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Esoteric Wizardry


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ITT: We learn how to turn any place into our personal, comfy sanctuary. Tips and tricks encouraged, but also pics of your own sanctuaries. Think of it like a battlestation thread from /v/ but fringe related.

It can be about anything as long as it's on topic, from purification of said place to why on Earth would you need to do that or creative ideas of your own… whatever. Go.

Starting with some basics. Slightly related question, how good is the Lesser Banishing Ritual? For some reason it just seems to piss evil negative entities off, but it doesn't seem to be effective.


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Those who regard this ritual as a mere device to invoke or banish spirits, are unworthy to possess it. Properly understood, it is the Medicine of Metals and the Stone of the Wise,Crowley (The Palace of the World)

read on it here to power it up

and don't forget to use the earth invoking pentagram at day and earth banishing pentagram at night.Also add Middle Pillar to charge you up and invoke divinity.



Here's what I do.

1. Blackout curtains. The thicker and nicer feeling to the hands, the better.

2. No clashing colors. I have a blue carpet, which is foreign to me, so I'm getting some rugs with orange, purple, red, and yellow in them. Your bed shit should match your preferred colors. If you don't know what colors you should use, google 'color psychology' and pick what you want to invoke.

3. My walls are white, which I don't like, so I cover them in posters of my favorite bands or just art. Amazon has some decent shit, but I have a feeling there's a better resource. Has anyone tried getting framed shit from DeviantArt? Wouldn't mind some GTS/futa pictures. Hehe

4. Consider gargoyles or figures. They can be nerdy anime figures, but they have to match whatever you're invoking.

5. As a anarco-satanic-chaos wizard I avoid anything that makes my room look like a cathedral. I like goth as much as anyone, but it's too gnarled.

6. Minimize. If you don't need it, if it's not helping you, throw it away. Which leads me to my next point–

7. Acoustics. I discovered removing an entire 'entertainment' center caused the acoustics in my room to sound better. You know the reverb or echo you hear in Hackers when they type? It sounds a bit like that. Somehow it doesn't hurt listening to music. I guess it's because my speakers are on the edge of my desk and pointed at my hears. Which helps stereo separation a shitload, I might add.

Good luck.



>anarco-satanic-chaos wizard

Phew, I almost cut myself on those edges.



a square… lol get it!

squares where insults.

cubes are just stuck in their own bs

but if you outside the cube and see it in every angle… WOAH - a perfect sphere / circle.

but.. where u at to be outside the form? How are you peering the form from every angle?



Wouldn't a cube seen from every angle still look like a cube? Unless it's some kind of non-euclidean shit or stuff like that I guess.



Depends on what you mean though. If you would see from infinite amount of angles and then merge it into one picture than it would be a sphere, but from each single angle it would be still a cube. It would be just an illusion though.



the same way everything we see is a bunch of small balls of electricity shaking really fast?




>tiny balls of electricity

You simplified that too much. Thats not how quantum physics work, with quarks and whatnot.



>anarco-satanic-chaos wizard

Fool, you are absorbed in the hierarchy of extra-dimensional "aliens" that are really demons. Some anarchist you are.

Also, you had better not be White, as the White racial soul has always seen hierarchy in Its exteriorizations. If youre a nog, carry on.



i suggest you look up the etymology of the word demon and some non-mainstream promoted history

also suggest you bother to read some content on genetics.

white racial soul

theres only 1 human oversoul - the idea of there being black souls, white souls, asian souls is absolutely the single most retarded and stupid shit you could ever fucking come up with in a spiritual context.

Congratulations, you fell for the new age bullshit.


what is with all you fools trying so desperately to turn your lives into the animes or cartoons you watch.

Get some income and find a female and an abode worth a fuck. Get a garden and eat your own made food.



>i suggest you look up the etymology of the word demon and some non-mainstream promoted history

I know demon comes from words having to do with "divine oracle, inner knowledge, lesser god, etc."

>also suggest you bother to read some content on genetics.

Don't tell me you think there aren't human races.

>theres only 1 human oversoul - the idea of there being black souls, white souls, asian souls is absolutely the single most retarded and stupid shit you could ever fucking come up with in a spiritual context.

Not exactly. There are differences between the races in terms of spirituality. Before universialized Abrahamic religion, religion was tribal. It had to do with the ingroup, the Volk, the race.

>Congratulations, you fell for the new age bullshit.

Newage bullshit is what you're peddling. There's one soul, one world, let's unite and blah blah blah.

>what is with all you fools trying so desperately to turn your lives into the animes or cartoons you watch.

Nice projection. Ive never seen a single episode of anime in my life.

>Get some income and find a female and an abode worth a fuck. Get a garden and eat your own made food.



nice thread

bumping for more

going shopping for stuff for new room this weekend

anything else a wizard needs?



>human races

Race (biology), a taxonomic classification of fauna, generally

Race (fantasy), classification of fictional species in the fantasy genre

Race (human classification), a social construct used to classify human beings by phenotype, ancestry, or ethnicity

>social construct

go read content on ADAPTATION vs EVOLUTION.

>Before universialized Abrahamic religion, religion was tribal

keep pushing the HIS-tory good guy ( goy )



plants, plants, plants and plants.

oxygen, life force etc.

candles of different colors

a 50-60$ shower filter so you don't wreck your construct with the polluted water.



this didi character you're talking to just posted, with superlative praise, a black-centric spirituality podcast in which all the hosts are nation of islam black fairytale "we built da pyramids with our minds and invented whitey in a lab" crackpots.

so don't waste too much time on him. he's cancer.


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Is didi a cancer to /fringe/?



he's alright


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O mighty 8 ball

is didi "alright" to /fringe/?



What sort of filtering method would you recommend?



>makes sure to specify the content is highly afrocentric and the ego should be checked at the door.

Judged the book by the cover instead of the contents.



i got that shower filter from amazon for 50$ from berkey since i had good success with it, i tested the waters a lot and tbh you can tell a difference in the skin when you exit the shower, also it feels smoother, it's just something you have to test.

find some PH strips and or a water test kit of some sort.. normally you can just use the water, then boil / strain some and use a magnet to discern the amount of ferromagnetic material.

the thing lasts 6 months about?

if you take baths make sure you fill the tub with the shower filter too!!!


>a black-centric spirituality podcast in which all the hosts are nation of islam black fairytale "we built da pyramids with our minds and invented whitey in a lab" crackpots

you didn't listen to the whole content then judged it.


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double quoting the same poster twice

may I say that

you're RUSTLED



>lamest attempt at loosh farming I've seen yet



>implying I am trying to loosh farm and not fool around aimlessly



i always get a weaboo vibe from these types.



We may have all the same souls, but the bodies we inhabit are not all the same, and directly effect the feedback loop that is experiencing reality.




wont that give me cancer?

different colors? please elaborate



to a cellular biologist, the human race is a bunch of clones with minute differences.

Really only difference is the Pattern, the material is all the same.



youtube: candle magick

pick a witch which suits your aesthetic comforts and enjoy the info.

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