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On Materialism

If you are starting in magick/ocult/practical magic DON'T take this seriously go record your proofs in magical journal/dairy or until you are totally "accepting" magic before you take this seriously

Some years ago I kept my aunt living even though he was about to die using magic, she recovered sometime but again she got sick and died.Did I try to stop her death?

Sure I could say I was "In control" All all isn't the mark of a good magician is the ability to satisfy every whim?Can we not get laid at a frequency beyond what our genetics would normally dictate?Can we not win the job over a thousand more qualified candidates?Can we not defy death and cure the incurable?

But how many times must we get laid before sex is no longer an obsession? How many times we must win the job before we realize no amount of glamour or money is to our satisfaction?How many time must we heal the sick only to discover we cannot delay the inevitable?And for just how long will we sulk when we don't get our own way?.

I have found materialism to be the worst kind of idealism and rituals to manifest a specific event the clumsiest and most naive kind of magic.Materialism is the inability to exercise acceptance, and magic with material aim is a short -sighted solution at best.It's surprising, to say the least that I've found the results of mysticism to be most pragmatic.The transformation of the undesirable into the desirable, of Sorrow into Joy, by working upon the very substance of reality itself, is the greatest magical result possible.

I didn't want for my aunt to die but what I can do other than accept?



Shit I put the subject as my name, sorry.


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Well call me amused that this got posted after that Seduction magick thread, I didn't even know about it


Good point. I'm still going to put protection bubbles on my car and apartment. You would like _Magic, White and Black_ by Hartmann. It's mostly about how spiritual enlightenment magick is the highest truth and casting any lower thought forms is futile. Actually there's a lot more to it. A lot of good stuff in that book.



but the thing is that the more developed you get the lower your ability in downing materialistic magic(which is kinda paradoxical) but don't take my word for it, experiment and see.


>I didn't want for my aunt to die but what I can do other than accept?

By continuing your practice and continuing your attempts to permanently cure her.

>more developed you get the lower your ability in downing materialistic magic

source? most books claim that developing yourself will lead to easier unfolding of latent powers which you'll then possess but won't feel the need to use for selfish means.



Some diseases cannot be cured because they are karmic in their origin, or even if they can it would ultimately wield disastrous results. Or so I've read.


If you believe that, certainly you will have worse results in "lower magic" then other people.

Personally, I try to escape duality between higher and lower. They are intertwined. I try to live my life in such a way that every, even most mundane activity becomes a form of meditation. What's wrong with using magic to make one's life better?



I suspect it is more likely that your focus has shifted or intent changed.

If you accept the illusionary model of the material world, enligthenment ought be a greater focus but if a realistic idealism incorporating the material world into God is your model then engagement with the material is part of your work.



>By continuing your practice and continuing your attempts to permanently cure her.

>How many time must we heal the sick only to discover we cannot delay the inevitable?


Phillip Cooper-Esoteric Magic and Cabala

Brennan, J.H.-Experimental Magic

> won't feel the need to use for selfish means.

yeah that what I meant but I didn't know how to put it.


>karmic in their origin

aren't karma just cause and effect?

>If you believe that

I don't believe it, I consider it.

>What's wrong with using magic to make one's life better?



> if a realistic idealism incorporating the material world into God is your model then engagement with the material is part of your work.

Interesting, thanks.


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The practitioner who realizes anuttara through any means, whether by her own efforts or by direct transmission by the Grace of Shiva/shakti, is liberated and perceives absolutely no difference between herself and the body of the universe.

Being and beings become one and the same by virtue of the "erotic friction," whereby subject perceives object and in that act of perception is filled with nondual being/consciousness/bliss. Anuttara is different from the notion of transcendence in that, even though it is above all, it does not imply a state of separation from the Universe




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Currency, just like spice, must flow.

Hoarding money and objects creates an obstruction towards progression in a spiritual sense.

A lack of food, clothing, and the like is a negative aspect of trying to be an ascetic.

"For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

Just the same, worshipping depravity creates nothing but stagnation and death. Look at Africa.


I don't find materialism to be a bad thing. Just a way to indulge yourself in this luciferian realm of temptations to find that which you truly resonate with. When feeling drawn to something materialistic, it isnt the material that interests you but the energy and concepts behind it. But people get lost in the material itself and find comfort in their lack of awareness. It becomes a game of pleasure and safety instead of progression. It only takes as long as you want it to before you feel like you've been wasting your time.

Getting over materialism is pretty easy. Just takes the understanding that we are all addicts in a sense to different forms of energy. The angels and demons are both just as corrupt as they play the other side out to be. Addicted to following the self or to following the collective. Although these are basic representations and both demons and angels can have aspects of both. All just metaphors so we can understand our true nature as balance walkers.



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>Wanting to heal/cure people without taking on their karma

That's like playing god with kiddy gloves on m8. Unless you can see the true cause of the disease (which is always an energy problem) and not the symptoms you shouldn't be messing around with other people's bodies.

You will see in people that live absolutely irresponsible lives that once a disease comes into play a little depth has come to their choices and emotions. If you take this disease away, which is really just a surface symptom you are lining people up for far worse things. The only way to transform or stop the energy acting out in their body is to take it upon yourself, causing absolute havok within your system.

For example, taking away the symptom of asthma will result in something far worse down the track.

pls dont do that to yourself or others



I've seen this happen before and gotta agree. You need to do right by your True Will :^)


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>dont be an energetic version of pharmaceuticals

I can dig it

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