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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1439607822459.gif (16.98 KB, 100x90, 10:9, vortex0.gif)


The end of the world doesn't come suddenly, without warning. To imagine it does is to be fooled by popular misconception, and thus fail to recognize the larger picture.

The end of the world is an ongoing process. It starts slowly, imperceptibly, and blossoms unnoticed in our very midst, until it has engulfed all that there is and none are free from its spell.

Hear now my words and heed them well all that you think is great and mighty is but a disease upon life and must be made to perish if life is to continue. That which seems grand and noble is but an affliction.

All that appears to grant freedom to mankind has in fact ordained its enslavement, impairing and crippling from within, while outwardly bearing the banner of liberty.

The body of humanity has been poisoned and even as it strives for new horizons and constant advancement, rigor mortis has preceeded the approach of death, and the lives of men are dragged into the grave along with it.

Seek now those motions which sow for humanity the seeds of death, as they harvest for you the bounty of life.


Magick Emperor I see everything now

By my Will abideth

What will be my task


The walls are full of stars but I can see everything quite clearly. I've come to bring it back to you.


That is a request


Recognize me, here I am showing my face


I will hold onto this chain.


This is actually quite lucid, hello adversary, you are intricate.

The effect is beautiful.


Dangerous days around

Supreme confidence and childlike optimism wrapped


I will exhaust all that man may feel


It needs work but is quite familiar with it


Shit like this : /


Can't stop the machine sounds


Insects and machines


File: 1439616144064-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 34.92 KB, 446x538, 223:269, 3b1.jpg)

File: 1439616144064-1.png (Spoiler Image, 13.29 KB, 476x637, 68:91, Lel.png)



Well, break time






good vibes, everything is flanging






why are you posting all this cryptic shit OP? are you on some sort of drug?




yes I think he is digesting crowley and Book of Lies


File: 1439621364279.jpg (6.16 KB, 283x178, 283:178, varg vikernes.jpg)


It's called shit posting, son!



Crowley is only ever used as a joke, his personal psychology is good to study but he is not a model, it isn't worth all the cruft


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I like the latter half as a response, I would have liked to have heard some criticism of the OP in a similar vein

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