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Esoteric Wizardry


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No one here knows, how to use an egregor. or create one. this forum wont work, for one reason. this being, that its a general occult forum that is not dedicated to doing one thing like ebola chan, everyone's energies are being manifest into the egregor, and not into what you want done. for example, ebola chan. it is a chan dedicated to ebola. this one is dedicated to the occult and most people here are probably social misfits trying to be edgy by calling themself a witch or a wiccan. learn real magick, and all will be revealed.



and how would a new one go about learning "real magick"

the books and files package sticky is a big confusing mess and I have no idea to what degree these things are true

other than that I can't find any reliable source for anything real.


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Look up famous black magicians. look up grimoires by famous black magicians. go on pirate bay and torrent these grimoires. Although it pains me to say this, E.A. Koetting may be a good start.



>muh black magick

>muh real magick

>muh that flag

So you said something about edgy?


just trying to help. but take heed in what i am saying. i am merely here to give good sources of information to people


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Ebola-chan was a mascot, not a chan you tard. At least do some research.

Lurk moar.


so, you are more concerned of what something is, rather than why it is working then? Als i know, is that its doing its job. Im not concerned what it is.


>this forum wont work, for one reason. this being, that its a general occult forum that is not dedicated to doing one thing

You have no ideia what you are talking about do you?




>doing its job

You're late to that one. Ebola-chan petered out, sadly.

>tfw you didn't give her enough love


not really, but i know a enough to see that it worked. for a time. i think that educating people to manipulate their realities, is much more important than researching a mascot. why are you so concerned about what i know about a jpg immage? go and learn about what i have posted, because last i checked, this forum has been wasting time.


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Reel magik


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Blackened Sun reminds me of Evola… UR Group writings is the only 'magic' writings that have really impressed me, but it seems pretty darn tricky to practice ITM solo unless you're already pretty advanced… do you know much about them apart from the little available in their book and the little info online?


It's jarring to be here because there is so much animosity. I think that this is a reaction the fake positivity of modern spiritualism and also the humanity that is lost in an anonymous space when a person has not kept their morality in check given this tool. I doubt you'd start trying to put me down with attacks if we were having a conversation in real life and I said something you don't care for. We both understand that we don't want our fragile pride to be shattered so we should use that understanding to have conduct in a way that will create benefits instead. If you don't like me, we don't have to communicate but you don't have to make the situation turn hostile.

If you want a closed curriculum, you're free to make a secret board that does not tolerate outside ideologies. I just think that a place like this with good traffic, free speech, and public accessibility is needed as a refuge from the calamity that is the modern internet.


we do accept outside ideas, its not like we are christianity or anything.






not his fault it's babby's first introduction to esoteric knowledge so he thinks satan is the liberator lol

I remember when i was 18


You disgusting retards continue to twist and dilute the meaning of magic. Magic is the power to manifest your will unto the plane, not retarded grimoires and rituals or black "magicians" wearing edgy clothes and chanting a bunch of nonsense.

Magic, taken to the extreme, lifts cars, changes the weather and transforms into a higher being.


If I was that advanced in magic, I wouldn't need to be here.



this guy gets it.


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get back to pulling my nightmare carriage, little pony.


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>Legitimately recommending Koetting

I know it pains you to recommend it, but it pains you for a reason, dude.

He touts a lot of pathworking but a lot of his tips on it can be horribly misleading(path of the vampire? really?). He may have effective methods for obtaining material result(I like his categorical system of the godlike powers) but it isn't a good place to start.

You may not always like white magic(k) but a lot of the common recommendations for a starting place are still good. Initiation into Hermetics and meditation can get people places.


The reason why we don't have an egregor is because the forum really is too fucking slow and there's not enough dedicated wiz's here. It's not fucking hard at all. But honestly, black magic? Cmon, at least throw out something deeper and less edgy than that.

You jumped on, and posted jack SHIT, and then expect us to want to understand your knowledge. When you're not even sharing anything.

>Yall niggas can't even magick correctly

>I can magick correctly

>black magick is the shit

>obvious shill attempt to gather members to your belief system

>lacks any proof whatsoever of magickal abilitiy

Srsly niggs, don't be a jackass. Everyone has their own preference for magick, and yours doesn't work for everyone. I'd suggest you open up to some new ideas and try to expand your influence because judging from the responses here, you're not doing so well with the posters. Lurkers is a whole other story though, those bitches can do what they want.

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