Sharing based lectures / audio / video content didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 12:52:05 No. 50082
Yo - I will be posting content of the audio/video kind that is poignant and based pertaining to occult / magick / spiritual / energetic / metaphysical / pragmatic sciences.
A lot of the content speakers will have quirks to them, if that bothers you - too bad, check your human ego at the door before you come in.
didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 12:54:35 No. 50083
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview on AUM radio of dr Edward bynum.
Brother Panic: Satanism, Witchcraft and Naga Black Magic
didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 12:57:24 No. 50084
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Mantak Chia's youtube channel
with Mantak chia exercises done in presentation with many hours of content.
didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 13:05:16 No. 50086
didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 13:07:16 No. 50087
>Very fucking rare
I suggest you rip this off youtube in good quality video format, this content is subject for persecution.
Jewel in Lotus p1-p2 by Suniata Sarasvati
didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 13:14:29 No. 50090
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Dr. Alim El-Bey speaks on "WHAT IS HEAVEN AND HELL? ITS OCCULTIC MEANINGS"
didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 13:16:54 No. 50091
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Neville Goddard - Power (very rare lecture with many examples of using imagination!)
MINDisLIFE channel on youtube has every Neville Goddard lecture.
didi 08/15/15 (Sat) 13:18:31 No. 50092
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Secret of Secrets & the Law of Attraction by Dr. Alim Bey
>Watch this
08/15/15 (Sat) 19:23:58 No. 50112
Ehh there's lots of shit like that on youtube now. They seem to let it stay up under 18+ only if it's not explicity pornographic.
didi 08/17/15 (Mon) 00:57:04 No. 50258
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This is based and valuable
Understanding Your Innerverse
08/18/15 (Tue) 16:11:19 No. 50398
This one is pretty good. Terrence mckenna and all his lectures into one big movie.
08/18/15 (Tue) 20:58:04 No. 50426
gets good
colin wilson on peak experiences, he has some books on the occult
08/19/15 (Wed) 03:49:44 No. 50477
*smacks lips*
*postures up*
*contorts lips*
didi 08/21/15 (Fri) 15:10:06 No. 50897
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. this is relevant to kundalini / islam
08/25/15 (Tue) 06:01:10 No. 51352
Just want to say that this works. In my case, the essential first step happened after about 24 hours.
Thank you.
08/25/15 (Tue) 07:52:54 No. 51374
Thanks for this, guess I will try it too. Almost finished with the Power presentation, will apply it tonight see how it goes. I'm impressed by how unique Neville's insights into God are and his interpretations of Christianity. Don't think I've ever heard of anyone with a similar view. And man he can really quote the bible on the spot, it's pretty impressive
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 07:55:48 No. 51375
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Michael Tellinger : Ancient technology
South african
>must watch.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/25/15 (Tue) 09:26:25 No. 51396
>flood site with hours long video and lecture
>try to hear them so I don't misjudge didi
>get interrupted each 10-20 min
here this
atleast I found something written
08/25/15 (Tue) 18:41:45 No. 51466
Clicked this out of boring, ended up being highly important. I've already known that money doesn't really exist, but that half was good too for anyone new to it. The first half about sound waves and stones is what was really fascinating. If he's right, then this could change everything. It's been talked about in other videos countless times, but the way he described was like fitting a puzzle piece in place.
Definitely worth it for /fringe/ to take a look at.
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 19:04:10 No. 51472
additionally - you may look into the kalahari - folk who have asiatic negroid caucasian features all at once, with the oldest recorded dna chain strand to date.
>theory : something big happened and lot's of people forgot wtf shit was for or how to keep it going or running or they never even knew.
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 19:57:14 No. 51476
>this is fucking good if you ignore the obvious cringe-tier afrocentrism.
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 19:58:11 No. 51477
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>51476
this is really good tho, seriously.
08/25/15 (Tue) 21:20:14 No. 51494
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 01:03:30 No. 51555
20 seconds in the guy is already using NLP to get you to attentively listen to his bullshit,
dont polute my post.
>warning : if you view this video view it high as fuck and with the complete overstanding that these fuckers are also using the same techniques of NPL on you to sell you NPL intro tier shit.
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:09:59 No. 51561
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:10:28 No. 51562
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 08/27/15 (Thu) 02:14:38 No. 51563
>That video was so fucking scripted I almost threw up
>tilts head to left(his) when talking about logical systems
>tilts head right when talking about social systems
Please take this trash elsewhere
the fuck you doin big boi, loosh farming?
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:17:43 No. 51564
Oh god why is it all fucked up.
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:22:52 No. 51567
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
>could not purge
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:29:22 No. 51569
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:30:55 No. 51570
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:35:15 No. 51572
I better start from scratch again.
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:37:28 No. 51573
08/27/15 (Thu) 02:37:36 No. 51574
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This TED Talk highlighting the global psychedelic tradition, and it's possible role in the development of human consciousness, past and future, is pretty good. Not explicitly occult, but it gets pretty metaphysical towards the end.
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 03:37:55 No. 51583
this is good, yeah, iboga is african and does similar things just as powerful but different -
true on the cannabis, doing it spaced out is so good, but ima be real, one plant telling you to stop the other, some ppl have had terrible experiences on ayahuasca, some people dont react much at all and just feel sick and purge for a bit then feel super good, it's like, not much different than cannabis, it's all about the breath and the activation of the glands, anything can do that, and if you look up the chemical composition of ayahuasca it's simply dmt combined with a maoi inhibitor to permit pure dmt to pass through blood brain, it's like instead of smoking dmt or doing shrooms, you had the cannabis brownie version of smoking weed to the metaphore of the weed. So, in the end, just because it exists in this plane- doesn't mean it's required for your self-mastery and growth… i refuse to wear sandals, fuck sandals, either i walk barefoot where sandals are needed, or i have on some comfortable footwear of proper material. In the end you are just the void… the aibi book kinda also discredits psychedelic experiences as well as eating food…
08/27/15 (Thu) 05:08:47 No. 51597
I'm really enjoying this so far. But I have to ask. Does anyone have proper methods for fast tracking and quickly opening the higher circuits? I believe I'm bordering on 4 and 5. Since currently I'm developing a lot of intuition from cleaning up my diet/ life.
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 05:27:01 No. 51598
willpower to keep refining the self while in balance with overall inner and outer health.
08/27/15 (Thu) 05:30:30 No. 51600
Thanks. I feel like everyone new and old to the occult need to watch and understand this. It allows Qabalaha users, chakra users , alchemists and many other systems to understand each other. It gives words to the mystical states and experiences of which people first go through when getting out of 2nd-3rd circuit.
It has inspired me to dedicate further.
08/27/15 (Thu) 09:16:02 No. 51624
>>warning : if you view this video view it high as fuck and with the complete overstanding that these fuckers are also using the same techniques of NPL on you to sell you NPL intro tier shit.
Watch the whole thing, because it's obvious you didn't.
didi 08/28/15 (Fri) 06:08:16 No. 51795
08/28/15 (Fri) 07:20:03 No. 51800
I can imagine in the next few generations we'll have psionic schools for the highly developed. Already young kids and dedicated teens are studying and practicing this kind of stuff.
didi 08/28/15 (Fri) 11:56:57 No. 51812
>Brother Panic-Reprogramming the subconcious mind.
Right click link SAVE AS for mp3
>IF you deem yourself an occultist
09/01/15 (Tue) 22:31:30 No. 52529
30min and still nothin of worth. Next time tell us how much shit we should skip please.
09/01/15 (Tue) 22:40:36 No. 52531
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Need a review on this, it is pretty puritan, about the great arcanum.
09/01/15 (Tue) 23:39:47 No. 52539
>if god wants you to exist you will
>if you starve its because you weren't meant to be :^^^)
thats quite a long nose you've got there
didi 09/01/15 (Tue) 23:43:42 No. 52540
go back to basics so you can overstand instead of just understanding.
>if god wants you to
09/02/15 (Wed) 01:13:34 No. 52558
In the comments based Montalk BTFO's the video completely.
Do not watch this it is a waste of time.
didi 09/02/15 (Wed) 02:11:50 No. 52568
0-15 mins legit hermetic teachings
20-40 bullshit on how you shouldn't orgasm / ejaculate + jewish traditions even WITH a mate, then some bullshit about how 2 mates should feel shame and be dammed for enjoying sexual intercourse - sex should only be done for reproduction via immaculate conception ( never any physical contact ) + mixing up historicity misinfo with misinterpretations of the symbolism.
>use of dramatic soundtracks during sex is bad portions of it and calming music during the pompous moments.
40-50ust complete horseshit - egypt is not the EVIL of man…. moses and the hebrews got KICKED out of egypt for doing degenerate rituals
50-55legit info on twin flame / sexual dynamics of energy etc etc. + gives credit to world religions ( bullshit )
55-60 absolute bullshit about jesus moses and misinterpreted tantric info
60-65 >a single person cannot awaken the kundalini ( bullshit )
>blames black tantra for human suffering
Don't link garbage like this on my recommendations thread.
didi 09/02/15 (Wed) 13:01:34 No. 52594
Speaks on 7 principles and DESIRE - in the gnostic bs video the sum of the video can be : <desire and pleasure is bad and degenerate>
Then what the fuck are you even existing for - you desired to exist, to taste, to touch, to feel, to have a tactile experience at a spectrum where mater makes cohesive sense.
didi 09/02/15 (Wed) 13:01:46 No. 52595
didi 09/03/15 (Thu) 19:31:10 No. 52741
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
WARLOCK movie - hollywood a classic, deep info.
09/03/15 (Thu) 21:44:42 No. 52750
>Deep info
>a movie about solomon's key
>minor symbolism…
>shitty movie
I let you the benefit of the doubt cause most of the time what you say is prett legit, but how is this movie based and on the recomendation thread ?
didi 09/03/15 (Thu) 22:51:41 No. 52752
you should play the witcher 3 game and read the books in there.
09/03/15 (Thu) 22:56:49 No. 52753
Not until they port it to linux!
didi 09/04/15 (Fri) 01:54:25 No. 52761
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Watch this shit…. this is what some of them want to make happen.
didi 09/05/15 (Sat) 12:56:29 No. 52879
didi 09/08/15 (Tue) 16:20:35 No. 53242
>Smiley if you could be so kind as to ingest the content which is presented in this thread.
didi 09/09/15 (Wed) 20:30:33 No. 53414
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What You Think About, You Bring About
09/09/15 (Wed) 21:14:20 No. 53419
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This guy is younger than me, but I think he might be the most cutting-edge teacher of Hermeticism I've ever encountered.
09/09/15 (Wed) 21:21:31 No. 53421
didi you're greentexting wrong again
09/10/15 (Thu) 00:41:51 No. 53434
Looking at his vids, he seems like Montalk with more of a "New Age" bent.
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 09/10/15 (Thu) 03:10:07 No. 53444
>>>greentexting wrong
>>>>>the fuck you talking about
09/10/15 (Thu) 03:29:07 No. 53445
you're guilty of it too smh >>53442 >>53443
you and didi need to go to greentext school
didi 09/10/15 (Thu) 04:35:19 No. 53451
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 09/10/15 (Thu) 15:49:08 No. 53521
>so you're telling me
theres a specific way
>that I have to greentext?
What are the consequences
>besides you getting buttfrustrated?
09/10/15 (Thu) 16:03:42 No. 53525
09/10/15 (Thu) 16:06:05 No. 53526
This thread is terrible.
"Based" is a term that originated through kike-nigger media.
It denotes things that are "base"…
This is a based thread.
Are you base?
Oh, it was started by a kike shill. Perhaps he should kill himself.
Omran 09/10/15 (Thu) 16:07:17 No. 53527
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>53521
SigmaShaman :red
Also press 1 rapidly
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 09/10/15 (Thu) 17:18:16 No. 53542
Imma let you finish, but tripfags are some of the coolest people of all time
Also, your lower consciousness and namecalling is hilarious
didi 09/12/15 (Sat) 07:12:34 No. 53677
past tense: based; past participle: based
have as the foundation for (something); use as a point from which (something) can develop.
"the film is based on a novel by Pat Conroy"
synonyms: found, build, construct, form, ground, root; More
situate as the center of operations.
"a research program based at the University of Arizona"
synonyms: locate, situate, position, install, station, site, establish; garrison
"the company was based in Quebec"
Middle English: from Old French, from Latin basis ‘base, pedestal,’ from Greek.
>google is so difficult.
didi 09/12/15 (Sat) 07:13:43 No. 53678
didi 09/13/15 (Sun) 01:51:19 No. 53786
this was good actually, looked into further content from the guy - seems wishy washy new agey channeling marketing type like abraham hicks and bashar where they speak to you on a flow then slow down to emphasize their point then go on a wave of words quickly, they all studied NPL which is a form of speaking to keep the audience glued and stuck to your words and using words and sounds and gestures to trigger emotional spikes for subliminal programming… but his content is pretty good in terms of the ALL IS MIND aspect of his stuff. So far he hasn't said anything i disagree with, just the way he puts it out is just very marketing -new age-esque.
I downloaded it, will also grab his other one where he has you DIE a thousand deaths or something of the sort. Die before you die - Personally, I died physically a few times in my life to then have a blackout / tv static-like screen and then wake up a few moments later with no pain or feeling.
Omran 09/13/15 (Sun) 16:00:57 No. 53842
Didi, I want to apologize because I am egotistic(and also have Despotism, and intolerance).Indeed it feel bad and kinda hurt "MUH EGO" when I say this but each time I gotta push forward weather with the "sneak" attack on ego(hermetic,symbols,shamanism,etc) or through the direct route(Reichian bodywork,Gurdjieff's self-observation).Indeed I felt annoyed by your talking style". I want to apologize for my behavior and any annoyance I did to you.I really hopped if you had a reading list/recommendation to post(that would be great)..and I want to say that I am sorry that I acted as you call it "Bullying you in feeling you're a bullying".(I don't know…that's called passive-aggressive attack I think)
muh ego
09/13/15 (Sun) 16:52:48 No. 53851
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Fifthly Materialist or Crypto-Greenpiller Stephen LaBerge on Lucid Dreaming, Dreaming, Building Blocks of the Dream World based on the theory of Schemas.
09/13/15 (Sun) 17:13:16 No. 53856
Plus he uses fedora machines to show empirical evidence of lucidity.
09/15/15 (Tue) 17:56:49 No. 54005
Enjoyed reading that series.
Thanks, and do you know of more redpilled manga?
didi 09/15/15 (Tue) 21:28:53 No. 54013
not at the top of my head but a cool anime is linked up top. shinsekai yori.
the poster nobody has a good idea on occult-fringe tier manga.
didi 09/17/15 (Thu) 21:53:52 No. 54260
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Focus on Nutrition Getting the B12 and fatty acids LOREN LOCKMAN
didi 09/18/15 (Fri) 16:58:13 No. 54384
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This is very good - I'd prolly recommend this as a must for the new magickian.
Freeing your mind and self for all bullshit and beliefs and mastering your vibration. Pragmatic methods you can do.
09/18/15 (Fri) 17:03:08 No. 54389
his NLP/new agey tactics really turn me off
he reminds me a lot of bashar honestly
didi 09/18/15 (Fri) 17:12:08 No. 54393
yup, i said that earlier, but this one is very good.
09/18/15 (Fri) 17:20:06 No. 54394
yeah i mean in most of his vids he doesn't really share any new or original information
it seems like he's just making a quick buck of ignorant people while peddling spirituality 101 shit
didi 09/18/15 (Fri) 17:46:03 No. 54401
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>54394
in way, everything is a product you can package and sell, as long as it can be named, it can be tamed.
this is my personal uncovering so far; we're living in rome/babylon and it's spread so far that even the hermit in the mountain is being affected by it now due to zoning laws and inspection policies for construction planning… Society is spreading, those who desire to stick with the old slow humble as they say times - are the most arrogant and egotistical, they refuse to keep up with the experience they set themselves up to be, and that refusal is always coming from the lower ego… so all this to tldr, everyone sells something to everyone atm, better you sell healing and health stuff than damaging and toxic bullshit.
Those who don't want to be in this society are already out of it and don't communicate with the internet folk or the social norm - those who are bullshitting themselves with their fantasies of a lone cabin in the woods with wifi connection and a small garden are complete morons who forget the logistics required for all of those aspects, those are the fruit of society.
Let's bitch about society while enjoying it's fruits. Yo, there's a limit to how much even your subconscious can tolerate in horseshit beliefs and self-depreciating mentality.
You don't think 80% of the folk here won't end up making a buck from a book they wrote or some kind of service they developed using the contents here?
Get yo paper without being a bitch to a man, if you gota work with someone work WIF em not FOR em, and KNOW THY SELF and the CONTEXT you workin in. but fo fusksake bruh do SOMETHING, ain't no one wana hear the wisdom of the smelly hobo spewing gems of knowledge clouded by a myasma of filth and forgetting to maintain the vehicle of experience.
09/18/15 (Fri) 18:39:34 No. 54409
tipp 09/19/15 (Sat) 00:04:44 No. 54447
>not overloading the third eye
chose between knowing or studying.
09/19/15 (Sat) 17:45:18 No. 54523
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >Elves, Ghosts, Sea Monsters & ETs In Iceland - Investigation Into The Invisible World
Icelanders discuss their encounters with Elves and other Magical creatures in the eerie land of Iceland.
Supernatural entities such as Land Wrights and Little People are such an important cultural phenomenon that locations of their occurance can hold up or stop the development of roads or other infrastructure.
09/19/15 (Sat) 18:33:54 No. 54524
why post in this in a shit thread? i was about to hide this thread
didi 09/19/15 (Sat) 21:22:26 No. 54532
didi 09/19/15 (Sat) 21:23:25 No. 54533
Mental alchemy and the power of the mind RADIO ~ MP3 right click and save as.
09/20/15 (Sun) 00:09:15 No. 54548
Is this another episode of that Nation of Islam / black power podcast?
09/21/15 (Mon) 22:52:23 No. 54718
Is there any good documentaries on aliens/reptilians/history of man that isn't complete disinfo? I'd like to replace some of my wasted time with getting a little knowledge out of it, but it seems like the topic is ridiculously full of disinfo.
Dead links.
09/25/15 (Fri) 13:24:04 No. 55030
Brother Panic-Astral Travel,psychic projection,and the dream world.
Recommend this for astral info - Fire info here. Gives tons of books recommendations - some from the fringe library too. rest you can get on or the archives circulating around.
09/25/15 (Fri) 14:07:14 No. 55034
Looking forward to this one. I appreciate you linking panic and aum radios talks. I've never developed on such a level as when I started listening to these.
09/26/15 (Sat) 15:48:10 No. 55130
It's a very good show they did this week, everything a fringer would want to know - easily put in basic english - many here will not listen and will still circlejerk for a few months or a year till getting to it or something similar.
>if you want to skip a lot of bullshit listen to this audio.
09/29/15 (Tue) 03:45:42 No. 55312
10/08/15 (Thu) 11:02:06 No. 56215
I'll be hijacking your thread for a post if you don't mind.
For people who don't know any other sites besides fringe I recommend checking out some of these places Here's a good section on western stuff. And one on eastern
If you like Daoist practices then this place is also good resource
Along with this place for hybrid magic
For ritual and traditional pagan stuff I recommend Bearheart and his rituals
Some decent all round information here
For Hermetic lectures
Flame me all you want but if you can look past his salesmans rubbish you can find decent lectures on entity work
And finally a channel that EVERYONE should be checking out is this guy Wisdom and knowledge of self drips from his every pore.
10/08/15 (Thu) 11:04:05 No. 56216
Just to give more power to the rest of the stuff here. I suggest everyone to go through everything that's been posted here already. Brother pannic, the aum radio guys, Alim, Santos and Loren are all great resource.
10/09/15 (Fri) 03:18:34 No. 56289
man I can't stand Loneman Pai
its so disorganized. creator claims he made it that way to force the disciples to put in effort, but fuck that.
plus if you watch the videos the dude is obviously overloaded with energy. dangerous shit man
10/09/15 (Fri) 03:26:08 No. 56290
I can completely agree. I see it more as laziness on his behalf. Though I can't complain at free information.
didi 10/09/15 (Fri) 14:25:00 No. 56334
most of these i already know of, good links, some i may see, think about ritual posters is.. once you know how to cook the most complex cake ever, these other meals are pretty simple - if that metaphor makes sense.
right now, i've been putting all this into mp4/mp3 format on my 2TB and just playing it back in the background while i do everyday things. Instead of blasting the MEH music i used to play doing everyday things. Very beneficial so far.
10/10/15 (Sat) 01:37:50 No. 56418
Definitely. In fact I'll be going over developing your own rituals in the hermetic thread later on.
10/24/15 (Sat) 14:56:20 No. 58111
I watched a few videos and I couldn't help but wonder why does he always record in that strange wide format.
and also why in that "orb of light" video the orb of light happened to remain when he moved his hands to turn off the camera
does focusing neegra energy or whatever mean you create floating strobe lights or what?
10/24/15 (Sat) 22:47:13 No. 58156
>Sith alchemy
>fictional jew written trash that is a cheap crude coppy of aryan witchcraft and magick
han dies at the end
>is told by niggers as they refer to eachother in special "sith" names pretending to be as jewed as possible.
Niggers give eachother names and pretend to be as "dark" as possible!
didi 10/27/15 (Tue) 03:34:59 No. 58363
this post is stupid and omits that all magick is from egypt, jew stuff is stolen egyptian stuff when they got kicked out. and it's essentially just axioms and basics of not being a fail.
also the info was good.
This is a fine example of a non-contributing fool.
didi 10/31/15 (Sat) 05:55:36 No. 58746
10/31/15 (Sat) 13:02:37 No. 58765
Samael Aun Weor is legit and his doctrine is as /fringe/ as it gets, that is at least when I used to lurk here more people had a basic understanding of the importance of renouncing lust and conserving the sexual energy. As much as I love Montalk's work and what he does, hes criticizing SAWs teaching from an outside in perspective, basically accusing it of fetishism or material attachment without having any practical experience in the matter.
The thing about Samaels teachings is that if you actually put them into practice you gain results without fail, but of course they aren't easy to do nor are they for everyone.
Be careful when criticizing schools of esoterism, because if you slander a school that an individual was destined to be a part of and would have gained self realization from, and that individual then turns his back on such a school, you gain a karma that in the Buddhist tradition is considered worse than killing a Buddha. If youre going to make accusations, make sure that you are speaking from absolute clear experience rather than an opinion or intellectual idea.
Khan 11/06/15 (Fri) 14:33:25 No. 59736
>When they start talking about walking alone and separating from humanity. Developing your own sustainment.
That's hitting me heavy right now. I'm getting to the crossroads every day where I can become a self sustained God or melt back into the human egregore.
Good show so far. These guys do wonders to keep you on the path.
Khan 11/07/15 (Sat) 17:35:39 No. 59851
11/09/15 (Mon) 04:19:01 No. 60044
wasn't he that dude who had his people practice sex magick + strange bouts of celibacy for years, while cribbing bits and pieces of random crap from other traditions? it was from a thread a few months ago, with a certain anon dropping the spaghetti hard because a latin anon was calling that shit out (hope it's not you, kek)
SAW's real name is some spic shit like "gomez durango sanchez" or some shit too
I'm sure the Buddha won't give a shit if some guy isn't tricked into believing another New Age bastardization
didi 11/09/15 (Mon) 18:09:00 No. 60099
didi 11/09/15 (Mon) 18:15:14 No. 60100
11/09/15 (Mon) 21:23:33 No. 60122
There is literally no difference in any of those things mentioned. Bullshit occultism is bullshit occultism regardless of tradition, age and heritage.
11/10/15 (Tue) 06:17:56 No. 60190
these guys are live every saturday 7:30 pm pst.
didi 11/13/15 (Fri) 23:51:21 No. 60871
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The secret energy pump. Purify your blood and Cure sickness. Our connection to infinite energy.
11/14/15 (Sat) 04:53:41 No. 60901
Honest question, why do you always post stuff with black people? That is a strange obsession.
Khan 11/14/15 (Sat) 05:02:34 No. 60902
Saw this the other day and I've been playing around with the meridian pumps. You can hit your palms, elbows, knees and feet to pump your meridians and get the blood flowing. Since every disease is caused essentially by starvation of oxygen and dehydration. Our bodies are clogged from our lifestyle and suffocate due to poor seated positions.
There's some info on it.
Glad to see Master of earth is back and active.
11/14/15 (Sat) 22:45:52 No. 60964
oh so you like the negro mems.
didi dindu da homwork.
11/15/15 (Sun) 00:51:27 No. 60977
How is lead poisoning caused by starvation of oxygen and dehydration?
11/15/15 (Sun) 01:31:34 No. 60982
Khan 11/15/15 (Sun) 02:41:40 No. 60987
I believe that would come under the category of heavy metal poisoning. I'm sure you're mature enough to understand what I mean.
11/15/15 (Sun) 03:33:58 No. 60995
How is heavy metal poisoning caused by starvation of oxygen and dehydration?
11/15/15 (Sun) 05:58:14 No. 61007
Because everything else is diluted bullshit that is an "adaptation" of ancient shamanic / animist cultures of darker-skinned civilizations like africa, south america, south india, etc.
Western Systems might be a good organized aggregate of all these ancient systems, but unfortunately, the ego and belief systems surrounding these traditions (revolving around monotheistic judeo-christian mentality, etc) makes almost all these traditions bullshit.
It seems all these kemetic sciences and five percenter knowledge, preserved african occult circles, shamanic traditions, etc., has a better grasp on the nature of the occult. It might not all be 100% spot on because a lot of it revolves around racial supremacy and nationalistic mentalities of the black race, but when you get down to the core of it, there is a wealth of knowledge that is superior to "whiter" occult knowledge. I'm not here to argue about the racial aspect of all this shit (I'm not even black), and who started what and who was what race in which time and all that stupid shit. That has nothing to do with the information available. Conscious black people clearly have better information, and it's interesting how you have no choice but to adapt to that whole mental framework in order to understand it. It's an excellent safeguard for anybody trying to infiltrate it.
11/15/15 (Sun) 11:57:59 No. 61032
Not only is that just made up nonsense. You completely disregarded Asians and their systems and not to mention shamanism has it's origins world wide. In ancient Europe, japan, Mongolia, the Americas. Why do black people love to feel like they are the chosen ones or some shit.
11/15/15 (Sun) 16:06:54 No. 61052
I'm not black. It's just my observation that darker-skinned occult traditions contain more ancient hidden mysteries. I could be wrong on that observation, but one thing I am certain of is that having a mentality void of the social and cultural imprints of the modern european judeo-christian paradigm is vastly superior and adopting the mindset of the animist cultures is vastly superior.
Let us also take into consideration the mythological influences of these ancient civilizations on the mythologies of more recent ancient myths. Almost every (if not all) deities in the norse traditions correspond to the deities of countless african mythologies
>Why do black people love to feel like they are the chosen ones or some shit.
There are tons of psychological, historical and occult factors at play for why the black conscious community feel this way which can be expounded upon for another day.
I have frequented many of their websites and discussion forums and on a surface level there are a lot of misinformed idiots who don't really understand the esoteric aspects of it and are just mad at the church, but after digging deeper I came across knowledge, wisdom, information and techniques that I found to be a lot more valuable and intricate than the best of these western esoteric books written by europeans. What really piqued my interest and curiosity even further are the secret occult fraternities in africa run exclusively by black people. It's so secret that when someone brings them up in a pro-black discussion forum, there are like 20-30 people telling him to shut the fuck up and to not "speak about these things." Stealthy as fuck bro… Digging further into this topic some of the shit I'm learning about what these africans are capable of, what they know and what they're doing on a spiritual level is crazy. Sure just like your western esoterica, there is a lot of bullshit on this side as well, but the nuggets of gold I find in this world is superior in my eyes.
I have found that modern western traditions have better overall systems that is easy to understand on a rational and intellectual level though. It more revolved around results based on logical 5-sense which is simpler to understand but it's also limiting. Intuition and irrational mental framework is the key to powerful results.
11/15/15 (Sun) 16:16:39 No. 61053
Just want to add on that there is also the whole "if you're not black you're not a god" and that the whiter you are the more inferior and less equipped you are spiritually and that whites have less access to ancestral knowledge because they were created in a lab so their bloodlines don't go back that far… I don't buy that part.
After reading montalk's gnosis articles (although he seems very biased towards being pro-white from reading his stuff), it's possible white people are offshoots of nordic aliens and their DNA is also something that goes deep.
11/15/15 (Sun) 17:48:49 No. 61058
>I'm learning about what these africans are capable of, what they know and what they're doing on a spiritual level is crazy.
care to give example and sources that might help
didi 11/15/15 (Sun) 18:41:26 No. 61060
wow you guys shitposted on my thread about dumb racial shit again, can you not - this is to share video / audio content about occult / sciences / pertinent shit to be godtier.
Ima say this once and for all; You are the aesthetic you wanted to be, this a fucking mmorpg, yall trolls arguing about taurens or gnomes complaing about goblins. Play the fucking hologram you tards.
all the humans are the damn fucking same on a cellular level, only difference is adaptive physical traits.
11/15/15 (Sun) 18:53:27 No. 61061
Much of it is from listening to many many many many many hours of lectures on youtube by these guys. A lot of it is also stuff I read on many discussion forums linking to random articles on blogger blogs.
I've also got a shitload of books that were recommended by them on videos or after my queries on the boards. Much of it is in relation to what they call 'kemetic sciences,' west / east african occult histories, voodoo/hoodoo, necromancy, ancestral knowledge, etc.
There is a lot to link to and you'd have to construct the whole picture yourself really like I did.
However, I did read this one article one time on a board (and I will look for it right now to give you an excellent example of what could be going on) about some of the members of these fraternities being master shapeshifters and transforming themselves into animals like panthers and cheetahs and crazy shit like that. And they communicate telepathically and are completely out of the radar. Sounds far-fetched when I say it? Sure. But when you read the details of the article and a bunch of people replying with concerns about this info getting out and so on, it definitely makes you wonder.
I will definitely look for that article though. I want to read it again.
11/15/15 (Sun) 19:14:29 No. 61062
You might want to consider the nature of this website. It's predominantly pro-white and people openly talk about racial issues on here. Unfortunately /pol/ is mundane af and engaging with them on issues related to non-european cultures, traditions and people on a mundane level is a waste of time as it is. On a more occult level, it's like trying to kick water uphill… there is no chance you're going to get anything accomplished. They are running a massive psyop over there anyways and have their agendas or whatever.
It helps being able to post these things for readers who will understand what I'm saying. Also helps me get shit off my chest.
Also, in regards to this statement
>all the humans are the damn fucking same on a cellular level, only difference is adaptive physical traits.
This is not necessarily true. There is information embedded with the DNA. The more concentrated and pure a bloodline is, the easier the access to that information. The only drawback is you're limited to one source of information. Blood mixed with multiple bloodlines will give one access to multiple sources of information, but because it is not as concentrated, it takes more work. The less concentrated and more diluted, the harder is the access to information. It's about genetics not the race.
This is why the elites only 'keep it in the family.' Because their bloodlines are probably on some next level shit who the fuck knows.
But yeah I mean you really can't expect to post on this site and not get flooded with posts talking about race, especially when you're posting videos by a bunch of pro-black dudes on a pro-white site.
didi 11/15/15 (Sun) 19:59:19 No. 61063
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. .
6-8 mins in is drumming, then a very good lectures, overall:
The real breakdown of metaphysics, alchemy ,magick,and the occult.
I'm 1hours and 30 minutes in and i feel like sharing it here.
Gatekeeper 11/15/15 (Sun) 20:13:39 No. 61064
>You are the aesthetic you wanted to be
>denying that most people were susceptible to manipulation before, during, and after conception and that thy may look how they look because of it.
>le Everyone is perfect and in control under all their imperfection and helplessness
*thousand-eyed eye roll*
11/16/15 (Mon) 00:29:29 No. 61078
Lel, namefag BTFO.
11/16/15 (Mon) 01:29:14 No. 61080
Honestly I'm on the suspicion that the spirits in the mythologies are either the same or at least all hang out with each other. The reason why they are so similar is not because they somehow robbed each others culture from across the planet but because they all represent the archetypes. Spirits are intelligent alive beings, but they have always just represented the archetypes, that is why there are similarities world wide.
lel I don't think montalk is pro white, the only white thing he talked about in his website was the Nordic aliens. I think he was just giving his honest insight about them.
This isn't really pro-white, if you are referring to the natsoc community blame that faggot smiley. Honestly I think the green pills have long over taken the red.
As for the DNA, well since most of our modern DNA is degenerated and fucked so it doesn't matter. All you have to do is repair your DNA and you will have some divine connections.
11/16/15 (Mon) 07:45:08 No. 61111
There is a few good things in here but you should fuck off with the nigger islam shit
Khan 11/16/15 (Mon) 13:26:46 No. 61151
Drums are such amazing instruments to change the state. Great lecture as well.
Have you read any of R Budd's books Didi? I bought a few of them the other day can have to recommend them if you're a fan of his. Innumerable amount of condensed knowledge in a bite sized portion.
didi 11/16/15 (Mon) 15:16:26 No. 61162
there isn't any islamic stuff, if you're referring to the quran videos, the bro alim bey is breaking down the hidden information and techniques allegorically placed inside those works.
the bible, the quran among some where written by a family of italians named the pisos years 200-300.
Did you bother to view the entire content before commenting? because the entire content is coherent and contextual to occult/ energy information.
I have not, i'm interested.
Self-reflect more. Self-refinement is the only truth and goal. Have you done any magick to yourself to prove that time does not exist?
11/16/15 (Mon) 18:51:24 No. 61176
No I didn't watch it before commenting, it looked like you posted a bunch of pro black nation of islam fuckers, if that one video you are talking about wasn't that then its obviously not what I'm referring to
11/16/15 (Mon) 19:04:54 No. 61180
how do you change that aesthetic though?
11/17/15 (Tue) 08:08:03 No. 61217
>most of our modern DNA is degenerated and fucked so it doesn't matter.
I think it's more intact than it is completely degenerated. That's just my opinion though.
>All you have to do is repair your DNA and you will have some divine connections.
Which could be also be limited depending on your DNA. Again, just opinions.
I'm beginning to think a lot of this has less to do with physical components and more to do with how your consciousness perceives reality, although the two could be closely interrelated.
Try as you might, some people are simply unable to look at the world around them in a way that facilitates consciousness ascension, whether mundane or magickal.
11/19/15 (Thu) 16:16:08 No. 61431
Does anyone have the PDF to Astral Voyages by Bruce Goldberg? (Oi Vey!)
11/21/15 (Sat) 08:10:49 No. 61560
Can someone link some occult information on Michael Jackson.
didi 11/27/15 (Fri) 03:57:24 No. 62159
>not to self read everything from hilton hotema
all his books are found here
Khan 11/27/15 (Fri) 07:50:10 No. 62169
Brb. Need a month to go through all of this lol.
Kru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 11/29/15 (Sun) 01:03:21 No. 62312
I just remembered Dexter's Lab and "DEEDEE YOU EEDIOT" (:
11/29/15 (Sun) 14:00:13 No. 62404
12/01/15 (Tue) 18:25:28 No. 62667
Hate your horsefucker picture, appreciate the link. You're neutral.
And no, I hate it without spending loosh. So fakku.
12/03/15 (Thu) 21:53:27 No. 62825
this is kind of close to what would occur on the continuation of the current methods humans use for production.
or watch the anime.
didi 12/07/15 (Mon) 21:33:57 No. 63272
didi 12/07/15 (Mon) 21:34:07 No. 63273