiance for me, charge your aura and improvise I guess.

Now you have the phone number of a cute girl and you are heading back home, what do you do ?

-The Long Distance Game (tipically the phone game, but we are magi's who said we were tipical ?)

Now the real magick begins, here is what you can do:

The mind influence technique + the superior mind influence technique and you might even do another ritual to excite love that you know (NAP's middle pillar titanic ritual to excite love and damon brand's seduction magick ritual works quite well)

You can even astral travel to her place and do it all right next to her bed while she is sleeping, which will make her literally dream about you.

After some time of rituals and mind influence, (I do three days when I really want to condition her to be my cumslut but you can do less) you CALL her, no sms text message mundane fag bullshit unless you have to and she is more comfortable doing that (she will make it clear).

Now remember, at this pont she has been having multiple dreams, thoughts, fantasies about you and she is persuaded that it all comes from her, so even when you weren't doing your mind influences she will still be fantasizing…

The call is farely simple, alll you need is to choose where you would go for the date. DON'T DO TOO MUCH. The date will be farely short anyway as in her mind you are a sex symbol.

To choose a date, you will need to be either creative, use your favorite system of divination or use the pdf I will link in the next post. It'll help for the conversation too.

>"Hey *her name* it's anon from last time, I was wondering how are you going ?"


>"Cool, you know, I really want to see you again, I feel we can have a great time together, what are you doing on tuesday evening ?"

>nothing special, what about you ?

>I was wondering how would you like it if we went to *date idea* together ?

>That would be amaizing, at what time ?

>6 pm ?


>Well see you soon!


Continue your rituals.


- The D-Date

Well well, a cute girl who is wetting her pants just by the mention of your name will go on date with you ? Nice one anon. Now let's proceed.

What to do and say during the date depends on the girl, but before that. Don't forget to do all the rituals and techniques you deem necessary (especially the mind influencing ones) to get her all wet and worked up. Continue to do the mind influencing technique while on your way to the date.

Now in a date they are three parts:

- small talk, get her comfortable, get her to reveal herself

- conversation, story telling, just have a fun time, as if you were discussing with a friend

- deep rapport, where you are going to get more sexual, try to make her talk a lot before that so you have plenty of time to influence her mind.

But HOW do I TALK ?! well it ain't that hard, in the next post, I linked to a pdf that basically tells you the different types of girls you will encounter and the mindset and subjects of conversation you will have to have and talk about. Other then that, charging your aura is important and don't be scared to reveal yourself while talking (Don't say you are doing magick of course, just say that you do meditation and a form of mind-yoga). You can also do a MPR visualizing you as you talk like a player to that girl.

Whenever she is "triangulating", that means, looking at your right eye, left eye and mouth repeatedly, don't hesitate and kiss her. As you become good with this, you might even invite her in a fancy restaurant as you will already have kissed her long before your meal will be ready and will already be at her/your place having some real fun while the waiter will search for your table…

Good luck and don't hesitate to contribute, if you know other techniques and rituals, don't hesitate.

REMINDER: What you are doing is in a grey area.

You are shaping her thoughts for her to be attracted to you. Some could argue that "muh karma". But the fact of the matter is that womens do it too, they lie about who they are, how they look, makeup, fake breasts, gels and cussions underneeth the bra to make their breast bigger,… everything in a women is shallow. Don't hesitate to use these techniques at your advantage.

WARNING: With that being said, these techniques will create total dependance in the girl in question, she will live by you and want every inches of you. Please be kind and diplomatic when dumping her, don't make false promises and generally be kind and if it's going to be your gf, offer some kind of attention and gifts sometimes.

In other words, acknowledge that what you are doing isn't right and take steps to limit the damages and repercussions caused by it.

Like a kid playing with fire who has already been burned once, limit the risks so that mother Karma doesn't get too pissed off after you.

REMEMBER: You are not tempering with her free will. If she really wanted not to be in this situation you would never be able to read her mind. Also don't forget to use the astral predisposal technique to judge if she is in a good emotional state. When you feel the slightest refusal in her emotion, stop it and find yourself another prey.

Happy hunting!


Will post the actual rituals tommorow if you guy's are interested



Looking forward to it.



Seems like you are well versed in the subject so please do so!



Where's the PDF anon?


And here be the rituals:

Now there are tons of ways to accomplish these things, I'm just giving you guy's my way, which I find to be the easiest.

Charging the aura:

>Stand up like the letter T with your feets firmly grounded.

>Imagine that you are a tree with roots going down to the center of the earth.

>Draw energy from the center with your roots.

>Now move your arms up until your palms are together above your head, arms straight as possible. Visualize that the energy is being so intense that it bends you like the winds of a hurricane bends the tree.

>While doing that move your hands back, lift your chin, inhale and arch your back as much as you can.

>When you have finished, begin to breathe out and straightn up.

>Move your hands back down to the T position.

>Get a bit more energized by the earths core

>And finally bring your hands slowly down to your sides.

>Take three deep breathes after your hands reaches the sides.

You have a powerful aura

Mind influencing:

This technique has 3 complementary steps.

You are not obligated to do all three at the same time. Sometimes, the first part is enough to make your approach/conversation/date a breeze. But I would strongly advise, especially in the beginning to do the three parts at the same time or shortly spaced out. But again, adapt, if you are in a bus or metro and you can see that the girl is getting out at the next stop, stop the mind influencng and start your approach.

I would suggest that you practice them first, before using it in "the field"

First part:

>Relax yourself, do your favorite, short meditation, if you don't have one, color breathing the green color is a good choice.

>Now feel your hand, draw your awareness to it and breathe into it. Feel the energy getting in it,

>After that you must convince yourself that your hand is not yours. It lives it's own life, it is something else. Cut the energy connection with your hand. Make it very clear and real that it is not you. Feel your hole body and feel your hand as just an accessory that you wear, like a watch maybe.

>When you have done that, your hand might be cold, if it is, it is a good sign. If it is not, practice this part until it is colder then your other hand.

>Now visualize your hand being the pussy of your target.

YOU CAN NOT GET HORNY AT THIS POINT CONTROL YOURSELF! if you do get horny though, don't stress and channel your "horniness" to the chakra of your choice (since you are doing visualisation, the third eye chakra might be a good choice.) breathe three times and continue.

>When your hand has become the pussy of your target, channel your energy onto it.

This will make her feel a sweet, hot and gentle tingling that is very pleasing for her.

This technique is really short when practiced, and it is not an essential part, you can get away without doing it, but it is very important. As important as foreplay is to sex.

Since you have the ability to make any women feel good next to you, don't hesitate to use it anywhere and whenever you want. In the subway, while waiting in line,… Practice this, it is very important. When you "get it" you will be able to see your target move a little bit, uncrossing and recrossing her legs, changing position often,…This is a very good sign and it means it all works fine.


You can also use this in other circumstances. For example, if someone is really annoying to you you can visualise your hand as being his amygdala and make it colder and colder. This will make him very stressed out, maybe even parranoid. You can also do that with his third eye chakra to slow down his train of thought, this is not an unpleasant thing (as it can even be used by you to silence your mind) but you can easily sabotage peoples speech or presentasions with that. Be a responsible adult here and only use this trick when the other alternative would be to yell at that person or even fight… With that being said, since I hope you are not going to punch a woman in the face, you can use that as an alternative if she is being disrespectful. Beware of karma though and never "attack" someone with these powers, only use them as "self defense", defending yourself never has given anyone "bad karma".

>Note that this is the same techniques that ninja have used in the past. Ninja's were spies and most of the time weren't dressed in the black hollywood ninja costume. They were dressed to melt in their environment and often had to manipulate people, intimidate, arouse them,… and for that they were known to use that same technique.

Second part:

(situational, use it if you have alone time in proximity of your target, this doesn't give good results over long distances, use it in static settings)

>Relax yourself even more, at this point you can even make your third eye colder to slow down your thoughts

(visualizing a stalactite being thrown at you right on your third eye gives the desired effect pretty quickly, but is not really….pleasant, other more pleasant techniques of quick relaxation will be given in another post)

>Visualize a yellow, golden, sun like buble of energy being formed and englobing you and your partener. This ball will help to limit outer distractions and influences.

>Now visualize two hands, astral hands. These hands are yours and part of your astral body.

>With these, you will then go and massage, your target. Classic massage, don't be too fancy and keep it fairly short.

>Now you have two choices, either you are a sneaky bastard and you stimulate her chakras (primairly sacral and heart) or you continue with the classic technique.

(I don't cover chakra stimulation because I have found that the energy investement is not worth the gain. It also messes a lot with the personal developement of the individual and could be seen as an infrigement upon the free will of the target which if you do, be ready to face the repercussions. It's basically as if you would be raping her astral body. I don't do rape)

>Next, begin to body match her. Begin to notice her rate of breathing by watching her chest move up and down. Breath with her. This is similar to what hunters do when chasing deer. Get into a similar body position as she is. Move when she moves, and how she moves.

>Craft a thoughtform of you and her having sex, start sensually, light touches, kisses in the neck, arms, go up and go down, after a while, go up and kiss her slowly for a long time,…Do everything as she'd want you to do it, this will make her think it is her thinking that.

Doing this will send her a glimpse of what you are thinking and feeling, continue to have sex with her in your mind vividly and when you are actually going at it feel all the lust and desire and put it all in a red ball of energy that you will then send to her. She will receive all that condensed info all at once, she will get shivers, blush adjust herself and be extremy turned on.


Go now talk to her! This is an amaizing technique to be done while on a date, you go to the restroom, you do it and when you come back you will see her "triangulating" like crazy, talk a bit, stop and just kiss her.

If you are doing your approach in a static setting doing that and you go talk to her after that and you see her triangulating and you see that she usually is confident you can sensually say something along the lines of "Don't look at me like that" and do a shy smile. This will really surprise her and just by doing that, she will crave even more to be with you, the guy who can read in her mind…

NEVER DO THIS IF YOU JUST WANT A ONE NIGHT STAND, THIS TECHNIQUE WILL DRIVE HER MAD AS HELL AND SHE WILL WANT YOU SO MUCH. You can't just dump her like an old sock, do it if you truly want her to be with you for a long time. Also don't do it if she is a shy girl or say it that way: "If you keep looking at me like that I'll be blushing too" with a really warm smile. Unless you are bold and want to kiss her right now, you can also do that, and she will kiss you too, but the moment she realizes what she is doing: she is kissing a random dude she doesn't know abou she might shy away and stop the kiss. She will still be turned on though, in this case, apologize and ask for her number telling her that you too want to know her more and slow the pace down.

Now the last part of the mental influence:

This one is really powerful, it's not a mental technique or basic influence anymore. It's the real shit.

Use it AFTER you got her number. This is the supreme mind influence technique!

Be careful while using it, don't go too fast, take your time and STICK TO THE FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS.

Sorry about that but trust me, you don't want to experience and add your idea's too much with this one. This ritual has been tested and field proven by millions of people throughout the years, it goes back to antiquity and is the same one powerful egyptian magi used to get wifu's.

WARNING: If you don't give a fuck about what I just said and still want to add stuff into it or go against the instructions and not stop when they tell you too, I will not be to blame if you land in clinical depression.

This is not a joke. You are not going to only be an emitter during this ritual, you are also going to receive her thoughts and emotions. This will be WEIRD AS FUCK! Womens emotions are too fucking intense for a man to feel them, they just have so much loosh it's incredible. So please be careful and if you feel like stoping the ritual, please do so.

Now that I have scared the weaks, let's eat the meat! So here we are:

>Stand up straight, close your eyes and relax.

>Visualize your target standing in front of you, pretty close but not too much (a foot away) and facing the same direction you are looking towards

>Once you have her visualized as clearly as you can, YOU HAVE TO gauge her emotional state. This can be done in many ways, If you can see her aura, please do so, but if you can't, you will have to move your right hand into the the thoughtform you have created. (Move your RIGHT hand physically, don't only vizualize it)

>If you get a bad vibe STOP, ABORT, get out. You can still have a one night stand with her if you want but don't go too far and stop this technique, only do the other ones. If you feel a good or neutral vibe, continue.

>Now step into her, for real, take an actual step with your RIGHT foot into her and then bring your left foot with you. You are now her.

>Now become aware of anything that happens, you will start to "feel" thoughts, thoughts that have a different "flavour" from your habitual thoughts. These are the thoughts of your victim…uhm…target…right, target…

>Just be relaxed and pay attention to what is happening. If you don't feel anything, relax even more, clear your thoughts, if nothing happens, you can still ignite it. Pretend that you are her and think something open ended like: "I really think that this is complicated but" and wait for the rest of her thoughts, this should do the trick. If not remember that this is your first attempt and do not be discouraged.


>When you are starting to feel her thoughts, keep cool, sooner or later something like an emotion from her is going to "appear". When it does, acknowledge it for what it is and continue, you might feel weirded out or invaded by alien thoughts, but that's okay. Keep cool, be focused.

>Adjust to this new experience and when you are ready try to feel her current state and build from there.

If she is relaxed you don't want to jump from there to wild sexual thoughts, be relaxed too and make her think pleasant thoughts, then you may try intrigue or fascination. Next you could start thinking about romance, like the first time somene touched you while kissing and it sends shivers through your body. (remember that you are her, think like a woman, you are going to think as if you are attracted by yourself. This is weird and even a bit gay, but it's insanely powerful. You only have to ignite, initiate the thoughts, she will complete them and go on her own little fantasy while you follow along and try to feel what she is feeling. Think in her point of view). Then you can think of foreplay, arousal, building tension (that scene with the ice cube from that mundane movie "50 shades of grey" would be a perfect example, as she probably has seen it too. If you don't know what I'm talking about look it up on you tube). You can, if you feel yourself ready actually think of sex with yourself too, but….that might be a bit too gay. If you feel to weird, stop, because that might make her feel weird too. If you stop, she will continue to daydream about you, as she will be convinced those thoughts come from her.

Now you can also influence her dream if you can astral travel. you will basically go to her house while she sleeps, put your hand inside of her and send her the dream you want her to dream about (probably about you) and do this for several nights. I heard of a guy who has done that to a girl he has never seen in real life and when he saw her IRL, things light up quite fast… I have not personally tested this, as everytime I astral travel I have three thousand other things I want to do. But I will do it in time, feel free to try it and report :P .

I have also taked about the New Avatar Power Middle Pillar Ritual in the previous thread. If you don't know what it is, get the book and do it, I believe the MPR is on page 133 I am not sure though.

During the Approach you charge the aura, if it's a static approach and you have time, you might want to do part 1 and part 2 of the mind influence technique.

During the Lond Distance Game you can do all the mind influence parts.

During the date itself you do part 1 and 2 of the mind influence.

Basically it's aura and part 1 and 2 when she is there and aura and part 1,2,3 when she is not there

(except if for any reason you have to stop the part 3)

FINAL WARNING: Exercise common sense please, don't do stupid stuff and always be kind.

I am not to blame if you do dumb stuff you are a consentant human being doing magick.


File: 1439566153392.pdf (963.78 KB, 11 - The Ultimate Strategy….pdf)

Here is the pdf with what to say to all types of womens, for the date, as you become better with this stuff, you are not even going to do dates for a long time, about ~20-30 so don't be scared by the word "date".


File: 1439566297878.pdf (734.65 KB, 09 - MIND READING - Determ….pdf)

You don't need to study those pdfs too much, you just find out what kind of girl she is by the description and then you apply what's in there for her type


Will post tommorow a quick and super effective way to get into a meditative state. It only takes seconds, but there is a lot of prep work behind the scenes and before using it on the "field"


File: 1439566671521.pdf (984.8 KB, Models.pdf)

While not magick, this pdf is very useful for self-improvement, understanding women and sexual/relational dynamics.



agreed, understanding women dynamics is really helpful for this, especially in the beginning of magick seduction.

This particular pdf also offers a nice contrast between the things I posted. The truth is always shining through.



Isn't this ritual similar to the remote masturbation technique by Amargi Hiller?

Do you think that visualizing my hand becoming another object is more effective?



fuck these 100 step methods

figure out a way and master it

if you are confident enough you can get almost any women

women sense fear, and are turned off by it

everyone is a cuck today, so if you display even a little masculinity/independence/confidence/notgiveafuckness bitches will flock to you

I dont read pdfs forums or anything, havent bought new clothes in over a year, and just go out wearing jeans a t shirts and am able to get girls to be sexually attracted to me. If you are unhealthy/out of shape/dont love yourself, jesus fuck why are you trying to manipulate people?

my just be yourself method has been so successful that my friends girlfriends have tried to fuck me. Dont do that shit though, and fuck manipulating people. Dont you understand what fucking karma is?



Karma? Oh you mean the swing of the pendulum? Nah already escaped it.


Any "reverse" rituals to protect yourself from these influencing techniques?



if you see some nice booty or some good tits and or with a cute face and you get turned on.. it's 100% fully healthy.

Vice versa if you're a female to the male, and heck even homos - because that means your sexual energy is flowing which is lifeforce and will, either that or lethargy, inertia and stagnation.

if you want to not be influenced, check out the show on the talkshoe.com link i posted titled http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-134778/TS-900346.mp3

and just look into how to not get fucked by NPL, follow my video thread im straight up just gona post informational content, i don't give a fuck about the presenter's personal peeves, only the practical shit or the stuff which makes proper connection between right and left brain thinking and both energy balances of female and masculine energies, then it works.



I've found that once you're conscious of them it's pretty easy to recognize when someone is trying to "put a spell on you." It's like knowing a stage magician's tricks.



Thanks didi, I've said it before I'll say it again, you da mvp


Thanks Anon! That's good to hear, because I assumed unless a person was like top-tier mage, there wouldn't be consciousness of being manipulated, controlled, etc

So basically, just being mindful and aware of feeling and experiences real time?



You are right. You are at the end of your spiritual development and ready to transcend this reality. Congratulations.



Maybe you don't realise how easy it is to do so ?

It's pretty much like the rest of this whole universe. Karma is just a belief that you've been ingrained about since birth, trancending it takes time as it takes a good dose of Will. But it's just like any other belief, identify it, choose to not believe in it believe in something else and use a higher law to escape from it, consiously at first and then, when your belief and unconscious is totally free of "karma" it will then take place as a subconscious process and you can claim that you have escaped karma.

Note: I am talking about the romanticized view of karma you seem to have, I am not talking about the law of cause and effect which is actually true karma and not your mental construct of "If I do something bad, something bad will then happen unto me".




I'm resurrecting this thread just to ask a question about the rituals you posted:

How to do remote seduction? I mean, meditation and visualization to seduce a girl that is not with me?

I've read the ritual you posted, but is there a safer method than to enter her mind?

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