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I'm a mundane, but I have a question. I am beginning to understand the concept of symbols and sigils. I was wondering, can one make a sigil and then form it into a recognized shape while retaining the will imbued to it? or does the new shape taken affect the magick within?

For example, sigils always seem to be arranged into somewhat arbitrary forms. Can they be arranged into say the shape of an animal?


Of course you can arrange the sigil however you wish, of course that wouldn't necessarily do anything different. Although if your chaote magyck, I could see you purposely imbibing the animal symbolism or aspects into the sigil if you wished. Also rule 2.



Sorry, I'll delete this in an hour or so. Now, when you talk about animal symbolism - am I paying attention to the esoteric usage of specific animal symbolism, or am I paying attention to my personal/human view of what a specific animal represents?


Others might have the opinion the general symbolism will always be prevalent, but I would say that the personal symbolism is ten folds more important. Especially when doing sigils under a chaos magyck influence. But it wouldn't hurt to go with the symbolism's that have been around for thousands of years, and then add your personal view as an overlay or modification to, I would assume, empower the sigil your working with.



I'm thinking of it from a meme angle rather than chaos magick. Would it not then make more sense to use the general populace's idea of what an animal means?



I'm thinking of it from a meme angle rather than chaos magick. Would it not then make more sense to use the general populace's idea of what an animal means?


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What you're onto is basically a mixture of both Chaos Magic and Pop Culture. Chaos Magic works best when your own personal meaning is involved. But at the point youre programming your own energy into that intention. Other peoples energy, you need to collect that and repurpose it.

Skip the step and use symbols that people recognize and feel certain things for. The Cross is in essence the main sigil of Christianity, and they all program their version of the cross together. When you imbue the "power of christ" you're really just pulling all the energy from that cross throughtform. The more people that latch onto a certain sigil, the more developed and refined it becomes. The trick is to not let these energies define you, but for you to use them as tools since they in essence are defined by us.

>pic related

>basically how sigils work once you incorporate other beings into your method of madness

>build up the similarities yo



So you're saying if I used the cross and imbued it with my own symbols/energy, I would be hijacking the energy collected by the cross? Does this energy have character to it or is it all just basic will?



the cross is the perverted version of the ankh … the church took it and took out the round part of the ankh at the top to remove the female aspect of it… the ankh is the womb and the phallus, both the shapes AND the shape of both being interwoven… the meaning of the ankh is LIFE, remove the female aspect at the top and you have the christian/catholic cross.



So the Christians stole the power of the Ankh. Would I be stealing both of them if I repurposed the cross?

Is this why the inverted cross has become a thing?





When you put up an image of the cross, anyone who puts meaning to a cross adds to your sigil magic. MODIFYING IT CHANGES IT. PEOPLE NOTICE. CHRISTIANS WOULD SEE YOU AS BASTARDIZING THEIR RELIGION. At that point youre getting energy trying to destroy your work.



Alright, no need to get angry. As I said, I'm a complete mundane.

So how does one use symbols that are already known, then? Wouldn't me using them just add more to their already large power? If so, how could I ever personally benefit from that?



inverted cross means you're lower self, your penis or vagina is what's leading your life. Sexual subliminal symbolism.



But by >>50943 's logic, wouldn't the inverted cross only anger christians and thus bring it negative energy that would impede its power?



get a book on symbols and sigils already existing, learn the meaning of them and feel which ones are attuned to you - then i would say usually one would seek to get some form of bling related to the choice… lots of girls pick the triqueta or the ankh, personally i have a silver ankh.



You can incorporate symbols together at the risk of pissing off those who see their symbol as "holier than thou". I'd say take simple logos already in mass media that go everywhere on tv, find what most people believe in it, and use that energy for your rituals. The energy is out there it just needs to be tapped into.


Yes, but you would get positive energy from those who use an inverted cross as well. The more aware you are the more access to power you give yourself IF you're thinking smart.



I'm going to read the introduction to fringe from the sticky. Does that have info on that stuff, or can you guide me to something else?

I don't see why I would want to put energy into a phallic/vaginal symbol. What is your reason? Why have you not created your own symbol?

Can symbols be degraded and their imbued meaning changed? ie The Swastika.



Thanks for the great response. When you say logos already in mass media, are we talking something like a news channel logo? How do I know what it was originally imbued with? Does it matter?

And on your second point: I've read that memes only work as an idea-transferrance if the reciever of the meme is open to the idea put out by the meme. Does this magick work in a similar way? ie being smart in this case would be having the awareness that people do indeed place positive energy into the inverted cross, perhaps even moreso than the original cross?



really any easily recognizable symbol will work that people see all the time. You just gotta place it somewhere people will notice.

People must react to your image in the way you want to get the energy you are trying to use. IE, using a cross may give you christian energy, but nonchristfags will send negative energy if they hate it, and others who dont care wont send anything. Its simply a matter of if theyre interested or not, and how they respond to that interest. The reaction is what you get your energy from, not the sigil itself. The energy and intent sent to the sigil is all that matters unless your will is strong enough that you can reprogram all that shit yourself.



So symbols are only defined by the energy they attract.

Thus, it wouldn't make sense for me to latch onto the Swastika as it now, in most people's minds, is a symbol of hatred?

I don't understand how you can take a symbol that already means one thing and turn it to benefit you in any way. When you say 'use', what does that mean?

Wearing a necklace like the other poster said? Meditating on it?



When you wear a necklace of a symbol its more of a personal sigil whereas a logo on tv or the cross in the church is a collective sigil. If you keep it on you and dont let others see it you'll be programming it yourself. Symbols are just a medium for channeling energy. Its simply being aware of who is channeling, what they are channeling into, and how they feel about it.

Whereas you'll get more direct results for your intentions alone, you'll have more powerful results, albeit less predictable, when you work with others. Others who share your beliefs are easy to work with. And then theres plebs and mundanes who just send out energy all the time without realizing it. Thats the source you wanna tap into, all that energy is just floating around waiting to be used up. Just look at the state of society, the symbols used, and how society feels about that. Use those symbols in your "loosh farming" techniques once you figure out what energy youre trying to gather.

Having a personal symbol is just having your own sigil you connect to personally. I connect to an arrowhead necklace as an example. I don't give a shit what it means to other people, so its a personal sigil I carry around in 3 dimensions, what I call a totem(dont care what a totem is, I just call it that)



the very words you speak are sigils formulate to represent combinations of sounds which are created from the oscillation of air via your muscles triggered by electric impulses from your brain which is processing information coming from your being.

XXX = sex, porn, adult… it also means 30 in roman, and it's just 3 X's…

check out alan moore's interview on youtube on magick / sigils and the like…


>I don't see why I would want to put energy into a phallic/vaginal symbol.

Absolve me but it's a good hefty amount of text to explain the entire science behind the ankh and sexual symbols - please just start with the recommended content then delve into some of my recommended content in the video section as sex magick is well explained…

and one recommendation which you won't find here which i make is pashcal beverly randolph, who pretty much founded rosichrusian order in america and brought sexual magick to the americas in the 1800s.

He's the very man who was the occult teacher of abraham lincoln

and the phallus and the womb are the 2 most sacred and powerful symbols to the reality of man/woman, everything in commerce or society is either a womb or a phallus metaphor in some way.

The issue is the old guns kill so all guns should be banned argument type to sexual symbols and occult concepts such as the baphomet are deemed evil from their pop-cultural use in society for 1.8 thousand years now.. It's not the tool - it's the user's intent.



Is this mass of energy always more powerful than my own personal energy?

What would be the medium to use to concentrate mass energy for my own ends? I guess my final question is how do I 'gather'?

And is it wrong/ a misnomer to say that I would be able to use this power for my own ends? Am I barking up the wrong tree there?

Sorry for so many questions.



Until you are strong enough on your own, this is just a way to get things done faster.

Medium is up to you. Videos, pictures, make a business and put a new sigil as your logo, etc etc etc. The gathering comes when people respond to the symbol.

Its not wrong, but its not right. That shit's up to you homedawg. Just remember though, you can get too selfish and greedy and lose yourself in the process. The game isn't about power. That the illusion we place ourselves under when we enter this physical realm, the domain of Lucifer, the tempter. Which is more of a representation of that part in your mind that tests you to see if you're worthy of Godhood, while Satan is the aspect that forgets its testing itself and believes it is MORE than ALL. You can't be more than all, thats fuckin impossible.



Would it be more accurate to say that when we 'harness' these powers we're just riding the wave that's already there?



Sort of? Its like waves and frequencies exist all over the place, and you can choose to ride the waves around you, but that turns you more towards the Demonic Side of this universe. You get to a point where you're a temporary thoughtform stealing energy from any source you can because you never made your own wave to ride. Don't just be a bistandard. Don't be an effect. Work your way to because a Cause.

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