>i suggest you look up the etymology of the word demon and some non-mainstream promoted history
I know demon comes from words having to do with "divine oracle, inner knowledge, lesser god, etc."
>also suggest you bother to read some content on genetics.
Don't tell me you think there aren't human races.
>theres only 1 human oversoul - the idea of there being black souls, white souls, asian souls is absolutely the single most retarded and stupid shit you could ever fucking come up with in a spiritual context.
Not exactly. There are differences between the races in terms of spirituality. Before universialized Abrahamic religion, religion was tribal. It had to do with the ingroup, the Volk, the race.
>Congratulations, you fell for the new age bullshit.
Newage bullshit is what you're peddling. There's one soul, one world, let's unite and blah blah blah.
>what is with all you fools trying so desperately to turn your lives into the animes or cartoons you watch.
Nice projection. Ive never seen a single episode of anime in my life.
>Get some income and find a female and an abode worth a fuck. Get a garden and eat your own made food.