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File: 1439687198726.mp4 (3.83 MB, 640x352, 20:11, builde.mp4)


Nothing for it


File: 1439693803379.png (527.36 KB, 650x560, 65:56, Scientism 008.png)

What is the source of this video OP? I need answers.




Chinese where storing half-built explosives in the area.

Many with knowledge on the subject are claiming due to the physical manifestation of the explosion to be nuclear in quality.

complete censorship of the media is in full effect in relations to the area

most if not 95% of products coming out of china are contaminated, which means unmarketable, which means extreme profit / face credibility / business losses.

Same thing going on with the westcoast california foods and products, most are dangerously radiated but since it would destroy the economy they keep it hush hush and just use it to see what's going to happen, sort of like an accidental science experiment.



Great so all those SunKist California oranges I've been eating are killing me with radiation are they? No wonder I feel so sickly all the time.



>tfw live in california


But .. don't you guys know? China is to become the next super power because they work hard. Maybe they got no soul and corrupt their water supply, but they make money!



that was scary as fuck to watch, if i was that guy filming I would be running out the door screaming like a bitch after that first blast.

imagine all of the people who also were close to the explosion and watched it like woah wtf and then one of the consecutive blasts went off and blew their shit up



The location where this happened also destroyed China's super computer factory and where it was stored. RIP NEXT PC TECH

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