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Esoteric Wizardry


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Get off the fucking computer and find and meet Neophytes, Initiates and Adepts in the flesh.


What's the fastest way of recognizing your equal?


I was thinking of going to a Rosicrucian meetup or attending a Gnostic Mass at my local OTO temple, look for chicks to bang. Probably just full of old people though.


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>first thing thelema faggot thinks about when meeting same minded esoteric people

>look for chicks to bang

not surprising


This life would be more fruitful without social anxiety. Maybe I should actually do something about it. Okay, I'll do it.


Easier said than done! I almost acquired a potential partner from college, but we drifted apart near the end of the semester. Not sure if I'll ever see her again.

There are some shops around that sell crystals and Wicca type stuff. Some of the stuff looks a bit generic though, like the types of things you'd see as Halloween decorations, except better made. It has been a long time since I've been in one, so maybe my poor memory is deceiving me. I've actually been wanting to visit one of these places again, but never got around to it.



I desire to perform the ritual of the 9th degree



who here Austin, Texas?

there's an OTO scarlet woman lodge here I went to once that seems to have some pretty cool people

I've also written media generation and internet botting software for everyone from the government to neo-nazis and feminists alike if anyone is interested



I have! I drove for 6 hours to meet a wizard once. Now we have a miniature council of 6.

This may be ironic, but we've been studying together irl for 6 months

We're not Satan and I swear.



I remember I used to talk to some OTO people back on 4chan's /x/ and they were cool too. I don't know what area they were from, I think one of them lived in Ohio, or somewhere along the northern border.



>thread about leaving your computer to meet people

>"i used to talk to some OTO people back on 4chan's…"



No fuck you, I have literally nothing to gain from doing so, and it would interrupt muh magicks.



then why did you subconscious trigger you to respond with such an emotional charge?


>tfw studying for career in hard science

How can I do this without damaging my career and livelyhood?



They don't have to know about it.


The most I have in my town are some wiccan groups and meditation clubs who do nothing past mindfulness meditation.

I'm better off studying by myself than getting bogged down with those people and their dogmas.


Yet there are masked ones my

servants : it may be that yonder beggar is

a King. A King may choose his garment as

he will : there is no certain test : but a

beggar cannot hide his poverty.


Any eurofags out here? Or is /fringe/ all-american?



Eurofag reporting.



More like the 69th, amiright?


What would be the point, what would this yield?




Meeting up could yield a lot. We know magic is stronger when cooperating with like-minded people. As for magic, i want to actually play the game, not just read the rules. My country is pushed towards (economic) war with russia, our leaders are weak, my people are becoming decadent brats who are being fed lies and are being dumbed down. We used to be a optimistic, creative and vibrant country. The EU isn't doing much good for us, it is forcing war and fear on us. It is a diabolical institution. Maybe we can use magic to oppose them and better our countries and our lives.


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Is doing "meeting up" good for people who use /fringe/?



I feel you. But as much as I don't like the idea of my nation being used and dumbed down… well it's their lives, who am I to decide how they should live. They follow obediently and, truth be told, I'm much more concerned with my own path than theirs. But well, neither EU has the right to manipulate people.

I don't know. If you are trying to get some European people together and do magic and stuff it would be cool. We can talk on Skype sometime or create a group if there are more of us.



Work together on fringe projects, trade books or materials, compare findings, discuss local events.



Implying you would meet anything but edgy normies

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